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Interlingual Energizers/Manual

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This pages describes how to create a new interlingual energizer for this book. Every entry should follow a certain structure.

Create an entry

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Use this form to create a new entry based on the template.

Structure of the entries

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Every entry should follow a certain structure. See Toaster as an example. The page beginnings which an introductory sentence containing the name of the activity in all available languages. On the right is an infobox with basic information about the activity. The main sections of the descriptions are introduction, rules, end of the game and possible extension. They can be omitted.

First sentence

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The first sentence states the name of the activity in all available languages. Use the parameter name and its translated versions, e.g. name_de, name_ro, name_sv etc.


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The infobox on the right contains basic information about the activity. All fields are not translated.

  • featured image, animated gif or movie (image)
This is displayed on the top of the infobox. It should make you feel like doing this activity and be as meaningful as possible. Together with the text this picture of movie contains what you need to know to facilitate the activity.
  • amount of facilitators (facilitator_amount)
How many facilitators are needed to facilitate this activity? Possible values are either a number like 1, 2, 3 facilitators our something in relation to the group size (2 for 20 participants, meaning that you would need4 facilitators for 40 participants).
  • required language level of the facilitators (facilitator_language_level)
How well should the facilitator know the language? Please either simple, medium or advanced. Based on this the entry is put in a category. See Interlingual Energizers by language level of the facilitator.
  • age of the participants (participants_age)
How old should the participants be? E.g. 6+, 5+, 5 to 10 etc.
  • group size (participants_group_size)
How many participants can be involved at once? E.g. max 10, 10-20, two groups of 10 etc.
  • needed materials (setting_materials)
Which materials to you need for this activity? E.g. a ball, nothing special etc.
  • needed space (setting_space)
What kind of space do you need for this activity? E.g. outdoors, free space indoors, space with chairs and tables etc.
  • needed time (setting_time)
How long does it take to do this activity? E.g. 10-15 min, up to 10 min etc.
  • purpose or outcome (outcome)
What do you use this activity for? What can the participants learn? E.g. energizer for younger kids and ice breaker for older participants, highlights the value of concentration when you work in a team etc. Based on the keywords energizer, ice breaker and teambuilder the entry is put in a category. See Interlingual Energizers by type.

Main sections

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The three main sections contain the most important information about the activity. They should empower the reader to facilitate the activity. The text should be written in the way that it can be used directly with a group. You should always refer to the group as "You" or "We" and to the facilitator as "I". Don't use "In the beginning the group has to stand in a circle" but "Let's stand in circle".

All three sections are translatable. Add an underscore and a language code to the parameters name, e.g. instruction_de for the instruction in German, rules_ro for the rules in Romanian and end_fi for the end of the game in Finish.


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The instruction (instruction, instruction_es etc.) is what the facilitator says before the actual activity starts. It should motivate the group and create a good setting for the activity.


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The rules (rules, rules_fi etc.) define the character of the game. They should be self-sufficient and easy to understand. Use when possible numbered items and simple sentences. Notes which are only important for the facilitator should be italic. This is also the place to insert pictures, animated gifs or movies for the states of a game. See Knight-Princess-Dragon as an example.

End of the Game

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The end of the game (end, end_ru etc.) is what the facilitator says to close the activity. It can be for example a summary of the outcome.

Possible extensions

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The possible extensions (extensions) are the last section of the description. This is the place to list either extensions for the activity or other continuative activities preferably with links to related pages.

Technical aspects

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The page is generated using a template. This is a piece of software which handles the formatting of the information. The template receives its information using parameters (e.g. name = Toaster where name is the name of the parameter and Toaster the value).

Translatable parameters use the format parameter_languageCode = value (e.g. rules_de = Regeln auf Deutsch). See the list of available language codes on Wikipedia.