History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1924 01 04

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scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 01 No. 04 - August 1936 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1936 08

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover

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The Hundred Per Cent Australian Radio Journal.

Vol. 3 — No. 13; Jan. 4th, 1924.

Price — Threepence. Registered at the General Post Office Sydney for transmission by post as a newspaper

Cover Graphic: Sketch of house on rocky cliff top overlooking coast, surmounted by massive Marconi T antenna with multiwire flat-top.

Cover Highlight: Wonderful Experiments

Tags: Nil

Inside Front Cover

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United Distributing Co Ad

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"Radiovox" Receiving Sets In refinement of tone and simplicity of control, we are confident that in the RADIOVOX we have attained results yet to he equalled by anv other Radio Receiver offering on the World’s markets. Jitodel B—Two Valve Remler Parts announce to all dealers that we have stocked the well-known line of REMLER Parts and Coils at most attractive prices. Our new Price List of REMLER Goods is now ready for dealers and manufacturers. Get it before you place your next Radio order Made in Australia of the finest imported electric parts, and furnished in designs and at prices to suit every locality and purse, the RADIOVOX Series of Sets will reward your attention at the Exhibition and at our Showrooms. . * Write for our Catalogue explaining in detail the patent- ed features and advantages of our self-contained loud speaker construction. Quality Parts Make Quality Sets In your Sets use UNITED Transformers and Condensers for results. Ihe UNITED and SIGNAL line of Radio parts are for sale at all up-to-date Dealers. Ask for them The United Transformer Clear, Sweet, No Distortion Sold by all Up-to-date Dealers ĺ United Distributing Company Ltd. Distributors of the Famous " UNITED." and " SIGNAL *’ Radio Parts (Wholesale only) 28 CLARENCE STREET, SYDNEY ::: and at 592 BOURKE STREET, MELBOURNE

Wireless Weekly Banner

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A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Wireless Enthusiasts both Amateur and Professional.


Vol. 3. - January 4, 1924. - No. 13

Editorial - The Poor Amateur

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The Poor Amateur Probably every new development in civilis- ation has met with opposition from all quar- ters. Men have been killed and tortured for be- liefs and theories which are now established facts in the every day routine of life. To-day, though things are different, many a strong and bitter fight has to be waged be- fore adequate recognition is given to anything new. In nearly every line of progress we are in- debted to the amateur —the man, who through pure love of the hobby in which he is inter- ested, works at his own idea and brings it forth to the light of day. Then the other section of the world comes in and steals the idea, puts it on the market ana reaps all the benefit. A case of this kind happened in London re- cently and concerned a simple but excellent ad- dition to wireless sets. The amateur received £lO for the idea. The firm who bought it has probably made £lO.OOO. This sort of thing will always happen under the present antiquated patent laws. Isn't it a matter for Commonwealth Govern- ment consideration ?

Amateur Broadcast Roster

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Roster for Week ending 9th January, 1924
7.30 to 8.0 8.0 to 8.30 8.30 to 9.0 9 to 9.30 9.30 to 10
Thur, Jan. 3 2GR 2UW 2ZG 2VM 2YI 2RA 2YG
Friday, 4 2FA " 2JM 2VM 2YI "
Saturday, 5 2GR " 2FA 2FA "
Sunday, 6 " 2JM 2YI 2YG
Mon., 7 2ZG 2FA 2FA
Tues., 8 2FA 2GY 2ZG 2FA
Wednes., 9 2FA 2ZG

Not the Milson's Point to Balmoral Bus

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NEWS IN PICTURES NOT THE MILSON’S POINT TO BALMORAL BUS but one of San Francisco’s up-to-date Motor Transports. This bus has been equipped with Radio to entertain passengers while travelling

British Progress in Wireless

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BRITISH PROGRESS IN WIRELESS Operating tables at Radio House, London, where actual transmission and reception are carried on be- tween London, New York and Canada The Continental circuits for communication with France, Spain and Switzerland and other Euro- pean countries

Unique Design for SW & LW Receiver

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Unique Design for Short and Long Wave Receiver The unique feature of this set is the method whereby a standard three-coil honeycomb hook-up may be adapted for experiments with a vario-coupler or other modifications. Its range covers the ama- teur, broadcast and commercial wave lengths. After having constructed, used, torn apart and rebuilt many kinds of re- ceiving sets, I decided that the next Fig. 1. Front View of Completed Receiver one 1 built would be a permanent fix- ture in my station, writes Herman A. Fischer, Associate Member. I.R.E, in December "Radio." This, however, was not an easy matter to do, as the market was saturated with a large as- sortment of new circuits and designs. M y main desire was to have a set with which I could experiment and change about a bit, hut still have an outfit constructed in a cabinet which would present a finished appearance. It could not be of the sectional panel idea, neither could it have a lot of stray wires reaching out in all direc- tions. So, after careful consideration, the set which I will describe was de- cided upon, and, after testing, I found that I had a set which was complete in every respect. Figs. 1 and 2 are front and rear views, respectively, from which the reader will get a fair idea of the con- struction. The circuit. Fig. 3. is of the conventional three-coil honeycomb, but with slight modification. Fig. 4 shows the layout of instruments on the Fig. 2. Rear View of Completed Receiver panel. As every builder uses his own pet parts, no attempt has been made to give exact dimensions in the layout. A list of parts required to complete the outfit is as follows: 1 panel, 7 in. x 24 in. 1 cabinet, 7 in. x 24 in. x 6 in. deep. 1 3-coil honeycomb mounting. Fig. 3. Circuit Diagram 2 .001 MF vernier var. cond. 3 4 in. dials. 1 anti-capacity switch. 1 rheostat dial. 14 binding posts. 5 lengths bus bar wire. 1 plate variometer. 1 rheostat. 1 socket; combination preferred. 1 mica grid cond. with G.L. mount- ing. 2 extension handles lor H.C. mount (hard rubber or bakelite). Th is set was designed as a combina- tion long and short wave tuner and is adaptable to the use of the amateur, broadcast listener or ex-commercial operator who enjoys copying a bit of 600 metre traffic or press on longer waves. I, being in the latter class, know how they feel. Referring to Fig. 4, front view, the parts from left to right are as follows: antenna and ground binding posts; primary condenser, under which is the anti-capacity switch for placing the primary condenser either in series or shunt; honeycomb mounting, above which are six binding posts, two each for primary, secondary and plate cir- cuits are as indicated in Fig. 3; sec- ondary condenser; plate variometer, under which is the small push-pull • canopy switch for cutting in or out the tickler (see Fig. 352) ; rheostat con- trol; tube windows; and six binding posts, two ach form B battery, ’phone and A battery, respectively top to bot- tom. Care must be taken when wiring the anti-capacity switch. Needing only a double-pole double-throw switch, and as the anti-capacity switch 1 used was a four-pole double-throw, I soldered

the two poles together on each side (see SI, Fig. 3). S 2, in Fig. 3, is a small single-pole, single-throw, push-pull, dash-board switch or, as in my case, a small push- pull canopy switch as used in electric fixtures. This switch opens the plate to the tickler coil for regeneration by the feed-back method on waves above 525 meters (determined by size of va- riometer) and closes circuit so that tuned plate regeneration is used on the lower waves, in which case the tick- ler coil should be removed from the plug. It will be noted that the plate variometer is in series with the tickler when S 2 is open. This will allow ihe plate to be tuned to a certain extent on the upper wave lengths. The wave lengths which this set will cover depends on the size of the honey- comb coils used. However, the set is not limited to the use of honeycombs only, which is the reason for the six binding posts over the honeycomb mounting. The leads from the honey- combs being flexible and having sol- der-lugs as terminals can be easily dis- connected from the posts (connections being made from the outside) and the set is ready for experimental pur- poses. If the user desires to try a new va- ric coupler, he may do so by con- necting the variocoupler primary posts to the primary posts on the set and the variocoupler secondary posts to the secondary posts on the set. Keeping S 2 closed, he w T ill secure regeneration by tuning the plate variometer. His primary and secondary circuits are tuned by means of the primary and secondary condensers in the set. Suppose he now r wishes to experi- ment with the much-abused single cir- cuit. Removing his variocoupler from the circuit, he connects a bus connec- tion from primary post No. 1 to sec- ondary post No. 1 and one from primary post No. 2 to secondary post No. 2. He then either has the choice of connecting his secondary honeycomb coil in the circuit or of using an external coil. Setting the sec- ondary condenser at zero and tuning with the primary condenser in series, he has his standard, single-circuit, us- ing either tuned plate regeneration or feed-back. These are only a couple of the com- binations. Others will suggest them- selves. 1 am using an external three-coil spider-web mounting and get fine re- sults. With a combination of spider- web coils I can cover a wave length range of from 175 to 1000 metres. I ex- pect to go higher when l get my hon- eycombs. Just a word as to the connections to avoid body-capacity effects. The mov- able plates of the primary condenser should be connected to the ground and the movable plates of the secondary condenser to filament return as per Fig 3. The stator of the plate variometer should be connected to the plate through S 2 and a grounded shield is placed across the panel in back of the secondary condenser and the plate variometer. No body-capacity is ex- perienced with this arrangement even on C. W. signals of short wave length. The honeycomb mounting is mount- ed upside down with the knobs under- neath. The knobs are removed and substituted by extensions which will bring the adjustment well below the coils so that the operator’s hands do not touch the coils. All the instru- ments are mounted on the panel so that when removing the panel for in- spection all connections are on the panel. Fig. 4. Panel Layout

