History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Stations/2UE Sydney/Notes

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2UE Sydney – Transcriptions and notes

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NSW BDM Record: Name: STEVENSON, CECIL VINCENT; Registration Number: 2653/1878; Father's Given Name(s): VINCENT JOHN; Mother's Given Name(s): HARRIET; District: SYDNEY[1]


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Ella M Steinberg Stevenson nee Pieremont) born 1880, daughter of Herman Steinberg Pieremont and Olivia Emma Pieremont nee Symonds[2]


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Ella M Steinberg Stevenson nee Pieremont married Cecil Vincent Stevenson 1902[3]

NSW BDM Marriage Record: Registration Number: 6252/1902; Groom's Family Name: STEVENSON; Groom's Given Name(s): CECIL V; Bride's Family Name(s): PIEREMONT; Bride's Given Name(s): ELLA M S; District: BALMAIN NORTH.[4]

NSW BDM Birth Record: Name: STEVENSON, MURRAY H; Registration Number: 14233/1905; Father's Given Name(s): CECIL V; Mother's Given Name(s): ELLA M; District: LEICHHARDT[5]

NSW BDM Birth Record: Name: STEVENSON, LESLIE K; Registration Number: 28186/1907; Father's Given Name(s): CECIL V; Mother's Given Name(s): ELLA M; District: PETERSHAM.[6]


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NSW BDM Birth Record: Name: STEVENSON, NORMAN M; Registration Number: 20684/1912; Father's Given Name(s): CECIL V; Mother's Given Name(s): ELLA M; District: PETERSHAM.[7]

NSW BDM Birth Record: Name: STEVENSON, EVELYN M; Registration Number: 3396/1914; Father's Given Name(s): CECIL V; Mother's Given Name(s): ELLA M; District: PETERSHAM.[8]

Index to Registers of Firms. Page Number: - ; Name of Firm: ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY COMPANY; Nature of Business: Supply Electrical Goods; Place of Business: 185 George Street Sydney; Date of Registration: 12 Oct 1914; Person Carrying on Business: SHAW, Reginald Albert; Additional People in Business: STEVENSON, Cecil Vincent; Number: 25111; Item Number: [2/8544][9]

THE LEONARD HEAT ELECTRIC RADIATOR PATENT. Invented by an Australian. MADE IN AUSTRALIA. BETTER THAN ANYTHING IMPORTED. Suitable for Drawing and Dining Rooms, Bedrooms, Offices, Surgeries, Public Rooms, Hotels, &c. THE LEONARD HEAT RADIATOR, TYPE A2. PRICE £2/12/. CONSUMES ONE-HALF UNIT, COSTING ¾d PER HOUR. ADJUSTABLE TO ANY HEIGHT. The principles on which these Fine Heaters are built make them by far the most efficient Electric Radiator on the market. The warming rays from the glowing elements permeate the Room like Sun Rays on a Spring morning. They are beautifully finished in electro-plate, and are highly ornamental. Write us for full particulars, or, better still, let us show you one. Phone us on City 1487. ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY CO. 605 GEORGE-STREET — — SYDNEY. OPP. ANTHONY HORDERN AND SONS.[10]

Electric Torches and Pocket Lamps LARGE ELECTRIC TORCH, complete with Best Bat-tery and Bulb 4/-Large Stocks of all Sizes POCKET LAMPS IN GREAT VARIETY. Refil Batteries 1/- and 1/3. Bulbs 9d. BELLS AND TELEPHONES for Station or Farm. ACCUMULATORS AND DRY BATTERIES. Anything and Everything Electrical At Lowest Prices. LET US HAVE YOUR ENQUIRIES. Electrical Utilities Supply Co. 605 GEORGE STREET, Opp. Anthony Hordern & Sons, SYDNEY . . . . . Refil Batteries 1/- and 1/3. Bulbs 9d. BELLS AND TELEPHONES for Station or Farm. ACCUMULATORS AND DRY BATTERIES. Anything and Everything Electrical At Lowest Prices. LET US HAVE YOUR ENQUIRIES. Electrical Utilities Supply Co. 605 GEORGE STREET, Opp. Anthony Hordern & Sons, SYDNEY.[11]

NOTICE. THE ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY CO. (of Sydney). Have Opened a Branch at Burrowa Street, Young. MAKE SURE TO GET OUR ESTIMATE FOR YOUR ELECTRICAL WORK. Our Work is Guaranteed to pass the Fire Underwriters' Association and Young Municipal Council. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT – OUR WORK IS RIGHT. Our Address is — BURROWA STREET (Opposite Commercial Bank) And at 605 GEORGE-ST., SYDNEY.[12]

ELECTRIC LIGHT INSTALLATIONS. GET OUR PRICE FOR YOUR ALTERATIONS OR RE-WIRING FOR THE NEW SYSTEM. Our Work is Guaranteed to Pass the Underwriters and Council. COUNTRY HOUSE LIGHTING SETS. Fitted Complete. Safe and Reliable. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. Electrical Utilities Supply Co., BURROWA STREET, YOUNG (Opp. Commercial Bank) And at 605 GEORGE-ST., SYDNEY.[13]

SHIRE COUNCIL. The Burrangong Shire Council held the usual monthly meeting at the Council Chambers on Saturday last. Present: Cr. William Browne (President), and Councillors Crichton, Taylor, Thackeray and Davis. Correspondence was read as follows: . . . . From Electrical Utilities Supply Co. tendering for the rewiring, and refitting, and quoting charge £8 7s.— Received. From Municipal Council, Young, quoting £5 10/ for rewiring and refitting installation, and advising Council to obtain advice from responsible officers of their Council before having anything done by other tenderers.— Received. Resolved that the tender of the Commonwealth E. S. Coy. for rewiring office be accepted.— Carried.[14]

IMPORT ENTRIES. Passed at HIS MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS. August 28. Note.— The letters in the right-hand columns indicate the country whence the goods were imported, as shown in the entries: E for England, F for France, G for Germany, A for America, C for China, etc. . . . . Electrical Goods. Kelly's Motors, Ltd., 1 cs electric lamps, A; Electrical Utilities Supply Co., 3 cs dry batteries, A; Sundry Importers, 5 cs electric goods, E.[15]

POSITIONS VACANT. . . . . ELECTRICAL — Smart LAD wanted. Electrical Utilities Supply Co., 605 George-st.[16]

FOR SALE. . . . . SHOWMEN. Electrical Spot Light, with Arc complete, £4/10/; Holders and Wire ready to erect, 1/ per ft. Electrical Utilities Supply, 605 George-st.[17]

MACHINERY. MOTORS, 1-6th to 5 h.p., D.C., ½ to 3 h.p. A.C.; Dynamos, all sizes. Electrical Utilities, 605 Geo.-st.[18]

