Mega Man Battle Network/Walkthroughs/Mega Man Battle Network 5/Scenario 5

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This part of the walkthrough covers the point between Liberation Missions 4 and 5, where you will meet NumberMan or SearchMan, the brains of the team.

The New Member

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Right afterwards, you will get some mail. One to explain ShadowSoul/GyroSoul, one to explain TomahawkSoul/NapalmSoul, and finally one on the new ability called ChaosUnison, to which Lan and MegaMan react to it.

Remember to go to Baryl to get the items he wanted to give you.

Folder2 is just that: a second editable folder, so that you won't have to spend countless hours retooling your folder. Anyways, head to End Area 4 (but don't forget to claim those HPMemories that you couldn't before with Colonel/ProtoMan...). In SciLab HP, you should also be able to get the SciLab banner.

Anyways, head to End Area 4, as directed, and head to a large purple door.

The Hikari Report

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Head back to the upper level of SciLabLobby, where there will be another cutscene.

Head up the elevator into Dad's Lab Check the large computer for more dialogue.

That someone of course is Higsby or Raika. Go down to SciLabFront, where you will find him in front of the park bench.

Back at Dad's Lab...

Upon closer inspection, the random pattern of blocks is really a grille - that is, if you take the letter and the grille pattern and superimpose them over each other, some letters will be in the black blocks, and most will be in the white spaces. By reading the letters in the black blocks, you will get "Doghouse out back". Head to the window in Lan's House.

Head to OldMine 5, and jack in to the AirFilterComp. Inspect the rightmost corner for another cutscene.

You will be out of the mines.

Head to the new stop on the Metroline. Near the entrance to the castle, you will find Higsby/Raika. Talk to him.

Talk to the businessman

Recall the castle you passed along the way in End Area 3? Head there. You will get another cutscene as MegaMan heads to the ramp going down.

Jack out, and head back to the castle. Talk to the businessman again to get inside.

Head inside, and make your way into the castle. At the top level, there should be the jack-in to the GargoyleCastle HP, where you can get the banner.

Make your way onto the roof, and check out the fish on the right (from the front).

Head back down to the castle, and make your way to ACDC Area 3. Here, head to the square in the left turnoff (where in Liberation Mission 1 there was a bonus panel. Just in case you don't know where you are supposed to be headed, there will be a navi there that will ask if you are looking for something. Anyways, examine the top panel in that square (ie, so you are facing the entrance to Oran Area 1).

Head into the door...

Days of Times Past

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Even though MegaMan might appear to be in the real world, he's still MegaMan, and that means you can still have virus battles here. Anyways, talk to everyone here, and explore ACDC in the year Lan and Hub were born. Revel at how Higsby's might be doomed to failure or marvel at Higsby's success. See the land that would soon become Yai's house. See the little girl's entry into the park mascot contest and how it won. See how Mayl's father went away a month before she was born! This and more wonders of ACDC Town in the year that Lan and Hub were born!

Anyways, behind Lan's house (where the road leading to Dex's house would be in present-day ACDC Town), there will be a dog. The dog will bark several times before starting a cutscene.

Walk up to each of the six HeelNavis to battle them in a virus battle. The six navis are located:

  • At the left street corner (MegaMan! Thanks for coming to me first! Gyaahh!)
  • In front of the old shop (MegaMan? How nice of you to drop by. Now you're mine!)
  • In front of the statues (Aiieee! P-Please l-l-let me live! Just kidding! YAAH!)
  • In front of Dex's house (MegaMan! Deleting you means a promotion for me! You're mine now!)
  • At the top street corner (Who are you?! MegaMan...? No! Nebula's sworn enemy? Take this!)
  • In front of Lan's house (Ah! It's YOU! Dr. Regal will reward me for destroying you! PREPARE TO DIE!)

Afterwards, there will be another cutscene.

Treachery Amongst the Ranks

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Jack out, and head to the MissionControl, and talk to Baryl/Chaud.

Looks like the two took it well, or they don't seem to care, or they just simply sensing something's afoot... After all, Higsby's too wimpy and Raika's too determined, right?

Head back home and sleep. That night...

Since you don't have the castle's P-Code, the next best thing is to jack into the statue. Head to End Area 3 and check the castle.

