In general, a system is described by two types of variables. External
variables whose values are fixed at by the exterior and internal
variables that are free to fluctuate, only their mean being fixed to
. Problem to solve is thus the following:
Find distribution probability over the states of the
considered system
that maximizes the entropy
and that verifies following constraints:
Entropy functional maximization is done using Lagrange multipliers
technique. Result is:
where function , called partition function,
\index{partition function}
defined by:
Numbers are the Lagrange multipliers of the maximization problem
In the case where energy is free to fluctuate around a fixed average, Lagrange
multiplier is:
where is temperature.\index{temperature} We thus have a mathematical
definition of temperature.
In the case where the number of particles is free to fluctuate around a fixed
average, associated Lagrange multiplier is noted where is
called the chemical potential.
This relation that binds to is called a {\bf Legendre transform}.\index{Legendre transformation}
is function of the 's and 's, is a function of
the 's and 's.
↑They are used to determine Lagrange multipliers
from associated means } can be written as: