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Hello! (to more than one person)
¡Hola, ustedes!
¡Adios!/¡Hasta Luego!
Goodbye all
Quid agis?
How are you?
¿Que tal?
I am well.
Estoy bien.
Et tū?
And you?
¿Y tu?
Gratias <tibi> ago
Thank you (singular)
Gratias <vobis> ago
Thank you (plural)
Quod nōmen tibi est?
What is your name?
Nōmen mihi Iulius est.
My name is Julius.
Unde venīs/vēnistī?
Where did you come from?
Ubi habitās?
Where do you live?
Habitō in domiciliō/casā.
I live in a house.
Tūne Paula es?
Aren't you Paula?
Nōn Paula, sed Paulae filia, Maria sum.
Not Paula, but I am Paula's daughter, Maria.
Et tū, quis es?
And you, who are you?
Sum Paulus.
I am Paul.
Esne (tū) marītus an caelebs?
Are (you) married or single?
Marītus (ego) sum. Habeō uxōrem.
(I) am (a) married (man). I have a wife.
Quod nōmen est uxōrī?
What is the name of the wife?
Nōmen uxorī est Sophia.
The name of the wife is Sophia.
Quot annos habēs?
How old are you?
Ubi vīvis?
Where do you live?
Quot habēs frātrēs et sorōrēs?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Sīc/Ita/Ita vērō.
Nōn ita/Minimē.
Quid agis hodiē?
How are you today?
Bene, gratiās.
Fine, thank you.
Nonne Paula es?
Aren't you Paula?
Nōn Paula, sed Paulae filia, Maria sum.
Not Paula, but I am Paula's daughter, Maria.
Et tū, quis es?
And you, who are you?
Ubi est valētūdinārium/nosocomīum?
Where is the hospital?
Admodum bene, haud ita multum valeō.
Ubi sunt loca sēcrēta?
Where is the bathroom?
Vidi mulierem exeuntem e statione ferroviaria.
I saw the girl leaving the station.
Puella defessa in agro sedet.
The tired girl is sitting in the field.
Ibit crastine.
He will go tomorrow.
Eum sapientem esse credo.
I believe him to be wise.
Ubi sumus?
Where are we?
Esne Maria?
Are you Maria?
Non Maria, sed filia Mariae, Iulia sum.
I am not Maria but Maria's daughter, Julia.
Cur in terra iaces?
Why are you lying on the ground?
Ex equo cecidi.
I fell off my horse.
Vini avidus sum.
I am thirsty for wine.
Fortasse, velis venire mecum?
Maybe you would like to come with me?
Crastine, ibit ad oppidum.
Tomorrow, he will go to town.
Domina/Domine, potesne mihi succurrere?
Ma'am/Sir, can you help me?
Quis crimina in eum intulit?
Who brought charges against him?
Latrocinium modo factum est.
A robbery just took place.
Tunc modo volebat edere.
At that time, he just wanted to eat.
Bonam natalitiam.
Happy birthday.
Lupus non est.
It's not lupus.
Lupus nunquam est.
It's never lupus.
- Ita, Recte, Sic = Sí
- Non, Minime, Immo = No
- Gratias = Gracias
- Gratias multas = Muchas gracias
- Salutatio = De nada
- Sis, Quaeso = Por favor
- Me excusa , Ignosce mihi = Discúlpeme
- Salve, Salvete, Ave = Hola
- Vale, Valete = Adiós
- Ave = Hasta luego
- Salve = Buenos días
- Salve = Buenas tardes
- Salve = Buenas noches
- Bonam natalitiam = Feliz cumpleaños
- Non intellego. = No entiendo
- Quomodo [Hispanice] hoc dicitur? = ¿Cómo se dice esto en [Español]?
- Quid [Hispanice]hoc significat? = ¿Que significa esto en [Español]?
- Loquerisne ... = Habla usted ...
- Iaponice =japonés
- Anglice = inglés
- Francogallice = francés
- Germanice = alemán
- Hispanice = español
- Siniace = chino
- Ego = Yo
- Nos = Nosotros
- Tu = Tú, Usted
- Vos = Ustedes, Vosotros
- Ei, Eae = Ellos, Ellas
- Quid nomen tibi est? = ¿Cómo se llama usted? ¿Cuál es su nombre?
- Suave est tibi occurere. Suave te cognoscere est. = Encantado de conocerle.
- Quid agis? Quomodo vales? Quomodo te habes? = ¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué pasa?
- Cura et optime valeas = Cuidate y que te vaya muy bien
- Bene = Bien
- Male = Mal
- Admodum bene, Haud ita multum valeo = Más o menos, Así así
- Uxor = la esposa, la mujer
- Maritus = el esposo, el marido
- Filia = la hija
- Filius = el hijo
- Mater = la madre
- Pater = el padre
- Amicus, Amica = el amigo, la amiga
- Ubi sunt loca secreta? Ubi est conclave necessarium? = ¿Dónde está el baño?