Learn Baybayin/Practice
Try to transliterate these Tagalog words from Baybayin scripts into Latin alphabet.
- ᜊᜑᜄ᜔ᜑᜇᜒ
- ᜀᜐᜓ
- ᜑᜅᜒᜈ᜔
- ᜋᜓᜃ᜔ᜑ
- ᜉᜎᜌᜏ᜔
- ᜊᜓᜏᜈ᜔
- ᜉᜎᜌᜈ᜔
- ᜆᜄᜎᜓᜄ᜔
- ᜋᜄᜈ᜔ᜇ
- ᜐᜈ᜔ᜎᜒᜊᜓ
Try to transliterate these Tagalog words from Latin alphabet into Baybayin script.
- bihag
- dalampasigan
- ulam
- labanos
- sasakyan
- paaralan
- upuan
- gatas
- manok
- duyan
Authors and Contributors
[edit | edit source]- Karl Basallote — started this book.