IMPORT ENTRIES. Passed at HIS MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS. May 23. Note.— The letters in the right-hand columns indicate the country whence the goods were imported, as shown in the entries: E for England, F for France, G for Germany, A for America, C for China, etc. . . . . Electric Utilities Supply Co., 1 cs, lamps, A.[19]

MOTOR CARS, BICYCLES, ETC. RED SEAL Dry Cells, 2/5; Accumulators, all sizes. Electrical Utilities Supply Co., 605 George-st.[20]

MACHINERY. ELECTRIC Motors, small sizes, A.C. and D.C., small Dynamos, bought for cash. Electrical Utilities Supply Co., 605 George-street.[21]

FOR SALE. ELECTRIC Hair Dryers for Hairdressers, hot and cold blast, best make, £3/15/; Electric Mixers for drink fountains, £6/12/; Elec. Fans, Oscillating and Plain, new and s.h. Elec. Utilities Sup. Co., 605 Geo.-st. WESCO Dry Cells, full amperage, 2/ each; Red Seal Dry Cells, best for ignition, 2/5 each; Electric Lanterns, for safety, 9/6 each. ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY CO., 605 George-st. DEAF PEOPLE.— We are now booking orders for delivery for the Portophone. This wonderful instrument is the greatest aid to the deaf ever invented. Let us show you a Sample at ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY CO.; 605 George-st.[22]

IMPORT ENTRIES. Passed at HIS MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS February 5. . . . Electric Utilities Supply Co, 1 cs, electric batteries, A.[23]

MEDICAL, CHEMICALS, ETC. . . . . DEAF PEOPLE.— The Portophone assists those hard of hearing. It is guaranteed 5 years. Write us for information. Electrical Utilities Supply, 605 George-st.[24]

IMPORT ENTRIES. Passed at HIS MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS. April 22. . . . Note.— The letters in the right-hand columns indicate the country whence the goods were imported, as shown in the entries: E for England, F for France, A for America, C for China, etc. Electric Utilities Supply Co., 2 prcls, electros A.[25]

FOR SALE. DEAF PEOPLE, send us your name and address, and we will forward particulars of the Port-o-phone. It is the most scientific invention produced to assist the deaf. We send it out on free trial. Electrical Utilities Supply Co., 605 George-street. ELECTRIC TORCHES, guaranteed good quality, 4/6 and 5/6 each; complete Refills, 2/3 and 2/; best quality; trade supp. Elec. Utilities, 605 George-st. ELECTRIC MOTORS, small size, from 1/10 to 2 h.p., Dynamos, 6 volts, 12 volts, 25 volts. Plating, Dynamos, Spark Coils. Elec. Utilities Sup., 605 Geo.-st.[26]

MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS, 1.20 h.p., up to 5 h.p., small Dynamos, 6 volts, to 240 volts, small Petrol or Steam Engines, Voltmeters. Amperemeters, Coils. ELECTRIC UTILITIES SUPPLY CO., 605 George-street.[27]

IMPORT ENTRIES. Passed at HIS MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS. July 6. . . . Electrical Utilities Supply Co., 4 cs dry batteries, A; Electrical Utilities Supply Co., 3 prcls wire, A.[28]

HORSE, VEHICLES, LIVESTOCK. ELECTRIC Sulky Lamps, 22/6 each, complete with batteries; Accumulator Set, with 2 lamps, 89/ complete. Electrical Utilities Supply Co., 605 George-st.[29]

WANTED TO PURCHASE. DYNAMOS, small models, 6 to 240 volts, and small Motors bought for cash. ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY CO., 605 George-st.[30]


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"The Daily Telegraph" Two-line Advertisements. WIRELESS RADIO SETS, Valve and Crystal. RADIO HOUSE, 605 George Street. RADIO Head 'Phones to arrive. Book yours now at RADIO HOUSE, 605 George Street. RADIO CRYSTALS, guaranteed sensitive, 1/6 and 2/, Radio House, 605 George Street. HONEYCOMB COILS, Reflex make. Send for list. Radio House, 605 George Street. WIRELESS SETS. Make your own with parts from RADIO HOUSE, 605 George Street.[31]

EXCHANGE AND MART. Radio Sets. Make your own. List of parts from Radio House, 605 George Street, Sydney.[32]


Radio House. 605 George-street, has been registered as suppliers of radio and electrical apparatus.[34]

BROADCASTING. OPERATIONS IN OTHER STATES. CONCESSIONS GRANTED. Information was received officially in Sydney yesterday to the effect that the Postmaster-General has agreed to allot a band of wave lengths from 250 metres to 550 metres to certain persons interested in wireless in Melbourne, Brisbane, and Western Australia, and who desire to provide free broadcasting services. Some little time ago Melbourne retailers pointed out to the authorities that they wished to erect a broadcasting station, provide broadcasting programmes nightly, and make no charge to those who wished to "listen in." They approached the Postmaster-General and asked that a band of wave lengths be granted and that these range from 250 metres, which is the limit of experimental wave lengths, to 550 metres, which is below the length used by both ship and shore commercial stations. The object of the wireless traders in making the application was to attempt to adopt the American system of broadcasting, providing the service free of charge, and looking to an increased sale of apparatus to defray the cost of maintaining the station. The decision of the authorities to grant the band of wave lengths asked for by the companies will have a far reaching effect, inasmuch as it will mean that all broadcast listeners will be placed on an equal footing with amateurs as far as "listening-in" on wave lengths up to 550 metres is concerned. The receivers, which will be offered for sale, will be so constructed as to respond to both amateur and broadcast wave lengths, but will be sealed at 550 metres so that any services provided by other broadcast companies on higher wave lengths will not be heard unless the apparatus is deliberately tampered with. The authorities have made certain stipulations regarding the number of companies operating, but those do not in any way interfere with the objects which the retailers hope to achieve. Mr. A. J. Wilkins, who represents six of the Melbourne retailers, arrived in Sydney yesterday, to try and organise a similar movement in Sydney. In referring to the service last night, Mr. Wilkins stated that a strong demand for radio apparatus was being experienced. Dealers in Victoria were of the opinion that it would pay them to carry out a free broadcasting service. His attention was drawn to the fact that the wave lengths, which have been allotted to the free broadcasting service, include two commercial wave lengths, 300 metres and 450 metres. It was pointed out that as ship traffic is occasionally worked on those wave lengths, broadcast listeners with a knowledge of code might be enabled to overhear commercial messages. As no broadcast listener is asked to make a declaration of secrecy regarding wireless communications, it was suggested that a serious leakage of information might occur and that some steps should be taken to compel all listeners to take the necessary declaration. In reply, Mr. Wilkins pointed out that this matter had been considered by the dealers themselves, and also by the Government, and that it was probable that a declaration would be asked for from all who desired to use instruments responding to the free service. It was also pointed out that a grave injustice would be done to other commercial broadcast concerns if types of receivers employing what are known as honeycomb coils were used. Those coils are of various sizes, according to the wave lengths, which it is desired to receive, and the range of the station may be altered by readjusting these coils which plug into sockets in the set in a manner similar to that in which the ordinary electric light into an adapter. Mr. Wilkins replied that it was not the intention of the retailers to offer for sale apparatus of this nature which could not be effectively sealed and which might enable other companies' services to be "pirated." MELBOURNE, Monday. Many applications have been received by the Postmaster-General (Mr. Gibson) for the establishment of broadcasting stations under the wireless regulations. Farmer and Company, Ltd., of Sydney, is the first firm to be granted a broadcasting licence for New South Wales. It is understood that the company is organising a system of broadcasting news and concert programmes at low rates of subscription. The plant being erected in Sydney for this purpose will, it is understood, cost £16,000. Farmer and Company, Ltd., has also applied for a broadcasting license in Victoria to establish a similar news and concert service.[35]

