Mirad Grammar/Stress
- Although stress in Mirad is not marked and is not phonemic, i.e. not semantically distinctive, in all words of more than one syllable, the stress occurs on the last, non-final vowel, including glided vowels. The following chart gives some examples:
Mirad Word | With Stress and Syllabification Marked |
tejna....vital | tej-na |
igay....quickly | i-gay1 |
alayn....eleventh | a-layn |
Mirad....Mirad | Mi-rad |
booka....tired | bo-o-ka2 |
bookan....fatigue | bo-o-kan |
akea....winning | a-ke-a |
oyse....lacks | oy-se |
byoskyin....pendulum | byos-kyin |
pyaon....wave | pya-on |
tooyba....female | to-oy-ba |
- 1 Here ay is a single post-y-glided vowel, and final, so it is not stressed.
- 2 Two vowels in a row are pronounced in two syllables.
- Here is a small passage where the stress of vowels in shown by boldfacing:
- Hya tobi taje yiva ay gea be utfiz ay doyivi. Yit bulwe texyaf ay tyaf ay yeyfe hyuitaxler tidyenay.
- All men are born equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another as brothers.