Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-K
kaaa -- kajea
[edit | edit source]- kaaa = kaaa
- kabala = cabala, cabbala
- kabayero = caballero
- kaben = exposing
- kabena = expository
- kaber = to expose
- kaberne vafil = cabernet
- kabun = expo, exposition
- kabut = expositor
- kabwa = exposed
- kabyea = expositive
- kad = admission, revelation
- kadea = disclosing, telling, telltale
- kadea tof = neglige, negligee, négligée
- kadeay = tellingly
- kaden = admitting, disclosure, revelation
- kadena = revelatory
- kader = to admit, to disclose, to reveal, to shrive
- kadiber = to shrive
- kadibwa = shriven
- kadien = investigation
- kadier = to investigate, to listen to confession
- kadin = exposé
- kadinen = exposure
- kadiner = to expose
- kadinwa = exposed
- kadiut = investigator
- kadiyea = investigative
- kaduen = elicitation, eliciting
- kaduer = to elicit
- kadun = revelation
- kaduus = telltale
- kaduwa = elicited
- kaduzar = drum, timpani, tympan
- kaduzarayob = drumhead, tympan, tympanum
- kaduzarbyex = drumbeat
- kaduzardoparen = barrage, drumfire
- kaduzaren = drumming, rataplan
- kaduzarer = to drum, to rataplan
- kaduzarmuf = drumstick
- kaduzarseuxea = tympanic
- kaduzarumxar = tumble-drier
- kaduzarumxen = tumble-drying
- kaduzarumxer = to tumble-dry
- kaduzarumxwa = tumble-dried
- kaduzarut = drummer, percussionist, timpanist
- kaduzaruzlun = drumroll
- kaduzarwa = drummed
- kaduzaryena = tympanic
- kadwa = admitted, disclosed, revealed, shriven
- kadyea = revealing, revelatory
- kadyeay = revealingly
- kaensim = easy chair
- kafayb = coffee plant
- kafeyb = coffee bean
- kafeyb-melza = coffee brown
- kafeyl bay bil = café au lait, café latte
- kafeyl bay bilyug = coffee with cream
- kafeyl boy bilyug = black coffee
- kafeyl = coffee
- kafeyl leovol = coffeecake, kuchen
- kafeyl magilmugyeb = coffee kettle, coffee pot
- kafeyl mekxar = coffee grinder
- kafeyl mulyonxur = percolator
- kafeyl yanup = kaffeeklatsch
- kafeylam = café, coffee house, coffeehouse
- kafeylmugyeb = coffee pot, coffee urn, coffeepot
- kafeylsaxar = coffeemaker
- kafeylsyeb = coffee cup
- kafeyluar = coffee pot, coffee urn, coffeepot
- kafeymul = caffeine
- kafeymuluka = caffeine-free
- kafeymulxwa = caffeinated
- kafol = coffee grounds
- kafolar = coffee grinder
- kaftan = caftan
- kahlua = kahlua
- kajber = to open
- kajbwa = opened
- kajea = opening
kajen -- kapotika
[edit | edit source]- kajen = opening
- kajer = to open
- kajun = aperture, opening
- kajwa = open, opened
- kal = discovery
- kalamari = calamari
- kalapot = pika
- kalen = discovering
- kalepod = dook
- kalepoden = dooking
- kalepoder = to dook
- kalepot = ferret
- kaler = to discover
- kalif = caliph
- kalifan = caliphate
- Kalifornya = California
- kalipot = skunk
- kalipso = calypso
- kalopot = porcupine
- kalun = discovery
- kalupot = wolverine
- kalut = discoverer
- kalwa = discovered
- kalwas = discovery
- kalyapot = chinchilla
- kalyepot = chipmunk
- kalyipot = marmot
- kalyopot = muskrat
- kalyupot = gopher
- Kamamber bilyig = to Camembert cheese
- kamikaze = kamikaze
- kanastaek = canasta
- Kanid = Kannada
- Kanida = In Kannada
- Kanidaler = to speak Kannada
- Kanidalut = Kannada speaker
- Kanider = to say in Kannada
- kanji = kanji
- kankandaz = cancan
- kanselor = chancellor
- kanseloram = chancellery
- kanseloran = chancellorship
- kaox = peekaboo
- kaoxen = peekaboo
- kap = adventure, escapade
- kapag = odyssey
- kaped = eek, squeak
