Interlingua/Basic Interlingua English Dictionary

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(Books on Interlingua)

  • a to; at; in
  • ab from, since
  • [ad] to; at (= a)
  • accender to light
  • adjutar to help
  • ager to act, do
  • al contraction of a + le
  • [alco] anything, something (= alique)
  • [alcun] any, some (= alicun)
  • alicubi (-ícubi) anywhere, somewhere
  • alicun any, some
  • alique (ál-) anything, something
  • [alora] then (= tunc)
  • [alsi] (-í) also, too (= etiam)
  • alte high
  • altere (ál-) other
  • amar to like, love
  • ambe both
  • amico friend
  • [an] used to introduce a question; if, whether
  • [ancora] still, yet
  • anglese English
  • anniversario anniversary, birthday
  • anno year
  • [anque] (ánke) also, as well, too (= etiam)
  • ante before (prep.)
  • [antea] previously (= ante)
  • aperir to open
  • apparer to appear
  • appellar to call
  • appertiner to belong
  • apportar to bring
  • apprender to learn
  • apud (á-) by, near
  • arbore (ár-) tree
  • arder to burn
  • argento silver
  • ascoltar to listen to
  • asexual asexual
  • assatis (-sá-) rather
  • assecurar to assure, insure
  • [assi] (-sí) so, thus (= si)
  • attacar attack
  • attender to wait for
  • attinger to attain, reach
  • attraher to attract
  • audir to hear
  • augmentar to increase
  • aure ear
  • auro gold
  • avante before
  • ave bird
  • avion aeroplane
  • basse low
  • bastante enough; quite
  • batter to beat, hit
  • belle beautiful
  • ben well
    • ben que although
  • besonio need
  • biber to drink
  • billet ticket
  • bira beer
  • bisexual bisexual
  • bon good
  • boteca shop
  • brachio arm
  • bracio arm; brace
  • breve short
  • bucca mouth
  • bureau office
  • cader to fall
  • calide (cá-) hot
  • cambiar to change
  • camera (cá-) room
  • campo field
  • capace able, capable
  • caper o sasir grasp or hold
  • capillos hair
  • capite (cá-) head
  • car dear; expensive
  • casa house
  • caso case
  • cata each, every
    • cata uno each (one)
  • causa cause
    • a causa de because of
  • chassar to hunt
  • celar to hide
  • celo sky, heaven
  • cento hundred
  • cercar to look for
  • certe certain
  • cessar to stop
  • [ci] here (= hic)
  • cinque five
  • circa about
  • [circum] about (= circa)
  • citate city, town
  • clauder to close
  • cognoscer to know
  • colliger gather
  • collo neck
  • comenciar to begin
  • como as; how; like
  • comprar to buy
  • comprender to understand
  • con with
  • contar count
  • continer to contain
  • convenir to suit
  • coperir to cover
  • corde heart
  • corpore (cór-) body
  • cosa thing
  • costar cost
  • creder to believe
  • crescer to grow
  • [cuje] whose
  • currer to run
  • curte short
  • cute skin
  • dar to give
  • de from; of
  • deber to have to, must, ought; duty
  • debile (dé-) weak
  • dece ten
  • del contraction of de + le
  • deman tomorrow
  • demandar to ask
  • dente tooth
  • depost afterwards, since
  • derecto right
  • [desde] afterwards, since
  • [detra] behind
  • devenir to become
  • dextere (déks-) right
  • dicer to say, tell
  • die day
  • difficile (-fí-) difficult
  • digito (dí-) finger
  • dimension size
  • disparer to disappear
  • dolor pain
  • dono gift
  • dormir to sleep
  • dubita (dú-) doubt
  • ducer to lead
  • dum while
  • [dunque] therefore
  • duo two
  • dur hard
  • durante during
    • durante que while
  • e and
  • ecce here is (are), behold
  • effortiar se to make an effort
  • emer to buy
  • [era] was, were, used to be (= esseva)
  • era era
  • es am, is, are
  • [esque] (éske) used to introduce a question
  • esser to be
  • esseva was, were, used to be
  • estate summer
  • estranie strange
  • estranier foreign
  • etate age
  • etiam (é-) also, as well, too
  • evenir to happen
  • ex from, out of
  • exactemente exactly
  • exopere strike,hunger strike(=exopero de fame) , worker strike(=exopero de empleos)
  • expensive expensive
  • exprimer (se) to express (oneself)
  • extra besides, outside
  • facer to do, make
  • facie face
  • facile (fá-) easy
  • facto deed, fact
  • familia family
  • fatigate tired
  • favor favor
    • per favor please
  • felice happy
  • femina (fé-) woman
  • ferir hit, wound
  • filia daughter
  • filio son
  • fin end
    • a fin de in order to
    • a fin que in order that
    • in fin in short
  • finir to finish
  • foco fire
  • folio leaf
  • foras outside
  • foris outside
  • forsan (fór-) perhaps
  • forte strong
  • fortiar to force
  • fratre brother
  • frigide (frí-) cold
  • fundar to found
  • fundo bottom
  • gai gay (merry)
  • gamba leg
  • gambon ham
  • ganiar to gain, win
  • gauder to be glad
  • gaudio joy, happiness
  • gay gay (homosexual)
  • gelato ice cream
  • german German (adj.)
