Meitei Culture/Mythology/Goddesses/Konthoujam Tampha Lairembi

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Konthoujam Tampha Lairembi (Chingphulon Konthousu) — Heavenly Empress — Consort of King Salailen — Mother of Prince Khoiriphaba — Using the Celestial Divine Golden Ladder

Konthoujam Tampha Lairembi, also known as Chingphulon Konthousu, was a deified lady of the ancient Haorok Konthou clan of Meitei ethnicity. She was born to mortal parents, often named as Lord Konthoujamba and Lady Konthoujambi. She married Celestial King Salailen, the Heavenly Father. Her marriage drew empathy of Salailen for the people of her clan. So, he granted immunity to death (immortality) and immunity to illness, to all the people of her clan. She gave birth to Prince Khoiriphaba (also known as Khoriphaba). Once she descended from the celestial realm to the earthly realm, to visit her parental house, with the permission from her divine husband, under the condition that she should not consume any earthly food or drink. She disobeyed the condition. So, she was permanently disallowed from entering the celestial realm by Salailen. The immunity to death and the immunity to illness for the people of her clan were also removed. Thus, she not only got departed from her beloved husband but also from her beloved infant son. She endured emotional pain, for a very long time, until her son grew up and came down from the sky by himself to meet her.