Mega Man Battle Network/Walkthroughs/Mega Man Battle Network 5/Liberation Mission 5

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This part of the walkthrough covers the fifth Liberation Mission, where your team will face off against CosmoMan.

MegaMan: Lan, do you want to start the liberation mission?

(answer "Yes")

MegaMan: OK, Lan. Then, let's go!

The first time you enter, you will get a cutscene:

(NumberMan steps forward)

NumberMan: Something's wrong with this DarkPanel.
Colonel: Good eye, NumberMan!

(camera goes up ahead to a Dark Hole)

Colonel: I've heard that some DarkPanels are booby trapped. We can't just liberate panels haphazardly.
NumberMan: This guy sure is one heck of a nasty customer...!
CosmoMan: Hee-hee-hee...

(camera goes to CosmoMan)

CosmoMan: I'll take that as a complement.
TomahawkMan: Who the heck are you?
CosmoMan: I'm CosmoMan. I control the world of darkness. Let's see how you managed to make it this far!

(back to the team)

KnightMan: At least he was polite enough to say his name.
Colonel: Take it as a sign of his confidence. He's a strong one, no doubt about it.
MegaMan: This place seems to be full of BarrierPanels. Keep an eye out for traps as we look for the key.
Colonel: Definitely... NumberMan?
NumberMan: I can search and grab items in a 6 sq range without needing to battle anyone.
Colonel: Your search power is something else! Complete the liberation within 9 phases!
Lan: Roger!

NumberMan and SearchMan have vastly different abilities. NumberMan's NumberCheck will claim all the items in a three by two range but not liberate any panels, while SearchMan can liberate all item panels in a line of unoccupied dark or item panels. Both, however, will disarm traps and claim all other prizes, so they are your only protection against traps.

There are two kinds of traps: damage traps and stun traps. Stun traps, regardless of how many are set off at a time, will incapacitate a navi for one turn. In this mission, damage traps will do 50 damage when they are set off. The main concern is, of course, getting rid of stun traps, as your navis should be able to take a 50HP hit if you set the damage traps off.

Team Colonel strategy

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As for your team, Colonel will have 450 HP, KnightMan will have 600 HP, TomahawkMan 350, and NumberMan 300. The ColonelCannon C and the TomahawkSwing T will do 120 damage, the KingdomCrusher K will do 100 damage, while the NumberTrap N will do 120 damage.

Phase 1

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The first thing you need to do is to get the first key, which you can either do in one phase (but losing one navi to a stun trap the next phase), or two (which, of course means more liberated area to work with). First, have MegaMan do a LongSword on the very left (you don't want to use TomahawkMan on the second column as you will destroy order points), which will set off a damage trap. Then have a second navi kill the Bladia in one-turn (alternately, one-turn or ScreenDivide around the Bladia). Your third navi should then take the panel on the left turnoff (easy as you don't have to one-turn). Now, you can either sacrifice your fourth navi for one turn so that you can NumberCheck and get the key (but leave you with no order points), or you can NumberCheck to get rid of the stun trap, and use your fifth navi to get two more order points (the panel down and to the right of where the Bladia once stood) and leave the key for Phase 2. The latter is the better choice for now, so we'll go with it. Make sure that you do not liberate the other item panel diagonal from the Bonus Panel - it's a damage trap.

  • You're nothing but dust-motes compared to me!

The Darkloids phase will see the TinHawk jump over the barrier, while a BigBrute will make its way to the other side of the Dark Hole.

Phase 2

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Now you will need two navis to claim that key (either LongSword or TomahawkSwing, then a normal liberation is needed). The other three navis should focus on destroying the Dark Hole. One navi can claim the Bonus Panel and destroy the BigBrute (do not one-turn or you will set of a damage trap - moot if you use KnightMan), and another can destroy it, leaving you with one navi and (at least) two order points. Note that when you liberate the Dark Hole, one surrounding item panel remains dark - that's a stun trap (traps will always remain if a Dark Hole is liberated). Use your fifth navi to cut a region to the clean area beyond the stun trap, making sure to avoid the trap.

Darkloid phase will consist of the TinHawk moving towards you - not too big of a deal.

Phase 3

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Now you need the second key, which is located in the rightmost panel just in front of CosmoMan. The fastest way of geting there is to use OmahawkMan and TomahawkSwing the middle column between the two Dark Holes, but you would be setting off a stun trap. Instead, have MegaMan LongSword the rightmost column (so he's in a pincer battle - one-turn to get the heart behind you), have another navi clear the Dark Hole, and NumberCheck to get the key and three order points (you would have used your last order point doing the NumberCheck, unless you got order points from the bonus panel). With TomahawkMan and your last navi, have TomahawkMan do the TomahawkSwing to the damage trap (left item panel - the other is 1000 zennys), then use Colonel to clear the Dark Hole.

