Meitei Culture/Mythology/Goddesses/Thoudu Nungthen Leima

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File:Birth, Discovery & Adoption of Thoudu Nungthen Leima by God Koupalu & Goddess Kounu — Lady laid on a riverbed stone slab — Classical Meitei mythology & religion (Sanamahism AKA Lainingthouism) of early Kangleipak civilization.jpg
Birth, Discovery & Adoption of Thoudu Nungthen Leima by God Koupalu & Goddess Kounu

Goddess Thoudu Nungthen Leima, also known as Thoudu Nungthel Leima, was born on a stone slab in a riverbed, as a divine incarnation of supreme mother earth goddess Leimalen. She was destined to be found out by God Koupalu and his good lady Goddess Kounu, on their way. She was adopted as their own daughter by two divine couple. As time went by, she grew up into a beautiful maiden. She was given hand in marriage to God Loiyalakpa (also known as Tollongkhomba), the son of God Marjing. Thoudu Nungthen Leima's beauty knew no bounds. For this reason, even after her marriage, she was desired by another young God Khoiriphaba. To prevent any further problem, God Koupalu and God Marjing tricked Khoiriphaba to give up the idea of Thoudu Nungthen Leima.