History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1948 10

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P.01 - Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical.


Vol. 13 - No. 5; OCTOBER, 1948

P.01 - Rola Ad

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P.02 - Crown Radio Products Ad

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating


VOL. 13 - OCTOBER, 1948 - No. 5

P.03 - Publication Notes

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Published by the Proprietor — A. G. HULL, Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic. Phone: M'ton 344.

Technical Editor — Paul Stevens, 21 Fletcher's Av., Bondi, N.S.W. Phone: FW6157

Short-wave Editor — L. J. KEAST, 7 Fitzgerald Rd., Ermington, N.S.W. Phone: WL1101

Ham Notes By — Don B. KNOCK (VK2NO), 43 Yanko Av., Waverley, N.S.W.

Advertising Representatives —

In N.S.W.: Amalgamated Publications Pty. Ltd., 83 Pitt St., Sydney. Phone: B1077

In Victoria: R. L. McKillop, Regency Advertising Contractors, 60 Market St., Melbourne. Phone M1279

Representatives —

In Queensland: John Bristoe, Box 82, Maryborough, Q.

In New Zealand: H. Barnes & Co., 4 Boulcott Terrace, Wellington.

In England: Anglo Overseas Press Ltd., 168 Regent St., London, W1.

Distributed throughout the World by Gordon & Gotch (A/asia) Ltd.

Subscription Rates: 12 issues - 10/6; 24 issues - £1; To N.Z. and Overseas - 12 issues, 12/-; Post free

Address for all correspondence - Australasian Radio World, Box 13, Mornington, Vic.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic. (Footnote P.52)

P.03 - Contents

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Teleconda 4841 . . . . 5

The Vibrator . . . . 13

Extension Speaker . . . . 23

Multi Channel Tracer . . . . 27

Problems With Battery Sets . . . . 29

Among Our Readers . . . . 31

Frequency Range . . . . 33

Calling C.Q. . . . . 43

A Converter For 50 Mc. . . . . 45

Shortwave Review . . . . 47

Speedy Query Service . . . . 50

P.03 - Editorial

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In the English "Short Wave Magazine" I notice the following comment and I quote: "In the course of a recent airmail letter an Australian correspondent remarks as follows: 'In my opinion radio in Australia is a pricked balloon from the trading angle, though it is still good business for the commercial broadcasting people feeding moronic material to receptive illiterates. If you know of any Englishmen thinking of leaving home to start in radio here, tell them to think again; there are neither homes nor security to be had and to make more than average money one must be a lottery winner. One Englishman I know here (in Australia) rues the day he came------'." A few minutes later I was reading the local newspaper about the forming of Thom and Smith's into a public company, and of their recent turnover of about half a million pounds a year. My mind went back to the days when Freddy Thom and his pal Smith left a certain radio factory and started on their own in Woolloomooloo. They had mighty little capital and everybody seemed to agree that the time was most unsuitable to start a new business. But they had guts, plus ability and faith. They didn't ask for security. They made it for themselves. They turned out sets with performance well beyond the average, secured the services of a first-class technician, Ed Fanker (whose name is now on the list of directors, I am happy to note) and away they went. They have never looked back and I would like to offer them my congratulations. Australia needs immigrants, but they want to have guts, ability, faith and vision. I agree with the correspondent quoted only in so far as that anyone will be better off in England than seeking a home and security in Aussie. A. G. HULL.

P.05 - Teleconda 4841

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P.13 - The Vibrator

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P.23 - Extension Speaker

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P.27 - Multi Channel Tracer

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P.29 - Problems With Battery Sets

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P.31 - Among Our Readers

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P.33 - Frequency Range

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P.43 - Calling C.Q.

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P.45 - A Converter For 50 Mc.

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P.47 - Shortwave Review

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P.50 - Speedy Query Service

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