Condenser Bank of Adjustable Quality

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A CONDENSER BANK OF ADJUSTABLE QUALITY. A very useful piece of apparatus for the wireless man’s bench is a bank of fixed condensers wired in parallel, and so arranged that any can be removed or changed instantly. By making vari- ous combinations any capacity up to the total of that of the fixed conden- sers in one’s outfit may be obtained readily. To be able to do this is a great boon when one is experimenting in order to find the best value of the condenser to be placed in shunt with telephones, loud speaker, the windings of transformers, the high tension bat- tery, and so on. It will also be found particularly useful if one is making up low frequency resistance capacity amp- lifiers as a simple means of discover- ing the best value for the grid conden- sers. The condensers used are of the flat metal-ended type, which fit into clips. Both condensers and clips can be bought quite cheaply from advertisers in this journal, but those who prefer to make their own are referred to the description which appeared previously in "Wireless Weekly. A very handy formula which was given may be repeated. The capacity in microfarads equals 0 x N x 0.0001, where O is the overlap of the plates in square centimetres, and N the num- ber of dielectrics made of the best ruby mica 0.002 in. thick. The panel for the condenser bank is a piece of l/4in. ebonite measuring 4 l/4in. by 6 l/4in. This is marked out and drilled as shown in Fig. 11, all of the holes being 4BA clearance. Two strips of sheet brass 5 l/4in. long and iin. wide are each drilled with seven 4BA clearance holes to corres- pond with those in the panel. The strips are now laid on the pan- els. The terminals are passed througn the end hole of each and secured. The clips are then fixed in place by means of 4BA bolts passed through the brass strips and the ebonite. All that remains is to mount the panel upon a small box about lin. in depth. It will be seen that whatever con- densers are placed in the clips the total capacity of the bank is the sum of their individual .capacities, since all are in parallel. If-, there- fore, a set of condensers is made ranging from 0.0001 uF. to 0.01 uF., as described in the note already re- ferred to, the experimenter, by using combinations of large and small siz- es, can obtain a very wide range of capacities in steps of 1.0001 uF. R.W.H.

Burgin Electric Co Ad

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Burginphone Broadcast Receiver These receivers range in size from 2 valves up to 7 and in price from £33/10/- up to £l5O for Complete instruments. Note that the price is "complete" with THE EXCEPTION OF A LOUD SPEAKER. We will be pleased to give you a practical demonstration on any of our receivers at our Demonstration Rooms, Ist Floor, 391 George St. We are Sole NSW. Age nts for 'Radio Equipment which is considere efficient and most attractive apparatus the market. ' Kellogg d the most yet put on We are also flgents for Farmer s 'Broadcasting Service and are licensed to issue their Broadcast- ing license together with the Government Broad- cast license. Experimental Receiving and Transmitting equipment specially catered for. Send for New Price list and Illustrated Pamphlet. iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BURGIN ELECTRIC CO. WIRELESS ENGINEERS & SUPPLIERS Show Rooms and Sales Dept., Ist Floor, Callaghan House, 391 GEORGE ST.. SYDNEY

Reception above the Clouds

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Reception above the Clouds The pilots of two of the balloons which took part in the national elim- ination balloon race which started from Indianapolis, July 4th, have made interesting reports on radio condi- tions as they found them in the clouds high above the earth during the con- test. Ralph Upson, one of the country’s most prominent aircraft engineers, was the pilot of one of the big gas bags which was equipped with a General Electric receiving set. From the report made by Upson af- ter the contest it appears that inter- ference from static is confined to a low atmospheric belt, comparatively close to the earth. The report in de- tail is as follows: "One ‘of the outstanding happenings in the use of radio in the balloon race was that at altitudes of 3.000 feet and above we observed absolutely no static whatever, although we could see light- ning at various points on the horizon. "Andrus, my aide, acted as chief radio operator. He began listening in at 8.30 o’clock the night of the race. At 9.45 o clock. Central time, An- drus picked up the latter part of the weather report from WGY in Schen- ectady. We heard just enough of it to make us wish we had heard the en- tire report. However, our disappoint- ment was short, for a few moments later the whole report was repeated, every word being received clear and distinct. It was just the news we wanted. "As a result of the information, we decided to go a little higher up, hut not to try any high altitudes unless forced to it by thunderstorms. The report gave us full confidence of reach- ing New York State and possibly New England. Everything seemed so fav- ourable that I turned in to sleep, leav- ing the balloon appendix partially closed. Then came the accident, and you know the rest —a forced landing." Lieut. Robert S. Olmstead, pilot of the Army balloon S-6, which won the race, and who will be the leading Am- erican entry in the international race at Belgium, in September, reported that while drifting over Lake Erie on July 4th, lie received radio returns of the Dempsey-Gibbons fight at Shelby, Mont., and later on picked up radio crop reports, bedtime stories and in- strumental music. Four balloons in all carried radio. Besides Upson's and Olmstead’s bal- loons, the other two army entries were equipped. Lieut. Jordan has not yet made a report hut Captain Lester T. Miller has written the General Electric Company, informally praising the radio set and its valuable use during the race. "Lieut. Brown and myself during our flight found your set worked very sat- isfactorily in every way," Capt. Mil- ler writes. "As you know the counter- poise we used was a seven strand cop- per wire woven fifteen times about our basket. For our aerial we used 300 feet of the same kind of wire. Dur- ing the night of July 4 and on July 5 we flew at an altitude of about 4,000 feet. All our weather reports were received very clearly, in fact the clear- ness of tones surprised both of us as they were clearer than our regular sta- tion sets on the ground. "On July 5, after 8.30 a.m., we flew at a higher altitude and at heights of 5.000 feet and above we found that static was so had that we were not able to receive satisfactory signals. We consider the set a very fine one and heartily recommend it for purposes of this kind." —Wireless Age.

Wireless Weekly Ad

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Don’t forget to mention "Wireless Weekly," when dealing, with our Advertisers.

