Lua in SpringRTS/Common identifiers

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Common identifiers

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Here is a list of common identifiers(names) that are being used through out the game. These are rather conventions and should be treated as such. That means that you can replace these names with your own names but to keep things standardized it's a good idea to follow the conventions that others have previously used.

Here is a list of the identifiers commonly used:

Name Type Description
enemyUnitID integer The unitID of an enemy unit.
allyTeamID The teamID of an ally. All allies have the same allyTeamID
attackerID integer Is just the unitID of a unit that is attacking some other unit.
unitDefID integer Each type of unit has the same DefID. For example all Krogoths from the same team have the same unitDefID but different unitID.
unitID integer Each unit in the game has a unique ID. No unit in the game can have the same unitID with an other unit.
teamID integer Each team in the game has a unique ID. Players with the same team ID share their units.
groupID integer
featureID integer Each feauture in the game has a unique ID
weaponID integer Each weapon in the game has a unique ID. No weapon in the game can have the same weaponID with an other weapon.
defName string
resourceName string Identifier for the resource: metal or energy
resourceAmount integer Holds the amount of metal or energy
damageAmount integer Holds the amount of damage
los number Line of sight
x integer Map coordinates on the x-axis
y integer Map coordinates on the y-axis
button Mousebutton
key Keymap (Keystroke)
sx integer Relative value on the x-axis of the minimap. "s" stands for "scaled"
sy integer Relative value on the y-axis of the minimap. "s" stands for "scaled"
vsx integer Screen coordinates
vsy integer Screen coordinates
pingSize number
height A value for y. Usually used when retrieving or changing an y value.
funcID ID of a function
funcName string Name of a function
tooltip string