- kapeden = eeking, squeaking
- kapeder = to eek, to squeak
- kapedut = squeaker
- kapedyea = squeaky
- kapedyean = squeakiness
- kapedyeay = squeakily
- kapeltaya = nitty
- kapelti = lice
- kapeltiblen = nitpicking
- kapeltibler = to nitpick
- kapeltij = nit
- kapeltika = nitty
- kapeltober = to delouse
- kapen = adventuring
- kapepen = scurrying
- kapeper = to scurry
- kaper = to adventure, to go on an adventure
- kapet = mouse
- kapet pexar = mouse trap, mousetrap
- kapeti = mice
- kapetnak = mickey
- kapetpexut = mouser
- kapetud = young mouse
- kapetyena = mousy
- kapetyenan = mousiness
- kapetyopen = pattering
- kapetyoper = to patter
- kapot bilyig = rat cheese
- kapot bokul = rat poison
- kapot pexar = rat trap
- kapot = rat
- kapotaya = ratty
- kapotika = ratty
kapotpexar -- kaxonyafwan
[edit | edit source]- kapotpexar = rattrap
- kapotpexut = ratter
- kapotud = kitten, pup, young rat
- kapotyan = colony of rats
- kapotyeg = rat hole
- kapotyem = rat's nest
- kapotyena = ratlike
- kapoyt = doe, female rat
- kappa = kappa
- kapucino = cappuccino
- kapwot = buck, male rat
- kapyea = adventurous, adventurously
- kapyean = adventurousness, shiftiness
- karaoke deuzun = karaoke song
- karaoke = karaoke
- karat = karat
- karate = karate
- kariatid = caryatid
- karma = karma
- karmayena = karmic
- karom = carom
- kas bi tep = state of mind
- kas = locus, state
- kaser bay gro = to end up with too little, run out of
- kaser bay gron bi = to end up in short supply of, run out of
- kaser boy = to run out of
- kaser = to be located, to be situated, to end up, to find oneself
- Kasod = Kashmiri
- Kasodaler = to speak Kashmiri
- Kasodalut = Kashmiri speaker
- Kasoder = to say in Kashmiri
- kason dizun = sitcom
- kason = location, plight, situation, station, status, whereabouts
- kasona = locational, situational, status-related
- kasonay = locationally
- kasongean = par
- kat = realization
- kateaxer = to find, to locate
- katen = finding out, realization
- kater = to come to know, to find out, to realize
- Katolika = Catholic
- Katolikat = Catholic
- Katolikayt = Catholic female
- Katolikebina = papist
- Katolikebinut = papist
- Katolikifyaxeb = Catholic priest
- Katolikin = Catholicism
- Katolikwat = Catholic male
- katuay = revealingly
- katuen = disclosing, revealing
- katuer = to disclose, to reveal
- katuun = disclosure, revelation
- katuwa = disclosed, revealed
- Kaud = Kanuri
- Kaudaler = to speak Kanuri
- Kaudalut = Kanuri speaker
- Kauder = to say in Kanuri
- kaveat = caveat
- kaveel = bean, common bean, dried bean
- kaviar = caviar
- kavol = yam
- kaxea = locating
- kaxen = finding, locating, location
- kaxer magyel = to strike oil
- kaxer = to dig up, to find, to locate
- kaxer zeyen av yiztejer = to eak out a living
- kaxnod = provenience
- kaxon = resolution, solution
- kaxonar = resolver
- kaxonen = resolution, resolving, solving
- kaxoner didek = to solve a puzzle, solve a riddle
- kaxoner = to resolve, to solve
- kaxontexnap = algorithm
- kaxontexnapa = algorithmic
- kaxontexnapay = algorithmically
- kaxonus = resolvent
- kaxonut = resolver, solver
- kaxonwa = resolved, solved
- kaxonyafwa = resoluble, resolvable, solvable
- kaxonyafwan = resolvability, solvability
kaxonyik -- kebuwa
[edit | edit source]- kaxonyik = conundrum, enigma, hydra
- kaxonyikwa = enigmatic, hard to solve, tricky
- kaxonyofwa = insolvable, irresolvable, unsolvable
- kaxonyofwan = irresolvability, unsolvability
- kaxtyena = heuristic
