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Ict@innovation: Free your IT Business in Africa/1-References

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  1. Jolliffe Bob (2006). Aligning the ideals of free software and free knowledge with the South African Freedom Charter. Firstmonday, Volume 11, Number 7 — 3 July. available at: http://outreach.lib.uic.edu/www/issues/issue11_7/jolliffe/index.html)
  2. Sowe, S. K., Stamelos, I. G., Samoladas, I. (Eds.) Emerging Free and Open Source Software Practices. IGI Publishing, May, 2007.
  3. Raymond, E.S. 1999. The Cathedral and the Bazaar. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  4. Chris DiBona and Sam Ockman. 1999. Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  5. Daffara, C. (2007) : "Business models in FOSS-based companies" available at: http://fosstoolkit.iosnasean.net/index.php?title=6._FLOSS-based_business_models
  6. Daffara, C. Barahona, J.B. et al. (2000) Free Software/Open Source: Information Society Opportunities for Europe? Working paper, <http://eu.conecta.it/paper/>
  7. Albos, A.; Bru, L.; Fernández, I.; (2009). Aspectos economicos y modelos de negocio del software libre. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
  8. Larry Augustin (2007). A New Breed of P&L: the Open Source Business Financial Model. Available at: http://oss.org.cn/2007-OSS-CONF/09.pdf
  9. T. O'reilly (1999). 10 Myths about Open Source Software. Available at: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/opensource/news/myths_1199.html

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