Selector Circuits to Eliminate Interference

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Selector Circuits to Eliminate Interference While telling little that is new in wave filter design, this article gives the results of experiments by a practical man. His recommendations are so simple and so easily followed that they are worth trying. The problem of eliminating interfer- ence is that of increasing the selectiv- ity of a receiving set, writes George C. Jones, in December "Radio. After trying out and modifying every idea that came my way, 1 selected that shown in Fig. 1 as being the simplest. It consists merely of a 40-turn coil, a .00025 mfd. fixed condenser and a 43- plate variable condenser added to an ordinary single-circuit regenerative re- ceiver. This "selector" can be assem- bled in a separate cabinet so that it may be attached to any set at will. It may also be used as a wave meter, es- pecially it equipped with a series-paral- lel switch. While a honeycomb coil may be used. I have secured the best results with JO turns of No. 14 wire bank- wound on a 3-in. coil with the regular honeycomb coil mounting. With an additional 25-turn and 60-turn coil it will be possible to cover a wave-range from 150 to 800 meters with a 100 ft. aerial. The tuning inductance on a regular set need not be changed and it makes no difference how far the selector is placed from the set, as the selector coil must not be in inductive relation with the tuning-coil of the set. If the set has a series condenser in the an- tenna lead, the fixed condenser C 5 can he omitted and the aerial lead ol the selector connected to the regular A lead of the set, or —the C 5 can be left in place and the condenser of the set changed to a parallel connection as in Fig. 1. In using the selector, the switch Si is placed at the open position and the set is tuned in the usual way. The set Fig. 1. Selector for Single-Circuit Set is fairly selective this way, in fact much better than a plain single-circuit, as the condenser C 5 acts somewhat as a loose coupling and signals -a little oft from the wave you are receiving are stopped to a certain extent and the set is not affected otherwise than by a Fig. 3. Selector for Combination slight lowering of the wave length and a hard I}' 1 }' perceptible decrease in sig- nal strength. Next throw SI to the closed position and the signal will perhaps fade or en- tire I}' 1 }' disappear, hut do not try to re- tune, as the signal is merely going to ground through the selector and you cannot tune the set so that it will come hack. Now, by leaving the set tuned as it is moving the Cl hack and forth, a setting will he found where the sig- nal comes hack to the original strength, as the selector acts as a choke for that particular frequency and it cannot get through easily. Reasoning that if it were so good on a single-circuit tuner it would he bet- ter if adapted to the primary of a two- circuit tuner. Fig. 2 was evolved and proved superior, although slightly more complicated. In this case the fixed condenser C 5 was omitted as the series-primary condenser C 2 serves in its place and also tunes the primary coil L 2. In tuning, switch SI is opened and the signal tuned in as usual with a double circuit and then the selector is switched in and the interference eli- minated. In this hook-up the desired signal is allowed to pass freely through C 2 and L 2, as when a coil and condenser are in series and tuned to resonance they furnish a free path to a certain fre- quency and act as an impedance to others. So here we have an ideal state of affairs, C 2 and L 2 let the desired signals pass through, thus inductivity energising coil L 3 while Cl and LI let the undesired ones through to ground and send the wanted ones around the detour to the set. Now I should have stopped here, but as a two-blade switch-lever was lying on the bench along with a lot of un- used tappet-points, 1 reached out for a pencil and paper and in a short time had circuit Fig. 3, which is a handy combination of Nos. 1 and 2. By set- ting the switch lever S 2 on two of the seven points and leaving one point un- used between we have the following circuits: Points No. 1 and 2.—Plain single- circuit. Points No. 2 and 4. —Single-circuit w ith series condenser. Points No. 3 and 5. —Single-circuit with "selector" attached. Fig. 2. Selector for Double-C[?]uts Set Points 4 and 6.—Single-circuit with "one-wave’ bypass. Points No. 5 and 7. —Two-circuit with "selector"attached. Points No. 6 or 7.—Plain two-cir- cuit. The writer was afraid to do any more on the thing, thinking it might start to broadcasting its own music, so it’s all yours; see what you can do with it.

An Interview with Lord Robert Cecil

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An Interview with Lord Robert Cecil (By R. M. Clarke.) "JF e hope to broadcast the proceedings of the League of Nations from Geneva next year. It uould be a very good thing for international peace." "Why not broadcast the proceedings of the League of Nations from Gen- eva: The question was asked at the end of a prolonged grilling by newspaper reporters. Lord Robert Cecil had just arisen as a sign that the was over, and stood with his back to the fireplace in the library of Mr. Thomas W. Lamont’s house, in New York City, where he was a guest. He turned to his last questioner with that quick smile that had endeared him to the inquisitive circle. "We hope to do so next year," was his reply. "It would be a very good thing indeed, a very good thing." That was the last piece in what might be called a picture puzzle, the subject of which was the famous statesman’s opinion as to the value of radio broadcasting in furthering the cause of international peace. The other bits bad been collected one by one during the previous hour and a half. Only the night before Lord Robert bad spoken at a dinner at the Hotel Astor, New York, to an immediate audience of some 2,000. and to the vast radio audience as well. His topic had been the League of Nations, on which lie is exceptionally well quali- fied to speak, having played a promin- ent part in the peace negotiations in 1918 and 1919. and being at the pre- sent time one of England’s representa- tives before the meetings of the League in Geneva. With such a man, and such a sub- ject, the newspapers were eager for personal interview’s, and 3.30 p.m. on the day following his opening speech in America, was set as the time when reporters would be received in a. body. This is the common practice: it saves everybody's time, and shows no fa- vours to anybody. "The Wireless A ge" was represented in the group of about twenty men and women from all the New York papers and news associations, who fired ques- tion after question at the famous man. He is a tall, lanky, stoop-shouldered Englishman, who comes from a long line of statesmen, the first of wdiom won distinction by having been a min- ister for Queen Elizabeth. He lolled and rolled somewhat awk- wardly in his low chair at the fireside, twirling a pair of steel-rimmed spec- tacles in his hands, and turning his kindly eyes direct upon each questioner while he responded as well as he was able to the sometimes foolish and sometimes searching questions that were put to him. Early in the conference he modestly explained his reason for coming to America. "I am not here to instruct the American public in its own af- fairs," he said. "I am simply here to give such information as I am able to give on a subject that holds the in- terest of certain Americans. I hope to be able to tell you something worth hearing about, on the League of Na- tions. My object is to give informa- tion. I am not an impertinent inter- vener in other people’s affairs." To give information —that w r as a cue: "Has not the radio telephone sim- plified your task of giving informa- tion?" "Oh. yes, indeed it has," he re- sponded quickly. "I am very much surprised at the tremendous develop- ment in it here. It is far superior to anything we have, you know. It was used at the dinner last night. The comparison between here and in Eu- rope is astounding, and it is a very wonderful thing for reaching the pub- lic. I shall he most glad to take ad- vantage of it while 1 am in this coun- try, though, of course," and here a smile, "that will depend upon the peo- ple who organise the meetings for me in the various cities." That was one piece of the picture. Questions by others developed clearly Lord Robert's great enthusiasm for the League, not as a perfect instru- ment, but as an organisation that al- ready has accomplished much, and shows promise of doing more. He told how the meetings in Geneva betw r een diplomats and statesmen who otherwise never would see each other had promoted better understandings among them. He likened the meetings to conferences between the partners in a business, held to develop the enter- prise co-operatively along the most profitable lines. While he admitted that the men in Geneva had the same nationalistic pre- possessions and political aims as they have when they are in their national capitals, still he maintained that the personal contact and public discussion of the League meetings already had prevented war and made possible the taking of certain steps toward recovery by Austria. He outlined this as the first step in abolishing war. "You have go to get rid of fear and suspicion, bred of ignorance. Moral and intellectual disarmament must come first, through encouraging all forms of international co-operation and communication." Quickly, before he resumes: "Do you not think that international broadcasting, which certainly is com- ing soon, will do much to bring about ‘moral disarmament’ by promoting in- ternational understanding?" "I certainly do," he said, turning squarely to face the questioner and Continued on page 15. col. 3

leaning forward in emphasis. ‘"Any- thing that promotes understanding is sure to he beneficial in the abolition of militarism. It is as the French proverb: ‘to know all is to forgive all/ and 1 should welcome international broadcasting as a great force indeed for peace." So there is the complete picture as seen through the eyes of Lord Robert Cecil: the great need of the times is international understanding, in which radio should play a vital part, even to the broadcasting of the proceedings of the League of Nations from Geneva, that the whole world may hear. Radio, the world peacemaker!

Wireless Weekly Cup

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Wireless Weekly Cup Bet ails of our Silver Cup Competition will be published at an early date. Two Silver Cups are to be presented for the 'Best Val ve & Crystal Sets made by any fJ m- ateur in Australia or ffew Zealand.

O. H. O'Brien & Nicholl Ad

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BAKELITE DILECTO ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS Wireless Experimenters and Others DO YOU USE THE BEST INSULATION? LET "BAKELITE" SOLVE YOUR INSULATION PROBLEMS. "BAKELITE" is a higher insulator than Ebonite and is mechanically stronger. "BAKELITE" can be cut, drilled, turned or milled, and will take a high polish. "BAKELITE" does not crack, warp, nor discolor with age. "BAKELITE" stands the highest electrical tests, practically universal for wireless work. "BAKELITE" is made in Sheets, Rods, or Tubes. Obtainable from Continental Radio and Electric Co., 350 George St.; Electric Utility Co., 619 George St ; Anthony Hordern and Sons, Ltd., George St.; F. E. O’Sullivan, 296 Pitt St.; Rains.i} Sharp and Co. Ltd.' 217 George St.; Radio Co. Ltd., 15 Loftus St.; Colville-Moore, 10 Rowe St ; Wireless Supplies Ltd., 21 Royal Arcade; Miss F. E. Wallace, 6 Royal Arcade; W. 11. Wiles, <- o ul burn St.; David Jones Ltd., George St.; Burgin Electric Co., 391 George St., and all Wireless Supply Houses. Send us your enquiries now: O. H. O’BRIEN & NICHOLL (Sydney) ‘Phone 3302 City 37-39 Pitt Street ‘Phone 10592 City

Pioneer Work in Ether Waves

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Pioneer Work in Ether Waves (By SIR OLIVER LODGE.) Early pioneering work is too often overlooked and forgotten in the rush of a brilliant new generation, and amid the interest of fresh and surprising developments. I often think, however, that the early stages of any discovery have an interest and fascination of their own, and that teachers would do well to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of those earlier times, in order to realise more clearly the difficulties which have to be overcome, and by what steps the new knowledge had to he dovetailed in with the old. Moreover, for beginners, the nascent stages of a discovery are sometimes more easily assimilated than the finished product. Beginners need not, indeed, be led through all the controversies which naturally accompany the introduction of anything new; hut some familiarity with those controversies and discussions on the part of the teacher is desirable if he is to apprehend the students’ probable difficulties. For though he does not himself feel them now, the human race did feel them at its first introduction; and the individual is liable to recapitulate, or repeat quickly, the experience of the race.