- kaxtyenay = heuristically
- kaxun = discovery, find, finding, thing found, trove
- kaxunyan = inventory
- kaxunyanxen = inventory
- kaxunyanxer = to do an inventory
- kaxutnoyx = finder's fee
- kaxwa = found, located
- kaxwas = a find, found item, something found, trove
- kaxwasam = lost-and-found
- kaxwat = foundling
- kaxwer = to be discovered, to be found, to come about, to end up, to pop up
- kayen = cayenne
- kayepet = retriever
- kaz = treasure
- kazkex = treasure hunt
- kaznyem = cache
- Kazud = Kazakh
- Kazudaler = to speak Kazakh
- Kazudalut = Kazakh speaker
- Kazuder = to say in Kazakh
- Kazum = Kazakhstan
- Kazuma = Kazakhstani
- Kazumat = Kazakh, inhabitant of Kazakhstan
- keaxar = scanner
- keaxen = scanning, scoping
- keaxer = to scan, to scope out
- keaxnig = scope
- keaxwa = scanned, scoped
- kebab = kebab, kebob
- kebiea = selecting
- kebien = choosing, opting, picking, selecting, selection
- kebiena = optional, selective
- kebiena yuxam = selective service
- kebienay = optionally, selectively
- kebier bikay = to handpick
- kebier = to choose, to opt for, to pick, to select
- kebiun = choice, option, pick, selection
- kebiut = chooser, picker, selector
- kebiutyan = constituency
- kebiuwa = optional
- kebiuway = optionally
- kebiwa = chosen, opted, picked, select
- kebiwa dyun = assumed name, chosen name
- kebiwa tyod = chosen people
- kebiwat = chosen one, selectee
- kebiwatyan = elite, the elite
- kebiyaf = discretion, option
- kebiyafa = eligible
- kebiyafan = eligibility
- kebiyafay = eligibly
- kebiyafwa = discretionary, elective, eligible, facultative, optative, optional, selectable
- kebiyafwan = eligibility, optionality, selectability
- kebiyafway = optionally, selectably
- kebiyaya = choosy, picky
- kebiyayan = choosiness, pickiness
- kebiyea = choosey, choosy, selective
- kebiyean = choosiness, selectiveness, selectivity
- kebiyika = choosy, picky
- kebiyikan = choosiness, pickiness
- kebiyiker = to be hard-pressed to choose
- kebiyikwa = difficult to select, hard to choose
- kebiyiv = option, right to choose
- kebiyiva = free to choose
- kebiyivwa = facultative, optional
- kebiyivway = optionally
- kebiyofwa = ineligible
- kebiyofwan = ineligibility
- kebiyofway = ineligibly
- kebkixwa = inflexed
- kebuen = dealing, dole, doling out
- kebuer ekdrafi = to deal cards
- kebuer = to dole out
- kebuun = deal
- kebuut = dealer
- kebuwa = doled
ked -- kexer xab
[edit | edit source]- ked = query
- kediwat = person being interrogated
- kedjeri = kedgeree
- keduzar = glockenspiel
- kefab = balsa
- kefaob = balsa
- kelapot = dormice
- kelepot = lemming
- kelipot = vole
- kelopot = mole rat
- keltfyated = druid
- kelttetin = druidism
- kelttetina = duistist
- kelttetinut = druidist
- kelupot = mink
- kelupotayeb = sable
- kelupotayez = mink
- kelupot-maolza = mink gray
- Kelvin pyaon = Kelvin wave
- Kenim = Kenya
- Kenima = Kenyan
- Kenimat = inhabitant of Kenya
- Kentuki burbon = Kentucky Bourbon
- Kentuki = Kentucky
- kepet = cavy, guinea pig
- kepot = polecat
- kes = experience
- kesen = experiencing, undergoing
- kesena = experiential
- keser = to betide, to experience, to undergo
- keson = experience
- kesona = experiential
- kesonina = casuistic
- kesya = experienced
- keteax = scan
- keteaxar = scanner
- keteaxer = to scan for
- keteaxun = scan
- ketien = curiosity, interest
- ketier = to be interested in
- ketiyea = curious, intererested
- ketonmul = acetone
- ketonmula = acetonic
