Managing your business with anyPiece/Inventory system for recycle business/Staging

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Staging is an area where goods which just arrive in lorry or other mean of transportation. As the time permitted, staging is use to quick capture of the inventory that receive without the needs to do a proper checking (which might take more time)


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  1. Go to Inventory Management > Staging
  2. If this is the first time you have enter into this screen, you will be ask to pick your brand > branch > warehouse
  3. Once you have done the previous step, select the warehouse location. The location which is listed here only belong to staging and receiving area only
  4. You can pick to enter any fine detail that you might have especially on the company name
  5. Click "Start receiving". Please take note the GRN number will not be generated until the first product enter into the system
  6. Select the packaging that you have receive
  7. You can enter the product information if you have the detail. You can change it on the receiving if there were any mistake done over here.
  8. Enter the number of bag that you have receive
  9. Enter the gross weight which is including the bag
  10. Enter the tare weight for the bag or anything extra
  11. Click "Save"
  12. Click "Complete Staging" when you are done

What happen if I accidentally close my browser during my receiving?

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You can always go to SR Supervisor to ask for resuming back the staging by click on the GRN number

How to prevent GRN printed out everytime I accept new good?

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Just tick on "Disable GRN printing"