Micronations/Micronational war/Liberstein-Gottian War

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The Liberstein-Gottian War

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The Liberstein-Gottian War took place from September 12th, 2018 to October 22nd, 2018 between The Free States of Liberstein and the former Christian Workers of Tsyenko Republic. This war was declared by a minority group of the Liberstein Council as an attempt to overthrow their leader (called a Foreman) Von. Directly acting against the newly ratified Libersteinian Constitution, a member of the Council, Minister Long of the Ministry of Justice, tweeted at Liberstein's rival nation, the Republic of Tsyenko, that they were declaring war on them after a long rivalry.


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The long feud between these two nations began on July 18th, 2018 after Tsyenko openly came out as a Communist Dictatorship, and posted many things on Twitter that alarmed the Council of Liberstein. The Council released this message that afternoon: In the wake of recent news coming from a spread of Communist Micronations, my Council and I have agreed to officially renounce, and not to recognize any Communist or Fascist nations. History has taught us many important lessons, and it would be hypocritical and innapropriate of us to once again indulge ourselves and our people into such disparity brought about by those forms of government. We founded our micronation, as well as other leaders did, to create a haven for freedom, liberty, peace, and prosperity to dwell. Nations that follow the influence of Communism or Fascism are only setting us back as a people and a community. I [the Foreman] propose a call to action to all micronations who believe in the ideals of freedom, and liberty to follow us into the world of peace. Thank you. Adding, "that we [Liberstein] accept Socialism as a legitimate political party, and ideal. Democracies all around the world contain socialism, we are renouncing Communism at it's root [most extreme]." For the next two and a quarter months, the two nations seemed to quarrel back and forth, battling each others ideals, all the while, one rouge council member, Minister Long, was staging a coup. Having somewhat disagreeable opinions against the Foreman, despite being the Party Chair of the Progressive Party of Liberstein, sharing his party allegiance with the Foreman, Minister Long avoided all Council meetings not done over the internet, showing up for only two State Dinners. His plan was simple, declare war by logging into the official account of Liberstein and tweeting a declaration at Tsyenko, ruining the Foreman's image. Tweeting: We hereby declare war on the Republic of Tsyenko for violating human rights. Engaging in heated private message debates with the other nations leader, and refusing to speak with him, Minister Long had tricked the council into believing the Foreman had sent this declaration, creating the War Hawk Clan of Liberstein, getting a majority to pass the already declared war. All without the knowing of the Foreman.

The War

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The war was short lived and received highly negative backlash, forcing the Foreman to threaten to dissolve Liberstein and the IMT (International Micronation Treaty) with three other governments who opposed the war. Minister Long lied about attempting peace talks with the Republics leader in private messages, claiming that Liberstein was dying and needed a "catalyst to end it's life. However, no such peace talks were made. After temporarily disbanding the Council and dissolving the government for nearly a whole month and a half, the Foreman reassembled the council (The Second Council of Liberstein) apologizing to the newly formed Kingdom of Gottia (formerly Tsyenko) and all other micronations that were offended, thus ending the Liberstein-Gottian War.