Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-I
i. -- ibeser
[edit | edit source]- i. = i.
- -i- = subject-directed verb formant
- i = the letter i, three
- Ia Adaab = Third Reich
- ia jabat = junior in school
- ia syana = third class
- ia = third
- ia tisnog = third grade
- ia tisnogat = third-grader
- iaakut = second runner-up
- Iadaler = to speak Interlingua
- Iadalut = Interlingua speaker
- Iader = to say in Interlingua
- ias = third thing
- iat = third person
- iatdras = escrow
- iatuyub = right hand thumb
- iay = thirdly
- ib = afield, away from
- ib kum bi ha domep = away from the side of the street
- ib map = alee, leeward
- ib zem bi ha domep = away from the middle of the street
- ibabasrea = corroding, eroding
- ibabasrer = to corrode, to erode
- ibabaxra = ablated
- ibabaxrar = eraser, scrubber
- ibabaxrawa = abraded, corroded, erased, eroded, scrubbed out
- ibabaxrea = ablating, corroding
- ibabaxren = ablation, abrading, abrasion, corrosion, detrition, erosion
- ibabaxrer = to ablate, to abrade, to corrode, to erase, to erode, to rub away
- ibabaxrun = abrasion, erasure
- ibabaxryafwa = erodible
- ibabaxryea = abrasive, corrosive, erosive
- ibabaxryean = abrasiveness, corrosiveness
- ibabaxryeay = abrasively, corrosively
- ibapaxen = eradication, wiping away
- ibapaxer = to eradicate, to wipe away
- ibapaxlarer = to sweep away
- ibapaxlawa = swept away
- ibapaxlen = sweeping away
- ibapaxler = to sweep away
- ibapaxlun = erasure, sweep, sweepings
- ibapaxrawa = corroded, eroded
- ibapaxren = attrition
- ibapaxwa = eradicated, wiped away
- ibar = receiver, receptor
- ibaxrawa = scraped
- ibaxren = scraping
- ibaxrer = to scrape
- ibaxrun = scrape
- ibdat = guest
- ibdata = hospitable
- ibdatan = hospitality
- ibdwat = male host
- ibea = incurring
- ibem = reception area
- ibemben = putting away
- ibember = to put away
- ibembwa = put away
- iben = incurrence, incurring, receiving, reception
- ibentam = roadhouse
- iber afdras = to receive a license, receive a permit
- iber dodin = to receive a report
- iber ebdrasyan = to get mail, receive mail
- iber ebdres = to get a message, receive a message
- iber fia nogdruni = to get good grades
- iber finak = to receive an award
- iber finsuz = to receive an award
- iber ha yovbyok bi toj = to receive the death penalty
- iber nasbyok = to incur a fine, receive a fine
- iber naxdras = to receive a bill
- iber nazun = to receive a prize, receive an award
- iber ogun bi = to scrounge off
- iber ota yefwa naz = to get one's money's worth
- iber siun = to pick up a signal
- iber = to get, to incur, to pick up, to receive
- iber yexnux = to receive a salary
- iber yibdalun = to receive a phone all
- ibesen = being absent
- ibeser = to be absent
ibexen -- ibtelun
[edit | edit source]- ibexen = taking, withstanding
- ibexer = to hold off, to take, to withstand
- ibexler = to ward off
- ibexwa = taken, withstood
- ibiar = rake
- ibiaren = raking
- ibiarer = to rake in
- ibiarut = raker
- ibiarwa = raked
- ibien = raking in, scooping up
- ibier = to rake in, to scoop up
- ibigper = to run away
- ibigput = runaway
- ibiir = reaper
- ibilp = afflux
- ibilsea = deliquescent
- ibilser = to deliquesce
- ibiwa = raked in, scooped up
- ibiwas = scoop
- ibix = pullback
- ibixen = pulling away
- ibixer = to pull away
- ibixwa = pulled away
- ibiyea = acquisitive
- ibiyean = acquisitiveness
- ibiyeay = acquisitively
- ibiyofwa = irremovable
- ibizper = to steer clear of
- ibkiser = to lean away, to veer off
- ibkixen = deflection
- ibkixer = to deflect
- ibkixwa = deflected
- ibkixyea = deflective
- iblawa = acquired, collected, garnered, harvested, picked up, plucked, reaped, received
- iblawa tun = acquired knowledge
- iblawas = collectable
- iblen = acquiescence, acquiring, acquisition, collecting, collection, harvest, harvesting, picking up, plucking, reaping
- iblen jeb = picking season
- iblen syagnas = getting cash
- ibler givob = to harvest tobacco
- ibler nazun = to reap an award
- ibler syagnas = to get cash
- ibler = to acquire, to collect, to fetch, to garner, to harvest, to pick up, to pluck, to reap
- ibler vafeybi = to harvest grapes, pick grapes
- ibler vebi = to pluck fruit
- ibler vosi = to pick flowers
- iblun = acquisition, collection, harvest, pick
- iblunpur = pickup
- iblut bi fyumul = garbage collector
- iblut = collecter, collector, picker
- iblyafwa = harvestable
- ibmapkun = lee
- ibnixbuea = divesting
- ibnixbuen = divesting, divestiture, divestment
- ibnixbuer = to divest
- ibnixubwa = divested
- Ibod = Igbo
- Ibodaler = to speak Igbo
- Ibodalut = Igbo speaker
- Iboder = to say in Igbo
- ibsea = abstaining, abstinent
- ibsean = abstinence
- ibser = to abstain
- ibsut = abstainer
- ibteaxea = nonchalant
- ibteaxeay = nonchalantly
- ibteaxen = ignoring, looking away, nonchalance
- ibteaxer = to ignore, to look away
- ibtebixer = to distract
- ibtebixwa = distracted
- ibtebixway = distractedly
- ibtebsinea = facing away
- ibtebsinen = facing away
- ibtebsiner = to face away
- ibtelea = corroding, eroding
- ibtelen = corroding, corrosion, erosion
- ibteler = to corrode, to erode
- ibtelier = to fret
- ibtelovxul = anticorrosive
- ibtelun = corrosion, erosion, rust
ibtelunaya -- idiprat
[edit | edit source]- ibtelunaya = rusty
- ibtelunayan = rustiness
- ibtelunika = rusty
- ibtelunikan = rustiness
- ibtelunsea = eroding, rusting
- ibtelunser = to erose, to rust
- ibtelunuka = rust-free
- ibtelwa = corroded, eroded
- ibtelyea = corrosive, erosive
- ibtelyean = corrosiveness, erosiveness
- ibtelyeay = corrosively
- ibtelyofwa = noncorrosive
- ibteubixer = to gnaw away
- ibtoja = fizzled
- ibtojer = to fizzle
- ibtyobyexer = to kick away
- ibtyoyabaren = stamping out
- ibtyoyabarer = to stamp out
- ibtyoyabarwa = stamped out
- ibuben = sending away
- ibuber = to send away
- ibubwa = sent away
- ibuen = giving away, yield
- ibuer = to give away, to yield
- ibun = downlink
- ibundras = receipt
- ibundrasuer = to receipt
- ibundrasuwa = receipted
- ibut bi kobiun = golliwog
- ibut = receiver, receptionist, recipient
- ibutan = receivership
- ibuwa = given away, yielded
- ibuzben akpas = diversionary tactic
- ibuzpen = defection
- ibuzper = to defect
- ibuzput = defector
- ibvyifxen = clearing away, sweeping away
- ibvyifxer = to clear away, to sweep away
- ibvyifxwa = cleared away, swept away
- ibvyilxen = ablution, rinsing, washing away
- ibvyilxer = to rinse, to wash away
- ibvyilxwa = abluted, rinsed, washed away
- ibvyixen = cleansing
- ibvyixer = to cleanse
- ibvyixwa = cleansed
- ibwa = incurred
- ibwa nas = return, yield
- ibyea = receptive, susceptive
- ibyean = receptiveness, receptivity
- ibyeay = receptively
- ibyeb = receptacle
- ibzema = outlying
- ibzyeg = plug, plughole, socket
- ibzyuber = to turn away
- ibzyupea = turning away
- ibzyupen = turning away
- ibzyuper = to turn away
- Idad = Ido
- Idadaler = to speak Ido
- Idadalut = Ido speaker
- Idader = to say in Ido
- idapat = airman first class
- idaplat = air force captain
- idaprat = air force lieutenant general
- ideb = prince
- ideban = princedom
- idebtad = prince consort
- ideb-yalza = royal purple, royal violet
- idebyen = princeliness
- idebyena = princely
- idepat = army private first class
- ideplat = army chief warrant officer 3
- ideprat = army lieutenant general, three-star general
- ideyb = princess
- idiepat = marine lance corporal
- idieplat = marine chief warrant officer 3
- idieprat = brigadier general
- idipat = seaman
- idiplat = navy navy lieutenant
- idiprat = navy navy vice admiral
idipyat -- ifbixwa
[edit | edit source]- idipyat = navy chief warrant officer 3
- idob = principality
- idopar = shotgun
- idopir = howitzer
- idopmimpur = frigate
- iduzar = cello
- iduzarut = cellist, cello player
- Idweb bi Wulisom = Prince of Wales
- Ied = Occidental
- Iedaler = to speak Occidental
- Iedalut = Occidental speaker
- Ieder = to say in Occidental
- iekutyanser = to team
- iepet = mule
- iepetpyexegar = muleskinner
- iepetyena = mulish
- iepetyenan = mulishness
- iepetyenay = mulishly
- ietuyub = right hand index finger
- if = amusement, fun, gratification, pleasure
- -if = -philia, love of, philo-
- ifa = desirous
- -ifa = -loving, -phile, -philic, fond of
- ifab = cherry tree
- ifabaxen = fondling
- ifabaxer = to cosset, to fondle
- ifabaxwa = fondled
- ifan = amorousness, pluck
- ifaotyena = personable
- ifaxlea = having fun
- ifaxlen = amusement, fun
- ifaxler = to have run
- ifaxuer = to perform a favor for
- ifay = amorously
- ifayb = blackcurrant
- ifaybes = hedge, privet
- ifayla = cute
- ifaylan = cuteness
- ifaylat = cutie
- ifbekul = club drug, party drug, recreational drug
- ifbekul efkyox = drug addiction
- ifbekul efkyoxwa = drug-addicted
- ifbekul efkyoxwat = drug addict
- ifbekul fuyix = drug abuse
- ifbekul fuyixut = drug abuser
- ifbekul grayix = drug habit
- ifbekul grayixut = drug addict
- ifbekul nid = drug dose
- ifbekul yix = drug use
- ifbekulefkyoxwa = hooked on recreational drugs
- ifbekulefkyoxwat = drug addict
- ifbekulgraf = drug addiction, drug habit, recreational drug addiction
- ifbekulgrafat = drug addict
- ifbekulgrafut = druggie, druggy
- ifbekulien = recreational drug use
- ifbekulifra = drug-addicted
- ifbekulifran = drug addiction
- ifbekulifrat = drug addict
- ifbekuliut = drug user, recreational drug user
- ifbekuluen = drugging
- ifbekuluer = to drug
- ifbekuluun = drug dose
- ifbekuluwa = drugged, stoned
- ifbiea ted = adopting parent
- ifbien = adoption, benefiting
- ifbier = to adopt, to benefit
- ifbin = benefit
- ifbited = foster father
- ifbitedwat = foster child
- ifbiut = adopter, beneficiary
- ifbiwa = adopted
- ifbiwa tud = adopted child
- ifbiwa tuyd = adopted daughter
- ifbiwa twud = adopted son
- ifbixea = enticing
- ifbixeay = enticingly
- ifbixen = enticement
- ifbixer = to entice
- ifbixut = enticer
- ifbixwa = enticed
ifbiyafa -- ifek ebjob
[edit | edit source]- ifbiyafa = adoptable
- ifbuen = doling out, donating, donation, offering, sacrificing
- ifbuena = sacrificial
- ifbuer pepuun = to offer a lift
- ifbuer sim = to offer a seat
- ifbuer tiibil = to donate blood, give blood
- ifbuer = to donate, to grace, to offer up, to proffer, to sacrifice, to treat, to vouchsafe
- ifbun = boon, dole, grace, treat
- ifburer = to give up willingly, to offer up willingly
- ifbuun = donation, gift, gratuity, offer, offering, offertory
- ifbuut = donator, donor, offerer, sacrificer
- ifbuwa = donated, graced, gratuitous, offered, proffered, sacrificed, vouchsafed
- ifbuwan = gratuitousness
- ifbuwat = sacrificial victim
- ifbuway = gratuitously
- ifbyuxegar = tickler
- ifbyuxegen = tickling
- ifbyuxeger = to tickle
- ifdal = chitchat, josh, pleasant repartee, raillery, smalltalk
- ifdalen = chitchatting, engaging in smalltalk
- ifdaler = to engage in chitchat, to engage in smalltalk, to josher
- ifdalut = chitchatter, smalltalker
- ifdayt = girlfriend
- ifdem = paradise
- ifdema = paradisaic, paradisaical
- ifdemyena = paradisaic
- ifden = expression of pleasure, joking, ribbing
- ifder = to express pleasure, to express thanks, to joke, to rib
- ifdeym = pleasure garden
- ifdez = comedic theater, comedy
- ifdeza = comedic
- ifdezen = doing comedy, doing stand-up, joking
- ifdezer = to do comedy, to do stand-up, to joke
- ifdezun = comedy
- ifdezut = comedian, stand-up artist
- ifdin = comedy, funny story, joke
- ifdin drevi = funny papers
- ifdina = comedic, comical, funny, jocular
- ifdinam = comedy club
- ifdinan = jocularity
- ifdinay = jocularly
- ifdindez = comedy show, stand-up act
- ifdindezer = to do stand-up comedy
- ifdindezut = comedian, comic, stand-up comedy
- ifdinen = comedy, joke-telling, joking
- ifdiner = to joke, to spout comedy, to tell a funny story, to tell a joke
- ifdinuj = punch line
- ifdinut = comedian, comic, joke-teller, joker, jokester
- ifdinuyt = comedienne
- ifdinwat = butt of a joke, laughingstock
- ifdinyan = monologue
- ifdinyanut = monologist
- ifdinyea = joky
- ifdinyeay = jokingly
- ifdinyena = comedic
- ifdud = thank-you
- ifdudea = thanking
- ifduden = thanking
- ifduder = to thank
- ifdudwa = thanked
- ifdudyea = thankful
- ifdun = pleasantry, word of appreciation
- ifdut = ribber
- ifdyun = nickname, pet name
- ifeb ableovol = cherry pie
- ifeb = cherry
- ifeb zen = cherry pit
- ifeb-alza = cerise, cherry red
- ifebdal = chitchat, pleasant exchange, smalltalk
- ifebdalea = chitchatting, engaging in smalltalk, pleasantly conversing
- ifebdalen = chitchatting, pleasant conversation, smalltalk
- ifebdaler = to chitchat, to converse pleasantly, to engage in smalltalk
- ifeb-yelza = cerise
- ifeeb = cherry pit
- ifek = amusement, game, play, sport
- ifek belar = go-cart
- ifek bi drafi = game of cards
- ifek dem = amusement park
- ifek drof = game board
- ifek ebjob = halftime
ifek saryan -- ifkeibwa
[edit | edit source]- ifek saryan = game console
- ifek sem = game table
- ifek syun = game object, game piece
- ifeka = ludic
- ifekam = arena, stadium
- ifekapet = hobbyhorse, rocking horse
- ifekar nyem = toy box
- ifekar nyemag = toy chest
- ifekar = plaything, toy
- ifekaren = toying
- ifekarer = to toy with
- ifekaxlyen = caper
- ifekbyexer = to bop
- ifekdalen = badinage
- ifekdem = amusement park, theme park
- ifekdet = playfellow, playmate
- ifekdopar = pop gun, popgun
- ifekdraf = playing card
- ifekegea = rollicking
- ifekeger = to rollick
- ifekem = arena, playground, playing court, playing field, yard
- ifekem semyan = grandstand
- ifeken = game-playing, gaming, lallygag, playing
- ifeker = to game play a game
- ifekfyet = pixy
- ifekgos = fiche
- ifekifa = gamely
- ifekika = frisky, whimsical
- ifekikan = friskiness, whimsicality, whimsically
- ifekikay = friskily
- ifekim = game room, playroom
- ifekjob = playtime, recess
- ifekmegi = jacks
- ifeknig = arena
- ifeknyem = playpen
- ifektoyp = pixie
- ifekun = game, match
- ifekut = contender, contestant, gamer, gamester, lallygag, player
- ifekutyan = playgroup, playing team
- ifekutyanser = to join a team up
- ifekwa = played
- ifekxen = joking around, making fun
- ifekxer = to joke around, to make a game out of, to make fun, to make fun of
- ifekxwa = played
- ifekxwat = butt of jokes
- ifekyafwa = playable
- ifekyan = tournament
- ifekyea = jocose, larky, ludic, playful
- ifekyean = jocoseness, jocosity, playfulness
- ifekyeay = jocosely, playfully
- ifekyen = gamesmanship
- ifel = cherry juice
- ifer = to love
- ifeyb = blackcurrant bush, cassis
- ifeyk = antic, gambit
- ifeyl = cassis
- ifgia = zestful, zesty, zingy
- ifgian = zest, zestfulness
- ifgiay = zestfully
- ifgin = orgasm
- ifgina = orgasmic
- ifginser = to orgasm
- ifiea = basking, enjoying, taking pleasure
- ifien = amusement, basking, deriving pleasure, enjoying, enjoyment, recreating, recreation, relish, relishing, savoring
- ifiena = recreational, recreative
- ifiendem = amusement park
- ifienpep = amusement ride
- ifier ha amar = to bask in the sun
- ifier = to amuse oneself, to bask, to derive pleasure, to enjoy, to like, to recreate, to savor, to take pleasure in
- ifika = pleasureful
- ifil = kirsch
- ifin = hedonism
- ifina = hedonistic
- ifinut = hedonist
- ifiwa = enjoyed, relished, savored
- ifiyea = amusing, enjoyable, pleasant
- ifiyeay = amusingly, enjoyably, pleasantly
- ifkeiben = preference
- ifkeiber = to prefer
- ifkeibwa = preferred
ifkexea -- ifoniea
[edit | edit source]- ifkexea = pleasure-seeking
- ifkexen = coquetry, pleasure-seeking
- ifkexer = to seek pleasure
- ifkexut = coquet, pleasure-seeker
- ifkexutyena = coquettish
- ifkexutyenan = coquettishness
- ifkexutyenay = coquettishly
- ifkexuyt = coquette
- ifkoteaxen = peeping, voyeurism
- ifkoteaxer = to peep
- ifkoteaxut = peeper, peeping tom, voyeur
- ifkyepasea = gallivanting
- ifkyepasen = gallivanting
- ifkyepaser = to gallivant
- ifkyepasut = gallivanter
- ifla = fond, lustful
- iflan = fondness, jubilance
- iflaser = to be overjoyed, to be thrilled
- iflawa = agreeable
- iflawas = agreeable feature, amenity, something desirable
- iflaxea = thrilling
- iflaxer = to thrill
- iflaxwa = overjoyed, thrilled
- iflay = fondly, jubilantly, lustfully, lustily
- iflea = affectionate, fond
- iflean = affection
- iflen = being fond, having affection, jubilation
- ifler = to be delighted, to be fond of, to have affection for, to jubilate
- iflien = being charmed, being enchanted
- iflier = to be charmed, to be enchanted
- iflonika = fond
- ifluen = delighting, enchantment, infatuation
- ifluer = to charm, to delight, to enchant, to infatuate, to seduce
- iflueya = charming, delightful, enchanting, seductive
- iflueyay = charmingly, delightfully, enchantingly, seductively
- ifluut = charmer, enchanter, seductor
- ifluuyt = enchantress, female charmer, seductress
- ifluwa = charmed, delighted, enchanted, seduced
- Ifluwa trier et. = to Delighted to make your acquaintance!, Delighted to meet you!
