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Kirby Super Star/Basic Controls

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Walking and Running

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Walking and running is very easy. To walk, simply hold the D-Pad in the direction that you wish Kirby to walk. Running, although slightly more complex, is also quite easy. Simply double-tap the D-Pad, holding on the second tap, in the direction that you wish Kirby to run.

Jumping and Flying

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Jumping is a simple affair. Simply press the B button to launch Kirby into the air. Flying is to jumping as running is to walking; simply press the B button again while Kirby is in the air to make him puff up and fly. Once Kirby is inflated, tap or hold the B button to increase altitude or press the Y button to cause Kirby to spit out a puff of air and deflate.


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Kirby has a unique method for dealing with his enemies. He eats them! When Kirby does not have an enemy in his mouth, press and hold the Y button to inhale any enemies that are in front of him. If Kirby has an enemy in his mouth, press the Y button to spit it out at other enemies.


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By pressing Down on the D-Pad, Kirby can swallow his enemies whole! If he swallows certain kinds of enemies, he can gain their abilities. For more information on this phenomenon, consult Kirby Super Star/Abilities.