Amateur, VK2IY, Stephenson (sic), CV, 1924 00 00, Randwick, 2031, NSW, 2IY, Kurrajong Radio Museum[36]

WIRELESS WALLS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD. Sir,— Replying to Captain Marks' letter in your issue of September 15, he will be pleased to know that the radio dealers have now made a definite move to have the sealed set regulations repealed, and a committee appointed at a general meeting of radio traders on Thursday last, has under consideration several schemes, from which will be evolved a workable scheme, to be placed before the association tor the development of wireless in Australasia, on Tuesday next. This association will take immediate steps to get the present impossible situation relieved. The report published in your issue of Thursday, to which Captain Marks refers, was evidently intended to convey the idea that a free band to 550 meters was being asked for, as the Melbourne dealers are in exactly the same position as the Sydney firms, and a 250 meter limit would be absolutely useless. Unfortunately the Government started the sealed set regulations with a 10/ charge for administration. With the limited number of licenses likely to be issued under the sealed set arrangement, this amount may have been considered necessary; but if new regulations, acceptable to the public, are substituted, the number of licenses that will be issued will be in the vicinity of 500,000 for the Common-wealth. Such being the case, not more than 5/ per licence should be retained for administration. In Canada and New Zealand 5/ per license is the amount retained by the Government, and it should be ample in Australia. The success of any new scheme depends upon the amount charged for the license in the first place. If this amount does not exceed £1 there is no doubt of its success, taking the British returns as a criterion. If £1 is insufficient to cover the cost of broadcasting, an additional tax of 4/ per valve will easily provide the necessary revenue to subsidise the broadcasting companies. The radio dealers have waited patiently for the sealed set, and now that it is here, the public will have none of it. I am, etc., CECIL V. STEVENSON, Radio House, 619 George-street, Sydney. Feb. 16.[37]

More Broadcasting Stations. There is every prospect that before long there will be several B class broadcasting stations operating in or near Melbourne. Under the wireless regulations provision is made for the licensing of B class stations to carry on a broadcasting service of which the operators bear the full cost without sharing in the revenue derived from licensee fees. About six applications to commence services of this nature have been made to the Postmaster General's department, and are now under consideration. It is understood that only three licenses will be granted for Victoria, and that the powers to be used will be considerably lower than the power of 3LO. The wave lengths to be allotted will probably be between 250 and 500 metres, and under favourable conditions the station should be capable of supplying a satisfactory service to every part of the State. At the present time many experimental transmitters using telephony can be heard at distances of 500 miles on loud speakers when using only 10 or 15 watts input, and it may confidently be expected that B class stations operating on a power of several hundred watts or even less will supply programmes which will be welcomed by listeners as providing an alternative to the programmes transmitted from the A class stations. For instance, a listener desiring to obtain dance music might receive it from a B class station when one of the A class stations is transmitting a theatrical performance, and the other a vocal programme. In allotting B class licenses it would be well if the department would consider the claims of listeners in country districts possessing relatively insensitive receivers. A B class service would undoubtedly be very welcome in each of the large provincial towns of the State if any of the dealers in these towns was prepared to instal the apparatus and country stations would greatly increase the sphere of broadcasting in Victoria. As the allocation of license fees would not be altered by the operation of provincial stations, arrangements could probably be made for the retransmission of the programme from the A class stations in Melbourne, so bringing the Melbourne theatres and halls indirectly in touch with distant residents possessing only receivers incapable of giving loud response to the A class stations.[38]

SIX NEW STATIONS. More Broadcasting. NEWCASTLE TO BENEFIT. New South Wales is soon to have six new broadcasting stations. The Postmaster-General's Department has granted licences to ten new stations in the Commonwealth, six of which will be in this State. The new licenses will be of the "B" class, which means that the stations will undertake to supply a service without receiving a share of the revenue received from license fees. Following are the licensees of the New South Wales stations:— Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd., Sydney. Burgin EIectric, Co., Ltd., Sydney. Electrical Utilities, Sydney. H. A. Douglas, Newcastle. Broadcasters (Sydney), Ltd., relay station at Newcastle. Riverina Wireless Supplies, Wagga. The wave lengths for these stations are all under 550 metres. Of the stations in other States, two will be in Adelaide, one at Mildura, and the other at Wangaratta.[39]

WIRELESS. "B" Class Stations. SIX FOR N.S.W. A series of six "B" class wireless stations is to be established in this State by firms interested in the sale of wireless material. These stations will be distinct from the existing two "A" class stations, in that they will not receive any portion of the 35/ paid for each receiver's license. Their return will be indirect, in the form of advertisement for themselves and stimulation of trade in radio goods. The new stations will operate on wave lengths below 560 metres. Of the following six firms to whom licenses have just been granted, one already has a station in operation (the Burgin Electric Co.); — Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd., Sydney; Burgin Electric Co., Ltd., Sydney; Electrical Utilities, Sydney; H. A. Douglas, Newcastle; Broadcasters (Sydney), Ltd., relay station at Newcastle; Riverina Wireless Supplies, Wagga. The regulations provide for the payment of a fee of £5 annually for a "B" class broadcaster's license.[40]

FOR NEWCASTLE. Wireless Broadcasting. EARLY OPENING. A wireless broadcasting station is to be established in Newcastle in about three months' time. It will be a branch of Broadcasters (Sydney), Ltd., of which Mr. N. P. Olsen is the local agent. The Sydney station is at present operating with a 500 watt set, but a 7,500 watt one is now on its way to Australia. When this arrives the 500 watt set will be transferred to Newcastle. Neither the location of the new plant nor the wave length has yet been decided, but it is considered probable that the latter will be low. The station will have an effective range of about 25 miles, though it will, of course, be capable of being picked up at much greater distances under favorable conditions. The Sydney programme will be relayed, while any entertainments of note in Newcastle may also be broadcasted. The license will be the "B" class, which means that the station will not receive any portion of the 35s, paid for each receiver's license. It is possible that a second "B" class station may be opened in Newcastle by Mr. H. A. Douglas, while four other stations may be opened in the State, three in Sydney and one at Wagga.[41]

