LMIs in Control/pages/Minimum Singular Value of a Complex Matrix

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LMIs in Control/pages/Minimum Singular Value of a Complex Matrix

Minimum Singular Value of a Complex Matrix

The System

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Consider as well as . A minimum singular value of a matrix is greater than if and only if or , where is the conjugate transpose or Hermitian transpose of the matrix . the inequality used depends on the size of matrix .

The Data

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The matrix is the only data required.

The LMI: Minimum Singular Value of a Complex Matrix

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The following LMIs can be constructed depending on the size of :

if , where , then:

Else if , then:


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The results from this LMI will give the maximum complex value of the matrix :

This answer can also be proven using the following solution. Note that this solution only works if the matrix is a square, invertible matrix: .


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% Minimum Singular Value of Complex Matrix
% -- EXAMPLE --

%Clears all variables
clear; clc; close all;

%SDPVAR variables
gam = sdpvar(1);

%Example Matrix A
A = rand(6,6)+rand(6,6)*1i;

Fc = ( A'*A >= gam*eye(6));

%Objective function

opt = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi');


%Displays output
fprintf('\nValue of Min singular value: ')

fprintf('\nMATLAB verified output: ')
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