- ketuen = involving
- ketuer = to involve
- ketuwa = involved
- keveel = green bean, string bean
- kevol = celeriac
- kevyax = experiment
- kevyaxa = experimental
- kevyaxem = proving ground, testing grounds
- kevyaxen = experimentation, experimenting
- kevyaxer = to experiment
- kevyaxut = experimenter
- kevyaxwa = experimented
- kex = hunt, lookup, quest
- kexafdref = search warrant
- kexdier = to question
- kexdiun = question
- kexea = pursuing
- kexegen = stalking
- kexeger = to stalk
- kexegut = stalker
- kexegwa = stalked
- kexem = search zone
- kexen = hunting, pursuing, questing, searching, seeking
- kexer ajbukgexen = to seek revenge
- kexer ay bexler = to latch onto
- kexer dabexgon = to run for office, seek office
- kexer eona tej = to lead a double life
- kexer fyid bi = to consult, seek advice from
- kexer ha dityandeban = to seek the presidency
- kexer jestay = to look hard, search hard
- kexer lotajben = to get an abortion
- kexer nyaz = to seek riches
- kexer = to get, to hunt, to look for, to look up, to pursue, to search, to seek
- kexer vakan = to seek safety
- kexer vakem = to seek asylum, seek refuge, seek sanctuary, seek shelter
- kexer vyatuun = to seek counsel, seek wisdom
- kexer xab = to seek office
kexer yafon -- kigenak-gol-minak-gar-iwa
[edit | edit source]- kexer yafon = to seek power
- kexer yevan = to seek justice
- kexer yux = to seek help
- kexer zutay = to fumble
- kexiblawa = culled
- kexibler = to cull
- kexlam = research institute
- kexlawa = research
- kexlen = research, researching
- kexler = to research
- kexlut = researcher
- kexman = searchlight
- kexon = issue, quest, subject, topic
- kexrawa = explored
- kexrea = exploring
- kexren = exploration
- kexrena = explorational, explorative
- kexrer = to explore
- kexroa = yet to be explored
- kexrut = explorer
- kextier = to be interested in
- Kexu ay et kaxo. = Seek and ye shall find.
- kexun = aspiration, goal, pursuit
- kexun bi ivan = pursuit of happiness
- kexunbeaxut = goalee, goalkeeper
- kexunmut = goalpost
- kexunovaren = goalkeeping
- kexunovarut = goalkeeper, goaltender
- kexunoya = goalless
- kexunteaxar = scope
- kexunteaxen = scoping
- kexunteaxwa = scoped
- kexunuka = goalless
- kexunut = goalie
- kexunyij = goalmouth
- kexut = pursuer, quester, searcher, seeker
- kexutyan = search party
- kexwa = hunted, pursued, searched, sought after
- kexwa pot = prey
- kexwas = something sought after
- kexwat = hunted person sought after
- kexyeay = searchingly
- kexyofwa = unsearchable
- keyepet = flushing dog
- keyunoya = goalless
- keyunuka = goalless
- khan = khan
- ki = k, the letter k
- kia = askant, aslant, bent, diagonal, oblique, skewed, slanted, sloped, sloping
- kian = declivity, diagonality, obliqueness, obliquity, slantedness
- ki-a-to = kat
- kiatonak = katal
- kiaxer = to splay
- kiay = askant, askew, aslant, diagonally, obliquely, on a slant, slantwise
- kibasea = bending, gliding, sliding, slouching
- kibasen = bending, bowing, gliding, sliding, slouching
- kibaser = to bend, to bow, to glide, to slide, to slouch
- kibasyea = slouchy
- kibbutz = kibbutz
- kibbutzim = kibbutzim
- kiben = bending, bowing
- kiber = to bend, to bow
- kibwa = bent, bowed
- kiduzar = vibraphone
- kielbasa = kielbasa
- kiem = incline
- kiema = inclined
- Kieson = Kenyan shilling
- Kigazud = Kirghiz
- Kigazuda = in Kirghiz
- Kigazudalut = Kirghiz speaker
- Kigazuder = to say in Kirghiz
- Kigazydaler = to speak Kirghiz
- Kiged = Kongo
