Hobo tourism/Overnight stays in long intercontinental journeys/Hostels

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Russian traveler Victor Pinchuk in the kitchen of hostel in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina (Photo from the book:Viktor Pinchuk «Two hundred days in Latin America»)

Hostel — an onject of accommodation, applies among others in the practice of hobo tourism. Widely used by western backpackers, popular among young people.

General information

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The hostel is a tourist accommodation, where in one room, called «dormitory» (should not be confused tourist dormitory and dormitory for students and gastarbeiters), can be located from four to twelve and more inhabitants. Bunk beds are usually used to save space, and the shower and toilet are outside the room. In some hostels guests are given breakfast (which is included in the price of accommodation) in the common dining room; regardless of the location on the globe, «dishes» always look traditional: toast bread, butter and jam in disposable packages, tea or coffee. Sometimes hostels have a kitchen where you can prepare meals using your own products

Where are they located?

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Hostels are usually located in large cities (including capitals), or places of interest by tourists. In small towns and villages, low-cost hotels targeting the local poor or a wide range of alternative methods may be an option.

Some features of hostels

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  • In some cases, the interior design and interior design of the hostels resembles a hippie commune, more often the interior is made in a classical style.
  • In the hostels reigns a special atmosphere, some internal microclimate of the community of backpackers, travelers and tourists. From the outside, it looks like there’s a large family living here.
  • Sometimes in hostels there are special "luggage storage", where everyone can leave their backpack — without any control from the staff, on trust. Or else things can be left anywhere — usually not stolen here.


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Accommodation in hostels will have to taste of those who love communication, noisy companies.

Practical example

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In Mexico City, for the same price, you can get a bed in the hostel or a separate room in the hotel (2015 information):

"Some will say that the amount is small, but for me $14 is expensive, so went to look for options. A friendly salesman from a small shop and his comrade advised to go to the end of the block, warning that if I did not find what was sought there, it would be useless to continue the search. Really, in the specified place "hidden" several hotels, where offered a separate rooms for the price of a bed in the hostel" [1].

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  1. Pinchuk, Viktor. Two hundred days in Latin America (in Russian). Russia: Brovko. p. 96. ISBN 978-5-9909912-0-0.