In an
-enriched category, if
is a kernel,
is a cokernel of
, then
is a kernel of
Proof: Let
be a kernel of
. Since
, and
is a cokernel of
, there exists
such that
. For all
such that
. Since
is a kernel of
factorizes uniquely through
In an abelian category, consider a sequence
The following conditions are equivalent:
is a cokernel of
is a kernel of
is a monomorphism and
is a cokernel of
is an epimorphism and
is a kernel of
Definition (short exact sequence):
We call
a short exact sequence if it satisfies any of the equivalent conditions above.
Proof: Suppose first that
is isomorphic to
via isomorphisms
. Then there exists
as in 1., since we may just define
has the required property since by definition of morphisms of chain complexes,
, and further
Suppose now that there does exist
so that
. Since
is a biproduct, it is in particular a product, so that
define a unique morphism
such that
, together with the identities on
, yields an isomorphism of chain complexes.
The equivalence of 2. and 3. is a dual statement to the equivalence of 1. and 3., whence it doesn't have to be proved separately.