A large number now interested in the most modern developments of wireless will have hut little idea—perhaps none at all—-of the early work, in apparently diverse directions, which preceded and made such developments possible. And even those who are high authorities in wireless telegraphy, and know nearly all that can be known about it, can hardly know the early stages quite as well as those who have lived through the nascent and incubating period. Only those who have survived the puzzled and preliminary stages of a discovery can fully appreciate the contrast with subsequent enlightenment. It may suffice to say that the term "inductance" or "self-induction," which we now use so glibly, did not at first exist; and that so late as 1888 Sir William Preece still spoke of it as "a bug-a-boo"; whereas it is the absolute essential to tuning. and even to electric oscillation. Lord Kelvin, who first introduced it as a mathematical coefficient, without any explanation, called it "electro-dynamic capacity." The name "self-induction" was given to it by Maxwell, though it was long before it was understood or utilised, and the name "inductance" was a nomenclature of Heaviside. It must be very difficult for some of you who are so familiar with these things now to realise the dense state of ignorance in which your scientific ancestors were.

Silvanus Thompson, well-known as an historian of science, wrote in 1911 a carefully drawn up pamphlet about the history of wireless (though it was never published) for use in a trial before Mr. Justice Parker, when my patent for tuned or selective wireless came up for extension. This patent, dated May, 1897, was extended in 1911 for seven years, and was then acquired by the Marconi Company from the Lodge-Muirhead Syndicate. Its validity was subsequently contested before Lord Moulton, but was triumphantly upheld, after twelve days trial, as containing the necessary and fundamental principle of all tuned wireless not involving continuous wave transmission. But my present subject has nothing to do with details of tuning, nor with wireless in its present condition. That all dates after 1896, most of it after 1900: and I wish to say practically nothing about anything later than 1896. What 1 have to deal with is the early pioneering work, apart from practical developments. And let me here say at once, to avoid misunderstanding, that without the energy. Continued on page 15, col. 1

ability and enterprise of Signor Marconi, what is now called wireless would not have been established commercially, would not have covered the earth with its radio stations, and that without the valves of Fleming and Lee de Forest it would not have taken the hold it has upon the public imagination. Before 1896 the public knew nothing of its possibilities. And for some time after 1896, in spite of the eloquence of Sir William Preece and the demonstrations by Marconi, the public thought it mysterious and almost incredible; and still knew nothing about the early stages. Indeed, I hardly suppose that Signor Marconi himself really knew very much about them. He had plenty to do with the present; he felt that the future was in his hands; and he could afford to overlook the past without regrets. It may be doubted whether the younger generations, who are so enthusiastically utilising and perhaps improving the latest inventions, will care much about the past either; but still they may like to know more about the early incipient and pioneering work, on the production and detection of electric waves in the ether of space. With part of this work, it is true, I was myself concerned, hut I must not hesitate on that account, since it was this early work—the outcome of splendid achievement by Kelvin and Maxwell and fitzgerald and Hertz—which laid the foundations and made all the present superstructure possible.

Pacific Radio Company Ad

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The PACIFIC RADIO COMPANY SYDNEY COMPLETE SETS for Reception of Broadcasted Programmes from £ 7/71- PACIFIC De Luxe Model Four Valve Receivers, housed in floor model, highly polished cabinets, complete with loud speaker, Willard storage batteries, H.T. batteries, aerial wires, insulators, and flagpoles, installed free within 50 miles of Sydney Price £lO5 : 0 : 0 EXPERIMENTAL STOCK includes New System Telephones, Headsets, Magnavox Loud Speakers, Western Electric Co’s. Apparatus, and all makes of high-class Apparatus used in experimental Receivers. The attention of the trade is called to the fact that we are now prepared to receive enquiries for the supply of sets tuned to the various broadcast stations. COUNTRY AGENTS REQUIRED LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO LICENSED DEALERS TEMPORARY CITY ADDDRESS Co Mr. Henry, Architect, 2nd Floor, 121 Pitt Street Trade enquiries to F. THOMPSON. Manager, PACIFIC RADIO COMPANY Works and Experimental Station: 38 DONNELLS STREET, BALMAIN

Wonderful Experiments by N.S.W. Amateurs

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Wonderful Experiments by N.S.W. Amateurs (Republished from the Sydney Morning Herald.) In some branches of discovery and invention it is often asserted that Aus- tralia lags behind the rest of the world. but this cannot for one moment be ap- plied to her activities in connection w T ith the transmission and reception of wireless messages. During the past year Australian experimenters have achieved some remarkable results, par- tieularly in regard to the transmission of wireless signals using extremely low power; in fact, world’s records have been created by Australian ex- perimenters. Some little time ago Mr. Charles Maclurcan, of Strathfield. who may rightly be regarded as the leading experimenter in the Common- wealth, commenced a series of tests with a view to determining just exact- ly what distance could be covered with a very small power. Commencing with .1 n , J the power usually needed to operate his set he eraduallv reduced until af •Tii e ucet ' antl h al ter considerable experimenting, he Wfl o hie cinti™ a., his station on about one- fortieth part of the power ordinarily needed to light the tail lamp of a mot- or car, and on this almost negligible force communicated with a fellow' ex- perimenter in New Zealand. Electric. Torch Battery ‘ ! s tests j n connection with the re- tcption of long-distance signals have been almost as remarkable. a special ciriuit he has during recent weeks c eai Y ieceived American sig- ? a s usin £ on Y one xa * Ne ’ and supply- mg the power necessary to operate the receiver from two small batteries, one of the ™ tak f n , fro '" an ordinary pock- et torca . 1 ie ot ler a s 1 - a^ er one, supplying a stronger current. The receiver was built l>\ mmse , am into a small wooden cage not muc 1 arger y ia 7 f le ordinary attache case ’ am weighing consu era > \ ess

  • mOSt

Of course It must not tor one mom-

  • i • • i .i . j-

ent T ima gmed that oidinaiv com- mercial communication could be es- tablished and maintained under these taniisnea ana maintained unaei tne. c test conditions. The receivers used in New Zealand to secure Mr. Maclur- can’s low' power transmission were ex- tremely sensitive, and were operated by an expert, and the reception of American signals at this end was ac- complished under extremely favourable conditions. At the present time a cost- jy high-powered station is necessary to maintain constant commercial commun- Nation, but the experiments serve as a guide to show that considerable pro- gress is still being made in connec- tion w itli the wireless transmission, and a]so serve as a guide to the en- thusiast who ventures to prophesy re- garding tlle fulure of wire ] ess . The continuous wave method of sig- nailing was employed in connection w ith t } le test g 5 and t ] le signals were, 0 f course, tapped out in code. So far no American telephony has been heard in Australia, although in New Zealand several amateurs have succeeded in re- «.mri„ nf the nrnarnTmnpe nf ceiving some oi tne progiammes oi S p eec h and music which have been broadcasted from lar<m stations on the

  • r T it ? j c

west C oast 0 f t b e United States. Those i interested in loner distance g Continued on next page

communication are anxiously awaiting the opening of the large broadcasting station 2FC in Sydney, not particularly for the purpose of receiving the pro- gramme from it, but to note whether the items broadcasted with the use of 5000 watts power will be received by American experimenters. If such is the case another record will have been created by Australian engineers. Special Tests. A special series of tests are to be made during the new year by Mr. Mac- lurcan, assisted by Master Jack Dav- ies, of Vaucluse, a keen young amat- eur, who has made quite a name for himself in the wireless world. These two amateurs will leave for America on the steamer Tahiti, which will be fitted with a special short wave, low- powered set, similar to the one on which such remarkable work has been carried out by Mr. Maclurcan at Strathfield. On the voyage across Aus- tralian amateur stations will he oper- ating with the Tahiti, and logs will be kept showing the distance over which the signals from these stations are audible, and also the stgenth of signals over these distances. Mr. Mac- lurcan's own .station will be operated by some fellow-experimenters, and w'ill be in touch with the Tahiti on the trip across. None of the signals transmitted from Australian amateur stations have yet been officially received in America, al- though the latest mail has brought word from the Secretary of the Am- erican Radio Relay League to the ef- fect that some Australian signals had been picked up. Considerable discus- sion has taken place in amateur circles concerning the matter, and the view T has been expressed that the fault lies with American operators rather than with Australian amateurs. It has been pointed out that in America, with a large number of stations working, many signals can he secured wi th a minimum amount of operating skill. Australia is, however, widely distant from the centres of wireless activity, and Australian experimenters have, therefore, by sheer force of circum- stances, been compelled to specialise in careful operating in order to obtain results when attempting to work trans- ocean traffic. This training has stood them in good stead, and has enabled them to receive from America. Dur- ing the trip on the Tahiti Mr. Maclur- can will endeavour to prove that this view is the right one. He will carry with him the receiver which he has been using in Sydney, and on which he has received Ameri- can signals. His own station will work at regular hours, and if he succeeds in copying its signals while lying in San Francisco harbour he will have proved the claim that Australian operating is superior to any in the world.

Iron or Copper

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IRON OR COPPER. The question has been asked: "Is iron wire all right for an aerial?" Iron wire can he used for short distance receiving, and it may give fair results over long distances, hut copper wire would he very much better. Copper carries electricity much better than iron. If a very strong wire is wanted, copper clad iron wire may be used. Th is has a tough iron centre and is coated with copper. This is just as good as solid copper, for the current only flows on the surface of the con- ductor.

Radio Company Ad

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  • v

X ' 9\cu)to Company Li mi ted 15 LOFTUS STREET Circular Quay SYDNEY £2 m Of importance to Experiment- ers and to those ahouttoenterthe fceldof T Vi reless DURING the month of January LARGE REDUCTIONS will be made of our stocks of EXPERIMENTAL SETS and PARTS at COST and under COST PRICES, all of which will carry our guarantee to give satisfaction. A Small Transmitter with Tube Modulation complete wi th Val ves and Batteries ready for use at £25 is just one of our many bargains. Stocks limited. Send your Order as early as possible 4

Howell's Ad

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WIRELESS APPARATUS New or Second-hand, Bought, Sold or Exchanged HOWELL’S 19 Barlow Street

Wireless Weekly Ad

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Tell your fri<*n<ls about "Wireless Weekly"

Home Electric Ad

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Co me in n d see our Radio ID i s p 1 a y Information Freely Supplied We are Sole flgents for the World Fam o u s FEDERAL RADIO APPARATUS Moderate Cost Hi g h es t Efficiency The H ome El ectrtc 106 a King Street, Sydney Phone B 5565

News in Brief

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NEWS IN BRIEF Mr. P. Holdsworth, of Adelaide, who has written many interesting items for our readers, is leaving shortly for Eng- land.

  • * *

Wireless broadcasting in Victoria will he commenced in January. The Postmaster-General (Mr. Gibson) re- cently said that Farmers Ltd., Sydney, had been granted two licenses in Vic- toria. One of the licenses was for broadcasting on a short wave-length for the metropolitan area, while the other was for a long wave length to cover Victoria and Tasmania.

  • * *

Mr. Mark Reid, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce, told the Na- vigation Commission on Thursday that, although Newcastle comes third on the list of ports for outward tonnage, it is without a wireless station. "There are more than 100 cases on record." he said, "of delays to wireless messages."

Australia may rightly regard the past year as one of remarkable progress and development, says 2RN in the Sydney Morning Herald, in connection with wireless telephony, and if the events of the past may he taken as any indi- cation of events to happen in the fut- ure, some remarkable developments may he looked for during the coming 12 months. Sir Westcott Abell, in delivering the Hawksley lecture at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, London, and in referring to the progress in wireless telegraphy and the regular broadcast- ing of weather reports, said he fore- saw a time when lighthouses would he rendered unnecessary, and ships would he able to avoid collisions because they w r ould be able to locate each other’s positions even when they could not see.

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A "listener-in" 200 miles from a broadcasting station hears the notes of a signal sooner than those stand- ing in the transmitting room. This is because wireless waves travel faster than sound waves.

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A recent survey made by the Depart- ment of Agriculture in U.S.A., shows 40,000 radio receiving sets on farms in more than 700 counties. On this av- erage, it is estimated, there are more than 145,000 sets on farms through- out the country. At least 150 radio stations are featuring weather, crop, market, grain and produce reports, as well as broadcasting special farm pro- grammes.

  • * *

Intense interest has been aroused by further successful feats of broad- casting across the Atlantic. Great- er progress is prophesied for 1924, hut even more important are the commer- cial developments hinted by the Mar- coni Wireless Telegraph Co.

  • * *

Mr. Godfrey Isaacs, managing di- rector of the company, said on Mon- day, December 31: "There is a great possibility of important developments coming during the year. Signor Mar- coni’s experiments with directional wireless may revolutionise wireless com- munication. An imperial chain would he an enormous step forward, if put into execution."

In consequence of the political un- rest in Britain, Mr. Bruce has been unable to advance his wireless pro- posals to any degree. liadio is being used successfully in India to send messages over a moun- tain 15,000 feet in height. Previous- ly, considerable difficulty was found in wire communication due to heavy snow drifts and storms which severed the lines. This achievement has been ef- fected between the cities of Srinagar and Jammu, in Kashmir. Other in- stallations have been effected or are planned to Bhopal, Gwalior, Hyder- abad and Rejkot, by Marconi engin- eers,

Fox & MacGillycuddy Ad

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The Jefferson Transformer

AMPLIFYING World’s Leading Transformers stocked by Colville-Moore, Wireless Supplies, Radio House, Radio Co., A. Hordern and Sons, Ramsay Sharp, Universal Electric, Wireless Sup- plies Ltd., Harry Wiles and all Leading Wireless Stores Sole Jlgents for Australia FOX & MacGILLYCUDDY DAILY TELEGRAPH BUILDINGS KING ST., SYDNEY PHONE CITY 3062

Harding's Limited Ad

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W ireless Cabinets Radio Cabinets and Boxes Base Boards, Aerials, and all Wireless Wo odw o r k WHOLESALE ONLY Harding s Limited 87-101 York Street North Sydney Over Argylle Cut 2 Minutes from Circular Quay : Phone 3773 City BROADCASTING Year's Progress During the past year much has been done to establish broadcasting in Aus- tralia, writes 2RN in the Sydney Morn- ing Herald. At a conference held in Melbourne a scheme which it was con- sidered would suit Australian condi- tions was drafted and made law. Un- der it licenses have been granted in several parts of Australia, and in Sydney two broadcasting stations are now operating. One of these is con- trolled by a combination of retail traders, and charges no fees for its programmes, its owners looking to in- creased profits from the sale of ap- paratus to reimburse them. Another large station has now almost completed its test period, and will shortly trans- mit at regular hours on high power. One of the most remarkable featur- es in connection with the establish- ment of broadcasting services has been the almost unbelievable sensitiv- ity which has been attained in the construction of some portions of the apparatus. During recent weeks in Sydney some special tests have been carried out in regard to the placing of microphones in broadcasting sta- tions and studios. The microphone is the small but sensitive instrument which collects the sound waves, trans- forms them into minute pulsating elec- trical currents, and delivers these cur- rents to the actual transmitter, which impinges them on ether waves, and radiates these waves in all directions. While tests have been carried out it lias been demonstrated that the ma- chine has been perfected to such an extent as to be more sensitive than the human ear. During the render- ing of piano solos the actual finger noise made by the contact between the pianist’s fingers and the ivory keys, quite inaudible to the ear, has been picked up and transmitted, and some careful placing has been made neces- sary in order to avoid the collection of these sounds. Small noises in studios such as slight rustling of papers or drapings, also quite inaudible to the ear. have been collected and transmit- ted. Tell your friends about Our Big Competition SENSITIVE RECEIVER Tests at Win gharri. Recently Mr. E. McC. S. Hill had a wireless set installed at his resid- ence in Bent Street, Wingham. He has during the past week or so ach- ieved wonderful success so far as ex- perimental tests are concerned. From Farmer’s Ftd., of Sydney, songs have been heard with a distinctness that was remarkable, as also piccolo solos and piano solos. Mr. Hill has not only heard quite distinctly musical and vo- cal items, but more remarkable still, he has more than once heard the move- ment of those responsible for the items, the rustling of paper, and so forth. During the rendering of piano solos the actual finger noise made by the contact between the pianist’s fingers and the ivory keys, quite inaudible to the ear, has been picked up and trans- mitted. Small noises such as a slight rustling of paper or drapings, also quite inaudible to the ear, have been collected and transmitted. Mr. Hill has already experienced these remark- able results on his machine at Wing- ham. and his machine is smiply an ex- perimenting one, but yet serves to prove that there must be wonderful achievements ahead for wireless.