Amateur, VK2IY, Stephenson (sic), CV, 1925 00 00, Storey & Everett Sts, Randwick, 2031, NSW, 2IY, Kurrajong Radio Museum[42]

QUESTIONS ANSWERED. R.G.V., Botany, writes: "Can you tell me name of station 2UE, and its wave length? Using spider-web coils on a crystal set I got a lot of inter-ruption from this station, when work-ing with the coil for 2BL. Do you think a variable condenser would help, and if so, what capacity?" Station 2UE is conducted by Radio House, George-street, Sydney, and its wave length is approximately 250 metres. Its station is at Randwick. Living at Botany, there seems no reason why you should get interfer-ence from this station. If your set uses two spider-web coils inductively coupled together, a variable conden-ser across the secondary (the 'phone circuit) would help. Otherwise, put one in series with the aerial. Its capacity, while not of great import-ance, could be .0005 mfds. If only one coil is used, you might improve matters by winding it with heavier wire — say No. 24 gauge. The article at the head of this page should assist you.[43]

RADIO. Useful Hints for Amateurs. (Conducted by R. M. D.) Here is an excellent method for improving the selectivity of the crystal set. . . . Besides getting Farmer's and Broadcasters, several amateurs came through splendidly, especially 2UE, Radio House, Sydney, which provides an excellent programme.[44]

The following illustrates that a month after formal commencement of service by 2UE as a B Class station, listeners-in continued to identify the station as an amateur broadcasting station. They could not understand why it did not cease transmissions while the A Class stations were on-air, an informal arrangement between the WIA and broadcasters since the commencement of high power broadcasting services. The interference to 2BL, is simply explained in correspondence with the Radio Inspector, 2UE's transmitter frequency drift was phenomenal:

QUESTIONS ANSWERED. "Coogee," of that suburb, writes:— "I have a selective three-coil set, which cuts out 2ZN (a few hundred yards away), but which fails to eliminate 2UE when I am on 2BL's wave length. Would you please tell me: (1) Is there anything to prevent 2UE using more than 290 metres — that is, what check is there upon his wave length? (2) Is there any compulsory closed hours for amateur transmitters? This station goes strong between 9 and 10 on Sunday night. (3) Who is the radio inspector, and where can I find him?" If you can eliminate 2ZN, one of the loudest amateurs on the air, you should certainly be able to tune out 2UE, which now is a "B" class broadcasting station. (1) There would appear to be something wrong with your set; 2UE, as a broadcaster, has to conform to a fixed wave length, absolutely sharp tuning, and general efficient working. (2) As 2UE is a broadcasting station, he can go when he likes; in any case, there is no law preventing amateurs from going at any time. The fact that very few transmit between 8 and 10 p.m. is due to courtesy on the part of the majority of amateur transmitters, an arrangement which was made some time ago. (3) The State radio inspector is Mr. W. Crawford, Engineers' Construction Branch, Macdonell House, Pitt-street, Sydney.[45]

ANOTHER EXPERT OPINION ABOUT VALVES. STATION 2UE SAYS : "Re True Blue Valves" "Having received some of these Valves from you, we proceeded to test them. We considered the most SEVERE TEST we could give would be to use them as Amplifiers IN CONNECTION WITH OUR TRANSMITTER at Radio Station 2UE. This we proceeded to do, and are now perfectly satisfied, from the numerous reports on the quality of our music, THAT THESE VALVES AMPLIFY WITHOUT DISTORTION. We also find there is an ABSENCE OF MICROPHONIC NOISE. We find these Valves function at MAXIMUM AMPLIFICATION AT MUCH BELOW THEIR RATED FILAMENT VOLTAGE, and are altogether satisfied they fulfil the claims made for them by the Makers. -Yours faithfully, Electrical Utilities Supply Co. (Radio House, 619 George Street)." TRUE BLUES ARE OBTAINABLE from most Dealers, including:- Wireless Supplies, Royal Arcade; Radio House, 619 George Street; E. R. Cullen. 96 Bathurst Street; Farmer's; Hordern's; Murdoch's; Mick Simmons'; Colville-Moore; Electricity House; Ramsay Sharp, 217 George Street North. DON'T BLAME STATIC FOR MICROPHONIC VALVE NOISES. TRUE BLUES WILL IMPROVE YOUR SET IMMENSELY, AND ARE CHEAPEST IN THE LONG RUN. GALLICURCI Is coming; get ready. TAKE TWO HOME TO-NIGHT, AND HEAR MUSIC INSTEAD OF NOISE. Sole Agents: PARSONS & WHITTEMORE LTD., 30 Market Street, Sydney.[46]

BIG COMPETITION -- Open to all Listeners-in. A MYSTERY PROGRAMME FROM STATION 2UE (293 METRES). ON Sunday, July 5th, at 12.45 p.m. and 9.40 p.m., a mystery programme will be broadcast from Station 2UE on 293 metres. The numbers transmitted (most of which will be popular) will simply be announced by numbers, and listeners-in are invited to identify the numbers transmitted. There is no entry fee and no special form to fill in. Those competing should forward a list in the correct order to the "Wireless Weekly," No. 12/16 Regent Street, or Radio House, 619 George Street, Sydney. PRIZES.-First Prize, "Superior" Electric Iron (donated by Radio House). Second Prize, one G. & R. Valve (donated by Radio House). Third Prize, two Coil Vernier Holder ( donated by Fox and Macgillycuddy Ltd.). Ten Consolation Prizes of one KGO Crystal. CONDITIONS. (1) Entries close on Wednesday, July 8th, at midday. (2) Write your list clearly, giving the number of. the item and then the name. (3) If you cannot identify every number, send in as many as you can. (4) Enclose your name and address, and mark on the envelope "Mystery Programme." (5) The prizes will be awarded to the first correct or nearest correct one opened. EVERYBODY MAY ENTER. TUNE IN TO 293 METRES.[47]

RADIO HOUSE. 293 Metres. Call Sign 2UE. A vocal and musical programme every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, from 8.30 p.m. till 11.30 p.m.[48]

RADIO HOUSE. 293 Metres. Call sign 2UE. A vocal and musical programme every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, from 8.30 p.m. till 11.30 p.m.[49]

RADIO HOUSE. 293 Metres. Call sign 2UE. A vocal and musical programme every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, from 8.30 p.m. till 11.30 p.m.[50]

AMATEUR STATION TRANSMISSION. When a broadcast listener tunes in to an amateur or B class station, do they ever realise what a boost these amateur transmitters are to radio in general? Without any subsidy or income of any kind they bear the cost of erection, upkeep of a broadcast station, and supply programmes of a very high order, mostly gramophone music, admitted, but is well worth listening to. Two stations in New South Wales which deserve special mention are 2NW (sic, 2UW), operated by Mr. Otto Sandell, of Sandell's Radio, Elizabeth Street. Sydney; and 2WE (sic, 2UE), operated by Mr. R. Stephenson, of Radio House, 619 George Street, Sydney. Both these amateurs have done much to create enthusiasm in the radio world.[51]

