Issues in Interdisciplinarity 2019-20/Truth in cults

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  • Data or facts about cults
  • why are the 2 disciplines linked to cults
  • Outline where the interdisciplinary issue actually is
  • Why is it interesting to work on this


  • How the issue chosen plays out in 2 disciplines facing a topic
  • Showing how truth plays a role in 2 disciplines (for ex ; sociology, law, religious) creating a tension in the definition of cults
  • The tension between the disciplines specifically with regard to global surveillance/censorship

In Sociology

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In sociology, this definition of cults is considered as true : « Cults are organizations or groups of people reunited under a charismatic leader, where members are under psychological influence, and exploited, either financially, sexually or any other type of exploitation »

In Law

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In law, a cult is considered as valid if it is « a group of individuals with some common religious or metaphysical-philosophical ideology » simply.

In Psychology

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Psychology’s view on cults differs, again, underlining there is a clash between disciplines, which makes interdisciplinary work on cults difficult.

In Religious studies

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Religion studies also considers « true » other characteristics of a cult. In Religious Study, what is true is that « Cult + time = Religion »


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What is therefore true about cults and what is not ? How can the multiple definitions of cults in plural disciplines makes this interdisciplinary work challenging ?