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RADIOCULOUS "I say, y’know, all these bills are dated months before we were mar- ried." "Yes, darling, 1 know they are." "Well, it’s a bit thick to expect me to pay for the bait I was caught with." —The Passing Show (London)

  • * *

Small Daughter: "Mother, why did you marry father?" Mother: "So you’ve began to won- der, too f "

  • * *

Cop—Hey! Where are you going? Don't you know this is a one-way street? Stranger (in his flivver)- —Well, I’m only going one way, ain’t I ?

  • * *

A man dining in a village hotel gazed at the second course with dis- gust. "What’s the leathery stuff?" he asked the waiter. "That is fillet ol sole, sir," replied the waiter. "Well, you can take it away," said the diner, "and see if you can’t get me a nice tender piece of the upper, with the buttons removed." —"Novel" (Eng.)

  • * JK

"The ending of my story is ruined by careless proof reading," stormed the author. "When the hero is asked ‘are you Pendleton King?’ he snatches off his false heard and, according to the printer, says ‘I a.m.’ " "That certainly leaves the readers in the dark," mused the editor. —"Rover" (Eng.)

  • *

Greene: Did you ever hear an after- dinner speech that was really worth while? Dean: Only once. Last night I din- ed with an old acquaintance and he said: "Waiter, bring me the check." —American Legiyn Weekly, (U.S.A.)

  • * *

"Well, young Slicer has made his mark, already, hasn’t lie?"

  • ‘Yes—did it on his first case."

"Great work! What did lie do?" "Vaccinated him." —"Comrades" (S. Africa)

  • H= *

lounger Clubman: I thought this was the night with the wife? Elder Clubman: It was, but she went to hear Professor Blank on the "Life of the Cannibal." "I didn t think she'd care for that." '*ob, yes, she never fails to go where they talk about eating." —"Pitt Panther" (U.S.A.)

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"You say he died of yellow fever?" "Yes; he had it twice." "Oh, how r dreadful! Which attack killed him?" —"Samedi" (Canada)

  • * *

"Smith had a most intelligent re- triever," said the interesting man of the party. "One night Smith’s house caught fire. All was instant confus- ion. Old Smith and wife flew for the children and bundled out with them in quick order. Alas, one of them had been left behind! But up jump- ed the dog, rushed into the house, and soon reappeared with the missing child. Everyone was saved; hut Rover dashed through the flames again. What did the dog want? No one knew. Pre- sently the noble animal reappeared scorched and burnt, with what do you think?" "Give it up," cried the eager listen- ers. "With the fire-insurance policy wrap- ped in a damp towel, gentlemen!" —"Reynold’s New r s" (Eng.) y Wowser: Have you any children, my man ? Stranger (gravely) : An only son, sir, and we can't keep him off the bottle. Wowser: Dear, dear, and how r old is he? Stranger: Six months. —"Photo Play" (U.S.A.) THREE ROOMS AND BATH By PERCY CROSBY Where Ignorance is Bliss.

Wireless Contract

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WIRELESS CONTRACT England to Australia Agreement Jeopardised. Owing to the decision of the British Government not to grant a license to the Marconi Wireless Cos., for the erec- tion of a wireless station in Great Brit- ain to communicate directly with Aus- tralia. the agreement entered into two years ago between the Commonwealth and the Amalgamated Wireless (Aus- tralasia) Ltd., of Sydney, for direct communication between the two coun- tries has been imperilled. Under the terms of the agreement the company was required to provide main trunk stations in Australia and the United Kingdom within two years from the date of the agreement (March 28. 1922). The company also was required to arrange within two years from the date of the agreement for the erection of a station in Canada capable of commercial communication with high power stations in Australia. The Marconi Wireless Company was the successful tenderer for the con- struction of a high power station in Great Britain, but its application for a license was refused by the British authorities. In consequence of the delay in es- tablishing the necessary station in the United Kingdom, it will he impossible to provide main trunk stations by March next, when the two years’ per- iod stipulated in the agreement, expir- es. Since the matter was discussed at the Economic Conference the Prime Minister (Mr. Bruce) has been in ne- gotiation with the Imperial authorit- ies, emphasing the urgency of estab- lishing a direct wireless service be- tween Great Britain and Australia be- cause of the ex : sting inadequate cable service. Arrangements had been made for the erection of a station in Aus- tralia capable of communicating direct with Great Britain but the work has been held up pending erection of a station in Great Britain. It was proposed that the Australian station should be situated between Melbourne and Sydney. The success- ful tenderer for this station was also the Marconi Company, the amount of contract being £487.000. It had been arranged that the station would be the most powerful in the world. It would embody all recent developments in high power wireless communication. The station, it was intended, would dif- fer from practically all high power stations at present in use, in that ther- mionic valves would be used to gener- ate high frequency currents for "en- ergising the aerial. 1 he station would he capable of communicating direct with Great Britain and maintaining a continuous service. Each of the 20 latticed steel towers, which would car- ry the aerial system 800 feet above ground, was expected to he a remark- able engineering achievement. Although the negotiations for the erection of a station in Great Britain so far have been unsuccessful, arrange- ments have been .made to erect the Australian station as soon as the work is undertaken in Great Britain. The Postmaster-General (Mr. Gibson) is not optimistic that the Imperial auth- orities eventually will he induced to sanction the erection of a station on the present application of the Mar- coni Wireless Co. He indicated to- day that the Ministry would be pre- pared to amend the conditions of the wireless agreement, extending the time for the erection of the main trunk sta- tions provided that there was a reason- able possibility of the Imperial author- ities agreeing to erect a station. The British Government, he said, apparent- ly desired to control the transmission of messages from Great Britain. When tenders were invited for the construc- tion of the main trunk station in Great Britain, it was stipulated that the contractor must obtain a license from the British authorities to transmit mes- sages. The refusal of the British Gov- ernment to grant a license was the stumbling block. Mr. Bruce had continued negotiations while in Lon- don, but up to the present had not been successful.

The Radio Telephone

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The Radio Telephone This is an extremely handy little book, which no radio enthusiast ought to he without, containing as it does, particulars of how it works, what it costs, everything you want to know about radio, what to buy complete, how to make and operate radio sets, and will answer almost all the little problems and difficulties which are con- tinually cropping up. It is on sale at any of the firms advertising in these columns, and is well worth the modest price of 2/-.

Interstate Tests

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Interstate Tests Melbourne to Sydney. A record in interstate wireless com- munication by experimental stations was established on Saturday, Decem- ber 29. when a Melbourne station ex- changed messages with three stations, two in Sydney and one in Hobart. The power used by all four stations was extremely low. The first transmission by the Mel- bourne station took place at about 11 o’clock on Saturday night, and the final message was not sent until 1 o'- clock on Sunday morning. At times the interstate stations were calling the Melbourne station simultaneously, but late orders of working was* established and reports were exchanged. One of the Sydney stations was using an in- put of only four watts, but was re- ceived well in Melbourne. At the Melbourne station an input of seven watts was employed, and its signals could be received sufficiently strong to operate a loud speaker in Sydney. Af- ter nearly a month of very bad receiv- ing weather, conditions were ideal, and during the evening a large number of interstate and New Zealand experimen- tal stations working on low power were heard clearly in Melbourne. Selfish Amateurs. Unfortunately part of the reception of these signals was hampered by a sel- fish amateur somewhere in Melbourne using an illegal radiating receiver. The energy radiated from this receiver at times entirely drowned the interstate signals. A vigorous campaign against experimenters who use apparatus of this type is being commenced, and many leading experimenters are in- stalling sensitive direction finders to locate stations which interfere with interstate and other weak signals in this manner. Offenders are liable to be fined, and to have their licenses cancelled.

Value of Shellac

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Value of Shellac Shellac is best for finishing pan- els, base-hoards and the like. Paint is likely to contain some metallic com- pound that will set up troublesome "leakage" conditions in the set. In applying the shellac work fast, or it will dry "streaky" while it is being put on. Spread it on very thin, and give it a number of coats, allowing each one to dry before applying the next.

