Mandarin Chinese/One/First Words

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Mandarin Chinese | Lesson Two

This lesson you will learn:

  • Some pinyin
  • Pronouns



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  • Pinyin is a system for writing Chinese pronunciations with the English alphabet
  • Initials- d t n l -are pronounced as in English
  • -i is pronounced bee
  • -a is pronounced father
  • -uo is pronounced woah. It becomes "wo" when it has no initial
  • -ü is pronounced as in German. For those not familiar with the sound, pronounce be with rounded lips. It loses the umlaut/two dots after j, q and x. It becomes "yu" when it has no initial
  • Chinese is a tonal language and has 4 tones: flat, rising, falling, and change. Change is pronounced with your voice going down and back up. The four tones look as such, with "a" as an example
    • flat ā
    • rising á
    • falling à
    • change ǎ
Chinese Pinyin English
I, me
He, him
She, her

Mandarin Chinese | Lesson Two