- ifluyean = delightfulness, seductiveness
- ifmimpar = pleasure craft, yacht
- ifmimparen = yachting
- ifmimparer = to go yachting
- ifmimparut = yachtsman
- ifmimparuyt = yachtswoman
- ifmimpop = ocean cruise, pleasure cruise, sea voyage
- ifmimpopen = ocean-cruising
- ifmimpoper = to go on an ocean cruse
- ifmimpoput = ocean cruise passenger
- ifmimpur = cruise ship
- ifnyazifra = sybaritic
- ifnyazifut = sybarite
- ifon = amour, love
- ifon din = love story
- ifon dodel = declaration of love
- ifon ebdras = love letter
- ifon ovebek = love spat
- ifona = amatory, amorous
- ifonaya = amorous, filled with love, in love
- ifonbok = lovesickness
- ifonboka = lovelorn, lovesick, moonstruck
- ifondeuz = serenade
- ifondin = romance
- ifondindrut = romancer
- ifondinxen = romanticization
- ifondinxer = to romanticize
- ifondinxwa = romanticized
- ifondres = love note
- ifondrezun = love poem
- ifondrut = amorist
- ifonduzut = minnesinger
- ifonef = love-hunger
- ifonefa = love-hungry
- ifoneken = flirtation, flirting, petting
- ifoneker = to flirt, to pet
- ifonekyea = flirtatious
- ifonekyean = flirtatiousness
- ifonekyeay = flirtatiously
- ifoneot = romantic couple
- ifoniea = falling in love
ifonien -- ifpon tamog
[edit | edit source]- ifonien = falling in love
- ifonier = to fall in love with
- ifonika = amorous, filled with love, in love
- ifonikay = lovingly
- ifonkex = courtship, romance
- ifonkexea = romantic
- ifonkexean = romantically
- ifonkexen = courting, romancing
- ifonkexer = to court, to romance, to woo
- ifonkexin = romanticism
- ifonkexina = romanticist
- ifonkexinut = romanticist
- ifonkexut = romancer, wooer
- ifonkexwa = wooed
- ifonnuer = to pander
- ifonnuut = pander
- ifonok uvdeuzun = torch song
- ifonokya = lovelorn
- ifonokyat = lovelorn
- ifonoya = loveless, lovelorn
- ifonsiyn = hickey
- ifonsyun = heartthrob, love object
- ifonteabuen = flirting
- ifonteabuer = to flirt, to have one's eye on, to make eyes at
- ifonteabut = flirt
- ifonteabuyea = flirtatious
- ifonteabuyean = flirtatiousness
- ifontil = philter, philtre
- ifontiluer = to philter, to philtre
- ifontojbeas = anaphrodisiac
- ifontojbus = turn-off, turnoff
- ifonuea = captivating
- ifonuen = enamoring
- ifonuer = to dandle, to enamor
- ifonuka = loveless, lovelorn
- ifonukser = to fall out of love
- ifonuv = lovesickness
- ifonuva = love-sick, lovelorn, lovesick
- ifonuvan = love-sickness
- ifonuvat = lovelorn
- ifonuwa bay = smitten with
- ifonuwa = captivated, enamored, in love, smitten
- ifonuyaf = charm
- ifonuyea = charming
- ifonxen = love-making, lovemaking
- ifonyek = pickup
- ifonyubix = love affair, romantic attraction
- ifoyn = affection
- ifoynika = affectionate
- ifoynikay = affectionately
- ifoynuer = to show affection toward
- ifpaaxea = titillating
- ifpaaxeay = titillatingly
- ifpaaxen = titillating, titillation
- ifpaaxer = to titillate
- ifpas = stroll
- ifpasar = stroller
- ifpasea = strolling
- ifpasen = strolling
- ifpaser = to stroll
- ifpasut = stroller
- ifpen = stroll, strolling
- ifpep = joyride, pleasure ride
- ifpepen = joyriding
- ifpeput = joyrider
- ifper = to stroll
- ifpexen = allurement
- ifpexwa = allured
- ifpexyea = alluring
- ifpexyeay = alluringly
- ifpexyen = allure
- ifpip = cruise, pleasure cruise
- ifpipen = cruising
- ifpiper = to cruise
- ifpipnad = cruise line
- ifpipur = cruise ship
- ifpipureb = cruise ship captain
- ifpiput = cruiser
- ifpon = leisure, vacation
- ifpon tamog = vacation cabin
ifpon tamoyg -- iftaxdres
[edit | edit source]- ifpon tamoyg = vacation cottage
- ifponem = holiday site, vacation destination
- ifponjub = holiday, vacation day
- ifponpop = vacation trip
- ifpop = cruise, fun voyage, leisure travel, tour, tourism, vacation trip
- ifpop mimpur = cruise ship
- ifpop mipar = river cruise boat
- ifpopem = resort
- ifpopen = pleasure-tripping, touring, tourism, vacationing
- ifpoper = to tour, to travel for pleasure
- ifpoput = leisure traveler, tourist, vacationer
- ifpoysen = relaxation, relaxing
- ifpoyser = to go on holiday, to go on vacation, to relax, to take leave
- ifpoysjub = leisure day
- ifput = stroller
- ifra = devout, enraptured, reverent
- ifran = devotion, devoutness, reverence, veneration, worship
- ifrana = devotional
- ifranay = devotionally
- ifraser = to become impassioned
- ifrat = buff
- ifrawa = adored, revered, venerated, worshiped
- ifraxea = enrapturing, ravishing
- ifraxen = enrapturing, ravishment
- ifraxer = to enrapture, to ravish
- ifraxwa = enraptured, ravished
- ifray = devoutly
- ifrea = adoring, worshipful
- ifreay = adoringly
- ifren = adoration, reverence, revering, veneration, worship, worshiping
- ifrer = to adore, to be devoted to be passionate about, to revere, to venerate, to worship
- ifrier = to be impassioned by, to become enraptured with, to become infatuated with, to fall in love with
- ifron = adoration, devotion, infatuation, passion, reverence, worship
- ifronika = devoted, enraptured, passion-filled, passionate
- ifronikay = devotedly, passionately
- ifronoya = passion-less, passionless, unimpassioned
- ifronuer = to impassion
- ifronuka = passion-less, passionless, unimpassioned
- ifronuwa = impassioned
- ifruen = infatuation, ravishment, seduction
- ifruer = to enrapture, to enravish, to infatuate, to ravish
- ifrut = adorer, devotee, fan, venerator, worshiper
- ifrutyan = fan base
- ifruwa = enraptured, infatuated, ravished
- ifruyafwa = adorable
- ifruyafwan = adorableness
- ifruyafway = adorably
- ifruyea = lovely, ravishing
- ifruyean = loveliness
- ifruyefwa = adorable
- ifruyen = ravishing
- ifryefwa = venerability, venerable
- ifser = to be agreeable, to be pleased, to be pleasing
- ifson = fun, pleasure
- ifsonien = enjoyment, having fun
- ifsonier = to be entertained, to enjoy, to have fun
- ifsoniuwa = enjoyed
- ifsoniuway = enjoyably
- ifsoniyafwa = enjoyable
- ifsonuea = pleasant
- ifsonueay = entertainingly
- ifsonuer = to entertain, to give enjoyment, to make fun, to please
- ifsonuut = entertainer
- ifsonuwa = entertained
- ifsunog = bibelot
- ifsyen = grace
- ifsyenuea = ingratiating
- ifsyenuen = ingratiation
- ifsyenuer = to ingratiate
- ifsyenuwa = ingratiated
- iftaad = playmate, sex mate, sex partner
- iftauxea = enervating
- iftauxen = enervation
- iftauxer = to enervate
- iftauxwa = enervated
- iftax bu = thanks to
- iftax = thank-you, thanks
- iftaxden = thanking, thanks, thanksgiving
- iftaxder = to thank
- iftaxdres = thank-you card, thank-you note
iftaxdwa -- ifuen
[edit | edit source]- iftaxdwa = thanked
- iftaxdyea = thankful
- iftaxdyean = thankfulness
- iftaxdyeay = thankfully
- iftaxoya = thankless
- iftaxoyan = thanklessness
- iftaxuka = thankless
- iftaxukan = thanklessness
- iftaxukay = thanklessly
- Iftaxwa! = Thank-you!
- iftaym = cabana
- iftayos = arousal, pleasurable feeling
- iftayosa = sensual
- iftayosan = sensuality, sensuousness
- iftayosaxer = to sensualize
- iftayosay = sensually, sensuously
- iftayoser = to be aroused, to feel pleasure
- iftayosinut = sensualist
- iftayoxea = arousing
- iftayoxen = arousal
- iftayoxer = to arouse
- iftayoxwa = aroused
- ifteaxen = ogling
- ifteaxer = to ogle
- ifteaxin = voyeurism
- ifteaxina = voyeuristic
- ifteaxut = ogler, voyeur
- iftelea = gourmand
- iftelien = feasting
- iftelier = to feast on
- ifteluen = feasting
- ifteluer = to feast, to host to a feast
- iftelut = gourmand
- ifteuduer = to razz
- ifteyp = humor
- ifteypaya = humorous
- ifteypayan = humorousness
- ifteypika = humorous
- ifteypikan = humorousness
- ifteypikay = humorously
- ifteypoya = humorless
- ifteypoyan = humorlessness
- ifteypuka = humorless
- ifteypukan = humorlessness
- ifteypukay = humorlessly
- iftil = refreshment
- iftiler = to quaff
- iftilier = to enjoy drinking, to indulge, to quaff
- iftilim = refreshment area
- iftilum = refreshment stand
- iftip = pleasant mood
- iftipa = in a pleasant mood
- iftob = fun person
- iftos = contentment, enjoyment
- iftosier = to be contented, to become content
- iftoskexut = voluptuary
- iftosuer = to fill with contentment
- iftosuyafwa = satiable
- iftuunyan = infotainment
- iftuyuxar = tickler
- iftuyuxen = tickling
- iftuyuxer = to tickle
- iftuyuxwa = tickled
- iftwud = catamite
- iftyop = pleasure walk, promenade, stroll
- iftyopar = stroller
- iftyopean = jauntiness
- iftyopeay = jauntily
- iftyopem = esplanade, promenade
- iftyopen = jaunting, promenading, strolling
- iftyoper = to jaunt, to promenade, to stroll
- iftyopien = going for a jaunt, taking a stroll
- iftyopier = to go for a jaunt, to take a stroll
- iftyopuen = taking for a stroll, walking
- iftyopuer ha yepet = to walk the dog
- iftyopuer = to take for a stroll, to walk
- iftyoput = promenader, stroller
- ifuea = amusing, pleasing
- ifueay = pleasingly
- ifuen = amusement, gratification, pleasure
ifuer bay vafil -- iga zyun
[edit | edit source]- ifuer bay vafil = to wine and dine
- ifuer = to amuse, to give pleasure to gratify, to please
- ifut = lover
- ifutan = lovership
- ifutyanup = tryst
- ifuun = amusement
- ifuunden = joking
- ifuunder = to joke
- ifuundun = joke, pleasantry
- ifuundut = joker, jokester
- ifuwa = amused, gratified, pleased
- ifuwa bay vafil = wined and dined
- ifuyafwa = desirable, savory
- ifuyafwan = desirability, desirableness, savoriness
- ifuyafway = desirably
- ifuyea = amusing, gratifying, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable
- ifuyean = pleasantness
- ifuyeay = amusingly, gratifyingly, pleasantly, pleasurably
- ifwa = beloved, dear
- -ifwa = loved
- ifwa toyb = ladylove
- Ifwa X = Dear X
- ifwan = dearness
- ifwat = beloved, boyfriend, darling, dear person, loved one, sweetheart, sweetie, sweety
- ifwaxea = endearing
- ifwaxen = endearment
- ifwaxer = to endear
- ifwaxwa = endeared
- ifwaxyeay = endearingly
- ifway = dearly
- ifwayt = female sweetheart, girlfriend, sweetheart, sweetie
- ifwen = being loved
- ifwer = to be loved
- ifxea = dulcet, gratifying, pleasing, pleasurable
- ifxeay = pleasingly, pleasurably
- ifxen = gratification, placation
- ifxer = to gratify, to placate, to please
- ifxwa = gratified, placated, pleased
- Ifxwa trier et! = to Pleased to meet you!
