Lingwa de planeta/Nouns and adjectives - keys
- hope - nada
- knowledge - jansa
- help - helpa
- request - prega
- joy - joisa
- question - kwesta
- answer - jawaba
- coming - laisa
- song - gana
- journey - safara
- fond of traveling - safarishil
- fond of asking questions - kwestishil
- believable - kredibile
- hopable - nadibile
- amorous - lubishil
- hopeful - nadishil
- The book is big enough. - Kitaba es basta gran.
- The child is too small. - Kinda es tro syao.
- Where's the flower? - Wo es flor?
- The flower was rather beautiful. - Flor bin aika jamile.
- What will the house be like? - Kwel ve bi dom?
- The house will be very good. - Dom ve bi muy hao.
- This kid is small, but quite understanding. - Sey kinda es syao, bat aika samajishil.
- That person was very good. - Toy jen bin muy hao.
- I don't like this house: it's too small. - Me bu pri sey dom: it es tro syao.
- You don't need to talk to such a person: they will not be a good friend to you. - Bu treba shwo a tal jen: ta bu ve hao amiga fo yu.
- That house is big enough for us to live in. - Toy dom es basta gran fo ke nu mog jivi in it.
- This child is too fond of asking questions. - Sey kinda es tro kwestishil.
- There is a small house there. - Dar ye syao dom.
- There are no flowers here. - Hir flor yok.
- We will have a child. - Nu ve hev kinda.
- They had such a book. - Ta hev-te tal kitaba.
- my child - may kinda
- my child's book - kitaba de may kinda / may-kinda-ney kitaba
- your book - yur kitaba
- own house - swa-ney dom
- our child's friend - amiga de nuy kinda / nuy-kinda-ney amiga
- their time - ley taim
- his flower - suy flor / luy flor
- huge - gro-gran
- gorgeous - gro-jamile
- be in dire need - gro-nidi
- ardently desire - gro-yao
- little person - jen-ki
- little flower - flor-ki
- I have a friend. - Me hev un amiga.
- They are an excellent person. - Ta es gro-hao jen.
- They are very hardworking and understanding. - Ta es muy gunshil e samajishil.
- They have a small child. - Ta hev un syao kinda.
- My friend wants to be with the child, wants to see how their child lives. - May amiga yao bi kun kinda, yao vidi komo suy kinda jivi.
- But they can't, because they have to work. - Bat ta bu mog bikos ta mus gun.
- They don't have time to play with their child. - Ta bu hev taim fo plei kun swa-ney kinda.
- When they arrive, the child is asleep. - Wen ta lai, kinda somni.
- My friend hopes that when the child is big, they will be able to read books to them and talk about them with them. - May amiga nadi ke, wen kinda es gran, ta ve mog lekti kitaba fo ta e shwo om li kun ta.
- My friend's child can't understand why their father can't play with them. - May-amiga-ney kinda bu mog samaji way suy patra bu mog plei kun ta.
- The child cannot sit without playing. They want to run, sing, dance. - Kinda bu mog sidi sin plei. Ta yao lopi, gani, dansi.
- Also my friend has a father. He is very old. - Yoshi may amiga hev patra. Lu es muy lao.
- They don't remember what their name is. - Ta bu remembi komo ta nami.
- They do not see and therefore (because of this) cannot read and write. - Ta bu vidi e por se ta bu mog lekti e skribi.
- They need to sleep. - Ta nidi somni.