- Kigedaler = to speak Kongo
- Kigedalut = Kongo speaker
- Kigeder = to say in Kongo
- kigenak = kilogram
- kigenak-gol-minak-gar-ewa = kilogram per square meter
- kigenak-gol-minak-gar-iwa = kilogram per cubic meter
Kigezum -- kipyoxyea
[edit | edit source]- Kigezum = Kyrgyzstan
- Kigezuma = Kyrgyzstani
- Kigezumat = Kyrgyz, inhabitant of Kyrgyzstan
- Kihemid = Cambodian, Central Khmer
- Kihemidaler = to speak Cambodian, to speak Central Khmer
- Kihemidalut = Cambodian speaker, Central Khmer speaker
- Kihemider = to say in Cambodian, to say in Central Khmer
- Kihemim = Cambodia, Kampuchea
- Kihemima = Cambodian, Kampuchean
- Kihemimat = Cambodian, Kampuchean, inhabitant of Cambodia, inhabitant of Kampuchea
- kiilkiyd = potassium iodide
- Kikid = Kikuyu
- Kikidaler = to speak Kikuyu
- Kikidalut = Kikuyu speaker
- Kikider = to say in Kikuyu
- kikigper = to run aslant
- kikunad = bezel
- kilipot = bush rat, woodrat
- kilk barolkiyd = potassium bromide
- kilk canilkiyd = potassium cyanide
- kilk ilkiyd = potassium iodide
- kilk = K, potash, potassium
- kim = bend, hill, incline, ramp, slip, slope
- kimeel = embankment
- kimep = ramp
- kimono = kimono
- kimpea = sloping
- kimper = to go obliquely, to slope
- kimyuf = rafter
- kin = bend, diagonal, gradient, incline, slant, slope
- kina = diagonal, inclined, oblique, slanted
- kinad = diagonal line, slash
- kinada = diagonal, oblique
- kinadan = diagonality
- kinaday = diagonally
- kinak-ge-gol-minak-gar-iwa = kilogram per cubic meter
- Kinam = Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Kinama = from Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Kinamat = inhabitant of Saint Kitts and Nevis
- kinay = awry, diagonally, obliquely
- kinay yuba = cater-corner, catercorner
- kindesiynxer = to italicize
- kindesiynxwa = italicized
- kindresiyni = italics
- kindresiynxen = italicization
- kined = inclined plane, slope, sloped plane
- kinnog = pitch
- kinnoga = cliometric
- kinnogar = clinometer
- kinnogut = cliometrician
- kinsea = slanting, sloping
- kinseay = slantingly
- kinsen = slanting
- kinser = to slant, to slope
- kinxen = slanting
- kinxer = to slant
- kinxwa = slanted, sloped
- kip = limp
- kipea = limping
- kiped = squeak
- kipeden = squeaking
- kipeder = to squeak
- kipen = limping
- kiper = to limp
- kipet = hamster
- kipiat-yelza = flamingo pink
- kipod = growl
- kipoden = growling
- kipoder = to growl
- kipot = badger
- kipotyan = cete of badgets
- kipyos = slip
- kipyosea = slippery, slipping
- kipyosen = slipping
- kipyoser = to slip and fall
- kipyosovar = calk
- kipyosyea = slick
- kipyosyean = slickness
- kipyosyeay = slickly
- kipyoxyea = slippery
kipyoxyean -- koapyextojbwa
[edit | edit source]- kipyoxyean = slipperiness
- kirolk = Kr, krypton
- Kirom = Kiribati
- Kiroma = Kiribatian
- Kiromat = inhabitant of Kiribati
- Kirowun = South Korean won
- kis = bend, incline, tendency
- kisea = bending, leaning
- Kisea Zyutom bi Pisa = Leaning Tower of Pisa
- kisean = propensity
- kisen = bending, inclination
- kiser = to be inclined, to bend, to flex, to incline, to lean, to tend
- kistiyn = cysteine
- kisun = bend, incline
- kisyafa = lithesome
- kisyen = trend
- kisyena = trendy
- kisyenea = trending
- kisyenen = trending
- kisyener = to trend
- kiteaba = epicanthic, slant-eyed
- kiteatay = keenly
- kiteaxen = looking askance at
- kiteaxer = to look askance at
- kitepa = biased
- kitepan = bias
- kitexuen = swaying
- kitexuer = to sway
- kitexuwa = swayed
