Managing your business with anyPiece/WYSIWYG Web editor/End user/How to add new page?

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Creating a new page in [CMS] is pretty simple. Most of the hardwork is already taken care by the designer and web developer while you just focus on what matter to you. The detail of the website.

There will be few types of pages which we will commonly group them

  • Form style page
  • Navigation page
  • Article page
  • Product page

Form style page

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This page called "Form style page" is meant for fixed page where there wouldn't be much changes to the basic layout. Example, about us page will only have one article to explain on the company history while one photo on the top for show case.

This is one of the favorite for our user as it pretty straight forward. What-you-see-what-you-get.

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This page called "Navigation type" usually is merely a page which contain links to others page (usually its child) which consist but not limited to Article or Form Style page. For example, if your company is having multiple projects and you would like to have a navigation page which will list out all child form style page. This will save your time to remove/add new projects from the list by focusing on the forms existing as child for this project navigation page.

Basic step

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  1. Go to Main Navigation > Web Editor
  2. Click "Create New Page" and you will be sent to a new tab/page (refer to screen shot on creating new page).
    screen shot on creating new page
  3. Please select the page type which is located at the arrow indicating "A". Please follow your company quick guide for more explanation on those since its totally customized
  4. Enter the page name and page id will be automatically entered for you
  5. Please do take note that page id can't be duplicate. If there is another page with the same id existed, the system will block you
  6. Master page is merely on how the page design should react. Just ignore it most of the time unless you know what you are doing. But again, you can always roll back your changes.