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Lesson 9: Fare Acquisti - Shopping

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In this lesson, you will learn how to shop and make purchases in Italian. You will be introduced to common phrases and vocabulary related to shopping, as well as practice exercises to reinforce your knowledge.

Conversation Pieces

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1. At the clothing store:

  - Customer: Buongiorno, posso provare questa maglietta? (Good morning, can I try on this t-shirt?)
  - Salesperson: Certamente, i camerini sono là. (Certainly, the fitting rooms are over there.)

2. At the grocery store:

  - Customer: Mi scusi, dove posso trovare il pane? (Excuse me, where can I find the bread?)
  - Employee: È nel reparto dei prodotti da forno, al fondo del negozio. (It's in the bakery section, at the back of the store.)


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1. Italian Clothing Vocabulary:

  - pantaloni (m) - pants
  - gonna (f) - skirt
  - camicia (f) - shirt
  - scarpe (f) - shoes
  - cappotto (m) - coat
  - maglia (f) - sweater
  - calze (f) - socks

2. Italian Grocery Vocabulary:

  - frutta (f) - fruit
  - verdura (f) - vegetables
  - carne (f) - meat
  - pesce (m) - fish
  - formaggio (m) - cheese
  - pane (m) - bread
  - latte (m) - milk

Exercises and Challenges

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1. Fill in the blanks with the correct clothing items:

  - Ho bisogno di un nuovo __________. (I need a new sweater.)
  - Voglio comprare un paio di nuovi __________. (I want to buy a pair of new pants.)
  - Hai visto una __________ che ti piace? (Did you see a skirt that you like?)

2. Match the Italian grocery vocabulary with their English translations:

  - frutta - bread
  - carne - fruit
  - pesce - meat
  - formaggio - cheese
  - pane - fish

Lesson Review

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1. How would you ask a salesperson if you can try on a shirt?

2. How do you say "skirt" in Italian?

3. List three types of clothing items in Italian.

4. Translate the following phrase into Italian: "Where can I find the meat?"

5. Match the Italian grocery vocabulary with their correct English translations.