  • gorga throat
  • grande big, great, large
  • grate grateful
  • gratias thank you
  • ha has, have
  • haber to have
  • hastar to hurry
  • heri yesterday
  • hiberno winter
  • hic here
  • hodie today
  • homine (hó-) man
  • homo: short for homosexual, usable as an adjective or a noun
  • homosexual: homosexual
  • hora hour; o'clock
  • humero (hú-) shoulder
  • ibi there
  • il it; there
    • il ha there is, are
  • illa she, her
  • illac there
  • illas they, them (fem.)
  • ille he, him
  • illes they, them (masc.)
  • illo it; that
  • illos they, them (neutr.)
  • impedir to hinder
  • imprimer to print
  • in in, into
  • incontrar to meet
  • infante child
  • infra below
  • inseniar to teach
  • insimul (-sí-) together
  • integre (ín-) whole
  • inter among, between
  • interim meanwhile
  • intersexual intersex (adj)
  • intersexualitate intersex (n); intersexuality
  • intertanto meanwhile
  • intra within
  • inviar to send
  • ipse -self
  • iste this, these (adj.)
  • isto this (pron.)
  • [ja] already, at once (= jam)
  • jacer to lie
  • jam = already, at once
  • jammais ever
  • jectar to throw
  • jentaculo (-tá-) breakfast
  • jocar to play
  • junger to join
  • juvene (jú-) young
  • juxta next to
  • la her, it
  • [la] there (= illac)
  • labio lip
  • lacrima (lá-) tear
  • large broad, wide
  • las them (fem.)
  • lassar to leave, let
  • latere (lá-) side
  • lavar to wash
  • le the; him, it
  • leger to read
  • legier (-jér) light (adj.)
  • lente slow
  • les them (masc.)
  • levar to lift
  • leve left (adj.)
  • libere (lí-) free
  • libro book
  • lingua tongue; language
  • littera (lí-) letter
  • lo it
    • lo que what, which
  • loco place
  • longe long
  • [lontan] distant
  • lor their
  • los them (neut.)
  • lumine (lú-) light
  • [ma] but (= mais)
  • mais but
  • major greater
  • mal bad; badly
  • malgrado in spite of
  • mancar to lack, be missing
  • mangiar (-jár) to eat
  • maniera manner
    • de maniera que so that
  • mano hand
  • mar sea
  • marita wife
  • marito husband
  • matino morning
  • matre mother
  • me me
  • medie half
  • mediedie (-díe) midday
  • melio better (adv.)
  • melior better (adj.)
  • mense month
  • mente mind
  • mentionar to mention
  • mesme same; -self
  • mesmo even
  • mi my
  • micre tiny
  • minor smaller
  • minus (mí-) less, minus
    • a minus que unless
    • al minus at least
  • mitter to put
  • molle soft
  • moneta coin, money
  • monstrar to show
  • morir to die
  • mover to move
  • multe many, much
  • multo very; very much
  • mundo world
  • nam because
  • nascer to be born
  • naso nose
  • natar swim, float
  • [necun] no, none, not any (= nulle)
  • [necuno] nobody (= nemo)
  • nemo nobody
  • nette clean
  • ni neither, nor
  • nihil nothing
  • nimie too many, too much
  • no no
  • nocte night
  • nomine (nó-) name
  • non not
    • il non importa que/tan no matter what/how
  • nondum (nón-) not yet
  • nonne? is it (not)?
  • nonobstante nevertheless
  • nos we, us
  • nostre our
  • nove new; nine
    • de nove again
  • novem (nó-) nine
  • nulle no, none
  • nunc now
  • nunquam (nún-) never
  • o either, or
  • oblidar to forget
  • obra work
  • obtener to obtain, to get
  • occurrer to happen
  • octo eight
  • oculo (ó-) eye
  • omne all, every
  • [on] one, you, they, people (= uno)
  • [ora] now (= nunc)
  • osso bone
  • pagar to pay
  • pan bread
  • pais (-ís) country
  • parer to appear, seem
  • parlar to speak
  • parola word
  • partir to leave
  • parve small
  • passato past (noun)
  • patata potato
  • patre father
  • pauc few
  • pauco a little
  • paupere (páu-) poor
  • pausa guideline
  • pecia piece
  • pectore (péc-) breast
  • pede foot
  • pejo worse (adv.)
  • pejor worse (adj.)
  • pena difficulty
    • a pena hardly, scarcely
  • pensar to think
  • per by, through
  • perder to lose
  • periculo (-rí-) danger
  • perque (perké) because; why
  • pertiner to belong
  • pesante heavy
  • peter to ask
  • petra stone
  • piranha piranha
  • placer to please; pleasure
  • plen full
  • plure several
  • plus more; plus
    • al plus at the most
    • de plus besides, moreover
    • in plus furthermore
  • poc = pauc
  • poco = pauco
  • pois afterwards; for
    • pois que since, because
  • poner to put
  • populo (pó-) people
  • porta door
  • portar to carry
  • post after, behind
  • postea afterwards
  • postmeridie afternoon
  • poter to be able, can; power
  • povre poor
  • precio price; prize
  • prender to take, hold of, catch or seize
  • presso near (adv.)