- kitexyen = slant
- kitexyenuer = to sway
- kiunabwa bay yexnyan = backlogged
- kiveel = broad bean, fava bean
- Kiwutom = Kuwait
- Kiwutoma = Kuwaiti
- Kiwutomat = inhabitant of Kuwait
- kixea = bending, inclining, pliant
- kixeay = pliantly
- kixen = bending, inclination, plying, refraction
- kixer = to bend, to bow, to incline, to ply
- kixun = flexure
- kixwa = bent, bowed, inclined, plied
- kixyafwa = bendable, flexible, inclinable, pliable, withy
- kixyafwa syeb = pessary
- kixyafwan = bendability, flexibility, pliability
- kixyafway = flexibly
- kixyofwa = hidebound, inflexible, stiff, sturdy
- kixyofwan = inflexibility, stiffness, sturdiness
- kixyofway = inflexibly, stiffly, sturdily
- kiyen = slantwise
- kiyepet = water dog
- kiyunier dreunyeb = to download a file
- kizonput = fastback
- kizyus = ellipse, oval
- knix = knish
- knockwurst = knockwurst
- knokwurst = knockwurst
- ko- = cover-, hidden, pseudo-, secret-
- ko = the letter q
- koa = clandestine, covert, hidden, underhand
- koam = hideaway, shelter
- koambien = taking shelter
- koambier = to take shelter
- koamboyser = to lack shelter
- koamboyxer = to deprive of shelter
- koambuen = providing shelter, sheltering
- koambuer = to provide shelter
- koamoya = shelterless
- koamser = to take shelter
- koamuka = shelterless
- koamxen = sheltering
- koamxer = to shelter
- koamxwa = sheltered
- koapyex = ambuscade, ambush, mugging, sneak attack, stealth attack
- koapyexen = attacking by stealth, bushwhacking, mugging
- koapyexer = to attack by stealth, to bushwhack, to mug, to sneak-attack
- koapyextojben = assassination
- koapyextojber = to assassinate
- koapyextojbut = assassin
- koapyextojbwa = assassinated
koapyexut -- kodinag
[edit | edit source]- koapyexut = bushwhacker, mugger
- koapyexwa = ambushed, attacked by stealth, bushwhacked, mugged
- koapyexwat = mugging victim
- koaxlea = stealthy
- koaxlean = stealthiness
- koaxleay = stealthily
- koaxlen = stealth
- koay = covertly
- kobeax = stakeout
- kobelen = smuggling
- kobeler = to smuggle
- kobelut = smuggler
- kobelwa = smuggled
- kobem = cache
- koben = hiding, stashing
- kober = to hide, to stash
- kobief = kleptomania
- kobiefat = kleptomaniac
- kobien = robbing, stealing, thievery, thieving
- kobien tuyafyem = picking pockets
- kobier = to filch, to glom, to mooch, to rob, to steal, to thieve
- kobier tuyafyem = to pick a pocket
- kobilen = embezzlement, purloining, swiping
- kobiler = to embezzle, to purloin, to swipe
- kobilut = embezzler, purloiner
- kobilwa = embezzled, purloined, swiped
- kobiregen = pilferage, pilfering
- kobireger = to pilfer
- kobiregut = pilferer
- kobiregwa = pilfered
- kobiren = looting, pilfering, pirating, plundering, robbing, swindling, theft
- kobirer = to loot, to pilfer, to pirate, to plunder, to swindle
- kobirun = loot, stash, stolen good
- kobirunyan = loot, stolen goods
- kobirut = looter, pilferer, pirate, plunderer, swindler
- kobirwa = looted, pilfered, pirated, plundered, stolen, swindled
- kobirwas = loot, stolen item
- kobirwasyan = loot
- kobiut = moocher, stealer, thief
- kobiwa = robbed
- kobiwasemben = placing
- kobiwasembut = placer
- kobiyea = thievish
- kobolut = shill
- kobuen = bribery
- kobuer = to bribe, to schmear
- kobukxean = perniciousness
- kobukxeay = perniciously
- kobuun = bribe, schmear
- kobuut = briber
- kobuwa = bribed
- kobuwat = receiver of a bribe
- kobuyafwa = bribable
- kobuyofwa = unbribable
- kobwa = cached, hidden, stashed
