History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1951 01

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Front Cover

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Australian Radio & Electronics


Australasian Radio World

Registered at G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical.

JANUARY, 1951 - Vol. 15, No. 6


Front Cover - Rola Ad

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Inside Front Cover - Amalgamated Wireless Valve Co Ad

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P.01 - Contents Banner

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and incorporating


Vol. 15 - January, 1951 - No. 6

P.01 - Contents

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Our Cover . . . . 1

Editorial . . . . 2

"R. & E." Television Project . . . . 4

Response Compensated P.P. Amplifier . . . . 6

Frequency Modulated Test Oscillator . . . . 17

"Ham" Activities . . . . 25

Short Wave Review . . . . 30

Classified Advertisements . . . . 32

Our Front Cover

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An optical pyrometer is used to determine the temperature of experimental magnets undergoing heat treatment in the metallurgical section of the Rola laboratories. Our picture shows the pyrometer being trained on the inspection opening in the door of the electric heat treatment oven, and the calibrated lens system being adjusted until the light seen through it is the same colour as that viewed in the eyepiece which is trained on the furnace.

P.01 - Publication Notes

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Subscription Rates: 12 Issues 18/- Post Free

Published by the Proprietors: Radio & Electronics (N.Z.) Ltd. (Publishers - Incorporated in N.Z.) 17 Bond Street, Sydney, N.S.W.

Correspondence: All correspondence, contributions, and enquiries referring to advertising space and rates should be addressed to our Registered Australian Office:

The Editor, "Radio and Electronics", 17 Bond Street, Sydney, N.S.W., Telephones: BU3879, BW7746, Telegrams and Cables: "Cranlay", Sydney

Managing Editor: LAY. W. CRANCH, AMIRE (Aust.), M.W.I.A., VK2XC

Providing National Coverage for the Advancement of Radio and Electronic Knowledge

Sole Wholesale Distributors - Gordon & Gotch (A/asia) Ltd.

Wholly set up and printed in Australia by R. V. Byers, 9 Wetherill St., North Lidcombe. 'Phone: UX6681 (Footnote P.1)

P.02 - Editorial

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MAY the "learned men" of the Nations of the World produce a formula that will enable "peace to reign" in our time, thus allowing us to pursue the science of Radio and Electronics to our satisfaction and for the ultimate benefit of mankind. With the commencement of this New Year, our first Jubilee edition of Australian Radio and Electronics also coincides, and we feel sure that you will appreciate the fact "that no stone has been left unturned" to present to our readers articles on various subjects which adhere to our policy of producing a monthly technical journal, having National coverage, for the advancement of Radio and Electronic knowledge. In this issue the R. & E. Television Project commences, and we trust that readers building this equipment will gain first hand practical knowledge of the subject, so that when T.V. is "on the air" in "X" number of years time, that the Serviceman, Hobbyist and Home Constructor will be able to still hold his own in the new field. For those interested in the reproduction of disk recordings, and for that matter Tape, Wire, or Home Recording, we heartily recommend the P.P.6L6 Compensated Amplifier fully described on page 7 of this issue. Recording engineers have striven for years to give us better and better fidelity of reproduction, with lower noise level, and one method used is to attenuate frequencies above or below a certain frequency range whilst recording, and use response compensation in the playback amplifier. It is for this purpose that the Amplifier described herein has been designed, as both high and low boost, or combination of both, may be obtained without sacrificing threshold level as far as the ear is concerned. Coupled to a good speaker, suitably baffled, you will be delighted with the tone colour that can be obtained. No doubt you have made your New Year resolutions . . . so have we . . . most of which we hope to keep . . . and one of them is to assure you that everything humanly possible is being done to bring out our journal regularly each month and to maintain the high standard of our technical articles. It will be noted that we have obtained 100% co-operation and advertising support from our various friends in the Radio and Electrical Industry, and we commend you to support these people, who have helped us to help you. May we also suggest you mention Australian Radio & Electronics when making your purchases. Finally, we have many excellent constructional articles in the course of preparation, but to list them now would be "spilling the beans," so to speak. We are looking forward to the future with optimism, and trust that the New Year brings to you "everything you wish yourself." — LAY W. CRANCH.

P.01 - Our Cover

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P.02 - Editorial

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P.04 - "R. & E." Television Project

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P.06 - Response Compensated P.P. Amplifier

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P.17 - Frequency Modulated Test Oscillator

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P.25 - "Ham" Activities

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P.30 - Short Wave Review

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P.32 - Classified Advertisements

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