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HydroGeoSphere/Observation Wells and Points (Transport)

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The following instructions are used to output concentration at a single node or a group of nodes lying on a line.

These instruction do not affect the transport solution.

Make observation point

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  1. well_name Descriptive name for the well up to 40 characters.
  2. x1, y1, z1 xyz-coordinates of the observation point.

The node closest to this point will be flagged as an observation point node.

Output is written to a TECPLOT-formatted file called prefixo.observation_well_conc.obs_well_name.dat. Data for each timestep in the flow solution is written as one line in the output file. Each line contains the time and porous medium concentration (and immobile zone concentration if dual porosity).

If the problem is formulated as a dual continuum then an extra column of output will be written with the dual continuum concentration. If the node is not a dual continuum node, a no data value (currently -999.0) will be written instead.

If the problem is formulated with a surface flow domain then an extra column of output will be produced with the surface flow concentration. If the node is not a surface flow node, a no data value (currently -999.0) will be written instead.

The line ends with the node coordinates and number.

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Make observation well

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  1. well_name Descriptive name for the well up to 40 characters.
  2. x1, y1, z1 xyz-coordinates of one end of the observation well.
  3. x2, y2, z2 xyz-coordinates of the other end of the observation well.

Element face edges (i.e. segments) which form the shortest path between the two nodes closest to the end points of the well (i.e. x1, y1, z1 and x2, y2, z2) will be chosen to produce output.

Output is written to a TECPLOT-formatted file called prefixo.observation_well_flow.obs_well_name.dat. Each timestep in the flow solution represents a Tecplot zone in the output file, and each zone contains one line per observation well node. Each line contains the porous medium concentration (and immobile zone concentration if dual-porosity).

If the problem is formulated as a dual continuum then an extra column of output will be written with the dual continuum concentration. If the node is not a dual continuum node, a no data value (currently -999.0) will be written instead.

If the problem is formulated with a surface flow domain then an extra column of output will be produced with the surface flow concentration. If the node is not a surface flow node, a no data value (currently -999.0) will be written instead.

The line ends with the node coordinates and number.

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