THE WIRELESS COMMISSION. Reason For Falling Off In Radio Licenses. Giving evidence at a further sitting of the Wireless Commission yesterday, Cecil V. Stevenson, a radio trader, blamed interference between stations for the falling off in radio licenses. About 20 per cent. of listeners were centred round two stations, he said, which could not be shut out with small sets. He suggested the removal of the stations to 20 miles outside the city to offset this difficulty. Another thing responsible for the falling off was the high license fee, which most people thought too much for the service they received. He thought radio would go ahead considerably if a license fee of 10/ was fixed on all sets.[52]


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WIRELESS. B Class Stations. VIEWS OF MR. BROWN. The B class broadcasting stations of Australia are protesting against what they regard as oppressive action on the part of the Postal Department. A few days ago a meeting of the Australian Federation of B Class Stations was held in Sydney, at which 2 GB, 2KY, 2UE, 2HD, 3DB, 3UZ, and 5KA were represented, when the grievances of the B broadcasting companies were discussed. Some of their complaints were brought under the notice of the Director of Postal Services (Mr. H. P. Brown) on Wednesday night, and he expressed his views with reference to them. The most important complaint of the owners of B stations is that they cannot obtain from the Postal Department an assurance of renewal of their licenses for more than a year, or at most 18 months. The department has made a practice of renewing a license for 12 months as it expires. The companies consider that this is unsatisfactory. They say that 75 per cent. of their business is done on a yearly basis, and that after a station has secured the renewal of its license it never has a clear 12 months ahead of it. Their contention is that as the stations are commercial enterprises the licenses should be renewed automatically, in the same way as the licenses of motor vehicles. Owners of B class stations also take exception to the increase in the charge for a B class license from £5 to £25 a year. Another complaint is that the Postal Department harasses them by allowing the impression to go out that the B stations may be taken over by the Government. This threat, they say, has been held over them for three or four years, and no definite statement of policy has ever been obtained from the Government, despite inquiries by the stations as to their position. Another grievance is in respect of copyright. The claims of the Australian Performing Right Association on B class stations for the use of copyright music for broadcasting are regarded by the stations as excessive. They have asked the Government for an assurance that it will protect them, but have not obtained it so far. In the opinion of Mr. Brown there is another side to the question, and one that he considers very vital. One of the greatest difficulties that confront the Government, said Mr. Brown, was with respect to the creation of big vested rights in a license. It was, however, not a matter for him to dogmatise on, but a question for determination by the Government. The function of the Post Office Department, he added, was to see that the policy of the Government was carried out. "There is already a feeling in certain quarters," said Mr. Brown, "that those who are in possession of the licenses have a considerable pull over others who would like to operate B class stations, but who cannot obtain a license because only a limited number of wave lengths can be made available for B class stations." Referring to the complaint about the increased license fee, he said that the B class stations, generally speaking, were profit-earning concerns. The department had certain duties to perform in regard to those stations, and there was no reason why the department should undertake those duties at a considerable loss and throw the burden on to other people. Asked whether the request of the Council of the Churches for a B class license was likely to be granted, Mr. Brown said that the Postmaster-General (Mr. Lyons) was very anxious that the churches should be granted a license, and the matter was being very carefully inquired into. It was entirely a technical question. The point at issue was the safeguarding of the listeners' interests. Unless great care was exercised it might easily happen that the number of stations on the air would cause serious difficulty to listeners, who would not be able to get efficient service from the different stations which they desired to tune in. The department's only concern in the matter was to do what it believed was essential to safeguard the interests of the listeners. After all was said and done, the broadcasting service was provided for the listeners and not for the benefit of others.[53]

In Equity. (Before Mr. Justice Long Innes.) ALLEGED COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Australasian Performing Rights Association v Stevenson. This was an ex parte application by Mr. H. H. Mason (instructed by Messrs. Percy L. Williamson and Co.) on behalf of the plaintiff in the suit of the Australasian Performing Rights Association, Limited, v Cecil Vincent Stevenson, of Station 2UE, for an injunction restraining the defendant, his servants, and agents from infringing the copyright of the plaintiff in the musical work "Blue Heaven." His Honor granted an injunction until the 14th instant, restraining the defendant from infringing the plaintiff's copyright in the said work, with leave to move to continue it on that day, the defendant to be at liberty to move to dissolve the injunction on one hour's notice.[54]

DIRECTOR OF G.P.O. AND THE B STATIONS. ATTACK ON 2KY AND 2UE. PROCESS OF STRANGULATION. FROM the point of view of the Australian Labor Movement, the policy of Mr. H. P. Brown, Director of Postal Services, toward the Labor broadcasting station 2KY, and the other B class stations, is as anti-Australian as is his policy of importing men and materials in preference to the Australian article. This paper does not claim preferential treatment for 2KY over other stations. Every listener to the broadcasting programmes is agreed that the fare offered by the A class stations is not so wonderful, but that a welcome change is afforded by 2KY and the other B stations. Mr. Brown's policy is clearly directed toward the suppression of these stations, 2KY in particular. Why? Simply to strengthen his own authority. The committee which controls 2KY has always declined to knuckle down to the dictatorial methods of the Director of Postal Services, and has stood in the way of his becoming the absolute Napoleon of the wireless world. The licensees of 2KY, 2 GB, 2UE, and 2UW were originally granted for a period of five years, a fee of £5 a year being charged by the department — for nothing in particular — in connection with the license. Treatment of 2UE. At the beginning of last year the license of 2UE ran out. Six months before, the proprietor of that station communicated with Mr. Brown's department asking for a renewal. Such a request was considered a matter of form, but when dealing with Mr. Brown, nothing can be taken for granted. It happens that 2UE, which has always been one of the most attractive broadcasting stations on the air, had just made an arrangement to broadcast the services of a particular religious denomination. Naturally, 2UE wished to make early arrangements for the continuance of this service, and its other regular broadcast features. But do you think Mr. Brown would say whether the station would be allowed to continue after the expiration of the license? No; he would not. He simply did not answer 2UE's letters or merely stated that the matter was receiving consideration. Time passed; 2UE was anxious to improve his broadcasting service (which, be it remembered, costs the listener-in nothing) by building a new studio. He waited as long as he could, and then had the work carried out. Still Mr. Brown's department vouchsafed no reply as to whether the license would be renewed or not, and on the day the license actually expired 2UE opened the new studio. License Period Cut Down. The pressure on Mr. Brown from the B class stations and the listening public was sufficiently strong to force a renewal of the license, but it was not until after the station had reached the end of its term that the formal permission to continue was granted. Even then Mr. Brown did not grant 2UE the five years' license which it had enjoyed originally, but renewed the license for twelve months only. Moreover, he now made a charge of £25 a year instead of £5 — no special reason being offered. The same was done in regard to the Labor station. There was method in Mr. Brown's action: by renewing the license of 2KY and 2UE for twelve months only, he prevented those stations from guaranteeing a twelve months contract with their advertisers. All listeners understand that only with the co-operation of their advertisers can 2KY and the other B class stations remain on the air; also that practically the whole of the advertising contracts with the B class stations are made for a year at a time. Action Resisted. This was a definite act of aggression, but the Trades Hall was not to be intimidated. Had the director had his way, 2KY would by now have been forced off the air, but this paper is in a position to state that the committee which controls the Labor station had determined, whatever Mr. Brown had done, that it would keep 2KY in action. Reduced Wavelengths. Further evidence of Mr. Brown's hostility the B class stations is shown by his declaration that they must operate on reduced wavelengths. Again one naturally asks the reason. Technically, there is no reason whatever — on the contrary, there are reasons against this policy, and the only explanation which is apparent is that by forcing the wavelength of 2KY and the others down to the point which Mr. Brown considers desirable, these stations would be placed beyond the reach of most listeners. Mr. Brown has declared his policy to have the B class stations reduced in wavelength to something between 250 and 200 metres. Every listener knows that the average set will not operate efficiently on this wave-band, and that a receiver works best if it is not required to cover such a wide band as Mr. Brown has in mind. Had the director succeeded in bringing his policy into effect, therefore, the Trades Hall would no longer have had adequate representation on the air. The remaining B class stations in Sydney would also have been greatly handicapped in contributing their programmes to the entertainment of radio listeners. It is not a matter of wonder, therefore, that the Federation of B class Broadcasting Stations has been formed to resist Mr. Brown's attacks. Mr. Brown succeeded in enforcing his will in regard to the Newcastle station 2HD, which he has practically strangled. That is a story in itself, which will be revealed in a future issue.[55]