- ifxyafwan = satisfiability
- ifxyea = placatory
- ifxyikwa = fastidious, fussy, overnice
- ifxyikwan = fastidiousness
- ifxyikway = fastidiously
- ifxyofwa = implacable
- ifxyofwan = implacability
- ifxyofway = implacably
- ifxyuka = complaisant
- ifxyukay = complaisantly
- ifxyukwan = complaisance
- ifyax = hobby
- ifyaxeb = parish priest
- ifyaxeb yuxut = acolyte
- ifyaxeba = priestly, sacerdotal
- ifyaxebam = curacy, rectory
- ifyaxob = clergy
- ifyaxoba = clerical
- ifyaxyob = parish
- ifyaxyoba abefyaxeb = diocesan archbishop
- ifyaxyoba = parochial
- ifyaxyobat = parishoner
- ifyea = loving
- ifyefwa = lovable
- ifyefwan = lovableness
- ifyefway = lovably
- ifyexut = hobbyist
- ifyikxut = nark
- ifyofwa = unlovable
- ifyuka = tenderhearted
- ifyukan = tenderheartedness
- ifyukay = tenderheartedly
- ifyukxyea = narky
- ig = fast, quickly, suddenly
- ig jo van = once
- iga = allegro, fast, high-speed, quick, rapid, speedy, zippy
- iga ay oizbexwa = pell-mell
- iga bixpur = high-speed train
- iga kyesyan = flurry
- iga kyis bixpur = hotshot
- iga zyun = hummer
igadoparen -- igbyexun
[edit | edit source]- igadoparen = fusillade
- igagsen = mushrooming
- igagser = to mushroom
- igagsya = mushroomed
- igagx = boom
- igagxea = booming
- igalien = gasping for air
- igalier = to gasp for air
- igaluiea = panting
- igaluien = panting
- igaluier = to pant
- igan bi duz = musical tempo
- igan bi seux = speed of sound
- igan = celerity, expedience, expediency, expeditiousness, fastness, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, rate, speed, velocity
- igan gwanod = speed limit
- igan ujnad = speed limit
- igangox = slowdown
- igankyax = boost
- igankyaxar = booster, transmission
- igankyaxer = to boost
- igannagar = speedometer, tachometer, velocimeter
- iganok = stall
- iganoken = stalling
- iganoker = to stall
- iganokya = stalled
- iganugxar = speed bump
- igapaxlawa = swiped
- igapaxlen = swiping
- igapaxler draf = to swipe a card
- igapaxler = to swipe
- igapaxlun = swipe
- igapeput = ganger
- igapyex = blitz, flash attack, sudden attack, surprise attack
- igapyexen = attacking suddenly, sallying
- igapyexer = to run at, to sally
- igapyexlar = swatter
- igapyexlawa = swatted
- igapyexlen = swatting
- igapyexler = to swat
- igapyexlun = swat
- igapyexwa = attacked suddenly
- igapyot = panda bear
- igar = accelerator
- igaren = applying the accelerator, cubing, raising to the third power, stepping on the gas
- igarer = to apply the accelerator, to cube, to raise to the third power, to step on the gas
- igarwa = cubed, raised to the power of three, raised to the third power
- igay = apace, expeditiously, fast, quickly, rapidly, speedily
- igbaosea = jiggling, vibrating
- igbaoser = to jiggle, to vibrate
- igbaosyea = jiggly
- igbaoxar = vibrator
- igbaoxen = jiggling, jugglery, juggling, vibrating, vibration
- igbaoxena = vibratory
- igbaoxer = to jiggle, to juggle, to make jiggle
- igbaoxun = vibrato
- igbaoxut = juggler
- igbaoxwa = jiggled, juggled
- igbas = jerk, paroxysm
- igbasen = jerking
- igbaser = to jerk
- igbasyea = jerky
- igbasyean = jerkiness
- igbasyeay = jerkily
- igbaxen = jerking
- igbaxer = to jerk
- igbaxwa = jerked
- igbir = snag, snatch
- igbiren = snagging, snatching
- igbirer = to snag, to snatch
- igbirut = snatcher
- igbirwa = snagged, snatched
- igbix grin = switch blade
- igbyena = sudden
- igbyenan = suddenness
- igbyenay = suddenly
- igbyex = rap, swat
- igbyexar = swatter
- igbyexen = palpitation, rapping, swatting
- igbyexer = to palpitate, to rap, to swat
- igbyexun = rap
igbyexwa -- igiloker
[edit | edit source]- igbyexwa = rapped, rapping, swatted
- igdal = burble
- igdalea = fast-talking, voluble
- igdalean = volubility
- igdaleay = volubly
- igdaler = to burble
- igdalut = fast-talker
- igden = mention, mentioning, notation
- igder = to make note of, to mention
- igdidyan = pop quiz
- igdidyea = snappy
- igdidyean = snappiness
- igdidyeay = snappily
- igdiyd = pop quiz
- igdodin = quick report
- igdomep = expressway
- igdopekutyan = commando
- igdopir = machine gun
- igdopiren = machine-gunning
- igdopirer = to machine-gun
- igdopirut = machine gunner
- igdopirwa = machine-gunned
- igdraf = flashcard
- igdrawa = jotted, scrawled, scrawly, scribbled
- igdren = jotting, scrawling
- igdrer = to jot, to scrawl, to scribble
- igdrur = stenograph, stenotype
- igdrura = stenographic, stenographical
- igdruren = stenography
- igdrurer = to stenograph
- igdrurut = stenographer
- igdrurwa = stenographed
- igdrut = jotter, scrawler, scribbler
- igduznodaya = twiddly
- igduznodika = twiddly
- igdwa = mentioned, noted
- igdyafwa = mentionable
- igef bikim = emergency room
- igef byektut = emergency physician
- igef = crisis, critical need, emergency, exigency, expedience, expediency, mayday, urgency
- igef meelpuen = emergency landing
- igef oyepem = emergency exit
- igef ugar = emergency brake
- igef yepem = emergency exit, emergeny exit, fire escape
- igef yuxlen = emergency service
- igefa bik = critical care
- igefa = clamant, critical, urgent
- igefan = urgency
- igefbik = emergency care
- igefbikim = ICU, intensive care unit
- igefjob = critical time
- igefjwap = critical moment
- igefkyes = distress, emergency incident
- igefnas = bailout
- igefpur = ambulance, emergency vehicle, rescue vehicle
- igefsiunar = distress signal
- igefson = crisis, emergency
- igefsona = critical, urgent
- igeftim = emergency room
- igefut = emergency worker, first responder
- igefutyan = emergency crew, first response team
- igefwa = exigent
- igej van = as soon as
- igek emifub mipar = scull
- igek = shtick
- iggarer = to pullulate
- iggibukien = twinging
- iggibukier = to twinge
- igibler = to scrabble
- igiblut = scrabbler
- igifdud = repartee
- igij = quick start, sudden start
- igija = sudden
- igijay = suddenly
- igijber = to quick start
- igijer = to start up suddenly
- igilok = sudden leak
- igilokea = suddenly leaking
- igiloken = spring a leak
- igiloker = to suddenly leak
igilp -- igmimofpar
[edit | edit source]- igilp = gush, rapids, rush, torrent
- igilpa = torrential
- igilpea = gushing, rushing, torrential
- igilpen = gushing, rushing
- igilper = to gush, to rush
- igilpseux = sough
- igilpseuxer = to sough
- igilpuk = slipstream
- igiluen = pouring quicking
- igiluer = to pour quickly
- igiluwa = poured quickly
- igilyijea = pouring quickly
- igilyijen = pouring quickly
- igilyijer = to pour quickly
- igip = flight, hasty retreat
- igipea = evading, fleeing, fleeting
- igipean = fleetingness
- igipeay = fleetingly
- igipen = evading, evasion, fleeing
- igiper = to evade, to flee, to fleet, to hurrying away, to skedaddle
- igiput = evader
- igipyea = evasive
- igipyean = evasiveness
- igipyeay = evasively
- igipyofwa = inevitable
- igipyofwan = inevitability
- igipyofway = inevitably
- igja = immediate, prompt, ready, swift
- igjan = immediacy, immediateness, promptness, readiness, swiftness
- igjasexun = kludge
- igjay = forthwith, immediately, promptly, readily, swiftly
- igjwe = forthwith, immediately, right away
- igjwea = immediate
- igjwean = immediacy, immediateness
- igjweay = immediately, right away
- igkasyafut = chameleon
- igkexar = pager
- igkexut = errand boy, page boy, pageboy
- igkyax = saltation
- igkyaxyafa = protean
- igkyaxyea = flighty
- igkyaxyean = flightiness
- igkyibyex = wallop, whack, whap
- igkyibyexen = walloping, whacking, whapping
- igkyibyexer = to wallop, to whack, to whap
- igkyibyexun = whack, whap
- igkyibyexut = whacker
- igkyibyexwa = walloped, whacked
- igkyidoparen = drumfire
- igkyupir = luge
- igkyupiren = luging
- igkyupirer = to luge
- igkyupirut = luger
- igla = hasty, rushed, super fast
- iglasen = being in a hurry, hastening, rushing
- iglaser = to be in a hurry, to hasten, to rush
- iglasut = rusher
- iglax = haste
- iglaxay = hastily
- iglaxea = hasty
- iglaxean = hastiness
- iglaxen = hastening, rushing
- iglaxer = to hasten, to rush
- iglaxut = harrier
- iglaxwa = harried, hastened, rushed
- iglosexen = dispatching
- iglosexer = to dispatch
- iglosexwa = dispatched
- igmagyeler = to sautee, to sauté, to sautée
- igmagyelwa = sauteed, sautéed, simmered
- igmalpuxer = to whang
- igmanujar = blinker
- igmav = flare
- igmavsea = flaring
- igmavsen = flareup
- igmavser = to flare up
- igmavxer = to cause to flare up, to inflame
- igmep = freeway, turnpike
- igmiek = quicksand
- igmimofpar = schooner
igmip -- igpux
[edit | edit source]- igmip = torrent
- igmipa = torrential
- igmipar = speedboat
- igmipea = gushing, torrential
- igmiper = to gush
- igmipyena = torrential
- igmipyenay = torrentially
- ignagar = odometer, speedometer, tachometer
- ignex = cache
- ignexen = caching
- ignexer = to cache
- ignexwa = cached
- ignidgaser = to expand quickly
- ignidgaxer = to expand quickly
- ignixbuut = flipper
- ignuf = snap
- ignufujber = to unsnap
- ignufxen = snapping
- ignufxer = to snap
- ignufxwa = snapped
- ignufyijben = snapping open
- ignufyijber = to snap open
- ignufyijbwa = snapped open
- ignufyujben = snapping shut
- ignufyujber = to snap shut
- ignufyujbwa = snapped shut
- igol = tercile
- igolxen = combustion
- igolxyafwa = combustible
- igolxyea = combustive
- igolxyofwa = noncombustible
- igopyexut = shortstop
- igoxdaler = to gabble
- igoyebupea = popping out, springing out
- igoyebupen = popping out, springing out
- igoyebuper = to pop out, to spring out
- igoyep = emergency exit
- igoyepem = emergency exit, escape
- igoyepen = getting out fast, running out, rushing out
- igoyeper = to get out fast, to run out, to rush out
- igpanseux = zoom
- igpanseuxen = zooming
- igpapseuxer = to whang
- igpas = dash, haste, rush, rushed move, sprint, sudden move
- igpasea = darting, fast-moving, flitting, hastening, hurrying, hurtling, in a hurry, scampering, scurrying, sprinting
- igpasen = darting, dashing, flitting, hurrying along, hurtling, scampering, scooting, scurrying, sprinting, zooming
- igpaser = to dart, to dash, to flit, to hasten, to hurry along, to hurry up, to hurtle, to rush, to scamper, to scoot, to scurry, to sprint, to zoom
- igpaxen = hastening, hurrying along, rushing
- igpaxer = to dart, to hasten, to hurry along, to hurry up, to rush
- igpaxwa = hurried, rushed
- igpaxway = hurriedly
- igpek apet = race horse, racehorse
- igpek mep = raceway
- igpek nead = race course, race track, racecourse, racetrack
- igpek = race
- igpekem = raceway
- igpeken = racing
- igpeker = to race
- igpekmep = speedway
- igpekpur izbut = race car driver
- igpekpur nead = race car track
- igpekpur = race car, speedster
- igpekut = racer
- igpen = hying, running, rushing, speeding
- igpen pur = stockcar
- igper be yanek = to run in a race
- igper = to go fast, to run, to rush, to speed, to sprint, to vamoose
- igper zay ha meys bu = to run across the fence to, run over to
- igpexer = to catch quickly, to run down
- igpien = bolting, escaping, flight, quick departure, running away, scatting
- igpier = to bolt, to escape, to flee, to run away, to scat
- igpiut = escapee
- igpiya = bolted, escaped, fled
- igpuen = running up to
- igpuer = to run up to
- igpus = bolt
- igpusen = being startled, bolting, suddenly jumping
- igpuser = to be startled, to bolt, to suddenly jump
- igput = harrier, runner
- igpux = fastball
igpuxen -- igtiibilbok
[edit | edit source]- igpuxen = flinging
- igpuxer = to fling, to flirt
- igpuxwa = flung
- igpuxwas = zinger
- igpuyser = to skitter
- igpyafa = spry
- igpyafan = spryness
- igpyafay = spryly
- igpyas = quick hop, spike, sudden jump, surge
- igpyaser = to hop up, to leap suddenly, to pop up, to spike, to spring up, to surge
- igpyea = hasty, speedy
- igpyean = hastiness, speediness
- igpyex bi mamak = bolt of lightning
- igpyex = bolt, clap, jolt, skelp, sudden stroke
- igpyexen = jolting, socking
- igpyexer = to jolt, to sock
- igpyexut = jolter
- igpyexwa = jolted, socked
- igpyos = nose-dive, nosedive, sudden downturn, sudden drop
- igpyosea = nose-diving, plummeting
- igpyosem = cliff, sudden drop-off
- igpyosen = nose-diving
- igpyoser = to drop suddenly, to nose-dive, to nosedive, to plummet, to pouring fast, to suddenly drop, to take a quick fall
- igpyox = downpour, dump, quick drop
- igpyoxer = to drop suddenly, to dump, to pour fast
- igpyoxwa = dumped, fast-poured
- igra mapil = cloudburst
- igraalien = hyperventilation
- igraalier = to hyperventilate
- igrasea = precipitating, precipitous, rushing
- igraseay = in rushed fashion, precipitously
- igrasen = precipitating
- igraser = to accelerate, to precipitate, to rush
- igraxen = accelerating, acceleration, rushing
- igraxer = to accelerate, to rush
- igraxlen = fury
- igraxnagar = accelerometer
- igraxul = accelerant
- igraxwa = accelerated, precipitated, rushed
- igraxyukwat = twerp
- igrazla = boisterous
- igrazlan = boisterousness
- igrazlay = boisterously
- igrifek = romp
- igrifeken = romping
- igrifeker = to romp
- igrifekut = romper
- igsea = accelerating, hastening, in a hurry, rushing, speeding up
- igsen = acceleration, hastening, rushing, speeding up
- igser = to accelerate, to hasten, to rush, to speed up
- igsum = cot, day bed, temporary bed
- igta = brisk, brusk, brusque, quick, sharp, vivid
- igtan = briskness, brusqueness, quickness, sharpness, vividness
- igtaxdrar = tachograph
- igtay = briskly, bruskly, brusquely, quickly, sharply, vividly
- igteabyujen = blinking
- igteabyujer = to blink
- igteas = cameo
- igteax = eyebeam, glance, glimpse, quick look
- igteaxen = glancing, glimpsing
- igteaxer = to glance, to glimpse
- igteaxwa = glimpsed
- igtel = fast food
- igtelam = fast food outlet
- igtelien = cramming, engorgement, gobbling up, scarfing
- igtelier = to cram, to engorge, to gobble up, to scarf
- igteliewa = crammed, gobbled up, scarfed
- igteliut = gobbler
- igteubien = gulping down
- igteubier = to gulp down, to quickly swallow
- igteubiwa = gulped down
- igteupixyafa = snappish
- igteupixyafan = snappishness
- igteupixyafay = snappishly
- igtex = flash, quick thought, sudden thought
- igtiex = gasp, pant
- igtiexea = gasping, panting
- igtiexen = gasping, panting
- igtiexer = to gasp, to pant
- igtiibilbok = tachycardia
igtiler -- igyapen
[edit | edit source]- igtiler = to slurp
- igtileux = gulp, slurp
- igtilien = bolting, gulping down, slurping, swigging
- igtilier = to bolt, to gulp down, to slurp, to swig
- igtiliut = gulper
- igtiliwa = bolted, gulped down, slurped, swigged
- igtoj = sudden death
- igtojen = dying suddenly
- igtojer = to die suddenly
- igtuen = briefing
- igtuen drayef = brief sheet
- igtuer = to brief
- igtuj = catnap
- igtujea = catnapping
- igtujer = to catnap
- igtul = munchies, snack
- igtulam = snack bar
- igtulien = snacking
- igtulier = to have a snack
- igtuluer = to serve a snack
- igtuut = briefer
- igtuwa = briefed
- igtuyubtyen = legerdemain
- igtuyupaxen = flicking
- igtuyupaxer = to flick
- igtyal = fast-food meal, quick-fix meal
- igtyodifwas = fad
- igtyodifwasyena = faddish, faddy
- igtyodifwasyenut = faddist
- igtyop = run, scutter
- igtyop tyoyaf = running shoe
- igtyopasdaz = quickstep
- igtyopea = racing, running
- igtyopeger = to scutter
- igtyopek = foot race
- igtyopeker = to race on foot
- igtyopem = running path, running track
- igtyopen = racing, running