    • presso a near (prep.)
  • preste quick, ready
  • presto immediately; quickly
  • preter (pré-) beyond, besides
  • prime first
  • pro for; in order to
  • probar to prove, test
  • prohibir forbid
  • promitter to promise
  • proponer to suggest
  • proprie own
  • proque (proké) because; why
  • protruder to protrude:(protrusion) protrusion
  • proxime (pró-) next
  • puera (pú-) girl
  • puero (pú-) boy
  • pulsar to push
  • [qua] like, as
  • qual what, which
  • qualque (quálke) some
  • quando when
  • quante how many, how much
  • quanto as much as; how much
    • quanto a as for
  • quasi almost
  • quatro four
  • que that; what; than; whom
  • qui who
  • quo where (to...)
  • rapide (rá-) quick
  • ration reason
  • [re] about
  • recercar search
  • reciper to receive
  • rege king
  • regina queen
  • regno kingdom
  • regratiar to thank
  • regrettar to regret
  • reguardar to look at
  • remaner to remain, stay
  • repasto meal
  • repeter to repeat
  • responder to answer
  • restaurante restaurant
  • restar to remain, stay
  • retornar to come back
  • retro back; ago
  • revenir to come back
  • ric rich
  • rota wheel
  • salutar to say hello to
  • salvo but for
  • san healthy
  • sanguine (sán-) blood
  • saper to know
    • a saper namely
  • sasir o caper grasp or hold
  • satis (sá-) enough; fairly, quite
  • scriber to write
  • se her-, him-, it-, oneself, themselves
  • seculo (sé-) century
  • secundo along; according to
  • secur secure; sure
  • sed but
  • seder to sit
  • seliger choose
  • semper always
  • [sempre] always (= semper)
  • senior Mr., sir
  • seniora Mrs., lady
  • senioretta Miss
  • sentir to feel
  • septe seven
  • septimana week
  • sequer to follow
  • [sera] (-rá) will be (= essera)
  • servitor waiter, servant
  • sex six
  • si yes; if; as; so
  • sia be; whether, or
  • simile (sí-) similar
  • sin without
  • sinistre left
  • sino bosom
  • sol alone, single, sole; sun
  • solmente only
  • solo only; solo; soil, floor
  • [son] are (= es)
  • soror sister
  • sortar sort (= kind, class);
    • de sorta que so that
  • sortir to go out, to come out
  • [sovente] often (= subinde)
  • speculo (spé-) mirror
  • sperar to hope
  • stadio stadium; stage (of development)
  • star to stand
  • stomacho (stó-) stomach
  • stoppar to stop
  • strata street
  • su her, his, its, one's
  • sub under
  • subite (sú-) sudden
  • sud south
  • suggerer suggest
  • super (sú-) above, on, over
  • suppa soup
  • supponer to suppose
  • supra above
  • [sur] above, on, over (= super)
  • tabula (tá-) table
  • tacer to be silent
  • tal such
  • [tamen] (tá-) however, yet (= totevia)
  • tante so many, so much
  • tanto as; so; so much
    • in tanto que inasmuch as
  • tarde late
  • tassa cup
  • te you (obj.)
  • tempore (tém-) time; weather
  • terra earth
  • testa head
  • tener to hold, keep
  • timer to be afraid of
  • tirar to pull, to shoot
  • toccar to touch
  • tornar to turn
  • tosto early, soon
    • plus tosto rather
  • tote all, every
  • totevia (-ía) nevertheless
  • toto all, everything
    • non del toto not at all
  • tractar to deal with
  • traducer to translate
  • traher to drag, draw
  • tranquille calm, quiet
  • traino train
  • trans across, beyond
  • transgenere transgender
  • travaliar to work
  • tres three
  • [troppo] too, too much
  • trovar to find
  • tu you; your
  • [tum] then
  • tunc then
  • ubi where
  • ubique everywhere
  • ulle any, some
  • ultime (úl-) last
  • ultra beyond; besides
  • un a, an; one
  • unquam (ún-) ever
  • urbe town
  • usar to use
  • usque as far as, until
  • utile (ú-) useful
  • va go(es), am/is/are going
  • vacue empty
  • vader to go
  • varie various
  • vender to sell
  • ventre stomach
  • venir to come
  • ver true
  • verso towards
  • vespere (vés-) evening
  • vetere (vé-) old
  • vetule (vé-) old
  • via away; road, way
  • viagiar (-jár) to travel
  • vice time; turn
    • a vices at times
    • in vice de instead of
  • vider to see
  • vino wine
  • visage (-áje) face
  • visitar to visit
  • vista sight, view
  • viste considering
  • vita life
  • vitro glass
  • viver to live
  • voce voice
  • volar to fly
  • voler to want, wish
  • vos you
  • vostre your
  • west west
  • [ya] already, at once (= ja, jam)