JLPT Guide/JLPT N5 Vocabulary/Row Ra

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Vocabulary words for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test starting with らーろ.

JLPT N5 Vocabulary


Parts of speech (品詞)  (edit):
  • (動III) Type III verb
  • (形) adjective
  • (形動) adjectival noun
  • (副) adverb
  • (連体) attribute
  • (接) conjunction
  • (感) interjection
  • (助動) auxiliary
  • (助) particle
  • (頭) prefix
  • (尾) suffix
  • (連) compound


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# Kana Kanji Word type Meaning
658 らいげつ 来月 (名) next month
659 らいしゅう 来週 (名) next week
660 らいねん 来年 (名) next year
661 ラジオ (名) radio


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# Kana Kanji Word type Meaning
662 りっぱ (形) splendid/fine/handsome/elegant/imposing/prominent/legal/legitimate
663 りゅうがくせい 留学生 (名) overseas student
664 りょうしん 両親 (名) parents/both parents
665 りょうり 料理 (名) cooking/cookery/cuisine
666 りょこう 旅行 (名) travel/trip


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# Kana Kanji Word type Meaning
667 れい (名) zero/nought
668 れいぞうこ 冷蔵庫 (名) refrigerator
669 レコード (名) record
670 レストラン (名) restaurant
671 れんしゅう 練習 (名) practice


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# Kana Kanji Word type Meaning
672 ろく (名) six