History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1947 06

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P.01 - Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical.


Vol. 12 - No. 1; JUNE 15, 1947

P.02 - Crown Radio Products Ad

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating


VOL. 12 - JUNE, 1947. - No. 1

P.03 - Publication Notes

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Editor, Publisher, Proprietor — A. G. HULL, Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic.

Short-wave Editor — L. J. KEAST, 6 Fitzgerald Road, Ermington, N.S.W. 'Phone: WL1101

Ham Notes By — D. B. KNOCK (VK2NO), 43 Yanko Av., Waverley, N.S.W.

Advertising Representative for Vic. — W. J. LEWIS, 20 Queen St., Melbourne, 'Phone MU5154

Advertising Representative for N.S.W. - Amalgamated Publications Pty. Ltd., 83 Pitt St., Sydney, Phone: B1077

Subscription Rates: 6 issues - 5/3; 12 issues - 10/6; 24 issues - £1; Post free to any address in the world.

Address for all correspondence - Australasian Radio World, Balcombe St., Mornington, Victoria

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic. (Footnote P.44)

P.03 - Contents

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The "Six-Ten" . . . . 5

Unusual Condensers . . . . 13

Can You Answer These? . . . . 15

Car Radio . . . . 17

The "Voyager" . . . . 19

Teleconda 3 . . . . 27

Pepping up No. 4 Set . . . . 31


Notes From My Diary . . . . 38


Answers . . . . 42

P.03 - Editorial

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In last month's issue there was an article on the problems of trade discounts. It is evident that the article has been misunderstood by a number of people. After glancing over my mail I have decided not to publish the second article of the series until I have been able to expand one or two points so that there can be no chance that they will be misunderstood. What I did not say, but what quite a few accuse me of having said, is that I am in favour of the public being able to buy at trade prices. I am all in favour of the recognised proper trading methods, but I do claim that many radio components are of such a nature that they need no retail price or a long discount. No ordinary man-in-the-street is likely to buy a signal generator, but neither is he likely to buy intermediate frequency transformers. Both require specialised knowledge for their proper application. Another point where several of my correspondents have gone off the track is in regard to so-called "trade" publications. Just because "Australasian Radio World" is sold over counters of bookshops as well as by direct subscription, it does not mean that it is read by those in the trade. Conversely it does not follow that the trade prices openly advertised in "trade" magazines cannot be read by "back-yarders". The wide-awake back-yarder subscribes to trade papers. So why should the trade association bring pressure to bear to stop wholesalers from advertising in the technical press? A. G. HULL.

P.05 - Technical - The "Six-Ten"

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P.13 - Technical - Unusual Condensers

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P.15 - Technical - Can You Answer These?

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P.17 - Technical - Car Radio

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P.19 - Technical - The "Voyager"

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P.27 - Technical - Teleconda 3

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P.31 - Technical - Pepping up No. 4 Set

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P.38 - Shortwave Review - Notes From My Diary

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P.42 - The Service Pages - Answers

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