Managing your business with anyPiece/Task management/Contact management/Setup new contact

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In anyPiece task management, you will need two key information

  • Company detail
  • Company contact person *optional*

This information is shared among all the modules.

Steps on creating new contact's company

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  1. Go to Task Management > Dashboard Contact
  2. Click on [Create Contact]
  3. Fill in [Company Name]
  4. Fill in the [Initial]. This will play an important role later for easy finding for the company.
  5. Fill in the [Business Type]. If you wish to create new business type, you can click on Create Business Type tutorial
  6. Fill in the [Address], [Postcode], [State] and [Country]
  7. Click on [Update Company Detail] and if everything goes well, you will get [Update Complete]
  8. Click [OK]. Now you have complete enter your customer/vendor's company contact, you can choose to proceed on entering the company's personnel.

Steps on creating company personnel

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  1. Once you have completed on the steps above, you can click on [CONTACT] tab
  2. Click on [Add New Contact]
  3. Fill in First Name, Last Name and Init
  4. Once you are done, click [SAVE]