NSW BDM Marriage Record: Registration Number: 11626/1931; Groom's Family Name: STEVENSON; Groom's Given Name(s): MURRAY H; Bride's Family Name(s): CRAWFORD; Bride's Given Name(s): HELEN M; District: SYDNEY.[56]

WIRELESS FROM LILLI PILLI. New Station Described. Station 2UE will transmit its inaugural wireless broadcast programme on new high power on Sunday, October 2nd. Extensive tests have been carried out and have proved completely satisfactory. The towers of 2UE's new transmitter at Lilli Pilli, Port Hacking, are of steel, each 200 feet high. Their design is unusual, and was conceived partly from plans adopted by the British Broadcasting Corporation, but mostly from Australian data and experience. When the aerial was swung, the tops of the masts moved in 7-16th of an inch each. Their rigidity is considered remarkable; it was expected that the stress would cause them to move 1½ inches each. There are 40 tons of concrete at the base of each tower. In some places the concrete goes below the surface to a distance of 10 feet. Under these foundations there is solid rock, so that the masts could hardly have more solid footings. The ends of the aerial point north-east, south-west; one out to sea, and the other to the sparsely-populated country to the south-west. Thus, should there be any dead spots, caused by absorption by the mass of steel in each mast of the radio impulses, these will occur in parts with few listeners. It is anticipated, however, that there will be no dead areas. The site is 600 feet above sea-level. The modulation system of the new transmitter is new to Australia. The method employed is one of the latest developments in America. This uses two UX210 Radiotron power amplifying valves in push-pull, which modulate another pair of UX210 Radiotron radiofrequency amplifiers, also in push-pull. Several more stages of amplification follow, utilising high power radiofrequency valves. A large water-cooled Western Electric transmitting valve constitutes the final stage. This passes a 4000-watts signal into the aerial. Three push buttons in the main control panel, operate the transmitter. Number 1 starts the rotary machinery (three motor generators and water supply pump) and applies grid bias to the valves. Number 2 lights the filaments of all the valves. Number 3 applies 4000 volts high tension to the transmitting tube, and lower high tension voltages to the smaller valves. Interlocking devices are used in conjunction with the three starter buttons, so that they must be pushed in one, two, three order. If, for any reason, number one should fail to operate, the water did not circulate, or the bias was not applied to the valves, number two and three would not operate. Similarly, number three would be inoperative if number two failed to light the filaments because of a broken connection or the burning out of a valve. Those devices are designed for the protection of apparatus and operators. Water conducts away from the plate and filament heat equal to that of five electric radiators or 5000 watts of energy, mostly heat and the rest light. The Sutherland Shire Council has built a special supply station to ensure power. The towers themselves are entirely self-supporting, using, no guy ropes or cables. Mr. C. V. Stevenson, managing director of 2UE and Mr. Murray Stevenson, his son, are the technical engineers responsible for the erection of the new station. The actual building at Lilli Pilli consists of a large room for the generator motor pump and other machinery, and also transmitting and engineer's room, all of which have been constructed so as to permit of the installation of additional machinery as required. To obviate absorption of the aerial output, as little metal as possible was used in the construction. The walls are of "Prestwood," and the roof of tiles. Special attention has been given to ventilation. The heat from the transmitting valves is drawn through the ceiling, and dispersed by a cross current of cool air. Generators are set on an island floor, so that vibration will not be transmitted to other parts of the building. The T-shaped aerial goes out through the roofs, and is counterpoised eight feet from the ground. The aerial mast will bear a strain of one ton. Station 2UE first came into existence on January 26th, 1924 (sic, 1925); and was the first "B" Class Station in the Commonwealth. It had a power of five watts, and on 293 metres was heard in Melbourne and Brisbane, although it was primarily created for the metropolitan area of Sydney. Twelve months later, it increased its power to twenty watts, and a year later it increased the power to one hundred watts. With the Eucharistic Congress in 1928, 2UE was permitted a power of 500 watts. With the completion of the new station, 2UE has doubled its official power, but by the use of thoroughly new and modern equipment, it will have an aerial radiation capable of six times its former power. 2UE, incidentally, is the only B Class Station situated on the southern side of Sydney. The transmission of the programme on October 2nd will take place from 2UE's new studios, at 300 Pitt Street, formerly known as "Pacific House," but now renamed "Radio House." The studios and offices are situated on the 6th floor, overlooking Pitt Street. No. 1 Studio is large enough to accommodate an orchestra of 20, and the ceiling and walls have been treated with a combination of Celotex and Fibreboard, which will effectively prevent echo, and yet will not muffle the transmission. A very pleasing effect has been gained by the use of bevelled cover strips and stencilled ornamentation in the wall panels. No. 2 Studio is similarly treated, but is smaller in size and will be used for "talks" and announcing between band or orchestra items from No. 1 Studio. Considerable attention has been paid to the sound-proofing of the partitions dividing the studios and control room, so that the operator may hear the transmission through a loud speaker without being confused with the sound coming from either studio. The control room is exceptionally large and well-lighted, and the windows over looking the studios are triple plate glass. The operator will be in direct touch by interphones with all departments, and there is provision for 50 direct lines to all the principal theatres, racecourses, stadiums, and dance halls, also to Brisbane, Melbourne, and Adelaide for relay purposes. Convenient to the studios are the music library and record room, where over 5000 records are available for instant use. In future, all transmission will be from or through 2UE's City Studios, and after being conveyed by a special land line to Lilli Pilli, will be "put on the air" at the new modern station.[57]