- igtyoper = to run, to rush, to scuddle, to walk at a fast clip
- igtyoput = heeler, runner
- iguben = dispatching, expediting, expedition, firing off, shooting
- igubena = expeditionary
- iguber = to dispatch, to expedite, to fire off, to send quickly, to shoot, to wire
- igubun = dispatch
- igubut = dispatcher
- igubwa = dispatched, expedited
- igujaka = breakaway
- igupea = hurrying this way, running up, rushing up
- igupen = coming quick, coming running, hurrying this way, rushing up
- iguper = to come quick, to come running, to hurry this way, to run up to rush up
- iguzpea = swerving
- iguzper = to swerve
- iguzra = madcap
- iguzrat = madcap
- igvakxen = rescuing
- igvakxer = to rescue
- igvakxut = rescue worker
- igvakxutyan = rescue team
- igvakxwa = rescued
- igvakxyofwa = unrescuable
- igvobien = brush-off, brushing off, brushoff
- igxalen = dispatching
- igxaler = to dispatch
- igxalwa = dispatched, slapdash
- igxen = accelerating, acceleration, haste, quickening, rush, speeding up
- igxer = to accelerate, to catalyze, to hasten, to make fast, to quicken, to rush, to smarten, to speed up
- igxus = catalyzer
- igxwa = accelerated, frenetic, quickened, rushed
- igxwa pur = hot rod
- igxwas = quickie
- igxway = frenetically
- igyaben = kiting
- igyaber = to kite
- igyabwa = kited
- igyanpyeux = clatter
- igyanpyeuxen = clattering
- igyanpyeuxer = to clatter
- igyap = quick ascent, sudden rise, upward rush
- igyapea = rapidly ascending
- igyapen = rushing up
igyaper -- igzaybasea
[edit | edit source]- igyaper = to ascend rapidly, to rush up
- igyapren = running up, scampering
- igyaprer = to run up, to scamper
- igyaprut = scamperer
- igyapuysen = prancing
- igyapuyser = to prance
- igyapuysut = prancer
- igyapyaser = to skyrocket
- igyefwa = pressing
- igyefway = pressingly
- igyefxwa = pressed
- igyelmagelwa = sauteed, sautéed
- igyep = in-rush
- igyepen = getting out fast
- igyeper = to get out fast, to rush in
- igyex = frenzy
- igyexea = fast-working
- igyexer = to work fast
- igyexika = frenzied
- igyexikay = frenziedly
- igyexut = fast-worker
- igyipen = running far
- igyiper = to run far
- igyiput = fugitive
- igyipuxen = running out of town, suddenly dismissing
- igyipuxer = to run out of town, to suddenly dismiss
- igyipuxwa = run out of town, suddenly dismissed
- igyixdopar = sidearm
- igyizpea = ephemeral
- igyizpeay = ephemerally
- igyizpen seuz = whoosh
- igyizpusi = ephemera
- igyobasen = ducking
- igyobaser = to duck
- igyonbyeser = to crack
- igyonbyex = crack, snap
- igyonbyexen = cracking, snapping
- igyonbyexer = to crack, to snap
- igyonbyexun = crack, snap
- igyonbyexwa = crack, cracked, snapped
- igyonser = to burst, to bust
- igyonx = burst, bust
- igyonxea = bursting, busting
- igyonxen = bursting, busting
- igyonxer = to burst, to bust
- igyonxwa = busted
- igyop = downward rush, sudden drop
- igyopap = swoop
- igyopapea = swooping down
- igyopapen = swooping down
- igyopaper = to swoop down
- igyopea = quickly descending
- igyopen = rushing down
- igyoper = to descend fast, to plunge, to rush down
- igyopuxwa = thrown down immediately
- igyufat = shirker
- igyufen = shirking, shrinking
- igyufer = to scare easily, to shrink
- igyufxwa = chickenhearted
- igyufxwan = chicken-hearted
- igyuij = blink
- igyuijar = blinker, snap
- igyuijarer = to snap
- igyuijen = blinking
- igyuijer = to blink
- igyuj = blink
- igyujar = blinker
- igyujen = blinking
- igyujer = to blink
- igyuper = to approach suddenly, to rush up to
- igyux = first aid, quick assistance
- igyuxut = first aid responder
- igyuxutyan = first aid response team
- igzaobaxer = to waggle
- igzaopasea = flittering
- igzaopasen = flittering, flitting
- igzaopaser = to flitter
- igzaopaxen = brandishing
- igzaopaxer = to brandish
- igzaybasea = lurching
igzaybasen -- ijduna
[edit | edit source]- igzaybasen = lurching
- igzaybaser = to jerk forward, to lurch
- igzayp = sally
- igzaypen = sallying
- igzayper = to sally
- igzoyembwa = makeshift
- igzoypux zyun = volleyball
- igzoypux zyunek = volleyball
- igzyaben = contagion, ready transmission
- igzyadin = bulletin, flash report, quick report
- igzyas = boom, sudden inflation
- igzyaser = to expand violently, to inflate suddenly
- igzyaxen = sudden inflation, violent expansion
- igzyaxyafwa = explodable
- igzyeben = railroading
- igzyeber = to railroad
- igzyebut = railroader
- igzyebwa = railroaded
- igzyoxen = clampdown
- igzyub = twirl
- igzyuber = to twirl
- igzyubwa = twirled
- igzyun = speedball
- igzyup = fast cycle, twirl
- igzyupea = twirling
- igzyupen = twirling
- igzyuper = to twirl
- ihelkayn = butane
- Iiid = Sichuan Yi
- Iiidaler = to speak Sichuan Yi
- Iiidalut = Sichuan Yi speaker
- Iiider = to say in Sichuan Yi
- ij = beginning, commencement, onset, outset, root, start
- ija = beginning, explicit, initial, on, preliminary, starting
- ija mempur = roadster
- ija syob = home base
- ijab = triennial
- ijaba = triennial
- ijabay = triennially
- ijagser = to kindle
- ijagxwa = kindled
- ijan = explicitness
- ijaxen = initialization
- ijaxer = to initialize
- ijay = explicitly, roundly
- ijbar = ignition switch, starter
- ijbea nundetyan = startup
- ijbea = starting
- ijbekul = first notion, germ of a notion
- ijben = beginning, commencement, initiating, initiation, starting, triggering
- ijber dabpyox = to launch a coup d'etat
- ijber datan bay = to strike up a friendship with
- ijber enkuma ebdal bi = to broach
- ijber ha man = to turn on a light
- ijber mag = to light a fire, start a fire
- ijber = to begin, to commence, to ignite, to initiate, to start, to switch on, to trigger
- ijber tolvyayab = to begin a diet, go on a diet
- ijbil = colostrum
- ijbuk = laceration
- ijbuker = to lacerate
- ijbukwa = lacerated
- ijbut = pleb, plebe, tyro
- ijbuta kyen = beginner's luck
- ijbwa = begun, commenced, initiated, on, started, triggered
- ijdalen = broaching
- ijdaler = to broach
- ijdalwa = broached
- ijdras = preface
- ijdresiyn = first letter, initial
- ijdresiyndren = initialism
- ijdresiyndun = initialism
- ijdresiynen = initialing
- ijdresiyner = to initial
- ijdresiynwa = initialed
- ijdresiynyan = acronym, set of initials
- ijdud = inconclusive response
- ijduen = prompting
- ijduer = to prompt
- ijdun = introduction, prologue
- ijduna = introductory
ijduner -- ijpem
[edit | edit source]- ijduner = to introduce
- ijdunut = introducer
- ijduut = prompter
- ijduwa = prompted
- ijduzneg = key
- ijduzun = overture
- ijea = beginning, commencing, incipient, nascent, starting
- ijeaten = catching sight of, glimpsing, noticing
- ijeater = to catch sight of, to glimpse
- ijeatwa = glimpsed, noticed
- ijeay = incipiently
- ijek = opening play
- ijem = cradle
- ijemat = autochthon, autochton
- ijemsen = origination, springing
- ijemser = to derive, to originate, to spring
- ijemxen = derivation, origination
- ijemxer = to derive, to originate
- ijemxwa = derived, originated
- ijen = beginning, commencement, genesis, inception, incipience, nascence, starting
- ijena = inceptive
- ijer = to begin, to commence, to start
- ijfyayelben = christening
- ijfyayelber = to christen
- ijfyayelbwa = christened
- ijgon = intro
- ijib = trimester
- ijiba = trimestrial
- ijjated = primogenitor
- ijjatedan = primogeniture
- ijjeab = beginning of spring
- ijjeeb = beginning of summer
- ijjeib = beginning of autumn
- ijjeub = beginning of winter
- ijjsauna = archetypical
- ijkaxen = discovering, discovery, inventing, invention
- ijkaxer = to descry, to discover, to invent
- ijkaxun = discovery, invention
- ijkaxut = discoverer, inventor
- ijkaxwa = discovered, invented
- ijkaxwa dun = nonce word
- ijkaxwas = discovery
- ijkaxyea = inventive
- ijkaxyean = inventiveness
- ijkexlawa = pioneered
- ijkexlen = pioneering
- ijkexler = to pioneer
- ijkexlur = pioneer
- ijkuniggaxen = indentation, indenting, indention
- ijkuniggaxer = to indent
- ijkuniggaxwa = indented
- ijkyunuen = bootstrapping
- ijkyunuer = to bootstrap
- ijmimput = lubber
- ijmola = primal
- ijmola teud = primal scream
- ijmula = primary
- ijna = beginning, first, initial, original, starting
- ijna dyun = first name, given name
- ijna noog = initial stage
- ijna san = initial shape
- ijnad = starting line, threshold
- ijnapa = first, primary
- ijnaper = to come in first
- ijnas = first thing
- ijnat = first person
- ijnaxea = initializing
- ijnaxen = initialization, initializing, initiating, initiation
- ijnaxena = initiatory
- ijnaxer = to initialize, to initiate
- ijnaxus = initializer
- ijnaxut = initializer
- ijnaxwa = initialized, initiated
- ijnaxyea = initiatory
- ijnay = initially, originally
- ijnod = square one, starting point
- ijob = early days
- ijon = origin, source
- ijpea = starting
- ijpem = starting point
ijpen -- ijtyuna
[edit | edit source]- ijpen = starting
- ijper = to begin, to get a start, to get going, to start out, to start up
- ijput = upstart
- ijsan = initial shape, rudiment
- ijsana = formative, rudimentary
- ijsanay = formatively
- ijsanxea = generative
- ijsanxen = begetting, breeding, engendering, generation
- ijsanxer = to beget, to breed, to engender, to generate
- ijsanxwa = begotten, bred, engendered, generated
- ijsaun = archetype, original specimen, pattern
- ijsauna = archetypal, original
- ijsaunan = originality
- ijsaunay = originally
- ijsaunser = to originate
- ijsaunxen = derivation, originating, origination, patterning
- ijsaunxer = to derive, to originate, to pattern
- ijsaunxut = originator
- ijsaunxwa = derived, originated, patterned
- ijsaunxwas = derivative, pattern
- ijsavyaf = creative talent
- ijsaxea = instrumenting
- ijsaxen = authoring, creating from scratch, creation, innovation, instrumenting, inventing
- ijsaxer = to concoct, to create from scratch, to innovate, to instrument, to invent
- ijsaxun = concoction, created object, creation from scratch, innovation, invention
- ijsaxut = author, creator from scratch, innovator, inventor
- ijsaxutoya = authorless
- ijsaxutuka = authorless
- ijsaxuyt = authoress
- ijsaxwa = brand-new, created from scratch, innovated, instrumented, invented
- ijsaxwas = creation, innovation
- ijsaxwat = creature
- ijsaxyea = creative, innovative
- ijsaxyean = creativity
- ijsexen = building from ground up
- ijsexer = to build from ground up
- ijsexun = original construct
- ijsexwa = built from ground up
- ijtad = first husband, first spouse, original spouse
- ijtayd = first wife, original wife
- ijteasen = sprouting
- ijteaser = to sprout
- ijteasya = sprouted
- ijteatien = distinguishing, recognition
- ijteatier = to begin to make out, to discern, to distinguish, to recognize
- ijteatiwa = discerned
- ijteatiyaf = discernment
- ijteatiyafwa = discernible
- ijteatiyafwan = discernibility
- ijteatiyafway = discernibly
- ijteatiyea = discerning
- ijteatiyeay = discerningly
- ijtex = concept, idea, notion
- ijtexa = ideational, notional
- ijtexay = conceptually, notionally
- ijtexen = conception, conceptualization, conceptualizing
- ijtexena = conceptional, conceptual
- ijtexer = to conceive of, to conceptualize
- ijtexwa = conceived, conceptualized
- ijtexyafwa = conceivable
- ijtexyafwan = conceivability
- ijtexyafway = conceivably
- ijteyen = brainchild, concept, innovation, original idea
- ijtisut = abecedarian
- ijtit = intern
- ijtitan = internship
- ijtud = first-born child
- ijtuxea = propaedeutic, propaedeutical
- ijtuxen = initiation
- ijtuxer = to initiate
- ijtuxnad = propaedeutical
- ijtuxnada = propaedeutic
- ijtuxwa = initiated
- ijtuxwat = initiate
- ijtuyd = first-born daughter
- ijtwud = first-born son
- ijtyeniut = apprentice
- ijtyenutan = apprenticeship
- ijtyun = brainchild, initial concept, original idea
- ijtyuna = conceptual
ijuer -- ikdyan
[edit | edit source]- ijuer = to give rise to
- ijun = exordium, head, resource
- ijunaya = resourceful
- ijunika = resourceful
- ijunikay = resourcefully
- ijunyan = resources
- ijut = beginner, freshman, novice, rookie
- ijutyekuen = hazing
- ijutyekuer = to haze
- ijutyekuut = hazer
- ijuyt = novitiate
- ijxel = inauguration ceremony, kickoff
- ijxela = inaugural
- ijxelen = inaugurating, inauguration
- ijxeler = to inaugurate
- ijyek = initial attempt, initiative
- ijyeker = to make a first attempt, to make an initiative
- ijyekut = initiator
- ijyekyea = initiatory
- ijyena = initial
- ijyenay = initially
- ijyenut = initiate
- ijyux = jump start
- ik- = fully, thoroughly
- ika bi fuyixyea dalyen = vitriolic
- ika bi = riddled with
- ika = complete, entire, full, openhanded, replete, thorough, utter
- ika duz nogyan = gamut
- ika dyun = full name
- -ika = -ful, -ous, -y, adjective suffix denoting filled with, full of
- ika kyax = makeover
- ika kyin = gross weight
- ika mays = full screen
- ika nabyan = gamut
- ika pos = fullstop
- ika volzyan = gamut
- ika yem = occupied seat
- ika yogdin = summa
- ikadoparer = to gun down
- ikadoparwa = gunned down
- ikaduzar = tenor drum
- ikagxwa = fully-grown, mature
- ikalipot = hooded skunk
- ikan = completeness, entirety, fullness, openhandedness, plenitude, plethora, repleteness, repletion, thoroughness
- ikapaxrawa = scrubbed down
- ikapaxrer = to scrub down, to scrub totally
- ikapaxrun = total scrub
- ikara = integral
- ikaran = integrality
- ikaray = integrally
- ikaruka = nullary
- ikaxlaf = plenipotentiary
- ikay = completely, entirely, fully, quite, roundly, thoroughly, utterly, wholly
- ikay nasokya = stone-broke
- ikay neunxwa = fully stocked
- ikay oma = stone-cold
- ikay otilea = stone-cold sober
- ikay oyvtexea = diametrical
- ikay teetyofa = stone-deaf
- ikay teutyofa = stone-blind
- ikay toja = stone-dead
- ikbar = filler
- ikbaren = obliteration
- ikbarer = to obliterate
- ikbarwa = obliterated
- ikbea = filling, quenching
- ikben = filling, quenching
- ikber = to fill up, to quench
- ikber ukun = to fill in a blank
- ikbun = filling
- ikbwa = filled up, quenched
- ikbwa syob = loaded base
- ikbyafwa = fillable, quenchable
- ikbyexler = to beat up
- ikbyofwa = quenchless
- ikdoler = to swipe clean
- ikdolwa = swiped clean
- ikdoparyan = panoply
- ikdrer = to write up
- ikdyan = sentence
ikdyana -- iknaser
[edit | edit source]- ikdyana = sentential
- ikejna = brand-new
- ikemxwa = dried out
- ikennoog = diastole
- ikennooga = diastolic
- ikflux = havoc, waste
- ikfluxen = ravaging
- ikfluxer = to lay waste, to ravage
- ikfluxut = ravager
- ikfluxwa = ravaged
- ikfluxwem = wasteland
- ikfyuxea = ruining
- ikfyuxen = ruination, ruining
- ikfyuxer = to ruin
- ikfyuxuni = ruins
- ikfyuxut = ruin-maker
- ikfyuxwa = ruined
- ikfyuxyeay = ruinously
- ikfyuyxyea = ruinous
- ikglan = full amount, total, totality
- ikglana = total
- ikgoflawa = ripped up, scrapped, torn up
- ikgoflen = scrapping
- ikgofler = to rip up, to scrap
- ikgoflun = scrap
- ikgoler = to divide up
- Ikid = Inuktitut
- Ikidaler = to speak Inuktitut
- Ikidalut = Inuktitut speaker
- Ikider = to say in Inuktitut
- ikigiper = to hightail
- ikigpaser = to hightail
- ikilbwer = to get drenched
- ikilien = getting drenched
- ikilier = to get drenched
- ikilpea = flooding, profuse
- ikilpean = profuseness
- ikilpeay = profusely
- ikilpen = flooding, profusion
- ikilper = to flood
- ikiluen = filling up, pouring to the brim, steeping
- ikiluer = to fill up, to pour to the brim, to steep
- ikiluwa = filled up, poured to the brim, steeped