Head to the castle, and you will find that the stairs that lead to the upper part of the Lily room is blocked. The hologram is also showing the samurai without any armor.

Jack into ArmorComp, HelmetComp, and KatanaComp, and there will be a normal Navi there which will let you have a program that can solve this provided you beat them in a virus battle.

Afterwards, go up to the hologram.

Head to the upper room of the Mum Room, where the way up is blocked by the jade statue. Check the wooden statue...

Here, we have a mini-game titled "The Battle of the 100 Foes". Head to the center of the cross, and robot warriors will come to get you from all directions. Hit each of them as it gets near you with the B button. However, the minigame will end if a robot warrior gets too close. The further you are, the faster the robots will be coming towards you. Use the joypad to change Lan's direction (and thus the direction of his attack).

After winning (by dispatching 100 foes), there will be a cutscene.

Continue to the roof, where there will be another cutscene.

Jack in to the left fish, and proceed into the GargoyleComp

Gargoyle's Gauntlet

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Lan: There's not much time, MegaMan! Find the server fast!
MegaMan: I'm on it!

Note that the Japanese version, the GargoyleComp has 4 areas, while there are only 3 in the English versions (the second area was cut out). First, talk to the Mr. Prog to get an idea of how you go through these levels.

Mr. Prog: Welcome. First, listen to what I have to say. There're "traps" up ahead. In other words, security. You won't find it easy to get by them. There are three traps: a spear trap, a ceiling trap, and a water trap. Each trap is released by a program that is trained in Ninjutsu, or a "Ninja." Take a ninja with a read mask for the spear trap, one with a white mask for the ceiling trap, and one with a blue mask for the water trap. The ninjas will go with you on their own if you go in front of them. However, if you go by another ninja while taking one with you, they will trade places by themselves, so be careful. If you need help figuring it out, come back here. Give a spirited shout to send the ninjas back to their original positions. That's my entire explanation. Did you understand?

(answer "Yep")

Mr. Prog: There's a spear trap up ahead. Bring the ninja with the red mask. Fight on!

OK. The general strategy is try to avoid ninjas of the wrong color until you find the ninja of the right color. If you are forced to switch, it is usually an area that allows you to take a loop and switch again to get your original configuration back while allowing you to move on (even easier, just double back). Before each area, there will be a Mr. Prog telling you what ninjas you need, and should you ever screw up, also allow you to reset the ninjas. All ninjas associated with a trap are removed when you clear the trap, so you won't have to worry having to backtrack.

The first trap is easy enough. The red ninja is just to your left, and to your right is the trap. There are no other ninjas.

The second trap requires a white ninja. Take the white ninja that's there, head right to avoid the red one, then through the conveyor and left to avoid the blue one. The trap will be to your left. Continue to the third trap.

This one will have Mr. Prog teaching you about multiple ninjas of the same color. In essence, you can have up to three ninjas following you, and the only way to get one more ninja in a line with you is if the ninjas following you are all of the same color and you cross paths with another ninja of that color. Otherwise, the ninjas will essentially replace each other in a queue-like fashion. Of course, you must bring the exact amount of ninjas to the trap in order to pass. It's really irrelevant if order matters or not since all the traps in the GargoyleComp require ninjas of the same color. Anyways, you need a single blue ninja for this one, and down and to your right you will find one. Now make your way through the white ninja, the red one, and then the other white one. Just behind that one is the trap.

Trap 4: one red ninja. That's in front of you. Turn and go past the blue ninja, then the white one. The trap is behind the white ninja, and beyond that is the entrance to GargoyleComp 2.

The first trap in GargoyleComp 2 requires to red ninjas. First, go down and take the white one, and then down into a loop to get the first red ninja. Now, back to the beginning and take the blue ninja, and return to regain the red one. Continue around and you will find the second red ninja (take the long way around so you avoid the white ninja). Go back and weave your way around the ninjas to get to the trap, located behind a blue ninja.

The second trap is actually a combination of two traps: the way to the next trap requires two blue ninjas, but one is past a trap which you will need a white ninja to clear. Take a right before the water trap and go straight through to get the white ninja. Continue and go through a red ninja, and then to a different white ninja. Moving on, there will be the trap in a turnoff. Then claim the first blue ninja. Head back, through a red ninja, then through the white ninja, then go right and through a red ninja (hence the importance of not taking the conveyor belt when you had the red ninja before). Back around to get the blue ninja, and then take the conveyor and the left fork to get the other blue ninja. Now you can clear the water trap. Beyond the water trap lies GargoyleComp 3.

