Learning Clojure/Collection functions
Collection functions
[edit | edit source]The clojure namespace contains many functions and macros for handling collections. Rather than repeat reference information from the API documentation, I'll give just a few example operations:
- (count collection)
Returns the number of items in the collection.
(count [a b c]) ; return 3 (count nil) ; return 0
- (conj collection item)
conjoin. Returns a new copy of the collection with the item added. How the item is added depends upon the collection type, e.g. an item conjoined to a list is added to the beginning while an item conjoined to a vector is added to the end.
(conj [5 7 3] 9) ; returns [5 7 3 9] (conj (list 5 7 3) 9)) ; returns list (9 5 7 3) (conj nil item) ; returns list (item)
- (list item*)
- (vector item*)
- (hash-map keyval*) where keyval => key value
Produce a list, vector, or hashmap, respectively. You can generally always just use literal syntax in place of these functions, but having functions gives us something to pass to other functions expecting function arguments.
- (nth collection n)
Return the nth item from collection, where collection is any collection but not a map. (The collection can be a sequence over a map, but not an actual map.)
(nth [31 73 -11] 2) ; returns -11 (nth (list 31 73 -11) 0) ; returns 31 (nth [8 4 4 1] 9) ; exception: out of bounds
- keywords as functions
A keyword can be used as a function to look up a key's value in the various kinds of maps (hashmaps, sets, structmaps, etc.):
(:velcro {:velcro 5 :zipper 7}) ; returns 5, the value mapped to :velcro in the hashmap
- maps as functions
The map types themselves can be used as functions to look up their key's values:
({:velcro 5 :zipper 7} :velcro) ; returns 5, the value mapped to :velcro in the hashmap ({3 "cat" :tim "moose"} :tim) ; returns "moose", the value mapped to :tim in the hashmap (["hi" "bye"] 1) ; returns "bye", the value of the second index in the vector
Sequence functions
[edit | edit source]Most of the sequence functions can be passed objects which are not sequences but from which a sequence can be derived, e.g. you can pass a list in place of a sequence.
Where there are redundancies between sequence operations and more operations specialized for specific collection types, the redundancies are mostly for performance considerations. For instance, to produce a reversed-order sequence of a vector, you can use the sequence operation reverse or the vector specific rseq: while rseq is less general, it is more efficient.
- (seq collection)
Return a sequence representing the collection. seq also works on native Java arrays, Strings, and any object that implements Iterable, Iterator, or Enumeration.