Mathematical Proof/Appendix/Glossary

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This glossary is mostly just for a quick reminder of terms learned in the book and is not meant to be comprehensive or rigorous. Please visit Wikipedia or Wiktionary for more detail.

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The science of addition and multiplication (subtraction and division are included, since they are the inverse operations of addition and multiplication). Proof by Contrapositive
A self-evident truth. It is the foundation of logical reasoning. A statement that is accepted as true without proof, which may be assumed in proving that other things are true.Notation

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A collection of open sets in a set such that the intersection of any two open sets in contains a set Proof by Contradiction

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Closed set
The complement of an open set in a topological space. Proof by Contradiction
The result of a given conditional statement. (The "then" clause of a theorem.) This is also sometimes referred to as the result. Constructive Proof
Conditional statement
An "if" or an "only-if" statement. It is conditional because its truth value is determined by the truth value of two other statements. Logical Reasoning
The converse and negation of a conditional. The contrapositive of is . Logical Reasoning
The "reverse" of a conditional statement. The converse of is . Logical Reasoning
That which follows, usually without any necessary argument, from a given result. Constructive Proof

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See factor.
An integer n divides an integer m, if n is a factor of m, equivalently, if m is a multiple of n, or, equivalently, if there's a integer k such that . Proof by Contrapositive

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One of the objects in a set. Notation
See Logically Equivalent.

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An integer that divides a given integer. (e.g. 3 is a factor of 6.) This is the "opposite" of multiple. Proof by Contrapositive

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A result whose proof is fairly simple or one that is used to simplify or break down a larger argument. Constructive Proof
Logcially Equivalent
Two statements that are simultaneously true or simultaneously false are logically equivalent. Logical Reasoning

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An integer obtained by multiplying two integers together. (e.g. 4 is a mulitple of 2). This is the "opposite" of factor. Proof by Contrapositive

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The opposite of a truth statement. The negation of true is false and vice-versa. Logical Reasoning

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Open set
A set that is an element of a topology defined on a set Proof by Contradiction

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A lemma, theorem, or corollary. A statement of "if-then" that has been proven to be true. Also, the conclusion of such a statement. Constructive Proof

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A collection of items, or elements. Notation
See Truth Statement.

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A main result. Usually the proof is somewhat involved and the result is interesting and useful. Constructive Proof
Topological Space
A set together with a topology that satisfy the topology axioms. Proof by Contradiction
A collection of subsets of a given set that satisfy the topology axioms. Proof by Contradiction
Truth Statement
A statement whose truth value can be determined. Therefore, it is either true or false. Logical Reasoning
Truth Value
The assessment of whether a statement is true or false. Logical Reasoning