Managing your business with anyPiece/WYSIWYG Web editor/Tag

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List of tag

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As we can't really remember all the tag, we will try our best to update that tag that available for usage over here.

Master page only

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Content tag

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<!--ap type='content'/-->
  • Use by master page to replace the content with sub page


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Web site title

[edit | edit source]
<!--ap type='website_title'/-->

Page title

[edit | edit source]
<!--ap type='page_title'/-->


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<!--ap type='comment'-->

  • This syntax is usually used by the developer to remark unwanted code during editing. Some of the most common area would be loading the jquery. As in anyPiece platform, jQuery is loaded up by default. If its double load, it will crash and kill the system. Please refer to the sample below.

<script type='text/javascript'>
    var ap_APIURL = "<!--ap type='api_serviceurl' /-->";
    var ap_APITOKEN = "<!--ap type='api_token' /-->";
    var ap_APIKEY = "<!--ap type='api_publickey' /-->";
    var ap_LOGINNAME = "<!--ap type='login_name' /-->";
    var ap_COMPANYID = "<!--ap type='companyid' /-->";


<script src="<!--ap type='weburl'/-->/script/ap_request.js"></script>
<script src="<!--ap type='weburl'/-->/script/ap_loginout.js"></script>
<script src="<!--ap type='weburl'/-->/script/ap_control.js"></script>
