Human Physiology/Wish List
- In any chapter you could add a section called "In the News" and post a link to an online news article with a short description of the article (you could search science news websites, such as for appropriate articles).
- You could search Wiki commons for images related to specific topics in a chapter that you think should be illustrated.
- You could go through the chapters and try to make the format more consistent (see notes on the preferred style and formatting at: Human Physiology/Formatting).
- You could look at the Review Questions for each chapter and make sure answers are provided in the Answers chapter.
- You could find contact information for people in other physiology classes (students or teachers) and email them to encourage use of the book
- You could write an interesting case study for a chapter as part of the introduction.
- You could adopt a chapter and do careful proofreading for grammar and spelling
- You could look for places where writing is not neutral, or where opinions are expressed rather than facts presented
- Sometimes we have focused too much on anatomy and have not highlighted critical physiological principles as much as we should have. If there is a particular principle you think is important, then you could add it and explain it.
- If you are an expert in a health field, then surely you have something to contribute. Just remember that this is an introductory physiology textbook.
- More images are always welcome. However, you cannot simply copy/paste any image. You must be sure the image is free of copy right (if you took it yourself, then all is well). The image must then be uploaded to commons:Category:Medicine before it can be referenced within a chapter.
This list is not conclusive by any means. There are many opportunities to express your creativity, learn new things, teach other people physiology, and contribute to worldwide learning. Provophys 19:02, 24 April 2007 (UTC)