How to Teach a Language/Consider Your Audience

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When teaching a language speakers of another, you need to consider who you're teaching to. Keep in mind that teaching philosophies and strategies

Because English is different from many languages, we have another chapter devoted specifically to teaching English. For the purpose of this article, we will assume that you are teaching your students Spanish, which as the reader is on the English Wikibooks, we assume is the language you're most likely to know.

Where are you?

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It makes a big difference whether you're in a country that speak your language or a country that doesn't. There's also a difference between being in a country that speaks the students' language, and a country that speaks neither their language, nor the language you're teaching (Spanish), but that's less important.

In your country

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Focus on vocabulary and on pronunciation. Grammar is less important than getting by, though you should still explain grammatical concepts.

You will also have to teach some idioms, mi media-niranja (my half orange, my love).

In another country

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In another country, you have more of a chance to focus on grammar. Trying building lessons around a grammatical point, but choose a context (for example a deli), and integrate vocabulary in every class except reviews. (Review classes should be rare.)

Who are your students?

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  1. How many do you have?
  2. How old are they?
  3. What level are they?

Why are you here?

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It matters why your students want to learn another language. If they want to travel to a foreign country, it's quite a different matter than if they plan to engage in business or espionage.