Basic change use in verb those word are include in the う(u)line.example include 行く、使う、泳(およぐ)。。。,the end of word are all included by the う(u) line such as く(ku)、う(u)、泳(ぐ)
Japan change contain have six kind of variations, 1.未然形 2.連用形 3.終止形4.連体形5.仮定形6.命令形 list in below chart.
change the verb end into the あ(a)line,add the ない on the end. Ex 行く-->行かない
change the verb end into the い(i)line,add the ます on the end. Ex 行く-->行きます
change the verb end into the う(u)line. Ex 行く (stay the same)
change the verb end into the う(u)line,use it connection with noun. Ex 行く-->行く人(walking people)
change the verb end into the え(e)line,add the ば on the end. Ex 行く-->行けば