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MapleStory/Magician Guide/Skills

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First Job: Magician

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Improving MP Recovery
This skill increases the amount of MP gained every 10 seconds. Max is 16 points.
Improving Max MP Increase
This skill increases the amount of Max MP gained on a level up or when adding AP into MP. Requires 5 points in Improving MP Recovery. Max is 10 points.
Magic Guard
This skill replaces HP with MP for up to 80% of any attack taken. Max is 20 points.
Magic Armor
This skill raises weapon defense temporarily, up to 40 points. Requires 3 points in Magic Guard. Max is 20 points.
Energy Bolt
This skill is a projectile attack. Less powerful than Magic Claw on average. Max is 20 points.
Magic Claw
This skill attacks twice from a distance, but not as a projectile. As such, it can damage regardless of terrain. Requires 1 point in Energy Bolt. Max is 20 points.

Second Job

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Ice/Lightning Wizard

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MP Eater
Drain MP from an enemy monster on an attack, regardless of hit or miss. Max is 20 points.
Increase the magic attack of the party by up to 20 points. Requires 3 points in MP Eater. Max is 20 points.
Slows down enemies in the area. Will not stack with itself. Requires 5 points in Teleport. Max is 20 points.
Allows the character to move forward a certain distance regardless of obstacles, but not into the terrain. Works in all four main directions. Can also be used with an attack to move and attack at the same time. Max is 20 points.
Cold Beam
Attacks a single target with an ice-based attack, ignoring terrain. It can also freeze a non-resistant target, preventing it from moving or using skills (but not cancelling skills in progress). Max at 30 points. Bosses and monsters that resist ice make up most of the freeze-resistant monsters.
Thunder Bolt
Attacks up to six nearby monsters with lightning. Has a slight vertical range. Highly MP-intensive and HP-intensive (due to close range), but also allows for MP Eater to activate on each monster hit. Usually used for faster training than Cold Beam. Max at 30 points.

Fire/Poison Wizard

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MP Eater
Drain MP from an enemy monster on an attack, regardless of hit or miss. Max is 20 points.
Increase the magic attack of the party by up to 20 points. Requires 3 points in MP Eater. Max is 20 points.
Slows down enemies in the area. Will not stack with itself. Requires 5 points in Teleport. Max is 20 points.
Allows the character to move forward a certain distance regardless of obstacles, but not into the terrain. Works in all four main directions. Can also be used with an attack to move and attack at the same time. Max is 20 points.
Fire Arrow
The most powerful second-job Magician skill. Fire-based attack, but is affected by terrain. Effective against most El Nath monsters. Max is 30 points.
Poison Brace
Hits an enemy for weak damage and a chance of poisoning the target. Affected by terrain. Poison deals either 70 HP or 1/40 of the monster's HP, whichever is higher. Poison cannot kill the enemy. Max is 30 points.


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MP Eater
Drain MP from an enemy monster on an attack, regardless of hit or miss. Max is 20 points.
Allows the character to move forward a certain distance regardless of obstacles, but not into the terrain. Works in all four main directions. Can also be used with an attack to move and attack at the same time. Max is 20 points.
Heals the caster, nearby party members and deals damage to undead enemies nearby. Targets up to 6 players/monsters, including the caster. Targets party members over undead enemies. One of the Cleric's most useful skills. Max is 30 points.
Reduces damage dealt by physical-based attacks by up to 30%. Requires 5 points in Heal. Max is 20 points.
Increases weapon defense, magic defense, accuracy, and avoidability by up to 20 points each. Requires 5 points in Invincible. Max is 20 points.
Holy Arrow
Holy-based attack that is affected by terrain. Max base power is equal to Magic Claw's combined attacks. Max is 30 points.

Third Job

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Ice/Lightning Mage

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Partial Resistance
Reduces the damage of Ice or Lightning-based attacks by up to 70%. Max is 20 points.
Element Amplification
Causes attacks to use more MP, up to double the original cost. Increases magic attack by up to 35%. Max is 30 points.
Ice Strike
An ice-based attack that targets up to six monsters with ice. Can freeze like Cold Beam and does as much damage at max as Thunder Bolt would with an elemental advantage. Max is 30 points.
Thunder Spear
The most powerful magic of the third job, but takes a long time to cast. Lightning-based and attacks a single monster. Max is 30 points.
Seals nearby enemies, preventing them from using skills. Requires 3 points in Element Amplification. Max is 20 points.
Magic Booster
While active, makes spells cast faster by a certain %. This % increases at level 11. Requires 3 points in Element Amplification. Max is 20 points.
Magic Composition
A projectile-based attack that is considered to be both Ice and Lightning elements. To determine the damage multiplier, split the ice and lightning parts into .5x each, and apply weakness/resistance separately. If a monster is resistant against just one element, the damage done will be [.5 + 1/2(.5)] = .75x. If a monster is weak to just one element as well, the damage will only be [.5 + 1.5(.5)] = 1.25x. Can also freeze like Cold Beam. Max is 30 points.

Fire/Poison Mage

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Partial Resistance
Reduces the damage of Fire or Poison-based attacks by up to 70% (as well as damage from the Poison status effect). Max is 20 points.
Element Amplification
Causes attacks to use more MP, up to double the original cost. Increases magic attack by up to 35%. Max is 30 points.
A fire-based attack that hits (6?) monsters around the caster. As powerful at max at Fire Arrow. Relatively slow. Max is 30 points.
Poison Mist
Leave a mist of poison that damages and can poison an enemy while it is in the field. Max is 30 points.
Seals nearby enemies, preventing them from using skills. Requires 3 points in Element Amplification. Max is 20 points.
Magic Booster
While active, makes spells cast faster by a certain %. This % increases at level 11. Requires 3 points in Element Amplification. Max is 20 points.
Magic Composition
A projectile-based attack that is considered to be both Fire and Poison elements. To determine the damage multiplier, split the Fire and Poison parts into .5x each, and apply weakness/resistance separately. If a monster is resistant against just one element, the damage done will be [.5 + 1/2(.5)] = .75x. If a monster is weak to just one element as well, the damage will only be [.5 + 1.5(.5)] = 1.25x. Can also poison like Poison Brace. Max is 30 points.


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Element Resistance
Reduces damage from ALL elements (and the poison status effect) by up to 50%. Max is 20 points.
Removes status effects from the caster and the party members, as well as removing any stat bonuses on the enemies. Max is 20 points.
Mystic Door
Uses a Magic Rock to open a two-way door to the nearest town. Can be used by the caster and party members. Lasts for 3 minutes at max. Requires 3 points in Dispel. Max is 20 points.
Holy Symbol
Boosts the EXP gain of at least two players by up to 1.5x. If not in a party, or without another party member in the same map, Holy Symbol has a lesser effect. Requires 3 points in Dispel. Max is 30 points.
Shining Ray
Attacks up to six nearby enemies with light-based magic. Max is 30 points.
Uses a Magic Rock to turn nearby monsters into snails. All attributes except for HP, EXP, and items change. Max is 30 points.
Summon Dragon
Uses a Summoning Rock to summon a dragon to attack nearby enemies. Automatically attacks with holy power every few seconds. Max is 30 points.

Fourth Job

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Maple Hero
A Spell that raise stats of party members by percentage (percentage depending on skill level). Max is 20 points.
Quantum Explosion
A attack that hits (6?) monsters around the caster.Relatively slow. Max is 30 points.