Radio House Ad

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GET A GOOD PAIR OF HEADPHONES FOR BROADCAST RECEPTION £ S. d. TRIMM, 2000 ohm - - - I 12 6 3000 ohm - - -250 NEW SYSTEM, 2000 and 4000 - 2 0 0 WESTERN ELECTRIC - -250 f syon'c Y RADIO HOUSE 619 George Street, Sydney BUY FROM THE BROADCASTERS SEND FOR NEW PRICE LIST radio

The French Savant

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The French Savant M Edouard Branly

Wireless Supplies Ltd

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Listen in 99 tmhe World w n 6 • ■*"> • W 1 lectio Apparatus WIRELESS SUPPLIES L T - RADIO 6-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 21 ROYAL ARCADE SYDNEY. ļ Send for Catalogues PHONE M 3378 fitrpt 9 svor*o

Have You Heard It? British Stations Calling!

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AUST. DE G.5.A.T. Have You Heard It? British Stations Calling! In the next two or three months listeners-in may hear Breot Britain calling. Lou' power and low wave transmission tests are now in operation. Several members of the Radio So- ciety of Great Britain have often ex- pressed the desire to transmit C.W. messages to Australia. A prominent Australian experiment- er (Mr. Newman) has arranged with the Society to hold the tests from De- cember to March. Although this does not allow much time to organise receivers at this end, it is hoped that as many as possible to "listen in’’ at the times given be- low. The idea is to test low power and low wave transmission from Great Britain to Australia. The British stations will transmit on 200 metres calling "Aust. de G. 5. A.T., followed by any code word they like. Wireless Weekly will be glad to hear from anyone who may receive any of these messages. The tests will be carried out on the following dates and times: Great Britain Mean Time: December 16, 23, 30, January 6, 13, 5.30 to 8 p.m. February 10, 17, 24, March 2,9, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Melbourne Time: December 17, 24, 31, January 7, 14, 3.30 a.m. to 6 a.m. February 11, 18. 25, March 3, 10, 4 a.m. to 6 a.m.

Radio Clubs Promo

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W. Harry Wiles Ad

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WILES’ WONDERFUL WIRELESS DESIDES Complete Sets for Listening on Farmer & Co., Broadcasters (Sydney) Ltd. Stations, we are still catering for the Amateur and Experimenter, and carry a comprehen- sive Stock of all component parts Many New and Interesting Lines WE PAY CARRIAGE SEND FOR PRICE LIST POST FREE W. HARRY WILES Electrical and Wireless Supplies 60 62 Goulburn Street, Sydney One Door From Pitt Street

Deaf may Hear

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DEAF MAY HEAR Experiments in U.S.A. While emphasising that radio will not cure deafness, Dr. Harold Hays, an eminent American authority on the subject, declares that radio offers a source of happiness to the deafened which at present is unrealisahle. One of the directors of the New’ York Lea- gue for the Hard of Hearing, has been hopelessly deaf for years; so much so that he can only understand when an electric device is attached to each ear. Although in the music- publishing business, he had not been able to hear music for over 20 years. A friend suggested a radio receiving set. To his amazement he could hear so well that now he sits in his easy chair of an evening w T ith head- phones clapped on his ears, and hears concerts, speeches, market reports, jazz, and bed time stories. What, says Dr. Hays, does this mean for the future? It means untold happiness to those whose minds have been in darkness for many years, and it means that they or the experimenters in ra- dio may discover some new method for alleviating deafness. L)r. Hays goes on to say that at pres- ent the N.Y. League is experiment- ing with a radio set. working in con- junction with skilled radio engineers. They wish to amplify sound so that the hearers will not only be enter- tained, but their ears will receive ex- ercise at the same time. However, he wishes to emphasise particularly the fact that in 90 per cent, of cases deafness begins in childhood. In many cases, it is preventible at that time. It is not preventible later in life, and. unfortunately, neither radio nor any other means has been found to in- crease the hearing. He sincerely hop- es that radio will solve the problem to some extent, but if it does nothing more than give that added happiness of which the deafened have so litt'e. it will have done a great deal.

Captain's Wife

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CAPTAIN’S WIFE Gets Radio Craze. With an American captain, German officers, Chinese crew, a 5-year-old girl who has seen practically every coun- try in the world, and a hright-eyed little American woman, the wife of the skipper (Captain Sanger), who has made the sea her home, the steamer Arcadia is one of the most interest- ing steamers that have ever come to Sydney. Though an American ship, the Ar- cadia[check spelling] is registered in Panama. This enables her to carry the coloured crew. Were she registered in an Am- erican port this would not have been possible. The captain’s wife, and her daughter Cecilia, have been with the Arcadia for 16 months, and have come to love the sea. Mrs. Langer travels as the captain’s wife, "but," she explains, ‘1 am going to be recognised officially on this ship. The wireless craze has got me. I'm studying hard, and before long hope to hold a certificate as a wireless op- erator.

The Australasian Radio Relay League

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The Australasian Radio Relay League Application for Membership. By J. W. Robinson, Publicity Officer, Australasian Radio Relay League Members are urgently needed and those who have not already joinedup are requested to fill in the fo. lowing form and forward it, together with a postal note covering fees,to the Hon. Secretary, "Milano," Edward St., Concord. A meeting of the committee of the Australian Radio Relay League will be held in the Royal Society's Rooms, Eli- zabeth Street at an early date. A general meeting of members will follow. The business to be discussed at the committee meeting is of the utmost importance to the League and includ- es the question of the actual com- mencement of operations. It is some time since a general meet- ing of members was held, and it is the desire of the committee that as many active and associate members as pos- sible attend. There has unfortunately been rath- er a lack of interest in the League during recent months but much hard organising work has been done, and a stage has now been reached when something definite can be offered the experimenter in the direction of in- teresting operation of his station. A R.R.L. APPLICATIOX FOR MEMBERSHIP. The Secretary, Aust. Radio Relay League, X. S. W. Division. 192 I, of beg to apply for admission as Act ve Member of the Australasian Associate Member* Radio Relay League If accept d I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the League. License Xo Date of issue Address at which Station is maintained Postal Address of applicant Particulars of License (transmittin or receiving) Power of Station (if transmitter) enclose herewith being payment of fees for one year. Usual Signature Active membership only to persons operating transmitters for League Associate membership to holders of receiving licenses. Qualifications for membership. (A) A bona fide interest in wireless; (B) Holder of an experimental license. J. W. ROBINSON, Hon. Secretary, "Milano," Edward St., Concord. Subscriptions: Active £2/2/-; Associate, 10/- per annum.

  • Strike out words not required,

World Stations

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World Stations Wireless Weekly has been successful in securing a list of the principal wireless stations in the world, together with the times of operation and the matter broadcasted. The Sydney mean time is given after the military style. The figures 0000 represent 12 o’clock midnight; 0340 is 3.40 a.m.; 1640 is 4.40 p.m., etc. Further lists will be published in each of our succeeding issues Time. Name. Call. Wave- Type. Remarks. (Sydney) 0645 Rome IDO 11,000 CW Italian weather report. 0700 Townsville VIT 2,500 CW Working with VJZ (Rabaul). 0700 Malta BYZ 4,200 CW Weather report. 0700 Paris FL 7,300 CW European weather report. 0/55 Moscow RAJ 5,000 Spk. Time Signal (Rusgian system) 0800 Annapolis NSS 16,900 CW Navigation warnings. 0810 Moscow' RAJ 5,000 Spk. Russian weather r e p 0 rt. 0815 Nauen POZ 6,300 CW Working with WS() (Marion). 0830 Lyons YN 15,100 CW Press in French. 0830 Sydney VIS 600 1CW Weather report. 0900 Darien NBA 10,000 CW Working with NSS (Annanolis). 0900 Wellington VLW 600 Spk. Time Signal. 0930 Nauen POZ 12,600 CW Transocean press. 0955 Nauen POZ 12,000 CW Time signal (International system). 0955 Pearl Harbour NPM 11,500 CW r Time signal (American system) 1000 Leafield GBL 8,750 CW Press. 1000 Paris FL 8,000 CW Working with FF (Sofia) and WAR (Warsaw). 1000 Darien NBA 10,000 CW Working with NPp (San Die^o). 1015 San Diego NPL 9,800 CW Working with NBA (Darien) T 1055 Malabar (Java) PKX 8,800 CW Time signal (International system). 1100 Paris FL 8.000 CW Working with HFb (Belgrade), and SEW (Nicolaief). 1100 Tours YG 5,300 CW Working with CNM (Mediouna). 1100 Bombay VWB 2,000 Spk. Weather report. 1100 Madras VWM 2,000 Spk. Weather report. 1130 Karacki VWK 2,000 Spk. Weather report. 1130 Calcutta VWC 2,000 Spk. Weather report. 1130 Annapolis NSS 17,000 CW General weather report. 1150 Bucharest BUC 7,500 CW Weather report. 1150 Toulon-Bourillon FUT 5,150 CW Mediterranean weather report. 1101 Melbourne YIM 600 Spk. Time signal (International svstem) 1200 Air Ministry GFA 4,100 CW Weather report. 1200 Paris FL 8,000 CW Working with FF (Sofia). 1220 Paris FL 7,300 CW Weather report. 122 ( Adelaide VIA 600 Spk. Time signal (International system). 1230 Nantes UA 9,000 CW r Calls FRI (General French naval call). 1255 Annapolis NSS 17,145 CW Time signal (American system) 1300 Annapolis NSS 17,145 CW Press. 1 >00 Paris FL 6,500 CW Working with HB (Budapest) and PSO (Posen). 1300 Cayey NZR 10,500 CW Working with NBA (Darien). 1300 Darien NBA 10,100 CW Working with NSS (Annapolis) and NZR. 1315 Sidi Abdallah FUA 5,150 CW Weather report. 1315 Paris FL 6,500 CW Working with VSL (Vasluin). 1330 Paris FL 6,500 CW Working with OHD (Vienna). 1400 Paris FL 7,300 CW Weather report. 1430 Paris FL 8.000 CW Press in French. 1500 Rome IDO 11,000 CW Working with BUC (Bucharest). 1550 Konigswusterhausen .. .. LP 5,250 CW Aviation weather report. 1555 San Francisco NPG 4,650 CW Time signal. 1600 Air Ministry GFA 4,100 CW Weather report. 1600 Nauen POZ 9,400 CW Working with MSP (Moscow). 1605 Paris FL 8,000 CW Working with WAR (Warsaw). 2100 Nauen POZ 9,400 CW Working with EAA (Aranjuez). 2100 Paris FL 6.500 CW Working with HB (Budapest).

