Internet and Society/Demographics/ICT use in the US

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Who's Online in the US (2007)

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71% of adults in America use the internet. 70% of women and 71% of men are internet users.

87% of Americans aged 18-25 use the internet as well as 83% of the 30-49 age group, 65% of 50-64 year olds, and 32% of those 65 and older.


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Americans who use the internet include 73% of non-hispanic whites, 62% of non-hispanic blacks, and 78% of English-speaking hispanics. 73% of the urban and suburban populations in America use the internet compared with only 60% of those in rural areas.


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Internet usage also varies by income. Of those Americans earning less than $30,000 per year, 55% are internet users. The higher income brackets contain substantially more internet users: 69% of those earning $30,000 to $49,999, 82% of those earning $50,000 to $74,999, and 93% of those earning $75,000 or more.

Educational Attainment

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Educational attainment appears to be another important factor. Only 40% of those who have not completed high school use the internet, along with 61% of those who have completed high school, 81% of those who have attended college, and 91% of those who have completed college.

February-March 2007 Survey, Pew Internet & American Life Project: Demographics of Internet Usage

Typology of Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) Users

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In 2007, the Pew Internet & American Life Project conducted a survey which attempted to classify Americans into 10 different types of technology users. In developing the 10 groups, they considered people's use of ICT devices and services, how and how often they used such ICTs, and their attitudes towards ICTs.

A Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users, Pew Internet & American Life Project, May 7, 2007

Elite Tech Users

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31% of American adults, "the elite users of ICTs consist of four groups that have the most information technology, are heavy and frequent users of the internet and cell phones and, to varying degrees, are engaged with user-generated content. Members of these groups have generally high levels of satisfaction about the role of ICTs in their lives, but the groups differ on whether the extra availability is a good thing or not."


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8% of the adult population, "they have the most information gadgets and services, which they use voraciously to participate in cyberspace and express themselves online and do a range of Web 2.0 activities such as blogging or managing their own Web pages."


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7% of the adult population, "between featured-packed cell phones and frequent online use, they connect to people and manage digital content using ICTs – all with high levels of satisfaction about how ICTs let them work with community groups and pursue hobbies."

Lackluster Veterans

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8% of the adult population, "They are frequent users of the internet and less avid about cell phones. They are not thrilled with ICT-enabled connectivity."

Productivity Enhancers

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8% of the adult populations, "They have strongly positive views about how technology lets them keep up with others, do their jobs, and learn new things."

Middle-of-the-Road Tech Users

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20% of the adult population, "the middle-of-the-road users consist of two groups whose outlook toward information technology is task-oriented. They use ICTs for communication more than they use it for self-expression. One group finds this pattern of information technology use satisfying and beneficial, while the other finds it burdensome."

Mobile Centrics

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10% of the adult population, "they fully embrace the functionality of their cell phones. They use the internet, but not often, and like how ICTs connect them to others."

Connected But Hassled

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10% of the adult population, "They have invested in a lot of technology, but they find the connectivity intrusive and information something of a burden."

Few Tech Assets

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"For those with few technology assets (four groups)," 49% of the adult population, "modern gadgetry is at or near the periphery of their daily lives. Some find it useful, others don’t, and others simply stick to the plain old telephone and television."

Inexperienced Experimenters

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8% of the adult population, "they occasionally take advantage of interactivity, but if they had more experience, they might do more with ICTs."

Light But Satisfied

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15% of the adult population, "they have some technology, but it does not play a central role in their daily lives. They are satisfied with what ICTs do for them."


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11% of the adult population, "despite having either cell phones or online access, these users use ICTs only intermittently and find connectivity annoying."

Off The Network

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15% of the adult population, "those with neither cell phones nor internet connectivity tend to be older adults who are content with old media."