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MINC/SoftwareDevelopment/EZMINC/ITK Integration

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Better MINC1/2 support for ITK

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If you are not satisfied with MINC2 only interface provided by ITK, or need access to MINC file attributes, or want to read/write 4D data use ITK interface provided by EZMINC


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Compile EZMINC with ITK support, see [EZMINC_Installing] If you are not using ITK plugin (currently plugin is not recommended) add following code to "mincify" your ITK program:

 #include "itkMincImageIOFactory.h" 
 #include "itkMincImageIO.h"
 int main(int argc,char **argv)
   //registering the MINC_IO factory

Example of working with DTI data

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Code from itk_dti.cpp from examples:

Using minc XFM files

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  • applying transformation

code from itk_resample.cpp

#include "itkMincImageIOFactory.h"
 #include "itkMincImageIO.h"
 #include "minc_helpers.h"

 typedef itk::ResampleImageFilter<minc::image3d, minc::image3d> FilterType;
 typedef minc::XfmTransform  TransformType;
 TransformType::Pointer transform = TransformType::New();
 //reading a minc style xfm file
 filter->SetTransform( transform );
  • Storing affine transformation in .xfm file
#include <minc_helpers.h>
 itk::AffineTransform<double,3>  m_AffineTransform;
 minc::write_linear_xfm(output_xfm, m_AffineTransform->GetMatrix(), m_AffineTransform->GetOffset());
  • Reading affine transformation from .xfm file
itk::AffineTransform<double,3>  m_AffineTransform;
 itk::Matrix<double,3,3> rotation;
 itk::Vector<double,3> translation;
  • reading/writing .tag files
std::vector<int> labels;
  std::vector<itk::Point<double>,3> tags;
  read_tags(tags, labels, input_tag);
  write_tags(tags, labels, ouput_tag);