MapleStory/Beginner Guide/Builds

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Permanent Beginners (also referred to as "super newbies"), are those Beginners who stay Beginners past the first job advancement. The path of the Permanent Beginner is challenging, and only those with the patience can create a successful Beginner. Here are several of the most common reasons given for remaining a Beginner:

  • The challenge involved.
  • The fact that Beginners do not lose experience upon death.
  • The fact that the Cabs (regular and VIP) remain inexpensive at a 90% discount.
  • The priviledge of being able to wield rare weapons like the Frozen Tuna, Sake Bottle and Maroon Mop in some Maple Story versions which have extremely high weapon attacks and low level requirements.
    • As an addition to the above, dying is a quick and free way of returning to the nearest town, making Return Scrolls obsolete.
  • It is easier to save Mesos because:
    • There is less need for HP potions because of no experience loss upon death;
    • There is no need to buy MP potions because Beginners have no skills (except in KoreaMS Tespia and GlobalMS as of 0.28; see below);
    • Travelling via Cabs is inexpensive.
  • Because of the rarity of Permanent Beginners and the challenge, Beginners will be envied.

While the pros are promising, there are a few cons that may outweigh the pros, depending on the user's opinion. Here are the cons:

  • Beginners don't have much weapon and armor selection.
  • Beginners have very little skills. (As of the 0.27 Patch)
  • Beginners deal lower damage than Warriors their level until about level 40.
  • Beginners will be KSed a lot more in their higher levels than they were in the lower levels.

Stat builds

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The following are three distinct Beginner stat builds. They are all similar to Warrior builds.

High STR Beginner
This build focuses on Strength due to the lack of available weapons. Strength must be increased to match that of a Warrior's.
  • STR: All other Ability Points that do not go into DEX.
  • DEX: Equal to current level.
  • INT: Add nothing.
  • LUK: Add nothing.

This build will level the quickest.

High DEX Beginner
This build focuses on Dexterity to be primarily accurate and evasive. Some Beginners who use this build incorporate LUK for more avoidability.
  • STR: Player's choice; should remain around current level.
  • DEX: All other Ability Points that do not go into STR/LUK.
  • INT: Add nothing.
  • LUK: Add nothing (may incorporate some for extra avoidability).

This build will level slower than the first, but will be able to hit almost anything.

"Warrior" Beginner
This build is exactly the same as a Warrior's build. Note: the player may want to take a few points out of DEX and add it into STR so that they do not fall behind in damage.
  • STR: All other Ability Points that do not go into STR.
  • DEX: Double your current level.
  • INT: Add nothing.
  • LUK: Add nothing.
Monster Masterer
A Beginner who speciallizes in killing one monster
  • STR: Add until you can 1HKO it.
  • DEX: Only add Until you can hit it 70-80% of the time, then add reast later (unless you stay on Maple Island, then add nothing).
  • INT: Add nothing.
  • LUK: Add last until it can't hit you.

Another idea for DEX is to keep it 10 above your current level for stable damage and good accuracy.