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Hobo tourism/Overnight stays in long intercontinental journeys/In Aboriginal dwellings

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
At the house of Bruneians (Pekan-Tutong, 2012)
At the house of Paraguayans (San Rafael del Paraná, 2014)

Staying at the an aborigines dwellings is a method used not only by hobo tourists, but also by backpackers, and sometimes by ordinary people (more often from among young people) who want to visit a particular country without large expenses. To achieve this goal, Hospitality exchange service are usually used, the participants of which offer foreigners accommodation for some time on their own living space.

But, if backpackers and "beginners" prefer to choose highly developed countries and large cities to visit, a traveler practicing hobo tourism can get to places around the globe where there is no Internet, and about the aforementioned service bobody knows. In this case, spontaneous acquaintances with local residents will help. Sometimes aborigines invite a wanderer to visit on their own initiative, but since this does not always happen, you can arrange an overnight stay with local residents yourself.

A guide to action

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To get things done, you need to know a few basic truths:

  • Rural residents are more likely to receive guests than city dwellers. Sometimes the villagers' dwellings do not have locks: there is nothing to steal. The probability that the owner of a comfortable apartment located in a major city of any country will invite one or more foreigners to his home is much lower, and in megacities it is close to zero.
  • The inhabitants of God-forsaken corners of the globe (in particular villages located on small islands) are bored by the lack of events. A foreigner from a distant country is the only way for them to communicate, an option to speak out.
  • In a rural area or a small town, you can, after waiting for the evening, independently knock on any dwelling, asking for a place under a canopy in the yard; with a negative result, repeating the action repeatedly.

Russian traveler Viktor Pinchuk, moving through the territory of Papua New Guinea (in 2013) for more than twenty days, never resorted to the services of hotels, during the entire period staying with the aborigines[1].

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Illustrations from books:
Pinchuk, Viktor "Six months by islands... and countries". — Simferopol: Brovko, 2016. — 216 p. — ISBN 978-5-9908234-0-2 (photo #1-3)
Pinchuk, Viktor "Two hundred days in Latin America". — Simferopol: Brovko, 2017. — 210 p. — ISBN 978-5-9909912-0-0 (photo #4)
Pinchuk, Viktor "Two months of wandering and 14 days behind bars". — Simferopol: Brovko, 2020. —116 p. — ISBN 978-5-9909912-5-5 (photo #5)


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  1. Pinchuk, Viktor. Six months by islands... and countries (in Russian). Russia: Brovko. p. 116 - 140. ISBN 978-5-9908234-0-2.