First trap here requires three red ninjas. First, take a left and avoid the blue and white ninjas to get the red one. Back and through the conveyor belt, and past the white ninja. Next, you will be in a loop containing one white and one blue ninja (just go around the loop once to get the red one back), and another similar loop beyond that. The right turnoff will have the second red ninja. Continue, take a right, avoid the blue ninja, all the way to the last turnoff, where the third red ninja awaits. Back around the blue ninja and towards the trap.

Final trap of these levels: three blue ninjas, of which one is behind a trap needing two white ones. Go in the general direction of the path and avoid all red ones, and there you will find the first white ninja , just above the conveyor that takes you back to the start of the trap area. Beyond that, go through a red ninja, where the turnoff before the ceiling trap will give you the second white ninja. Claim the blue ninja, and go back and past the turnoff where the first ninja was obtained. Take a series of conveyors (avoiding red ninjas) to a point where you are between two red ninjas. The left turnoff from this loop is the second blue ninja, but you will first need to take one of the red ninjas and go through a loop (avoiding other red ninjas) to go back where you were (via the right turnoff from the square). Go back and retake the blue one, and go around to claim the second blue ninja. Take the right turnoff again, and once more avoiding red ninjas to claim the third blue ninja. With three blue ninjas, take the nearby conveyor leading to the main path and back to the trap.

Beyond the trap lies a cutscene.

MegaMan: I guess this is the server.
Lan: Right, better start fixing it!
NumberMan: Stop right there!

(NumberMan jacks in. Both go into battle stances)

MegaMan: NumberMan! So this was your doing! I knew it!
NumberMan: I could say the same to you! Why did you do that to Ms. Mariko's Navi?!
Lan: What?! You're talking gibberish! You're the one who's become a Nebula Navi!
Higsby: It's you who's talking gibberish, huh! Attack him, NumberMan!
NumberMan: Hah! It's payback time!
MegaMan: This is it, Lan!
Lan: Leave it to me! Battle routine, set!
MegaMan: Execute!!!
NumberMan: I'll get you, MegaMan!

(fight and win against NumberMan)

MegaMan: Ha ha... Why on earth did you join Nebula?!
NumberMan: Ha ha... I don't know what you mean. I don't remember doing that! I guess I may as well ask you then... Why did you attack Ms. Mariko's Navi?!
MegaMan: I don't remember doing anything like that!
????: Ku hu hu hu hu! Of course you don't! We're the ones who did it all!

(two navis, one looking like NumberMan and the other like MegaMan, jack in)

NumberMan imposter: I didn't think you'd fall for our plan so easily!
MegaMan imposter: You're already a mess after that last battle! This'll be a cinch for us! What a great present for Dr. Regal!
MegaMan: So, the NumberMan I saw back in ACDC Town... (Uh, ACDC Area, not ACDC Town)
NumberMan imposter: (jumps up and down) Kya ha hah! That was me!
NumberMan: So, the one who attacked Ms. Mariko's Navi...
MegaMan imposter: (jumps up and down) Yep! Yours truly! Kya ha ha hah! And we took care of the GargCastle server too! If you defeated us, that would put it all to a stop! Not that you could! Kya ha ha ha hah!
NumberMan: (to MegaMan) MegaMan, it looks like I owe you an apology...
MegaMan: (to NumberMan) Yeah, same here.
NumberMan imposter: (jumps up and down) What are you two jabbering on about?! We won't let you get away, you know!
MegaMan imposter: (jumps up and down) You'll be deleted before you know what's hit you!
Lan: Higsby, I've got an idea... It was just a misunderstanding and now they've made up... Why don't we fight these guys off together?
Higsby: That sounds like a pretty good plan, huh... These guys make my blood boil. We can't let them get away with this, huh.

(MegaMan and NumberMan get into battle stances to face their imposters)

MegaMan: I guess it's time...
NumberMan: For you to pay!
MegaMan imposter: (jumps up and down) Pay?! You don't stand a chance! I'll delete you in a second! Here goes!