- ikimser = to be steeped, to get drenched, to get soaked
- ikimxen = drenching, soaking, steeping
- ikimxer = to drench, to soak, to steep
- ikimxwa = drenched, soaked, sodden, soppy, steeped
- ikix = brunt
- ikjesea = unabated
- ikjoba = full-time
- ikjoba yex = full-time work
- ikjoba yexaun = full-time job
- ikkyasya = brand-new
- ikkyaxea = revolutionizing
- ikkyaxena = revolutionary
- ikkyaxer = to revolutionize
- ikkyaxus = revolutionizer
- ikkyaxwa = revolutionized
- ikkyis = payload
- ikla = copious, crammed, crowded, jam-packed, stuffed, unmitigated
- ikla ujok = washout
- iklan = copiousness, cornucopia, crowd, jam, rush, saturation
- iklasea = abounding
- iklaser = to abound, to crowd up, to get crammed, to get stuffed, to jam up
- iklaxen = cramming, crowding, jamming up, stuffing
- iklaxer = to cram, to crowd, to jam up, to stuff
- iklaxun = jam, stuffing
- iklaxwa = abounded, chockablock, crammed, crowded, stuffed
- iklaxwa vafayeb = stuffed grape leaves
- iklay = copiously, outright
- ikmoyn = umbra
- ikna = complete, total
- iknaga = full-sized
- iknan = completeness, totality
- iknandabin = totalitarianism
- iknandabina = totalitarian
- iknandabinut = totalitarian
- iknanzyabar = totalizator
- iknanzyaber = to totalize
- iknaser = to come to a completion
iknaxen -- iktilien
[edit | edit source]- iknaxen = completing, completion, filling out
- iknaxer = to complete, to fill out
- iknaxwa = completed, filled out
- iknaxwa job = perfect tense
- iknaxyea = perfective
- iknay = completely, totally
- iknixbuwas = sellout
- iknogay = fully
- iknuxbiun = buyout
- iknuxen = commutation, liquidation, paying in full, paying off, payment in full, settling
- iknuxer = to pay in full, to pay off, to settle
- iknuxer ujnasyef = to commute, liquidate, pay off a balance, settle a debt
- iknuxut = liquidator
- iknuxwa = commuted, liquidated, paid in full, paid off, payed off, settled
- iknuxyafwa = commutable
- iknuxyofwa = incommutable
- iknyoxea = dissipating
- iknyoxen = dissipation
- iknyoxer = to dissipate
- iknyoxwa = dissipated
- ikok = perdition
- ikoyeba = all the way out, fully out
- ikpea = filling up
- ikper = to fill up, to get full
- ikpos = full-stop
- ikra = flooded, lavish, overrun, saturated
- ikran = lavishness, saturation
- ikraser = to become saturated, to get flooded, to overrun
- ikraxea = saturating
- ikraxen = flooding, overrunning, saturating, saturation
- ikraxen nod = saturation point
- ikraxer = to flood, to overrun, to saturate
- ikraxwa = flooded, overrun, saturated
- ikray = lavishly
- iksag = complement, plethora, sum, total
- iksaga = complementary, total
- iksagan = totality
- iksagsea = totaling
- iksagser = to total
- iksagxen = totaling up
- iksagxer = to total
- iksagxwa = totaled up
- iksana = full-formed, intact
- iksankyaxen = transmogrification
- iksankyaxer = to transmogrify
- iksankyaxwa = transmogrified
- iksasea = flourishing, fully evolving
- iksasen = flourishing, fully evolving
- iksaser = to flourish, to fully evolve
- iksasya = fully-evolved
- ikser = to fill up
- iksin = tableau
- iksombwa = fully-furnished
- iksum = full-size bed
- ikteas = panorama
- ikteasa = panoramic
- ikteasa sin = panoramic view
- ikteaxea = contemplative
- ikteaxen = contemplation
- ikteaxer = to contemplate
- ikteaxwa = contemplated
- ikteepya = plenary
- iktej = full life, gusto
- ikteja = robust
- iktejut = one who lives life to the fullest
- iktelea = all-consuming
- iktelen = eating up, total consumption
- ikteler = to eat up, to totally consume
- iktelien = devouring, eating up
- iktelier = to cram, to devour, to gobble up, to gorge, to inhale, to polish off, to stuff
- ikteliut = devourer
- ikteliwa = devoured, eaten up, gobbled up, polished off
- iktelwa = eaten up, totally consumed
- ikteubien = swallowing up
- ikteubier = to ingurgitate, to swallow up, to swallow whole
- ikteubiwa = swallowed up
- ikteubixegwa = gnawed away, gnawed off
- ikteubixer = to chew up
- ikteubixwa = chewed up
- iktilien = swigging
iktilier -- ikyoba
[edit | edit source]- iktilier = to drain, to drink all the way, to drink up, to gulp, to soak up, to swig
- iktiliwa = swigged
- iktoja = died out
- iktojben = extermination
- iktojber = to exterminate
- iktojbut = exterminator
- iktojbwa = exterminated
- iktojen = dying out
- iktojer = to die out
- iktos = satisfaction
- iktoser = to be satisfied, to feel sated
- iktosien = being satisfied, feeling full
- iktosier = to be satisfied, to feel full
- iktosuea = satisfying, unsatisfying
- iktosuen = satiation, sating, satisfaction
- iktosuer = to gratification, to gratify, to make feel full, to satiate, to satisfy
- iktosuwa = content, contented, gratified, sated, satiated, satisfied
- iktosuwan = contentedness, satiety
- iktosuway = contentedly, contently
- iktosuyafwa = satisfiable
- iktosuyafwan = satisfiability
- iktosuyay = satisfyingly
- iktosuyea = gratifying, satisfactory
- iktosuyeay = satisfactorily
- iktosuyofwa = sateless
- iktosyofwa = unsatisfiable
- iktosyofwan = unsatisfiability
- iktoxea = totally oblivious
- iktoxer = to forget about totally
- iktoxwa = totally forgotten
- iktoxwan = oblivion
- iktyean = expertise
- iktyeut = expert
- ikumxen = dessication, drying out
- ikumxer = to dessicate, to dry out
- ikumxwa = dessicated, dried out
- ikvlata = dead certain
- ikvlatwa = surefire
- ikvosuea = in full bloom
- ikvyix = cleanup
- ikvyixen = cleaning out, cleaning thoroughly, cleaning up
- ikvyixer = to clean out, to clean up, to thoroughly clean
- ikvyixwa = cleaned out, cleaned up, thoroughly cleaned
- ikxea = completing, fulfilling, satisfactory, satisfying
- ikxeay = satisfactorily, satisfyingly
- ikxen = completing, completion, consummation, filling, fruition, fulfillment, satisfaction
- ikxer aybteasdid = to complete a survey, fill out a survey
- ikxer didyan = to fill out a questionnaire
- ikxer exgon = to fill a role, fulfill a role
- ikxer tisunyan = to complete a course of study
- ikxer = to complete, to consummate, to fill in, to fill out, to fulfill, to pack, to packed, to satisfy
- ikxer ukun = to fill in a blank
- ikxer ukundref = to complete a form, fill out a form
- ikxer unkun = to fill in a blank
- ikxer yef = to fulfill a duty
- ikxus = complement, filler
- ikxus dun = filler word
- ikxusa = complementary
- ikxwa = complete, completed, consummated, done, filled out, fulfilled, satisfied
- ikxwa leovol = dumpling
- ikxwan = completeness
- ikxyafwa = satisfiable
- ikyaba = all the way up
- ikyeba = all the way in, full-in
- ikyebeyafwan = brimful
- ikyebixen = engulfing, engulfment, swallowing up
- ikyebixer = to engulf, to swallow up
- ikyebixwa = engulfed, swallowed up
- ikyija = fully-open
- ikyixea = exhaustive, tiring, wearing out
- ikyixen = exhausting, tiring, using up, wearing out
- ikyixer = to tire, to use up, to wear out
- ikyixwa = exhausted, tired out, used up, worn out
- ikyixway = exhaustedly
- ikyixyafwa = exhaustible
- ikyixyafwan = exhaustibility
- ikyixyea = exhausting, exhaustive
- ikyixyean = exhaustiveness
- ikyixyeay = exhaustively
- ikyoba = all the way down
ikyokxer -- ilbyexwa
[edit | edit source]- ikyokxer = to flabbergast
- ikyokxwa = flabbergasted
- ikyonbyexlawa = crumbled, crushed up
- ikyonbyexlen = crumbling, crushing up
- ikyonbyexler = to crumble, to crush up
- ikyuifonek = dalliance
- ikza = deluxe, luxurious, rich
- ikzan = luxury, richness
- ikzasea = luxuriating
- ikzasen = luxuriating, luxuriation
- ikzaser = to luxuriate
- ikzat = rich person
- ikzaxea = enriching
- ikzaxen = enriching, enrichment
- ikzaxer = to enrich
- ikzaxwa = enriched
- ikzay = richly
- ikzuni = luxuries, riches
- ikzyua = plump
- ikzyuan = plumpness
- ikzyuay = plumply
- ikzyup = full cycle, full turn
- ikzyuper = to come full circle, to make a full cycle
- -il = drink, fluid, liquid, stub for "mil" or "til", water
- il = fluid
- ila = fluid, liquid
- ila mez sinuar = LCD, liquid crystal display
- ila yuzteuzun = liquid consonant
- ilaben = pouring
- ilaber = to pour
- ilabut = pourer
- ilabwa = poured
- ilan = fluidity
- ilapea = pouring
- ilaper = to pour
- ilavos = lavender
- ilaybaen = flooding, inundation
- ilaybaer = to flood, to inundate
- ilaybaun = deluge, flood
- ilaybawa = flooded, inundated
- ilaybawen = flooding, getting flooded, inundation
- ilaybawer = to flood, to get flooded, to get inundated
- ilbalar = piston, squirt gun
- ilbalnagar = manometer
- ilbiar = soaker
- ilbien = absorbing, absorption, secreting, soaking, sopping
- ilbier = to secrete, to soak, to sop
- ilbilea = absorbing
- ilbileay = absorbingly
- ilbiov = absorbing cloth, diaper, nappy, sponge
- ilbiov leovol = spongecake
- ilbiov milyeben = sponge bath, sponge bathing
- ilbiov milyebut = sponge bather
- ilbiovber = to nappy
- ilbiovier = to sponge
- ilbioviut = sponger
- ilbiovmilyeber = to sponge-bathe
- ilbiovuen = sponging
- ilbiovuer = to sponge
- ilbiovuwa = sponged
- ilbiovyena = spongy
- ilbiovyenan = sponginess
- ilbiun = secretion
- ilbiwa = secreted, soaked, sopped
- ilbix = suction
- ilbixar = siphon, suction device
- ilbixen = soaking, sopping, sucking, suction
- ilbixer = to blot, to siphon, to soak, to sop, to suck, to suction
- ilbixwa = soaked, sopped, sucked, suctioned
- ilbiyea = absorptive
- ilbuen = irrigating, irrigation, pouring, watering
- ilbuer = to irrigate, to pour, to water
- ilbuwa = irrigated, watered
- ilbyex = splash
- ilbyexen = splashing
- ilbyexer = to splash
- ilbyexeux = splash
- ilbyexeuxer = to splash
- ilbyexun = splash
- ilbyexwa = splashed
ilbyexyea -- ilokea
[edit | edit source]- ilbyexyea = splashy
- ilevos = balsam
- ilgoxwa = undiminished
- ilgyisea = condensing
- ilgyiser = to condensate, to condense
- ilgyixar = condenser
- ilgyixen = condensation, condensing
- ilgyixer = to condensate, to condense
- ilgyixwa = condensed
- ilgyoxea = diluent, diluting
- ilgyoxen = diluting, dilution
- ilgyoxer = to dilute
- ilgyoxus = diluent
- ilgyoxwa = diluted, undiluted
- iliar = absorber, pledget, sipper, straw, suction device
- ilien = sipping, soaking up, sucking, suction
- ilier = to absorb, to drink in, to lave, to sip, to soak up, to suck, to suction
- ilik = deluge, flood
- ilik zyimem = flood plain
- ilikbea = flooding
- ilikben = flooding
- ilikber = to flood
- ilikbwa = flooded
- ilikmas = flood wall
- ilikpea = flooding
- ilikper = to flood
- ilikser = to be suffused, to fill up with liquid, to flood
- ilikxen = flooding, inundation, suffusion
- ilikxer = to flood, to imbue, to inundate, to suffuse
- ilikxwa bay = imbued with
- ilikxwa = deluged, flooded, inundated, suffused
- Iliod = Ilocano language
- ilip = ebb
- ilipea = ebbing
- iliper = to ebb
- Ilison = Israeli new shekel
- ilivos = flax
- iliwa = absorbed, soaked
- iliyafwan = absorbency
- iliyea = absorbent
- iliyean = absorbency
- ilk = I, iodine
- ilkat = iodate
- ilkiyd = iodide
- ilkiyn = iodine
- ilkizaxer = to iodize
- ilkizaxwa = iodized
- ilkyuan = buoyancy
- ilkyupea = buoyant
- ilkyupyafa = buoyant
- ilkyupyafay = buoyantly
- Illinoi = Illinois
- ilmekuar = dust gun, spray gun
- ilmeup = gutter, liquid trail, street gutter
- ilmuyf = siphon
- ilmuyfien = siphoning
- ilmuyfier = to siphon
- ilmuyfiwa = siphoned
- ilneg = pond, stretch of water
- ilneyeb = reservoir, tank
- ilnyeb = coop
- ilnyebog = vesicle
- ilnyeboga = vesicular
- ilnyebogxer = to vesiculate
- ilnyef = bursa
- ilnyefi = bursae
- ilnyoxen = spillage
- ilnyoxer = to spill
- ilnyoxwa = spilled
- ilnyuar = decanter
- ilnyuen = pouring
- ilnyuer = to pour
- ilnyuwa = decanted, poured
- ilo = thirty
- iloa = thirtieth
- ilogukxarwa = strained
- ilogukxyeb = colander, strainer
- ilok = drip, leak, spill, spillage
- ilok vyesag = leakage rate
- ilokea = dripping, leaking, running
ilokebar -- ilpusea
[edit | edit source]- ilokebar = insulator
- ilokebea = insulating
- ilokebea nyov = friction tape
- ilokeben = insulation
- ilokeber = to insulate
- ilokebwa = insulated
- ilokem = leakage point
- iloken = leakage, leaking
- iloker = to leak, to run
- Ilokid = Iloko
- ilokmeg = dripstone
- ilokmep = spillway
- ilokmufyeg = drainage pipe, gutter
- ilokovar = gasket
- ilokser = to spill
- ilokvaka = drip-proof, leak-proof, spill-proof
- ilokxea = spilling
- ilokxen = spilling
- ilokxer = to spill
- ilokxwa = leaked, spilled
- ilokyea = drippy, leaky, runny
- ilokyea teib = runny nose
- ilokyean = drippiness, leakiness, runniness
- ilokyofwa = drip-proof, leak-proof
- ilokyofxus = dripstone
- ilol = spelter
- ilon = baker's dozen, group of thirty
- ilonapa = thirtieth
- ilopat = rhea
- ilopyea = oozy
- ilovos = magnolia
- iloyep = leak, ooze, outflow, spurt
- iloyepar = spout
- iloyepea = flowing out, leaking, oozing, outflowing, pouring out, spurting, sweating
- iloyepen = flowing out, oozing, pouring out, spurting
- iloyeper = to flow out, to leak, to ooze, to pour out, to spurt, to sweat
- iloyepusea = gushing
- iloyepuser = to gush
- iloyepuxen = gushing
- iloyepuxer = to gush
- iloyepuxwa = gushed
- iloyn = thirtieth
- ilp = current, flow, flux
- ilpanebennagar = interferometer
- ilpanebennagen = interferometry
- ilpanebennagena = interferometric
- ilpankyaxar = transducer
- ilpanog = ripple
- ilpanogen = rippling
- ilpanoger = to ripple
- ilpanyenxen = goffering
- ilpanyenxer = to goffer
- ilpanyenxwa = goffered
- ilpaonea = fluctuating
- ilpaonen = fluctuation
- ilpaoner = to fluctuate
- ilpbok = rheumatism
- ilpboka = rheumatic
- ilpbokay = rheumatically
- ilpbokun = rheum
- ilpbokyena = rheumatoid
- ilpdraf = flow chart, flowchart
- ilpdrafxen = flowcharting
- ilpea = flowing, fluent, in flux, running
- ilpea mil = running water
- ilpen = flowing, running
- ilper = to flow, to run
- ilpesyan = riffle
- ilpmek = alluvium
- ilpmeka = alluvial
- ilpmeys = floodgate
- ilposer = to stanch
- ilpoxar = stanch
- ilpoxen = strangulation
- ilpoxer = to stanch, to strangulate
- ilppoxar = rheostat
- ilpuj = cutoff
- ilpujus = cutoff
- ilpus = jet
- ilpusea = spewing, spouting
ilpusen -- iluja
[edit | edit source]- ilpusen = spewing
- ilpuser = to spew, to spout
- ilpuxar = spout
- ilpuxen = spewing., spouting
- ilpuxer = to spew, to spout
- ilpuxlar = plunger
- ilpuxus = spewer
- ilpuxut = spewer
- ilpuxwa = spat, spewed, spouted
- ilpxea = shedding
- ilpxen = shedding
- ilpxer biil = to shed blood
- ilpxer tayebi = to shed hair
- ilpxer teabili = to shed tears
- ilpxer = to shed
- ilpxer yuyki = to shed inhibitions
- ilpxwa = shed
- ilpyas = gush, jet
- ilpyasar = geyser, gusher
- ilpyasea = gushing, jetting, springing
- ilpyaser = to gush, to jet
- ilpyax = gush
- ilpyaxar = jet
- ilpyaxen = gushing
- ilpyaxer = to gush, to spring up
- ilpyaya = viscous
- ilpyean = fluency
- ilpyexen = spattering
- ilpyexer = to spatter
- ilpyexwa = spattered
- ilpyika = viscous
- ilpyikan = viscosity
- ilpyos = barrage, bath, cascade, downpour, rain, spillage
- ilpyosea = cascading, downpouring, raining down
- ilpyosen = cascading, downpouring, raining down
- ilpyoser = to bathe, to cascade, to downpour, to immerse oneself, to pour, to rain down, to spill
- ilpyosler = to plunge
- ilpyosut = bather
- ilpyox = immersion, pour, shower, spill
- ilpyoxar = decanter, faucet, spigot
- ilpyoxen = dropping liquid, dunking, immersion, pouring, raining, spilling
