Italian/Grammar/Verb Conjugation Reference

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Modi indefiniti

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Presente and Passato

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essere avere guardare mettere sentire

This tense becomes passato when composed with avere (for transitive verbs) or essere (for intransitive verbs). Composing a transitive verb with essere results instead in the passive form of the tense.


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It indicates that the subject is doing something. For example: guardante (from the verb guardare=to watch)means that the subject is watching. But this tense is almost never used.

- avente guardante vedente vestente
stato avuto guardato veduto sentito


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Presente and Passato

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essendo avendo guardando mettendo sentendo

This tense becomes passato when composed with avere (for transitive verbs) or essere (for intransitive verbs). Composing a transitive verb with essere results instead in the passive form of the tense.

Modi finiti

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Presente and Passato prossimo

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1st sing. sono ho guardo metto sento
2nd sing. sei hai guardi metti senti
3rd sing. è ha guarda mette sente
1st plur. siamo abbiamo guardiamo mettiamo sentiamo
2nd plur. siete avete guardate mettete sentite
3rd plur. sono hanno guardano mettono sentono

This tense becomes "passato prossimo" when composed with avere (for transitive verbs) or essere (for intransitive verbs). Composing a transitive verb with essere results instead in the passive form of the tense.

Imperfetto and Trapassato prossimo

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1st sing. ero avevo guardavo mettevo sentivo
2nd sing. eri avevi guardavi mettevi sentivi
3rd sing. era aveva guardava metteva sentiva
1st plur. eravamo avevamo guardavamo mettevamo sentivamo
2nd plur. eravate avevate guardavate mettevate sentivate
3rd plur. erano avevano guardavano mettevano sentivano

This tense becomes "trapassato prossimo" when composed with avere (for transitive verbs) or essere (for intransitive verbs). Composing a transitive verb with essere results instead in the passive form of the tense.

Futuro semplice and Futuro anteriore

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1st sing. sarò avrò guarderò metterò sentirò
2nd sing. sarai avrai guarderai metterai sentirai
3rd sing. sarà avrà guarderà metterà sentirà
1st plur. saremo avremo guarderemo metteremo sentiremo
2nd plur. sarete avrete guarderete metterete sentirete
3rd plur. saranno avranno guarderanno metteranno sentiranno

This tense becomes "futuro anteriore" when composed with avere (for transitive verbs) or essere (for intransitive verbs). Composing a transitive verb with essere results instead in the passive form of the tense.


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Presente and Passato

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1st sing. sia abbia guardi metta senta
2nd sing. sia abbia guardi metta senta
3rd sing. sia abbia guardi metta senta
1st plur. siamo abbiamo guardiamo mettiamo sentiamo
2nd plur. siate abbiate guardiate mettiate sentiate
3rd plur. siano abbiano guardino mettano sentano

This tense becomes "passato" when composed with avere (for transitive verbs) or essere (for intransitive verbs). Composing a transitive verb with essere results instead in the passive form of the tense.

Imperfetto and Trapassato

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1st sing. fossi avessi guardassi mettessi sentissi
2nd sing. fossi avessi guardassi mettessi sentissi
3rd sing. fosse avesse guardasse mettesse sentisse
1st plur. fossimo avessimo guardassimo mettessimo sentissimo
2nd plur. foste aveste guardaste metteste sentiste
3rd plur. fossero avessero guardassero mettessero sentissero

This tense becomes "trapassato" when composed with avere (for transitive verbs) or essere (for intransitive verbs). Composing a transitive verb with essere results instead in the passive form of the tense.


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Presente and Passato

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1st sing. sarei avrei guarderei metterei sentirei
2nd sing. saresti avresti guarderesti metteresti sentiresti
3rd sing. sarebbe avrebbe guarderebbe metterebbe sentirebbe
1st plur. saremmo avremmo guarderemmo metteremmo sentiremmo
2nd plur. sareste avreste guardereste mettereste sentireste
3rd plur. sarebbero avrebbero guarderebbero metterebbero sentirebbero

This tense becomes "passato" when composed with avere (for transitive verbs) or essere (for intransitive verbs). Composing a transitive verb with essere results instead in the passive form of the tense.


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2nd sing. (sii) (abbi) guarda metti senti
2nd plur. (siate) (abbiate) guardate mettete sentite