(MegaMan and NumberMan make short work out of their imposters, which explode, exposing the NumberMan imposter as a purple HeelNavi and the MegaMan imposter as a black HeelNavi)

NumberMan imposter: Gwaaah!
NumberMan: So now we see your true colors... You could never beat the real thing!
MegaMan imposter: Kurgh... You'll be sorry! The great CosmoMan of End Area 5... will be sure... to take revenge... for this... Gwaaaargh!

(both imposters disappear)

NumberMan: Hurgh! Hurgh! I'm still burning up with anger!
MegaMan: (stands up) NumberMan... Save your anger for the next mission.
NumberMan: You're right... While I'm all fired up like this, I should take care of the door to End Area 4! Let's go!

(NumberMan jacks out)

MegaMan: NumberMan! (to Lan) We have to go too, Lan!
Lan: Okay!

Road to the Fifth Liberation

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Head down to End Area 4. Since you still don't have the castle's P-Code, get there from the statue. MegaMan just happens to be the last one there when the cutscene takes over...

Colonel: So we're all here. (to NumberMan) How's it looking, NumberMan?
NumberMan: Nearly there... ...... ...That's it!

(the door is unlocked)

NumberMan: It's open!
Colonel: Okay! Let's go! (to others) We're about to begin the liberation of End Area 5! I want you to stay back here, ShadowMan. Keep a lookout in case the enemy sends reinforcements.
ShadowMan: ...If that's what you want, I guess I can't complain. But is a lookout really necessary?
Colonel: We can't be too careful from now on. If you see anything, let us know right away.
ShadowMan: I see... But no doubt you'll regret not takine me with you...
Colonel: Speed's really important right now. We're counting on you.
ShadowMan: Ku hu hu... Very well. I'll stand guard. You go and fight to your hearts' content.
Colonel: Okay, let's go!

(everyone runs in, but ShadowMan stops to stand guard)

MegaMan: Come on, Lan, let's go!

And the mission awaits... After the mission, there will be another cutscene.

(The six navis are at the place where CosmoMan once stood. Behind Colonel is a fiery door.)

Colonel: The team did an excellent job. Now that this area is liberated, the Net is ours again. All that's left now is the Undernet.
MegaMan: The Undernet...
ShadowMan: ...What's the plan, Colonel? ...Are we going straight in?
KnightMan: Time for the final battle at last!
TomahawkMan: I'm ready whenever.
NumberMan: H-Hang on a second! Shouldn't we take a breather first? I wonder if it would be wise to regain our strength a bit...

(TomahawkMan turns towards NumberMan)

TomahawkMan: You're just scared at the mention of the Undernet, huh?
Colonel: ...No, NumberMan's right.
TomahawkMan: ......
Colonel: Nebula is like a wounded beast now. There's no telling what they might do. And we've taken our fair share of damage too.
NumberMan: A-And anyway... That door that leads to the Undernet... Well, I doubt it'll be easy to open it...
Colonel: So that's it. Time to jack out. We'll assemble again when it's time to start the mission.
KnightMan: Wait! We can't be sure that the door won't open. Can't I at least try my hand at it? We knights don't like to turn our backs on the enemy.
Colonel: ...Go on then.

(Colonel steps aside)

KnightMan: Huurgh... Here goes! Rwoaaargh!

(KnightMan rams the door, but can't get it to open)

KnightMan: Aaaargh! Ha ha... Kuh!

(KnightMan tries again, and fails again)

KnightMan: Graaagh! Ha hah...
Colonel: Happy now, KnightMan? Let's jack out.
KnightMan: Hmm... There's nothing for it...

(KnightMan jacks out)

Colonel: We should jack out too. I'll be in touch when plans are in place. That's all...

(everyone but MegaMan and NumberMan jack out)

MegaMan: Thanks again, NumberMan. Your clear mind and calculated battles really impress me!

(MegaMan gets NumberSoul)

NumberMan: We all make a very good team. Things gel together nicely. We should stand a good chance with the Undernet too! I'm not very strong but I'll give it my best shot! Well, we should get some rest before the next battle.

(NumberMan jacks out)

MegaMan: NumberMan... This team just gets better all the time!
Lan: Yeah! We'd better jack out too, MegaMan.
MegaMan: Okay!

(MegaMan jacks out)