BROADCASTING. WAVELENGTH CHANGES. EFFECTIVE IN SEPTEMBER. The wavelength and frequencies allotted to the majority of the national and commercial broadcasting stations of Australia will be changed on September 1. Details of the alterations were announced by the Postmaster-General's Department yesterday. 2FC will move from 451 metres (665 k.c.) to 492 metres (610 k.c.). 2BL's new allocation will be 405 metres (740 k.c.). 2 GB will move from 316 metres (950 k.c.) to 345 metres (870 k.c.), and 2UE will move up to occupy the channel which will be vacated by 2 GB, 2KY will move up to 294 metres (1020 k.c.), and 2UW will move to 270 metres (1110 k.c.), 2CH will change to 252 metres (1190 k.c.), 2SM will retain its existing position — 236 metres (1270 k.c.) There have also been alterations, some of them considerable in the channels occupied by the national and commercial stations of the other States. The department has given notice to all stations concerned that alterations and adjustments to their transmitters must be completed so that a simultaneous change over to the new conditions can be made on September 1. It is stated that the re-allocations of channels was essential owing to the establishment of new stations. The alterations will not affect receiving sets in any way as all the stations are within the same band of wavelengths, but users of receivers which have the station call signs permanently engraved on the dials according to the present plan will be inconvenienced as in the majority of instances under the new plan, the present markings will be well out of position.[58]

COMPANIES REGISTERED. Registration in New South Wales has been effected by the following companies:— . . . Radio House Pty., Ltd. (July 13), nominal capital £5000 in £1 shares. Objects: To acquire the business carried on under the style of "Radio House," incorporating Electrical Utilities Supply Co., at 295 Pitt-street and 6 Royal Arcade, Sydney, and to enter into an agreement, &c. First director: Cecil V. Stevenson.[59]

NEW COMPANIES. . . . . ARGOSY FILMS, LIMITED.— £50,000, in £1 shares; picture producers, etc. Subs.: Frederick Daniell, George B. Bennett, Ronald H. Wolff, Cecil V. Stevenson, Noel Monkman, Harold L. Gray, and Joseph A. Byron (one share each). Reg. office, Sydney.


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NEW TRANSMITTER AERIALS The practice of installing transmitting aerials on top of buildings in which the broadcasting station's studios are situated, has been more widespread in Melbourne than here in Sydney; in fact until late last year 3AK was the only commercial station in Melbourne to install an aerial outside the city. In November, however, 3AW installed a new 2 kw transmitter and aerial system at Alphington (a suburb of Melbourne) in an attempt to improve reception of their transmitter. Here in Sydney, after erecting a new mast above their Market Street studios, 2UW has not found it as effective as anticipated, and is now finishing off yet another aerial mast in the flat area near Homebush Bay, on the Parramatta River. This appears to be a particularly good area for radio transmission, as stations 2 GB and 2UE have already erected aerials in that district. In addition, station 2KY is in the process of constructing a new transmitter there in place of their present set up in use at French's Forest, whilst 2SM recently installed a new transmitter (2 kw) near Pennant Hills. Consequently after 2UW's move, 2CH will be the only remaining station in Sydney to employ an aerial from the top of their city studios, although it is understood that 2UW may still retain their city mast for use during the midnight to dawn period of transmission.[61]


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2UE's Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. Commercial radio will be 25 years old on Thursday. On January 26, 1925, Radio 2UE Sydney began operating as the first "B" class station in the Commonwealth, having been given a transmitting licence after reception experiments carried out the year before. By today's standards, it was a strange sort of radio. Recordings were broadcast by winding a gramophone and placing a microphone near the mouth of the horn. A special microphone was fitted into the casing of a grandfather clock to give listeners — if the clocks happened to be right! — the correct time signal. The first licence was issued in the name of Electrical Utilities, and the station's logical title should have been 2EU. But the announcers soon ran into trouble trying to say "2EU," so it became 2UE. When the station opened in January, 1925, there were 34,911 listeners' licences current throughout the Commonwealth. (Today the total is 1,982,530. 2UE's story had actually begun some time earlier. Long before people were beginning to sit with trance-like expressions, and headphones on their ears, or crouched in breathless huddles before the gaping horns of loudspeakers, Mr. C. V. Stevenson, of Sydney, began his experiments in radio transmission from a backyard workshop. He applied for a broadcast transmitting licence, with the sole object of advertising the electrical goods on sale in his shop. The first outside trader to advertise over 2UE was the local butcher at Maroubra! At the other end of the line, most people received only large chunks of crackling static, but the curiosity and interest of the public were not to be denied. Mr. Stevenson, who had been licensed to conduct experiments for receiving purposes only in 1922, was, at the beginning of 1925, authorised to transmit on a wave length of 175 metres. Today, in NSW, an estimated 1,000, 000 people listen to Saturday afternoon sporting broadcasts alone. In one of the Colgate-Palmolive broadcasts from 2UE, listeners were asked to submit an answer to the question, "What did the barmaid say to the butcher?" Over 250,000 replies were received — from all over Australia. A "Mystery Voice" contest was responsible for 40,000 entries. In any given week in Sydney, more than 1,000,000 people listen to 2UE. In 25 years, it has been a long march ahead, but, in the words of pioneer Stevenson, whose other claim to fame is that he was Australia's first commercial broadcast announcer: "The early days were ("The new social entertainment of radio listening" — a contemporary artist's drawing of 1925, the pioneer year of commercial radio in Australia.- Photo Caption) (The original staff of Radio 2UE — with the founder (Mr. C. V. Stevenson) second from the left, and announcer Si Meredith at the microphone. The others (l. to r.): Willa Hokin, Mrs. Filmer, Rex Shaw, Arthur Carr, Kath Hannabry, "Auntie Maude" (Mrs. Meredith).- Photo Caption) by no means free from their headaches." The next major step ahead with the Electrical Utilities was the erection of a powerful new transmitter at Lilli Pilli overlooking Port Hacking, with steel towers 180ft high, transmitting a 1000-watt signal from aerials 600ft above sea-level. In the span of little more than seven years, the number of radio listeners had jumped to 159,409 — and radio was rapidly becoming an integral part of home life. At the same time, 2UE opened new studios in Pitt Street, then the most modern in Australia. Radio "personalities" were now beginning to become household names. Mr. Stevenson himself was known as Uncle Hughie to thousands of Australians who had never heard his real name. Early broadcasts featured the famous operatic star, Toti dal Monte. Housewives began to swear by Auntie May (Mary Filmer), who was conducting pioneer women's sessions. Sporting deluge Meanwhile technical progress was also being made. Mr. Stevenson perfected the first electric phonograph pickup capable of taking radio broadcasting, and took the new medium another step closer toward today. His son Murray (now 2UE's chief engineer) designed the gadget that would automatically include the Observatory time signals in normal transmission circuits — and it was possible at last to pension off the old grandfather clock! Then 2UE became the first commercial station in the Southern Hemisphere to broadcast racing, and in 1938 it was decided to extend sporting coverage. Listeners were invited to suggest what sports should be broadcast. When 14,000 letters had been received, the management had to appeal to listeners to stop! Result of the canvass was a request by 89 per cent for complete racing coverage, plus a brief summary of all other sports. 44 races! The organisation behind this 2UE service, under Clif Cary and Ken Howard, is sometimes breathtaking. On one Saturday afternoon, between noon and 5 pm, there were 46 major races run in the Commonwealth. Radio 2UE was able to give live broadcasts of all but two, without overlap-ping — and provide a complete general sports coverage as well. From the stumbling splutterings of the backyard experiments of a quarter of a century ago, to the split-second efficiency of today's radio is a story of romance, adventure and excitement. Something of this spirit will be conveyed on 2UE's special Silver Anniversary Show, We Also Serve, which will be broadcast at 8 pm on Thursday. It has been devised and produced by ace producer Paul Jacklin — with some writing assistance from Ralph Petersen. It will be a "surprise" programme. Ahead of 2UE in its second quarter century lie many factors of immense importance — increased technical efficiency in radio, establishment of television, frequency modulation and, doubtless, new things yet undreamed of. Says the company's chairman of directors (Sir John Butters): "A full realisation of its duty as a public utility, and a readiness to explore new fields will ensure that Radio 2UE remains in the forefront. "The laurels of past achievemerits are not sedatives — they are incentives for further and constant effort in maintaining 2UE's position as the first commercial station."[62]

