The Raguileo Alphabet
[edit | edit source]A | C | Z | E | F | Q | I | K | L | B | J | M | N | H | Ñ | G | O | P | R | S | T | X | U | V | W | Y |
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C | Is pronounced like ch in chocolate. |
Z | Is pronounced like a combination of the th in thing and a softened d. |
F | Is pronounced like f in food. |
K | Is pronounced like the k in Katherine. |
L | Is pronounced like the l in look. |
B | Is pronounced by saying L but having the tip of your tongue between your teeth. |
J | Is pronounced like the y in yes. |
M | Is pronounced like m in mouse. |
N | Is pronounced like n in not. |
H | Is pronounced like by saying n but having the tip of your tongue between your teeth. |
Ñ | Is pronounced like the ny in canyon. |
G | Is pronounced like the ng in sing. |
P | Is pronounced like p in party. |
R | Is pronounced like r in red. |
S | Is pronounced like the s in singer or like sh in show depending on dialect. |
T | Is pronounced like the t in type. |
X | Is pronounced like the tr in train. |
[edit | edit source]- The vowel A is like the a in the English word father.
- The vowel E is like the e in the English word met or bed.
- The vowel I is like the ee in the English word see or the i in ill.
- The vowel O is like the o in the English word hot or the augh in caught.
- The vowel U is like the oo in the English word boo or boot.
The last vowel V is made by first trying to say i in the English word ill but instead saying the oo in English word boot.
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Q | Is pronounced like the g in gut. |
W | Is pronounced like the w in water. |
Y | Is pronounced like the y in yes. |
[edit | edit source]Ruka - house
Xewa - dog