- ilpyoxer = to immerse, to pour, to rain on, to shower, to spill
- ilpyoxim = shower room
- ilpyoxlar = plunger
- ilpyoxlawa = plunged
- ilpyoxlen = plunging
- ilpyoxler = to plunge
- ilpyoxum = shower
- ilpyoxut = spiller
- ilpyoxwa = immersed, poured, rained on, showered, spilled
- ilpyoxyafwa = immersible
- ilpyoyx = dip
- ilpyoyxen = dipping
- ilpyoyxer = to dip
- ilpyoyxwa = dipped
- ilpyuka = fluent
- ilpyukay = fluently
- ilsan = iodoform
- ilsea = liquefying, melting
- ilsen = liquefaction, melting
- ilser = to dissolve, to lave, to liquefy, to melt
- ilseubob = pouring lip
- ilsirtyen = fluid mechanics, hydraulics
- ilsyeb = beaker, carafe, flask, jug
- ilsyebag = pitcher
- ilsyebik = jugful
- iluar = dispenser, spigot, spout, tap
- iluarsezun = gargoyle
- iluarsyeb = pitcher
- iluarzyeb = jug, pitcher
- iluarzyeyb = carafe, flask
- iluea = pouring, shedding
- iluen = dispensing, pouring, shedding
- iluensyeb = watering can
- iluer = to dispense, to pour, to shed, to spout
- iluip = ebb and flow
- iluipen = ebbing and flowing
- iluiper = to ebb and flow
- iluir = dispensing machine
- iluja = run dry
ilujea -- ilyijbwa
[edit | edit source]- ilujea = running dry
- ilujen = running dry
- ilujer = to run dry
- iluk = drainage, flush
- iluka = aneroid
- ilukbar = drain, flush mechanism
- ilukben = draining, flushing
- ilukber = to drain, to flush
- ilukbwa = drained
- ilukmufyeg = drainpipe
- ilukper = to drain, to flush, to run dry
- iluksaib = drainer
- iluksea = draining, drying up, flushing, running dry, running out
- iluksen = drying up, flushing, running dry, running out
- ilukser = to drain out, to dry up, to flush, to run dry, to run out
- ilukseym = drainboard
- iluksun = drainage, flush
- ilukxar = drain, flush
- ilukxen = drainage, draining, flushing
- ilukxen mufyeg = drainage pipe
- ilukxer = to drain, to flush
- ilukxwa = drained, flushed
- ilup = flow, inflow, influx, inrush
- ilupea = flowing in, inflowing
- ilupen = flowing in, influence, influx
- iluper = to flow in, to influence
- iluvos = yellow marigold
- iluwa = dispensed, poured, shed
- iluyafwan = pourability
- iluyea = lavish
- iluyean = lavishness
- iluyeay = lavishly
- ilxea = dissolving, liquefying
- ilxen = liquefaction, liquefying, meltdown, melting
- ilxen nod = melting point
- ilxer = to dissolve, to liquefy, to melt
- ilxuwa = dissoluble
- ilxwa = dissolved, fondant, liquefied, melted, molten
- ilxwa meg = molten rock
- ilxwas = fondue
- ilxwul = fondant
- ilxyafa = dissolvent
- ilxyeb = crucible
- ilxyukwa = fusible
- ilxyukwan = fusibility
- ilyaop = ebb-and-flow
- ilyap = surge
- ilyaper = to surge, to swell
- ilyavos = periwinkle
- ilyeb bi fil = bottle of liquor
- ilyeb bi vafil = bottle of wine
- ilyeb bi yavil = bottle of beer
- ilyeb = bottle
- ilyeb yijbar = bottle opener
- ilyeb yujun = bottle cork
- ilyebag = jug, pitcher
- ilyebar = dipper
- ilyeben = bathing, dipping, dunking, immersion
- ilyeber = to bathe, to dip, to dunk, to immerge, to immerse
- ilyebog = carboy, flask, phial, vial
- ilyebteyob = bottleneck
- ilyebwa = bathed, dipped, dunked, immersed
- ilyebxam = bottling plant
- ilyebxen = bottling
- ilyebxer = to bottle
- ilyebxut = bottler
- ilyebxwa = bottled
- ilyebxwa mil = bottled water
- ilyebyafwa = immersible
- ilyena = fluid, rheumy
- ilyenan = fluidity
- ilyenay = fluidly
- ilyep = immersion, wade
- ilyepen = immersion, wading
- ilyeper = to bathe, to immerge, to immerse oneself, to wade
- ilyevos = chamomile
- ilyijbar = decanter, sluice
- ilyijbea = pouring
- ilyijber = to decant, to pour
- ilyijbwa = decanted, poured
ilyijea -- ilzyepyofwan
[edit | edit source]- ilyijea = pouring
- ilyijen = pouring
- ilyijer = to pour
- ilyivos = narcissus
- ilyober = to souse
- ilyobwa = soused
- ilyonbyexea = splattering
- ilyonbyexer = to splatter
- ilyonbyexun = splatter
- ilyonbyexwa = splattered
- ilyonpyexen = splattering
- ilyonxar = percolator
- ilyonxarea = percolating
- ilyonxaren = percolation
- ilyonxarer = to leach, to percolate
- ilyonxarwa = percolated
- ilyonxen = maceration
- ilyonxer = to macerate
- ilyop = catarrh
- ilyopea = dripping
- ilyopen = dripping
- ilyopun = drop
- ilyopunes = droplet
- ilyovos = yellow oleander
- ilyuijar = faucet, spigot
- ilyujar = bung, peg, plug, stopper, tap
- ilyujaren = capping, plugging, stopping, up
- ilyujarer = to cap, to plug, to stop up
- ilyujarim = tap room
- ilyujaroben = uncapping, unplugging
- ilyujarober = to uncap, to unplug
- ilyujarobwa = uncapped, unplugged
- ilyujarwa = capped, plugged, stopped up
- ilyujben = capping, plugging, stopping up
- ilyujber = to cap, to plug, to stop up
- ilyujbwa = capped, plugged, stopped up
- ilyuvos = purple passion
- ilza aveb = yellow French bean
- ilza bilyug = margarine
- ilza uveb = wax bean
- ilza = yellow
- ilzaobasea = sloshing
- ilzaobasen = sloshing
- ilzaobaser = to slosh
- ilzaobaxer = to slosh
- ilzaobaxwa = sloshed
- ilzasea = yellowing
- ilzaser = to grow yellow
- ilzaxen = yellowing
- ilzaxer = to yellow
- ilzaxwa = yellowed
- ilzayna = bright yellow
- ilzbok = jaundice
- ilzboka = jaundiced
- ilzeobaxen = sloshing
- ilzeybar = pipette
- ilzeybarer = to pipette
- ilzil = bile, choler
- ilzilbok = cholera
- ilzilboka = choleric
- ilzilnyef = cholecyst
- ilzoyna = dark yellow
- ilzoynan = dark yellowishness
- ilzulyeb = gallbladder
- ilzulyeb meg = gallstone
- ilzyabar = spray gun, sprayer
- ilzyaben = spraying
- ilzyaber = to spray
- ilzyabwa = sprayed
- ilzyabyexer = to bespatter
- ilzyabyexwa = bespattered
- ilzyapyos = down spray, downpour, rain
- ilzyapyoser = to downpour, to rain
- ilzyapyux = spritz
- ilzyapyuxar = spritzer
- ilzyel = cholesterol
- ilzyena = yellowish
- ilzyenan = yellowishness
- ilzyepyofwa = impermeable
- ilzyepyofwan = impermeability
ilzyepyofway -- imkunnad
[edit | edit source]- ilzyepyofway = impermeably
- ilzyubar = stirrer, swizzle
- ilzyuben = swirling, swizzling
- ilzyuber = to stir, to swirl, to swizzle
- ilzyubwa = stirred, swirled, swizzled
- ilzyun = drop of liquid
- ilzyunar = dropper
- ilzyunaya = gutty
- ilzyunea = dripping
- ilzyunen = dripping
- ilzyuner = to drip
- ilzyunes = bead, droplet
- ilzyunesen = dripping
- ilzyuneser = to drip
- ilzyunika = gutty
- ilzyunog = bead of liquid
- ilzyupea = swirling
- ilzyupen = swirling
- ilzyuper = to swirl
- ilzyupyea = swirly
- im = brim, lithium
- i.m. = d.c., direct current
- -im = room, stub for "tim"
- ima jeb = wet season
- ima meil = clabber
- ima = slabby, wet
- imaben = basting, glazing, icing
- imaber = to bast, to baste, to glaze, to ice
- imabwa = basted, glazed, iced
- imaeg = lignite
- imaf = nimbostratus
- imal = stratosphere
- imala = stratospheric
- imam = imam
- imaman = imamhood
- iman = wetness
- imapaxlen = embrocation
- imapaxler = to embrocate
- imay = wetly
- imdaler = to splutter
- imem = fen, slew
- imemyena = fenny
- imer abayob = to earth's crust
- imer ebayob = to earth's mantle
- Imer = to Earth, to earth
- imera = Earthly, earthly, terrene, terrestrial
- Imerad = language of the earthlings
- Imerat = earthling, inhabitant of Earth
- imerat = earthling, terrestrial
- imeray = terrestrially
- imerbaoxea = earthshaking
- imerbyumxwa = earthbound
- imernaga = geodetic
- imernagtun = geodesy
- imernagtuna = geodesic
- imeryanmultun = geochemistry
- imeryena = earth-like
- imeryuzpea = circumterrestrial
- imerzen = earth core, earth's center, earth's core
- imerzena = geocentric
- imerzenay = geocentrically
- imerzyun = globe
- imez = ruby
- imez-alza = ruby red
- imez-yelza = ruby pink
- imil = fluid, liquid, wet stuff
- imila = fluid, liquid
- imilan = fluidity, liquidity
- imilxen = liquefication
- imilxer = to liquefy, to liquidize
- imilxwa = liquefied
- Imimag = Pacific Ocean
- Imimaga = Pacific
- imimofpar = caravel
- Iminim = Isle of Man
- Iminima = from the Isle of Man
- Iminimat = inhabitant of Isle of Man
- imir-afyaxeb = partriarch
- imir-afyaxob = patriarchate
- imkunnad = shoreline
imkyia -- ingunsana
[edit | edit source]- imkyia = soggy
- imkyian = sogginess
- imkyiay = soggily
- imkyiser = to grow soggy
- imkyixer = to make soggy
- imkyixwa = made soggy
- immel = loam, wetland
- immelaya = loamy
- immelika = loamy
- immelyena = loamy
- immem = wetland
- imnagar = hygrometer
- imobar = dehydrator, drain
- imobaryan = drainage
- imoben = de-moisturization, dehydration, draining, drip drying
- imober = to de-moisturize, to dehydrate, to drain, to drip dry
- imobwa = de-moisturized, dehydrated, drained, drip dried
- imof = washcloth
- IMS = LCD, liquid crystal display
- imsen = becoming wet, getting wet
- imser = to become wet, to get wet
- imtaf = wetsuit
- imxen = basting, dipping, drenching, glazing, wetting down
- imxer = to baste, to dip, to drench, to glaze, to wet down
- imxwa = basted, dipped, drenched, glazed, sloppy, wetted
- imxyofen = waterproofing
- imxyofwa = water-proof, waterproof
- imyanmulxer = to pug
- -in = -ism, stub for "tin" denoting doctrine
- in- = three-, tri-, tripl-
- -ina = -istic, stub for "tina"
- Inad = Interlingua
- Inada = in Interlingua
- inaga = three-dimensional
- inapa = tertiary
- inapelt = woodlouse
- inapetpir = troika
- inayga = three-dimensional
- inca = uncial
- incaheyaolk = C3H6O, acetone
- incayanheolk = acetone
- incayanheolka = acetonic
- incayinhel = propane
- incsana = unciform
- indalzeyna = triglot
- indalzyeyena = trilingual
- indresiyn = trigram, trigraph
- Ined = Indo-European
- infatayob mipar = trimaran
- infayeb = clover, club, shamrock
- infayebsan = trefoil
- ingarer = to cube
- ingarwa = cubed, cubic
- ingarwa minak-gar-iwa = cubic meter
- ingegonxen = trisection
- ingegonxer = to trisect
- ingobler = to cut in thirds, to trisect
- ingoblun = three-way split
- ingol = three-way division, three-way split
- ingolen = dividing into three
- ingoler = to divide three ways
- ingolwa = divided three ways
- ingona dez = three-act play
- ingona = trinal, tripartite, triplex
- ingonem = trizone
- ingonxen = trichotomy
- ingonxer = to split into three parts
- ingonxwa = split into three parts, split three ways
- ingoren = cubing
- ingorer = to cube
- ingorwa = cubed
- inguginid = pyramid
- inguginidsan = pyramid shape
- inguginidsana = pyramid-shaped
- ingun = triangle
- inguna bexmimof = jib
- inguna = triangular, trigonal
- ingunay = triangularly
- ingunsan = triangle
- ingunsana = triangular
ingunsaxen -- involza
[edit | edit source]- ingunsaxen = triangulation
- ingunsaxer = to triangulate
- inhefil = glycerin, glycerine, glycerol
- inheolk = H2O
- Inicada = Indic
- Inidad = Indonesian
- Inidadaler = to speak Indonesian
- Inidadalut = Indonesian speaker
- Inidader = to say in Indonesian
- Inidam = India
- Inidama atooza yavil = IPA, India pale ale
- Inidama fyaxintuxut = swami
- Inidama = Indian
- Inidama mazyoyb = memsahib
- Inidamat = Indian, inhabitant of India
- Inidanim = Indonesia
- Inidanima = Indonesian
- Inidanimat = Indonesian, inhabitant of Indonesia
- inigan = triplex
- inilk = In, indium
- Inima teil = mulligatawny
- Inima yoveel = chole
- inimavob = Indian corn, maize
- inipelt = stink bug, stinkbug
- Iniron = Indian rupee
- iniyub = trifid
- inizona = three-way, tri-directional
- injiba = trimensual
- injibay = trimonthly
- injuba = three-day
- inkuna = three-sided, trilateral, triple-sided
- inmakmis = triode
- inmifubyan mimpar = trireme
- inmosa = triplex
- inmostam = triplex
- inmostom = triplex
- inmoysfaob = plywood
- inmuf = stilt
- inmufwa = stilted
- innaga = third-ranking
- innagsinuar = shadowbox
- innaza = trivalent
- inneda = trihedral, triplane
- innod aybsiyn = three dots above accent, three dots above diacritic
- innodsiyn = ellipsis, horizontal ellipsis
- inoga = tertiary, third-degree
- inolk moys = ozone layer
- inolk oken = ozone depletion
- inolk = ozone
- inolk zyeg = ozone hole
- inonak = inch
- inonakpea = inching
- inonakpen = inching
- inonakper = to inch
- inonakpya = inched
- inpatuba mampur = triplane
- inpiba zyeglar = trident
- insauna = triplicate
- insaunan = triplicity
- insaunxen = tripling
- insaunxer = to triple
- insaunxwa = tripled
- insin = triptych
- insinuar = triniscope
- insuna = ternary, trinary
- insyoyab = tripod
- insyoyaba = tripodal
- insyoyabol = trivet
- intaglio = intaglio
- intajat = triplet
- intapek = triathlon
- intob = triumvir
- intoba sum = queen-size bed
- intobyan = triumvirate
- intotan = trinity
- introit = introit
- intyobol = trevet
- -inut = -ist, stub for "tinut"
- invamakmul = trication
- involza = tri-color, tricolor
invyad -- ipetyenan
[edit | edit source]- invyad = syllogism
- invyada = syllogistic
- inyejubay = triweekly
- inyek meg = touchstone
- inyijteuzun = triphthong
- inyujteuzuna = tri-consonantal
- inzyuk = tricycle, trike
- inzyuka = three-wheeled
- inzyuk-kyuifpar = chariot
- inzyuknuxpar = pedicab
- inzyukpar = tricycle, trike
- inzyukparen = tricycling
- inzyukparer = to tricycle
- inzyukparut = tricyclist
- inzyukpur = tricar
- iokyofwa = leakproof
- iomer = to south-east, to southeast
- iomera = south-east, south-eastern, southeast, southeasterly, southeastern
- iomermap = southeaster
- ion = three-fold, threefold, threesome, trio
- iona = three-fold, threefold, treble, trine, triple
- ionas = triad
- ionat = threesome, trio
- ionay = triply
- iondeup = triple time, triplex
- iondin = trilogy
- iondren = trilogy
- ionjobduz = courant
- iontajat = triplet
- iontam = triplex
- ionxen = tripling
- ionxer = to triple
- ionxwa = tripled
- iot = threesome, trio
- Iotom = British Indian Ocean Territory
- Iotoma = from the British Indian Ocean Territory
- Iotomat = inhabitant of British Indian Ocean Territory
- ip = departure, leave
- ipad = gobble
- ipaden = gobbling
- ipader = to gobble
- ipap = turkey trot
- ipapen = strutting
- ipaper = to strut
- ipasea = moving away
- ipasen = moving away
- ipaser = to move away
- ipat ebovol = turkey sandwich
- ipat = turkey
- ipatud = chick, poult
- ipatyan = rafter of turkeys
- ipavol = red cabbage
- ipaxer = to move away
- ipea = going away, leaving, parting
- iped = heehaw
- ipeden = braying, he-hawing, heehawing, hehawing
- ipeder = to bray, to he-haw, to heehaw, to hehaw
- ipeit = otary, sea lion
- ipelad = buzz
- ipeladen = buzzing
- ipelader = to buzz
- ipeladyea = buzzy
- ipelat = fly, house fly
- ipelat igbyexar = flyswatter
- ipelat pexar = flytrap
- ipelata sil = formic acid
- ipelatij = maggot
- ipelt = scorpion
- ipen = leaving, parting
- iper belea = to go carrying, take
- iper bi vyakxam = to get out of prison
- iper ha dezmos = to leave the stage
- iper = to depart, to go away, to go off, to leave
- ipet = ass
- ipetud = ass's foal, chick, donkey, foal, little ass, poult
- ipetudog = burro
- ipetuyd = jennet
- ipetwud = jackass
- ipetyena = asinine
- ipetyenan = asininity
ipetyenay -- Irolima muf
[edit | edit source]- ipetyenay = asininely
- ipeyet = flatworm
- ipeyt = jenny, turkey-hen
- ipieden = chittering
- ipieder = to chitter
- ipiit = scampi
- ipilt = jellyfish
- ipit = sole
- ipiyet = tree frog
- ipiyetyena = clammy
- ipiyetyenan = clamminess
- ipiyetyenay = clammily
- iplaya = fled, scampered
- iplen = fleeing, scampering
- ipler = to flee, to scamper
- Ipokid = Inupiaq
- Ipokidaler = to speak Inupiaq
- Ipokidalut = Inupiaq speaker
- Ipokider = to say in Inupiaq
- ipot = bison
- ipu = begone
- Ipu! = Go away!, Shoo!