Darkloids will do nothing here.

Phase 4

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Now, we focus on the upper-left corner. Have TomahawkSwing in the right hand side on the same row as the inner Dark Hole. Then, use two navis to make your way to the Dark Hole (you will also gain two order points), and the last two navis to clear the last Dark Hole (the item panel around it is a BugFrag) from the outside edge.

CosmoMan will do nothing on his side of the ball.

Phase 5

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This is where we end it. NumberCheck so that you can reach four items: a heart, a damage trap, three order points, but most importantly the third key. Then, have KnightMan claim the item panel where you got the second key (it's a damage trap - hence KnightMan). Then, have TomahawkMan TomahawkSwing the panel in front of CosmoMan (you do have the order points, and it will allow you to have four columns when fighting against CosmoMan). That leaves MegaMan and Colonel (and if necessary, four more phases) to take care of CosmoMan.

Team ProtoMan strategy

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Whereas NumberMan's ability does not do liberation, SearchMan's ability does, and it is most useful when you have a line of item panels in front of you, as you can cut a path with it at the same time. However, unlike NumberMan, you will have to battle. Still, SearchMan should be the stronger of the two anyways.

Phase 1

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Use Napalm on the far left column, which will set off a damage trap. Send a second navi to clear the single space, then use PanelSearch to disarm the stun trap and get the first key. Although you can get at the Dark Hole, chances are if you do so your second navi and SearchMan will be cut off from the Bladia reclaiming a tile so it can attack you (the Dark Hole is associated with the BigBrute and not the Bladia). Furthermore, you would be out of order points. Rather, be conservative for now and attack the Bladia, then go on the right column where there is one dark panel and use your last navi to clear it (you get 1000 zennys for one-turn liberation).

Some Guardian movement may be there, but not really anything serious.

Phase 2

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Now have three navis go full frontal on the upper right Dark Hole - two to reach and destroy (first one will get a heart with a one-turn, second will get one BugFrag) and one to get rid of the panel that the Bladia once stood on. Then do a PanelSearch to get the key, three order points, and a trap disarmament. Then, with NapalmMan, cut a path through the left most column in the upper area (exposing the upper left Dark Hole).

CosmoMan will attack SearchMan for 80 damage, while NapalmMan will be attacked by the TinHawk that's behind him for 30 damage.

Phase 3

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The idea now is to do the upper area, as you can clear the two Dark Holes and get the third key this turn. Have NapalmMan do Napalm either on the panel to the left of the corner item panel (a stun trap), the panel to the left of it, or the panel two above the trap (one above will destroy a panel containing two order points). In either way, you clear a way to the lower Dark Hole, which you clear with another navi. The third navi should concentrate on liberating while standing to the left of the panel where the Bladia once stood - a one-turn liberation nets three order points, 2500 zennys, and, more importantly, the third key. Then send your last two navis at the upper Dark Hole (you will get one BugFrag for your troubles).

Since you cleared all the Guardians out of your area, you shouldn't be attacked. The TinHawk will try to move (you didn't clear out that Dark Hole, after all...), but it's gone next turn anyways.

Phase 4

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Use three navis to clear out the two remaining two Dark Holes (the first one and the one guarded by the TinHawk). For the lower Dark Hole, attack from the bottom end (snagging an AntiFire K with the first navi and a Guard2 B with the second) as the item panel to the top-right of the Dark Hole is a stun trap. Then your fourth navi should clear the row in front of CosmoMan, and your fifth to fight him. Five under par sounds real nice.


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CosmoMan: I didn't expect to see you make it. It's actually very unfortunate for you that you did...!
Your navi: ...?
CosmoMan: You'll never ever catch me off guard. Because of that, your survival rate is less than zero!
Lan: Battles are never easy! That's why we fight with passion!
Your navi: That's right, Lan! This is it, CosmoMan!
CosmoMan: Welcome to my never-ending world of darkness!

(fight and win against CosmoMan)

CosmoMan: NO! I take my power from the cosmos! I am... invincible...! NOOOOOOOOO!

Congratuations, you have succeeded. Here's your reward:

Turns completed Reward
7 or less CosmoMan SP C
8-9 CosmoMan C
10 or more 5000 zenny