Anthony Hordern & Sons Ad

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Before you Expend Money on Radio Equipment Consult Anthony Horderns’ Wireless Experts. Your inspec- tion of the big display of everything that is new in the world of Wireless, is invited. (Wireless -- Second Floor) Anthony Hordern & Sons Limited, Brickfield Hill, Sydney Phone City 9440. Box 2 <l2 G.P.O. BTIPC r &'cor*C y

Broadcast License Forms

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Broadcast License Forms May be obtained from the following firms: — L. P. R. Bean and Co., 229 Castlereagh Street. I Continental Radio Co., Equitable Buildings, George St. Colville-Moore Wireless Supplies 10 Rowe Street, Electricity House, 387 George Street. Home Electrics , 106 a King St., Sydney. N. P. Olsen, 18 Hunter St., New- castle. O. H. O'Brien and Nicholl, 37- 39 Pitt Street. Pitt, Vickery, Ltd., 335 Pitt St. Pacific Radio Co., c/o Edgar A. Henry, 121 Pitt St., Sydney. Radio House, 619 George St. Radio Company Ltd., 15 Loftus Street. Ramsay Sharp and Co., Ltd., George St. Universal Electric Co., 244 Pitt Street. United 'Distributing Co., Ltd., 28 Clarence St. Wireless Supplies Ltd., 21 Royal Arcade. W. Harry Wiles, 62 Goulburn Street. Further Lists will appear each week as flgents are appointed,

Message to Mars

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Message to Mars

Wireless Communication? After a year’s study of Mars through the powerful telescope at a height of 8000 feet in the favourable atmosphere of Teneriffe (says the London "Daily Mail"), Mr. P. M. Ryves, the British astronomer, has come to the conclus- ion that it may be possible to signal to Mars, the planet, from the earth. If beings of intelligence really exist on Mars—which is very doubtful—they should understand and be able to re- ply. The distance from the earth to Mars when these two planets approach one another most closely is about 36.000.000 miles. Under the most favourable tel- escopic conditions, a spot in Mars to be seen at all must have a diameter of 30 miles; if the shape is to he discernible, it must be 100 miles or more across; though a long line only a mile wide could be detected with fine instruments. Out of Wireless Range. A large area, planted mainly with some dark-leaved crop, such as beet, would be visible if the size of the area fulfilled the conditions. Charac- teristic shapes, a square, a triangle, or a circle, would prove that intelligent beings were at work. There are, however, other and less clumsy methods. Wireless signalling to a planet seems quite beyond our power, though the most powerful trans- mitting station is just capable of reaching the moon. But Mars is 150 times more distant, and wire’ess strength is believed to diminish rapid- ly in free space. Smoke signalling, by large squad- rons of aeroplanes omitting white smoke over the forests, or black smoke above clouds or snow, could produce a line of smoke 100 miles long and a mile wide, which should be visible in Mars, if Martian instruments were equal to ours.

Chance next Summer. But the most favourable means of signalling is by light. A series of very brilliant flashes, each of a few seconds’ duration, could be produced by chemical methods with no ruinous outlay, and should be visible. Or, again, special searchlights could be designed and coupled in series to throw very powerful beams through space. If there is to be any experiment, the summer of next year will be the best opportunity for many years to come, as then Mars will be unusually near the earth.

Publication Note

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Published by W. J. Maclardy, of 58 Murdoch St., Cremorne, for the Proprietors and Printers, Publicity Press Ltd., 33/37 Regent St., Sydney.

Inside Back Cover

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Colville-Moore Wireless Supplies Ad

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Natural Prod "ATLAS" LOUD uct i o n AMPLITONE SPEAKER m m W to THE prime distinction between the Atlas Amplitone and other loud spearkers is that the Amplitone is first of all a musical instrument. It rePRODUCES, not a semblance, hut the full, clear, natural tones of the music as actually sung or played. It is the same dis- tinction as that between the old fashioned wax cylinder tin horn, scratchy phonographs of a few years ago and the finest phonographs of to-day, whose reproductions deceive even the trained ear. The rich mellowness of the violin, the brilliance of flut- es and piccolos and the various toned notes of the voice are re-PRODI CED naturally on the Amplitone. Musical critics and radio enthusiasts who have heard the Ampli- tone, agree that, at last, the musical superiority of even the finest phonographs has been surpassed. The Amplitone re-PRODUCES with truly amazing fid- elity and naturalness the music and speech of broadcasted programmes. It is non-distorting and will not blast. THE DOUBLE DIAPHRAGM. This astonishing faithful re-PRODUCTION is largely due to a patented construction known as "the double com- position diaphragm"—the exclusive feature of the ATLAS AMPLITONE, Loud Speaker. It compensates for the shortcomings of broadcasting and receiving conditions and gives you the programmes clear, sweet and natural. OTHER ADVANTAGES. The Atlas Amplitone is unbelievably sensitive, respond- ing as readily to very weak as to the stronger impulses. Requires no storage battery to energise the magnets and gives splendid results, even with a single stage set. BOOK YOUR ORDERS EARLY O nly a Limited Number Arriving COLVILLE-MOORE WIRELESS SUPPLIES 10 ROWE STREET SYDNEY Telephone 822 6 1

Back Cover

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Broadcast Receiving Sets and License Forms

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BROADCAST RECEIVING SETS AND LICENSE FORMS Together with the FREE SERVICE of Broadcasters (Sydney) Limited may be obtained from the following Radio House 619 George Street Sydney Telephone: City 1487. Ramsay, Sharp & Co. Ltd. 217 George Street, Sydney. Telephone: City 3176. United Distributing Company Ltd. (Wholesalers) 28 Clarence Street, Sydney. Telephone: City 3566. W. Harry Wiles 60-62 Goulburn Street Sydney. Telephone: City 3688. Wireless Supplies Ltd. 21 Royal Arcade, Sydney Telephone: M 3378. Pitt, Vickery Ltd. 335 Pitt Street, Sydney Telephone: City 6053. E. R. Cullen 96 Bathurst Street Telephones: City 869, 2596. Radio Company Limited. 15 Loft us Street, Sydney. Telephone: B 5586. L. P. R. Bean & Co. 229 Castlereagh St., Sydney. Telephone: City 353. Colville-Moore Wireless Supplies 10 Rowe Street Sydney. Telephone: 82261. Continental Radio & Electric Company Equitable Buildings, George St., Sydney Telephone: B 2467. The Home Electric 106 a King Street, Sydney. Telephone: B 5565. Pacific Radio Co. Temporary City Address: 2nd Floor, 121 Pitt St., Sydney. And 38 Donnelly St., Balmain. O’Sullivan’s Electric Shop (Frank E. O’Sullivan) 296 Pitt Street, Sydney. Telephone: City 8070. Swains 119-123 Pitt Street, Sydney. N. P. Olsen, 18 Hunter Street, Newcastle.