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Metaphysical Arts and Crafts/Crystal glove holder

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In this laboratory we will design of a crystal glove holder.


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In this laboratory practice we will learn different methods to create a crystal holder, it's function have a wearable item such a glove, where we can put one or more crystal and it can hold it on the user hand, avoiding the need of holding the crystal with the hand.

Requirements for the practice

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The requirements to join to this practice are:

Reading, understanding and practice of the following short book: Short introduction to the use of sewing machines

A textile or material: It could be paper or any textile: The textile can be selected choosing the proper material (cotton, wool, etc), elasticity, color, etc. An elastic textile is recommended since it adapt easily to any hand shape.

A sewing machine and proper needle, in case of an elastic fabric is recommended to use a golden needle since it works with stretch materials without skipping during the sewing process, an universal needle also can be used.

A sewing ball and pins. The use of our own pins prevents the transmission of diseases.

White chalk to easily mark all the cuts on the chosen fabric.

Scissors for cutting the marked areas of layers and excess material.

A crystal which has a medium or bigger energy connection with the user.

Time: 30 minutes or more.


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The design of the first version of the crystal holder is simple, it consists in:

Two layers of textile (or paper, when designing it) that are cut in the shape of the upper and lower hand, giving enough space that will allow after the cutting and sewing the proper fit in the user hand. The section for cover the finger is not necessary, it is enough that the palm layer cover the palm and that the other layer cover the dorsal area of the hand.

A small layer with a oval shape, this will be use to hold the crystal, a circular hole can be added in the center of the crystal to allow skin contact with the users hand with half the size of the crystal.

A secondary small layer can be used for the gloves upper part.

The work

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The work is done in steps: First the marking of cutting areas,

secondly the cut of the two layers and the crystal holder, third the sewing, fourth the final step, the finishing touches.

Initial cuts

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The gloves requires two layers for the body and one layer that will be the holding layer.

Cut of the two external layers

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Cut two rectangles bigger than the desired glove size.

Put the two layers together, use four pins or more to hold them together and cut them at one over the other at the same time in a hand size form (the fingers area is not necessary).

Leave a bigger enough area for the layers, this will allow to sew them and find the proper measure while measuring, this will also allow to make a glove that reach the wrist or as longer as desired, and cut it until the desired size.

Tricks: The layers can be left hanging in the border of the table to allow the gravity force to keep the two layers in place while placing a heavy object in the top, then cut them slowly. Wooden clothespin hooks can also be used to hold the fabrics vertically.

Cut of the holding layer(s)

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Cut the small layer or crystal holding layer in a oval shape with a size bigger than the crystal to use.

To allow skin contact with the users hand and the crystal cut a circular hole in the center of the holding layer half the size of the crystal.


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When sewing use pins to maintain the desired shape and also hold both fabrics together with both hands and use proper speed to avoid the displacement of any of the layers.

1.- Sew the two big layers together in the little finger side. Cut any extra thread not needed in that side and also the extra fabric material outside the threading area.

2.- Sew the holding layer (small layer) in the upper part of the upper layer in a position where the crystal will be located in the center of the palm, sew the layer following its oval shape leaving a small area open in the upper area but big enough to introduce the crystal.

3.- Put the partially sew glove as if it will be wear and mark the next cut to sew the thumb extreme side of the hand. If is choose to thread a bigger glove, the area can be adjusted by sewing that side one more time and cutting the unnecessary material outside the threading area. This can be repeated as many times as desired.

4.- Reverse the glove (as it will be wear) and mark the cut located between the thumb and the four fingers hole of the "glove" in a J form, reverse again and sew the marked area. Is convenient to start with a bigger cut, this will allow to chose the right size according the form of the hand, then if necessary a new sewing area can be marked, and then cut the excess material outside the threading area as many times as desired.

Finishing touches

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Once the glove is completed, reverse it, this will leave the crystal holding space and the threaded area inside of the glove, cut any excess material.

Test the fit and shape as desired.


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Choosing the proper needle according to the used fabric can prevent to damage the needle.

Practice cutting on paper first to get the initial measures.

If you choose a stretch fabrics use the stitch number 3 since works better with stretch materials and use two or more pins and hold both pieces of fabrics with both hands to prevent the displacement of one of the layers.

An interesting pattern stitch is the number 52, it has a "leaves form" pattern, but it does not work with stretch materials and requires to use a J foot presser.

Is recommend the use of spheroid burnished or polished crystals since their have a similar shape than the center of the hand.

Translucent and breathable textiles can also be used, this will allow to expose the crystal color and shape.

Use bigger cuts than the needed for design, this will allow to use another thread with a smaller area and the excess material will be cut as it was used the right size, this will also allow the selection of different cuts and adjustment while trying them. Once the final work is completed, this measures can be used for further iterations of the work, using a extra area for the threading and cutting of the final piece.

Sew the holding layer for the palms area at the top of the layers, when the job is completed it will be reversed and if it does not correspond to the left hand it will correspond to the right hand.

To create a upper holding layer in the dorsal area, sew the holding layer inside the glove, when completed, reversed, and the glove will have a holding layer in the top of the glove.

When the final design is completed, use this measures adding an extra area for mass production sewing.

See also

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Metaphysical artcrafts laboratory