MapleStory/Thief Guide/Skills

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First Job: Rogue

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Nimble Body
Increases accuracy and avoidability by up to 20 points. Max is 20 points.
Keen Eyes
Increases the attack range of throwing stars. Requires 3 points in Nimble Body. Max is 8 points.
Temporarily reduces enemy's weapon attack and defense, and also causes it to lose its lock on a player. Max is 20 points.
Dark Sight
Prevents touch-based damage to the character at a cost of speed. Attacking, potions, and picking up items are disabled during the effect. Requires 3 points in Disorder. Max is 20 points. At max level, both Dark Sight and a speed bonus may coexist.
Double Stab
Uses a dagger to attack an enemy twice. Max is 20 points.
Lucky Seven
Uses a claw to throw two stars at an enemy. Damage is not done in relation to the stats window or mastery level, but rather solely on LUK. Max is 20 points.

Second Job

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Dagger Mastery
Increases accuracy and minimum damage (Mastery %). Max is 20 points.
Activates recovery on ropes, as well as passive HP and MP regeneration. Max is 20 points.
Dagger Booster
Increases dagger attacking speed. Requires 5 points in Dagger Mastery. Max is 20 points.
Increases the party's speed and jump to incredible proportions. Maxes at 20 points.
Steals an item from an enemy. Maximum of one successful steal per monster. Requires 5 points in Haste. Max is 30 points.
Savage Blow
The bandit's main attack, complete with its own signature sound effect. Lands up to six hits onto a single monster. Max is 30 points.


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Claw Mastery
Increases Mastery % (but not for Lucky Seven), Accuracy, and maximum amount of throwing stars per set. Max is 20 points.
Critical Throw
Much like the Bowman critical, allows any thrown star to deal up to +100% (NOT double) extra damage at a max 50% rate. Requires 3 points in Claw Mastery. Max is 30 points.
Activates recovery on ropes, as well as passive HP and MP regeneration. Max is 20 points.
Claw Booster
Increases claw attacking speed. Requires 5 points in Claw Mastery. Max is 20 points.
Increases the party's speed and jump to incredible proportions. Maxes at 20 points.
Throws a star and heals self in relation to the amount of damage done. Cannot heal more than half the character's HP or more than the monster's HP. Unlike the Final Fantasy games, the drain effect will not be reversed on undead monsters. Requires 3 points in Endure. Max is 30 points.

Third Job

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Chief Bandit

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Shield Mastery
Increases the defense of an equipped shield. Max is 20 points.
Uses MP to increase the idle HP regentaion rate. Only lasts while HP is less than 50%, and is cancelled by moving or taking damage. If cancelled by taking damage, the damage is increased. Max is 30 points.
Attacks an enemy by slashing through it. Can stun at a certain rate. Max is 30 points.
Causes an enemy to drop meso coins upon taking damage at a certain rate. Requires 3 points in Meso Explosion. Max is 20 points.
Band of Thieves
"Summons" thieves to attack nearby monsters. No item required, and number of thieves increases with levels. Max is 30 points.
Meso Guard
Blocks half of damage, and reduces meso by a certain % of the damage blocked. Note: Faulty description given in-game, no limit on meso used up before deactivating. Requires 3 points in Chakra. Max is 20 points.
Meso Explosion
Detonated meso on the ground to cause a large amound of damage. Highest-dealing attack in the game, but very inefficient money-wise and difficult to set up. Max is 30 points.


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Increases the effect of potions. If timed, such as a Warrior Pill, duration will be increased. If a set number, such as Red/Blue potions, the effect will be increased. If %-based, such as Elixirs, no effect. Max is 20 points.
Meso Up
Temporarily increases the amount of meso dropped by monsters killed by the party. Max is 20 points.
Copy Cat
Also known as "Shadow Partner", uses a Summoning rock to create a shadow that mimics your actions. Mimics normal attacks at 80% and skills at 50% damage. If your attack criticals, the mimiced attack will at well. The shadow's attacks also use throwing stars. Max is 30 points.
Shadow Web
Holds monsters in their locations for a short amount of time. Max is 20 points.
Shadow Meso
Throws meso instead of using up MP. May rarely boost damage by 50%, and ignores defense bonus (red skull) and magic defense bonus (blue swirl) skills. Requires 5 points in Meso Up. Max is 30 points.
Uses three throwing stars to create a large shuriken which is thrown in a straight line. The Avenger-star can attack multiple enemies. Max is 30 points.
Flash Jump
Shoots forward a large distance in mid-air. Fastest movement skill in the game. Requires 5 points in #Avenger. Max is 20 points.

Fourth Job

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Maple Hero
A Spell that raise stats of party members by percentage (percentage depending on skill level). Max is 20 points.
Attacks an enemy by slashing and last for (18?) seconds. Can stun at a certain rate. Max is 30 points.