HOW THE STATE LOST ITS BIG CHANCE IN BROADCASTING. POLITICS FROM THE INSIDE. By J. T. LANG Former Premier of N.S.W. . . . LICENCE FEE ONCE £4 4s They were both A class stations, which only meant that they divided the revenue from licence fees. These fees at one time were as high as £4 4s. They were later reduced to 27s 6d a year, with smaller charges in the outer zones. Listeners living outside 400 miles distance from the station only had to pay 17s 6d. The catch was that they could only hear the station at night and then only occasionally when there was no static. A.W.A. received 4s from every licence fee for its patents, and the rest was divided between the two stations, 2FC getting 60 per cent and 2BL, for some unknown reason, only 40 per cent. The stations collected their own licence fees and then paid out to the Postal Department. That was the position when we took office in 1925. About that time, a number of people realised that there was provision in the Act for B class licences, which did not share in the listeners' payments. The first B licence was granted to Cecil Vincent Stevenson, of the Electrical Utility Supply Co. On Anniversary Day, 1925, his station, 2UE, went on the air from his home at Maroubra. It had a power of 250 watts, and he built it himself for £750. He did not accept advertising or pay artists. Including his own time, he later said that it cost him £9 a week to run the station. He had previously helped to build 2SB (later 2BL) and had one of the earliest experimental licences. He had also been a director of 2BL.[63]


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STEVENSON, Cecil Vincent, Death notice, 04FEB1963, Death, late of Port Hacking, Sydney Morning Herald, 05FEB1963[64]

NSW BDM Death Record: Name: STEVENSON, CECIL VINCENT; Registration Number: 4338/1963; Father's Given Name(s): UNKNOWN; Mother's Given Name(s): HARRIET; District: HURSTVILLE.[65]


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  1. NSW Dept. of Justice, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (2015-01-23). "Birth Record, Stevenson (Cecil Vincent)". Family History Search. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  2. [1]
  3. [2]
  4. NSW Dept. of Justice, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (2015-01-23). "Marriage Record, Stevenson (Cecil Vincent)". Family History Search. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  5. NSW Dept. of Justice, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (2015-01-23). "Birth Record, Stevenson (Murray H.)". Family History Search. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  6. NSW Dept. of Justice, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (2015-01-23). "Birth Record, Stevenson (Leslie K.)". Family History Search. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  7. NSW Dept. of Justice, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (2015-01-23). "Birth Record, Stevenson (Norman M.)". Family History Search. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  8. NSW Dept. of Justice, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (2015-01-23). "Birth Record, Stevenson (Evelyn M.)". Family History Search. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  9. "NSW State Archives, Index to Registers of Firms". NSW State Archives. Retrieved 2018-07-29.
  10. "Advertising". The Sun (New South Wales, Australia) (1576): p. 8. 16 July 1915. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221916317. Retrieved 28 July 2018. 
  11. "Advertising". The Lockhart Review And Oaklands Advertiser (New South Wales, Australia): p. 2 (Supplement to "Lockhart Review"). 22 September 1915. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article137896845. Retrieved 28 July 2018. 
  12. "Advertising". Young Witness (New South Wales, Australia): p. 2. 21 July 1916. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113630199. Retrieved 28 July 2018. 
  13. "Advertising". Young Witness (New South Wales, Australia): p. 3. 4 August 1916. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113630690. Retrieved 28 July 2018. 
  14. "SHIRE COUNCIL.". Young Witness (New South Wales, Australia): p. 4. 8 August 1916. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113630835. Retrieved 28 July 2018. 
  15. "IMPORT ENTRIES". Daily Commercial News And Shipping List (New South Wales, Australia) (7972): p. 2. 29 August 1916. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159254428. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  16. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (24,566): p. 25. 30 September 1916. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15676934. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  17. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (24,578): p. 24. 14 October 1916. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28102838. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  18. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (24,578): p. 23. 14 October 1916. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28102839. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  19. "IMPORT ENTRIES". Daily Commercial News And Shipping List (New South Wales, Australia) (9091): p. 2. 24 May 1917. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159411809. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  20. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (24,842): p. 5. 18 August 1917. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15749355. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  21. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (24,884): p. 3. 6 October 1917. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28100944. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  22. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (24,920): p. 10. 17 November 1917. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15738476. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  23. "IMPORT ENTRIES". Daily Commercial News And Shipping List (New South Wales, Australia) (9302): p. 3. 6 February 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159380854. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  24. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (25,021): p. 1. 16 March 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15781015. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
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  26. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (25,069): p. 15. 11 May 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15785826. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  27. "Advertising". The Sydney Morning Herald (New South Wales, Australia) (25,099): p. 10. 15 June 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15766008. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
  28. "IMPORT ENTRIES.". Daily Commercial News And Shipping List (New South Wales, Australia) (9422): p. 2. 8 July 1918. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159388703. Retrieved 29 July 2018. 
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