- ipusen = jumping away
- ipuser = to jump away
- ipux dot = throw-away society
- ipuxen = throwing away
- ipuxer = to cast away, to cast way, to refuse, to reject, to throw away
- ipuxun = refuse, rubbish, throw away item, trash
- ipuxwa = rejected, thrown away
- ipuxwas mugyeb = trash can
- ipuxwas = refuse, rubbish, trash
- ipuxyafwa bekulgibar = disposable syringe
- ipuxyafwa = disposable, throwaway
- ipuxyafwa grin = disposable razor
- ipuxyafwa magar = disposable lighter
- ipuxyafwa nyeb = disposable container
- ipuxyafwa yuzof = disposable packaging, disposable wrap
- ipuyser = to hop away
- ipuyxer = to toss away
- ipwat = turkey-cock
- ipwed = bray, hee-haw
- ipweden = braying, hee-hawing
- ipweder = to bray, to hee-haw
- ipwet = donkey, jack, jackass
- ipya = departed, gone
- ipya top = departed soul
- ipyaser = to bound away, to jump away
- ipyat = kite
- ipyeit = clam
- ipyeituil = clam sauce
- ipyet = crocodile
- ipyit = tuna
- ipyit-alza = salmon red
- ipyiza = salmon-colored
- ipyod = yelp
- ipyoden = yelping
- ipyoder = to yelp
- ipyot = fox, red fox
- ipyotkex = foxhunt
- ipyotud = fox cub, kit, pup
- ipyotyan = skulk of foxes
- ipyotyeg = foxhole
- ipyotyena = fox-like, foxy, vulpine
- ipyotyenan = foxiness
- ipyotyenay = foxily
- ipyotzyeg = foxhole
- ipyowt = dog fox, tod
- ipyoyt = vixen
- -ir = machine, stub for "sir"
- Iroada = Iranian
- Irolid = Irish
- Irolidaler = to speak Irish
- Irolidalut = Irish speaker
- Irolider = to say in Irish
- Irolim = Republic of Ireland
- Irolima dizdrezun = limerick
- Irolima gevil = Irish whiskey
- Irolima iga dazun = jig
- Irolima = Irish
- Irolima muf = shillalah, shillelagh
Irolima nogdaz -- Itaat
[edit | edit source]- Irolima nogdaz = hornpipe
- Irolima topuyt = banshee, banshie
- Irolimat = Irish, inhabitant of the Republic of Ireland
- Irolimayt = Irishwoman
- Irolimfyet = leprechaun
- Irolim-ulza = kelly green
- Irolimwat = Irishman
- irolk = Ir, iridium
- Iroma gibar = scimitar
- Ironim = Iran
- Ironima = Iranian
- Ironimat = Iranian, inhabitant of Iran
- Irooda = Iriquoian
- Iroqom = Iraq
- Iroqoma = Iraqi
- Iroqomat = Iraqi, inhabitant of Iraq
- Iroron = Iranian rial
- is = it, result
- isa = its
- isagtun = algebra
- isagtuna = algebraic
- isagtunay = algebraically
- isagtut = algebra expert
- isanxen = engendering
- isanxer = to engender
- isanxwa = engendered
- isaun = phyllum, phylum
- isaunsasen = phylogeny
- isazul = PVC, polyvinyl chloride, vinyl
- iser = to start out
- isipyet = water moccasin
- Islama Fyadyes = Koran
- Islama = Islamic, Moslem, Muslim
- Islama tistam = madrasa
- Islama totifram = mosque
- islama zyutom = minaret
- Islamat = Moslem, Muslim
- Islamatsen = becoming a Muslim
- Islamatser = to become a Muslim
- Islamatyan = Islam
- Islamaxen = Islamification
- Islamaxer = to Islamify
- Islamaxwa = Islamified
- islamdubut = vizier, vizir
- Islameb = imam
- Islameban = imamhood
- islamedab = sultanate
- islamedeb = sultan
- islamedeyb = sultana
- Islamfyaxam = mosque
- Islamfyidim = divan
- islamidab = emirate
- islamideb = emir
- Islamifyaxeb = imam
- Islamin = Islam
- Islamina fyaxam = Islamic mosque, Muslim mosque
- Islamina = Islamic, Islamist, Moslem, Muslim
- Islamina Tot = Allah, God of the Muslims
- Islaminatyan = Islam
- Islaminut = Islamist, Moslem, Muslim
- islamtop = genie
- iso = three hundred
- isoa = ter-
- isoan = tercentenary, tercentennial
- isojabxel = tricentennial
- isoleukiyn = isoleucine
- Isolid = Icelandic
- Isolidaler = to speak Icelandic
- Isolidalut = Icelandic speaker
- Isolider = to say in Icelandic
- Isolim = Iceland
- Isolima = Icelandic
- Isolimat = Icelander
- Isorom = Israel
- Isoroma = Israeli
- Isoromat = inhabitant of Israel
- it = he, her, him, she
- it iut = he himself, her herself, him himself, she herself
- ita = her, his, its
- Itaat = Principality, Ruler
itabij -- ivdeuzut
[edit | edit source]- itabij = pupa
- Itad = Italian
- Itadaler = to speak Italian
- Itadalut = Italian speaker
- Itader = to say in Italian
- itaet = archangel
- itait = guardian angel
- Itam = Italy
- Itama = Italian
- Itamat = Italian, inhabitant of Italy
- itas = his thing
- itasi = his things
- itayub = thyroid
- itayuba = thyroidal
- itef = bonnet
- itefbwa = bonneted
- itepkisea = propitiating
- iteupib = canine tooth
- itistam = college
- itistam doym = college town
- itistama = collegiate
- itistameb = college president
- itistamper = to attend college, to go to college
- itistamput = college attendee, college-goer
- itistamut = college student
- itistamuyt = female college student
- itistamwut = male college student
- itiuv = jock, jockstrap
- itiuyub = right hand middle finger
- itiyut = themselves
- Itoma deuzunyan bay duzari = cantata
- Itoma gyovokuil = minestrone
- ittep = id
- itulyan = dinnerware, third course
- ituyub = middle finger
- ituyuber = to give the finger to show the middle finger
- ityal = dinner
- ityalier = to have dinner
- ityaljob = dinnertime
- ityaluer = to serve dinner
- ityapyot = olive baboon, yellow baboon
- ityopen = walking
- ityoyaf = sandal
- Iuduta abtyoyaf = mukluk
- ius = itself
- iusa = its own
- iusas = its own
- iusasi = its own
- iut = herself, himself
- iuta = her own, his own
- iutas = her own, her own thing, his own, his own thing
- iutasi = her own, her own things, his own, his own things
- iuyt = herself
- -iv = festival
- iv = glee
- iva = gay, gleeful, happy, joyful
- Iva Jabij! = Happy New Year!
- Iva triayer et. = to Glad to have made your acquaintance.
- Iva trier et. = to Happy to make your acquaintance.
- ivaden = congratulations
- ivader = to congratulate
- Ivadwu! = Congratulations!
- ivan = gayness, happiness, joyfulness
- ivanaya = gladsome, slaphappy
- ivanika = gladsome, slaphappy
- ivanuka = disconsolate
- ivanukay = disconsolately
- ivapetyopen = cavorting
- ivapetyoper = to cavort
- ivay = gayly, happily, joyfully
- ivbaoser = to tremble with joy
- ivbun = present
- ivbuun = gift
- ivdatim = living room, salon
- ivder = to gratulate
- ivdeuz = lilt, wassail
- ivdeuzen = lilting, wassailing
- ivdeuzer = to lilt, to wassail
- ivdeuzun = carol
- ivdeuzut = caroler
ivdez -- ivran
[edit | edit source]- ivdez = comedy
- ivdeza = comedic
- ivdezun = comedy play
- ivdezut = comedy actor
- ivdezuyt = comedy actress
- ivdin = comedy
- ivdina = comedic
- ivdyea = gratulatory
- ivebpuxlar = peashooter
- ivebut = killjoy
- iveel = sugar snap pea
- ivek = gambol
- iveken = frolicking
- iveker = to frolicker, to gambol
- ivekfyuxut = spoilsport
- ivekyea = frolicsome
- ivhihider = to yuk
- ivhihis = yuk
- iviea = rejoicing
- ivien = amusement, enjoyment, rejoicing
- ivier = to amuse oneself, to derive fun from, to enjoy, to rejoice
- ivika = gleeful, joyous
- ivikan = gleefulness, joyousness
- ivikay = joyously
- iviut = rejoicer
- ivjeb = honeymoon
- ivjob = recreation
- ivjub = feast day, festival, festivity
- ivjuba = festive, jubilant
- ivjuben = feast, festivity
- ivjubwa = celebrated
- ivkyeoj = happy fate
- ivkyes = happy occasion
- ivkyesa = fortunate, lucky
- ivkyesaya = fortunate, lucky
- ivkyesika = fortunate, lucky
- ivkyeuj = fortune, happy ending, happy fate
- ivkyeuja = fortunate
- ivla = content, glad, satisfied
- ivlan = contentedness, contentment, gaiety, gladness, satisfaction
- ivlaser = to be content, to be satisfied, to glad
- ivlaxea = delightful
- ivlaxean = delightfulness
- ivlaxeay = delightfully, satisfactorily
- ivlaxen = delighting, satiation, satisfaction
- ivlaxer = to delight, to gladden, to make content, to satisfy
- ivlaxwa = contented, delighted, gladdened, satiated, satisfied
- ivlaxyafwan = satisfiability, satisfiable
- ivlaxyea = satisfactory, satisfying
- ivlaxyeay = satisfyingly
- ivlaxyofwa = unsatisfiable
- ivlaxyofwan = unsatisfiability
- ivlay = contentedly, contently, gladly, satisfactorily
- ivob = barley
- ivob vabem = barley field
- ivob vafil = barley wine
- ivob veeyb = barleycorn
- ivob yafil = barley beer
- ivobil = barley water
- ivobmek gyazyiovol = johnnycake
- ivobovol = johnnycake
- ivolat = opiate
- ivos = narcissus
- Ivosol Dropek = Opium War
- ivosol = opium
- ivosolayt = opiate
- ivosolefkyoxwa = opium-addicted
- ivosolmoviut = opium smoker
- ivosolum = opium den
- ivosoyl = opioid
- ivosul = heroin
- ivosulefkyoxwa = heroin-addicted
- ivosulefkyoxwat = heroin addict
- ivovat = killjoy
- ivoya = joyless
- ivoyan = joylessness
- ivpyasen = jumping with joy, skylarking
- ivpyaser = to frolic, to jump with joy, to skylark
- ivra = beatific, delighted, enchanted, enthusiastic, gleeful, jolly, jubilant, upbeat
- ivran = delight, enchantment, enthusiasm, glee, jolliness, jollity, verve
ivranoya -- ivteudog
[edit | edit source]- ivranoya = listless
- ivranoyan = listlessness
- ivranuka = listless
- ivranukan = listlessness
- ivranukay = listlessly
- ivrasea = glorying
- ivrasen = glorying
- ivraser = to be enchanted, to get enthused, to get excited, to grow impassioned
- ivraxea = amusing, enchanting
- ivraxeay = amusingly, enchantingly
- ivraxen = amusement, enchantment, enthusiasm, jollification
- ivraxer = to amuse, to enchant, to enthuse, to jollify
- ivraxut = enchanter, muse
- ivraxuyt = enchantress
- ivraxwa = amused, enchanted, enthused, excited, impassioned
- Ivraxwa trier et! = to Enchanted to meet you!
- ivraxwat = enthusiast
- ivray = beatifically, enthusiastically, jollily
- ivrayaker = to await excitedly, to await impatiently, to cannot wait for
- ivsa = drole, droll
- ivsan = droleness, drollery, drollness, funniness
- ivsay = drolly, in a funny way
- ivser = to become glad, to become happy, to get happy
- ivseux = laugh
- ivseuxea = laughing
- ivseuxen = laughing, laughter
- ivseuxer = to laugh
- ivseuxuen = tickling
- ivseuxuer = to make laugh, to ridicule, to tickle
- ivseuxuut = clown
- ivseuxuuten = clown act, clowning around
- ivseuxuuter = to clown around
- ivseuxyafwa = laughable
- ivseuxyafwan = laughableness
- ivseuxyeay = laughingly
- ivson = diversion, good time, happy affair
- ivsonier = to enjoy, to have a good time, to have fun
- ivsonuea = diverting, entertaining
- ivsonuen = entertainment
- ivsonuer = to divert
- ivsonuwa = diverted
- ivsoxut = meanie
- ivtajjub draf = happy birthday card
- ivtax = fond memory, gratefulness
- ivtaxaya = grateful
- ivtaxayan = gratefulness
- ivtaxden = expression of thanks
- ivtaxder = to express thanks
- ivtaxea = celebrating, grateful
- ivtaxen = celebrating
- ivtaxer = to celebrate
- Ivtaxi! = Fond memories!
- ivtaxika = grateful
- ivtaxikan = gratefulness
- ivtaxuka = ungrateful
- ivtaxukan = ungratefulness
- ivtaxukay = ungratefully
- ivtaxwa = fondly remembered
- Ivtaxwa! = Thank-you!
- ivteabil = tear of joy
- ivteabilen = crying for joy
- ivteabiler = to cry for joy
- ivtelut = gourmet
- ivtepyen = cheerful mood
- ivteub = grin, smile
- ivteubea = grinning, smiley, smiling
- ivteuben = grinning, smiling
- ivteuber = to grin, to smile
- ivteubsin = smiley
- ivteubuer = to cause to grin, to make grin
- ivteubuyea = grin-inducing
- ivteubxen = amusement
- ivteubxer = to amuse, to make smile
- ivteubxwa = amused
- ivteubyeay = smilingly
- ivteud = laugh
- ivteudea = laughing
- ivteuden = laughing, laughter
- ivteuder = to laugh
- ivteudog = giggle
ivteudogen -- ivxwa
[edit | edit source]- ivteudogen = giggling
- ivteudoger = to giggle
- ivteudogyea = giggly
- ivteuduen = amusing, entertainment, tickling
- ivteuduer = to amuse, to entertain, to tickle
- ivteuduwa = amused, entertained, tickled
- ivteuduyea = funny
- ivteudxea = amusing, funny
- ivteudxeay = amusingly
- ivteudxer = to amuse, to make laugh
- ivteudyafwa = laughable, ridiculous
- ivteudyafwan = ridiculousness
- ivteudyafway = laughably, ridiculously
- ivteudyeay = laughingly
- ivteusoz = chortle
- ivteusozen = chortling
- ivteusozer = to chortle
- ivteusozut = chortler
- ivtex = happy thoughts
- ivtexden = expression of thanks
- ivtexder = to express thanks
- ivtexea = grateful
- ivtexeay = gratefully
- ivtexer = to be grateful, to be thankful
- ivtos = ebullience, elation, glee
- ivtosden = elation, expression of delight
- ivtosder = to express delight
- ivtosea = feeling happy, rejoicing
- ivtosen = being euphoric, feeling happy, rejoicing
- ivtoser = to be euphoric, to feel happy, to rejoice
- ivtosut = rejoicer
- ivtyal = feast, regale
- ivtyalag = junket
- ivtyalagut = junketeer
- ivtyalen = feasting
- ivtyaler = to feast
- ivtyopeay = prancingly
- ivtyopen = prancing
- ivtyoper = to prance
- ivtyoput = prancer
- ivuduzar = bass saxophone
- ivuea = amusing
- ivuen = amusement, entertainment, regalement
- ivuer = to amuse, to entertain, to regale
- ivuj = happy ending
- ivujber = to bring to a happy ending
- ivujer = to end happily
- ivuka = dreary, joyless
- ivukan = dreariness, joylessness
- ivukay = drearily, joylessly
- ivuwa = amused, entertained, regaled
- ivuyea = amusing, enjoyable
- ivuyeay = enjoyably
- ivvyotexuun = spoof
- ivxea = amusing, diverting, entertaining, funny
- ivxeay = entertainingly
- ivxel = carnival, celebration, feast, festival, festivity, gala
- ivxela = festive, jubilant
- ivxelea = celebrating
- ivxelen = celebrating, celebration, feasting
- ivxeler fyajub = to celebrate a holiday
- ivxeler ifponjub = to celebrate a holiday
- ivxeler tajjub = to celebrate a birthday
- ivxeler = to celebrate
- ivxelmag = bonfire
- ivxelnyadpen = parade
- ivxelnyadtyop = parade
- ivxelut = celebrant
- ivxelwa = celebrated
- ivxelyea = celebratory
- ivxen = amusement, diversion, entertainment, gladdening, merriment, merrymaking, regalement
- ivxer = to amuse, to divert, to entertain, to gladden, to have fun, to make fun, to make happy, to make merriment, to regale
- ivxien = enjoyment, having fun
- ivxier = to enjoy, to get one's jollies, to take joy in
- ivxuen = delectation
- ivxuer = to give joy to
- ivxut = diversionist, merry-maker, merrymaker
- ivxuyea = delectable
- ivxuyeay = delectably
- ivxwa = entertained, regaled
ivxwwa -- iymay
[edit | edit source]- ivxwwa = diverted
- ivxyea = diversionary
- ivyanup = jamboree
- ivyok = pleasant surprise
- ivyoka = pleasantly surprised
- ivyokuea = pleasantly surprising
- ivyokuer = to pleasantly surprise
- ivyunog = bauble, gewgaw, trinket
- ivyuzpir = carousel, merry-go-round
- ivza = merry
- ivzan = merriment, mirth
- ivzaxen = merriment
- ivzaxer = to make merry
- ivzay = merrily, mirthfully
- ivzaya = mirthful
- ivzayan = mirthfulness
- ivzika = mirthful
- ivzikan = mirthfulness
- ivzikay = mirthfully
- ivzoya = mirthless
- ivzoyan = mirthlessly
- ivzuka = mirthless, mirthlessly
- iwa gajodi = three more times
- iwa jodi = three times, thrice
- iwa = three, troy
- iwalypyit = walleye
- iwapeit = narwhal
- iwapelt = daddy long-legs spider
- iwapyit = angel shark
- iwas = trey
- iwat deuzun = trio
- iwawa = triune
- iwipelat = snowfly
- iwipyit = yellowfin tuna
- iwipyot = corsac fox
- iwopayet = pterodactyl
- ix = effect
- ixagummagelwa ovolyig = rusk
- ixea = effecting, efficient, resultant, resulting
- ixean = efficiency
- ixeay = efficiently
- ixen = effecting
- ixer = to effect, to result in
- ixnog = coefficient, effectivenss
- ixun = effect, result
- ixunuka = result-free
- ixuyukwa = susceptible
- ixuyukwan = susceptibility
- ixwa = effected
- ixyaf = efficacy, efficiency
- ixyafa = efficient
- ixyafay = efficaciously, efficiently
- ixyea = effective, efficient
- ixyean = effectiveness, effectivity, efficacy, efficiency
- ixyeay = effectively, efficaciously
- Iyanmel = Asia
- Iyanmela = Asian
- Iyanmelat = Asian
- Iyanmel-Usoma = Asian-American
- iyepiit = hermit crab
- iyf = affinity
- iyfeb = marasca cherry
- iyfer = to be fond of, to like
- iyfil = maraschino
- iyfon = relish
- iyfslonuer = to bestow grace upon
- iyfut = fancier
- iyfuwa = nice, sympathetic
- iyfwa = fond, liked, personable, plummy
- iyfyafwa = agreeable, likable
- iyfyafwan = likability, likableness
- iyfyofwa = unlikable
- iylza = blond, light yellow, pale yellow, sallow
- iylzan = blondness, sallowness
- iym = moisture
- iyma = damp, humid, moist
- iyman = dampness, humidity, moistness
- iymanobar = dehumidifier
- iymar = humidor
- iymay = damply, humidly, moistly
iymoza -- iz zye
[edit | edit source]- iymoza = dank
- iymozan = dankness
- iymozay = dankly
- iymser = to become humid, to get damp, to get moist
- iymxar = dampener, humidifier, moisturizer
- iymxea = humidifying, moistening
- iymxen = dampening, humidification, humidifying, moistening
- iymxer = to dampen, to humidify, to moisten, to moisturize
- iymxul = moistener
- iymxus = moisturizer
- iymxwa = dampened, humidified, moistened
- iyn- = terci-, third
- iyna = tertiary
- iynfaosyeb = tertian
- iynxen = cutting in thirds
- iynxer = to cut in thirds
- iynxwa = cut in thirds
- iyotuyub = right hand pinkie
- iyt = her, she
- iyt iut = her herself, she herself
- iyta = her
- iytas = her thing, hers
- iytasi = her things, hers
- iyti iytiut = them themselves, they themselves, they themselves as girls
- iyugsul = butyl rubber
- iyuta = her own
- iyutas = her own, her own thing
- iyutasi = her own, her own things
- iyva = bonny, glad, jovial
- iyvan = gladness, joviality
- iyvay = gladly, jovially
- iyvser = to gladden
- iz ab = right on, right on top of
- iz ayb = just above, just over, right above, right over
- iz bi = straight from
- iz bu = directly to, right to, straight to
- iz byu = right up to, straight up to
- iz = direct, directly, straight
- iz gel = just like
- iz hij = forthwith, immediately, right now, straightaway
- iz hoj = right when
- iz huj = immediately, right then
- iz hyej = right whenever
- iz ib = straight away from
- iz ja hij = just before now, just now
- iz ja = just before, right before
- iz ja jwap ajay = just a moment ago
- iz je = just while
- iz je van = just as
- iz jo his = hereupon
- iz jo = just after, on the heels of, right after
- iz jo van = just after, right after
- iz ob = right off
- iz- = ortho-, recti-, right-, straight-
- iz oyb = just under, right under
- iz oyeb bi = straight out from
- iz oyeb = straight out
- iz ub = directly toward, right toward, straight toward
- iz yab = right up, straight up
- iz yeb bu = straight into
- iz yeb = right in, straight in
- iz yob = right down, straight down
- iz yub bi = next to
- iz yub = right near
- iz za = just in front of, right in front of
- iz zamer = to due north, to true north
- iz zamera = due north, true north
- iz zay = directly ahead, just ahead, right ahead, straight ahead
- iz ze = right in the middle of
- iz zey bi = directly across from
- iz zey = straight across
- iz zimer = to due east, to true east
- iz zimera = due east, true east
- iz zo = just behind, just in back of, right in back of
- iz zomer = to due south
- iz zomera = due south, true south
- iz zoy = just behind, straight back
- iz zumer = to due west
- iz zumera = due west, true west
- iz zye = right through, straight through
iza -- izbuer
[edit | edit source]- iza = barefaced, direct, first-hand, firsthand, forthright, point blank, point-blank, pointblank, straight, unvarnished
- iza bixpur = express train
- iza feelknadpur = express train
- iza gon = straightway
- iza makilp = d.c., direct current
- iza map = express route
- iza naadpur = express train
- iza tuyabel = express delivery
- iza yibsin = direct t.v.
- iza yubem = doorstep
- iza yuzpur = express bus
- izaben = installation, setup
- izaber = to install, to set up, to set upright, to stand upright
- izabwa = installed, set up
- izan = barefacedness, directness, forthrightness, immediateness, rectitude, straightness
- izapyex = head-on attack
- izapyexler = to assault directly
- izapyexlun = head-on assault
- izaser = to straighten out
- izaxar = straightener
- izaxen = justification, justifying, straightening
- izaxer = to justify, to straighten
- izaxut = straightener
- izaxwa = justified, straightened
- izay = as soon as possible, barefacedly, directly, forthrightly, forthwith, immediately, instanter, just, outright, point blank, point-blank, pointblank, squarely, straightly
- izaybar = conductor
- izayben = conduction, guidance, leading
- izayber = to conduct, to guide, to lead
- izaybut = conductor, guide, leader
- izaypien = leading, taking
- izaypier = to lead, to take
- izbab = directorate
- izban = direction, heading
- izbar = guidance, jig, steerer, steering mechanism, steering wheel
- izbaxen = pointing
- izbaxer = to point
- izbea avyan = lodestar, polestar
- izbea doofes = guidon
- izbea doofesbexut = guidon
- izbea man = luminary
- izbea mar = cynosure, lodestar
- izbea zyuk = steering wheel
- Izbeb bi Dooba Kotuunyan = Director of National Intelligence
- izbeb = director, steersman
- izbeba = directorial
- izbeban = directorship
- izben = conducting, directing, direction, guidance, piloting, steerage, steering
- izber mampur = to pilot a plane
- izber mimpur = to pilot a ship
- izber mompur = to pilot a spaceship
- izber = to conduct, to direct, to drive, to educe, to govern, to guide, to lead, to pilot, to steer
- izbex = control
- izbex seem = control panel
- izbex yabtom = control tower
- izbexar = control, controller
- izbexea = ascendent, wielding
- izbexen = controlling
- izbexer = to control
- izbexim = control room
- izbexmuf = joystick
- izbexnig = purview
- izbexoken = losing control
- izbexoker = to lose control of, to wig out
- izbexokya = wigged out of control
- izbexut = controller
- izbexwa = controlled
- izbexyikwa = hard to control, rambunctious, restive
- izbexyikwan = rambunctiousness, restiveness
- izbexyikway = rambunctiously, restively
- izbexyofa = uncontrollable, unruly
- izbexyofwa = intractable, obstreperous, rogue, uncontrollable
- izbexyofwan = intractability, obstreperousness, uncontrollability
- izbexyofwat = rogue, uncontrollable person
- izbexyofway = intractably, obstreperously, uncontrollably
- izbexzen = headend
- izbeyb = directrix
- izbixer = to pull straight
- izbob = direction, governance, heading
- izbuen = assignment, designation
- izbuer = to assign, to designate
izbuf -- izduyt
[edit | edit source]- izbuf = channel, duct
- izbufoya = ductless
- izbufuka = ductless
- izbuien = bartering
- izbuier = to barter
- izbuiun = barter
- izbuiut = barterer
- izbuiwa = bartered
- izbum = cockpit
- izbun = educt
- izbus = cue, directory, guide, guidepost, steerer
- izbut = conductor, director, guide, guider, leader, pilot, steerer, steersman
- izbuwa = assigned, designated
- izbuwat = assignee
- izbuyea = conductive
- izbuyean = conductivity
- izbuyofwa = nonassignable
- izbwa = conducted, directed, governed, guided, headed, led, piloted, steered
- izbyafwa = conductable, drivable, governable, steerable
- izbyafwa malzyuyn = dirigible
- izbyafwan = conductance, drivability, governability, steerability
- izbyasea = standing straight, standing up, standing up straight
- izbyaser = to stand up straight
- izbyaxer = to stand upright
- izbyen = maneuver
- izbyenen = maneuvering
- izbyener = to maneuver
- izbyenwa = maneuvered
- izbyenyafwa = maneuverable
- izbyenyafwan = maneuverability
- izbyofwa = unconductable, undrivable, ungovernable, unsteerable
- izdabea = governing
- izdaben = governing
- izdaber = to govern
- izdabut = governor
- izdalea = frank, honest
- izdalean = frankness
- izdaleay = frankly, honestly
- izdalen = being frank, being honest, honesty
- izdaler = to be frank, to be honest, to speak directly, to talk straight
- izdalun = demarche
- izdalut = frank person, honest person, straight talker
- izdalwa del = frank statement
- izdalwa = frank, honest
- izdar = concordance, index, indicator, pointer
- izdea = forthright, pointing out
- izdean = forthrightness
- izdeay = forthrightly
- izdeben = commanding
- izdeber = to command
- izdebun = commandment
- izdebwa = commanded
- izdebyea = commandingly
- izden = indication
- izder = to indicate, to point out
- izdiben = administering, administrating, administration
- izdiber = to administer, to administrate
- izdibut = administrator
- izdibwa = administer, administered
- izdibyafwa = administrable
- izdin = prose
- izdina = prosaic
- izdinay = prosaically
- izdinut = prosaist
- izdinyena = prosaic
- izdiyben = management, managing
- izdiyber = to manage
- izdiybut = manager
- izdiybutyan = management
- izdiybwa = managed
- izdiybyafwa = manageable
- izdiybyofwa = unmanageable
- izdiyenay = prosaically
- izdrawa = printed, written in block script
- izdren = printing, writing in block script
- izdrer = to print, to write in block script
- izdresiyn = block script letter
- izdus = directory, indicator
- izdut = director
- izduyt = directrix
izdwa -- iznaga
[edit | edit source]- izdwa = dictated, indicated, pointed out
- izdyea = dictatorial
- izdyea nad = directrix
- izeadar = bellwether, indicator
- izeadea = indicative
- izeaden = indication
- izeader = to indicate
- izeadwa = indicated
- izeadyea = indicative
- izeax = designation, show
- izeaxen = demonstration, designating, designation, showing
- izeaxer = to demonstrate, to designate, to point out, to point to show
- izeaxuen = pointing
- izeaxuer = to point at, to point out, to point to
- izeaxus = designator
- izeaxut = demonstrator
- izeaxuwa = pointed out
- izeaxuway = demonstrably
- izeaxwa = demonstrated, designated, pointed out, shown
- izeaxwat = designated individual
- izeaxyafwa = demonstrable
- izeaxyea = demonstrative
- izeaxyean = demonstrativeness
- izeaxyeay = demonstratively
- izeaxyofwa = indemonstrable
- izemben = guiding
- izember = to aim, to guide
- izembun = aim
- izembut = marksmen
- izembwa = aimed, guided
- izemper = to aim, to guide oneself, to head
- izfin = honesty, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness
- izfina = honest, righteous, upright
- izfinan = honesty, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness
- izfinay = righteously, uprightly
- izgibar = shank
- izgoblar = straight edge
- izgun = right angle
- izguna = orthogonal
- izgunan = orthogonality, quadrature
- izgunay = orthogonally, squarely
- izgyozyigiar = rapier
- izigper = to run directly, to run straight
- izjaa = adjacent
- izkusiyn = bracket
- izla = standing straight, standing up, standing up straight, upright
- izlan = recititude, uprightness
- izlasea = standing straight, standing up, standing up straight
- izlaser = to stand erect, to stand up, to stand up straight
- izlaxer = to stand upright
- izlaxwa = uprighted
- izmagelea = searing
- izmagelen = searing
- izmageler = to sear
- izmagelwa = seared
- izman = laser
- izmanar = laser
- izmanaren = lasering
- izmanarer = to laser
- izmanarwa = lasered
- izmelkyobwa = quickset
- izmep = bee-line, beeline, direct path, direct route, direction, shortcut, vector
- izmepa = vectorial
- izmeper = to make a beeline, to take a direct route
- izmepxen = vectorization
- izmepxer = to vector
- izmeyp = straight path
- izmuf = arrow
- izmufa = sagittal
- izmufgin = arrowhead
- izmufsan = arrow shape
- izmufseb = arrowhead
- izmuv = needle
- iznad aybsiyn = macron
- iznad = bee-line, direction, straight line, vector
- iznada = collinear, directional, rectilinear, vectorial
- iznadan = rectilinearity
- iznadmapil = derecho
- iznadrar = straightedge
- iznaga = outsize
iznagser -- izteaxun
[edit | edit source]- iznagser = to outsize
- iznagxwa = outsized
- iznod = aim
- iznod puxren = trapshooting
- iznodarzyun = trackball
- iznodnyed = crosshair
- iznodxer = to aim
- iznuna = retail
- iznunuam = retail establishment, retail store
- iznunuen nam = retail store
- iznunuen = retail, retailing
- iznunuer = to retail, to sell directly, to sell retail
- iznunuut = retail merchant, retailer
- iznunuwa = retailed
- izon = direction, heading, trajectory, way
- izona = directional
- izonan = directionality
- izonay = directionally
- izonder = to direct
- izonduen = suggesting a directions
- izonduer = to suggest a direction
- izondut = router
- izonduut = guide
- izondwa = directed
- izonifeken = orienteering
- izonkexar = direction-finder
- izonkexeb = scoutmaster
- izonkexen = direction-finding, scouting out
- izonkexer = to scout out
- izonkexut = scout
- izonkexwa = scouted
- izonkyax = change of direction, detour, directional change, reversal, switch of course, turnabout, turnaround
- izonkyaxea = changing direction, detouring, veering off
- izonkyaxem = turnout
- izonkyaxen = changing direction, detouring, direction reversal, turnaround, veering off
- izonkyaxer = to change direction, to detour, to reverse direction, to switch course, to switch direction, to turn around, to veer off
- izonkyaxwa = changed in direction, detoured
- izonogela = anisotropic
- izonogelan = anisotropy
- izonpen = getting oriented
- izonper = to get oriented
- izonpixar = pawl
- izonpixarer = to pawl
- izonser = to orient oneself
- izonsiun = direction sign
- izonsiyn = arrow sign
- izontuen = orientation, orienting, pointing the way
- izontuer = to orient, to orientate, to point the way
- izontuwa = orientated, oriented
- izonxen = orientation, orienting
- izonxer = to orient, to orientate
- izonxwa = orientated, oriented
- izoyebuxen = sticking straight out
- izoyebuxer = to stick straight out
- izoyebuxwa = stuck straight out
- izoyepea = going straight out
- izoyeper = to get right out, to go straight out
- izpaper = to fly straight
- izpaxen = orientation
- izpaxer = to guide, to orient
- izpea bu = headed to, heading to, in the direction of
- izpea = straightforward
- izpean = straightforwardness
- izpeay = straightforwardly
- izpen = direction, heading
- izpeput = outrider
- izper = to direct oneself, to go directly, to go in the direction, to go straight, to head for, to steer oneself, to wend
- izpyex = direct hit
- izpyexer = to hit directly
- izpyuxer = to hit directly
- izra = straight as an arrow
- izsyuna = accusative
- izteas = line of sight, straight-shot view
- izteatuen = indication, pointing out
- izteatuer = to indicate, to point out
- izteatuwa = indicated, pointed out
- izteatuyea = indicative
- izteaxen = aiming, looking at direction
- izteaxer = to aim, to look at directly
- izteaxun = aim
izteaxwa -- izyanifxwa
[edit | edit source]- izteaxwa = aimed
- iztebzanen = confrontation
- iztebzaner = to confront head-on, to face squarely
- iztes = denotation
- iztesa = denotational
- iztesay = denotationally
- iztesea = denoting
- iztesen = denotation, denoting
- iztesena = denotative
- izteser = to denote
- iztesten = direct apprehension, immediate comprehension, intuition
- iztester = to directly apprehend, to get it off the bat, to intuit
- iztestinut = intuitionist
- iztestwa = intuitive
- iztestwan = intuitiveness
- iztestwas = something intuited
- iztestway = intuitively
- iztestyea = intuitive
- iztestyean = intuitiveness
- izteswa = denoted
- izteupibtyen = orthodontia, orthodontics
- izteupibtyena = orthodontic
- izteupibtyenut = orthodontist
- iztex = logic, rationale
- iztexa = coherent, rational
- iztexay = coherently, ideationally, rationally
- iztexea = level-headed, rational, straight-thinking
- iztexean = level-headedness, rationality
- iztexen = common sense, ratiocination, thinking straight
- iztexer = to be rational, to ratiocinate, to think logically, to think rationally, to think straight
- iztexut = logical person
- iztexwa = logical, logistic, rational
- iztexwan = logicalness, rationality
- iztexway = logically, rationally
- iztibsea = erect, standing up, standing up straight, upright
- iztibsen = erection, standing up, standing up straight
- iztibser = to stand erect, to stand up, to stand up straight
- iztibsya = erect, standing straight, upright
- iztien = hunch, intuition
- iztier = to intuit
- iztin = orthodoxy
- iztina = orthodox
- iztiwa = intuited
- iztiyea = intuitive
- iztiyean = intuitiveness
- iztodnada = lineal
- iztodnaday = lineally
- iztos = gut feeling, instinct
- iztosen = having a gut feeling
- iztoser = to have a gut feeling
- iztoswa = gut-felt, instinctual
- iztuundyes = guidebook
- iztuyadren = block script
- iztuyuxar = pointer
- iztuyuxea = pointing out
- iztuyuxen = pointing out
- iztuyuxer = to point out, to point to
- iztuyuxwa = pointed out
- iztyoper = to walk straight
- iztyoyaba = orthopaedic, orthopedic
- iztyoyaba zetif = orthopedic corset
- iztyoyabtyen = orthopedics
- iztyoyabtyena = orthopaedic, orthopedic
- iztyoyabtyenut = orthopaedist, orthopedist
- iztyun = direct concept
- izub = point blank, point-blank, pointblank
- izuba = point blank, point-blank, pointblank
- izuber = to deliver
- izubun = delivery
- izummaglar = roaster, rotisserie
- izummaglawa eopel = roast beef
- izummaglawa = roasted
- izummaglen = roasting
- izummagler = to roast
- izuper = to come directly, to come straight
- izvyan = bare truth, naked truth, unvarnished truth
- izyabusea = sticking straight up
- izyabuser = to stick straight up
- izyabuxer = to stick straight up
- izyanifxwa = sessile
izyapapen -- izzapyexwa
[edit | edit source]- izyapapen = zooming
- izyapaper = to zoom
- izyaper = to get right up, to go straight up
- izyeben = insertion
- izyeber = to insert, to stick right in
- izyebwa = inserted, stuck right in
- izyeken = tackling
- izyeker = to tackle
- izyekwa = tackled
- izyemben = orientation, orienting
- izyember = to orient
- izyembwa = oriented
- izyepen = barging in, going right in, intrusion
- izyeper = to barge in, to go right in, to intrude
- izyepyea = intrusive
- izyepyean = intrusiveness
- izyia = lank
- izyian = lankness
- izyobkim = schuss
- izyobkimper = to schuss
- izyobuxen = bulldozing
- izyobuxer = to bulldoze
- izyobuxwa = bulldozed
- izyuper = to approach directly, to go right up to
- izyuxwa = plumped
- izzapyexer = to hit head on, to hit head-on
- izzapyexwa = hit head on