- kobwas = stash
- kobyek = arcanum
- kobyen = subterfuge
- kod = secret
- koda doteuzdref = secret ballot
- koda = hugger-mugger, huggermugger, secret
- koda kebidref = secret ballot
- koda vakdib = secret police
- kodal = cant
- kodalea = canting
- kodalen = canting, rumor-mongering, rumoring
- kodaler = to confide, to speak in secrecy
- kodalut = confidant, rumormonger
- kodalwa = confided, confidential, rumored, spoken in confidence
- kodalwas = confidence, rumor
- kodan = secrecy
- kodbexen = keeping secret
- kodbexer = to keep secret
- kodbexwa = kept secret
- kodea = confessing, dissembling
- kodem = hideout, secret hideout
- koden = confessing, confession, dissemblance, dissembling, hushing up
- koder = to confess, to cover up, to deny, to dissemble, to gloss over, to hide the fact, to hush up, to keep hidden, to keep secret
- kodin = mystery story
- kodinag = mystery novel
kodinog -- koexen
[edit | edit source]- kodinog = anecdote
- kodinoga = anecdotal, anecdotic
- kodinyena = mysterious
- kodinyenan = mysteriousness
- kodinyenay = mysteriously
- kodiyn = mystery tale
- kodon = secret matter
- kodonaya = full of secrets, secretive
- kodonika = full of secrets, secretive
- kodoparen = snipe
- kodoparer = to snipe
- kodoparut = sniper
- kodot = secret society
- kodras = cipher, ciphertext, cryptogram, cypher, secret message
- kodrasa = cryptographic
- kodrawa = coded, enciphered, encoded
- kodren = coding, cryptogram, enciphering, encipherment, encoding, secret writing
- kodrena = cryptographic
- kodrentun = code-breaking, cryptography, cryptology
- kodrentuna = cryptologic, cryptological
- kodrentunay = cryptologically
- kodrentut = cryptologist
- kodrenyontixa = cryptanalytic
- kodrenyontixim = cryptocenter
- kodrenyontixut = cryptanalyst
- kodrer = to code, to encipher, to encode
- kodreyen = code
- kodreyenndyes = codebook
- kodreyenntut = codebreaker
- kodrun = encipherment
- kodrut = coder, cryptographer, encoder
- kodteexut = confessor
- kodum = confessional
- kodun = code word, codeword, password, secret word
- kodut = dissembler, teller of secrets
- kodwa = confessed, denied, dissembled, hushed up, secret
- kodwaxer = to hush up, to keep secret, to keep under wraps
- kodwaxwa = hushed up
- kodyea = secretive
- kodyean = secretiveness
- kodyena = secretive
- kodyenan = secretiveness
- kodyun = code name, cover name, cover term, cryptonym, hidden name, secret name
- kodyunier = to take on a cover name
- kodyunuer = to assign a cover name to
- kodyunuwa = assigned a cover name
- koebaxler = to deal secretly
- koebkyax = traffic
- koebkyaxen = trafficking
- koebkyaxer = to traffic
- koebkyaxut = trafficker
- koebkyaxwa = trafficked
- koebyexen = secret dealing
- koebyexut = underhanded dealer
- koejea = latent
- koejean = latency
- koeken = cheating
- koeker = to cheat
- koekut = cheater, shill
- koekwa = cheated
- koem = hideaway, hideout, hiding place, redoubt, refuge, shelter
- koemben = sheltering
- koember = to shelter
- koembier = to take shelter
- koembiut = take shelter
- koembuen = sheltering
- koembuer = to give refuge to hide away, to provide refuge, to shelter
- koembuwa = sheltered
- koembwa = sheltered
- koex = covert operation
- koexa = clandestine, covert
- koexab = spy agency, spy headquarters
- koexay = clandestinely, covertly
- koexdren = machination
- koexdrer = to machinate
- koexea = under cover, undercover, underhanded
- koexean = underhandedness
- koexeay = underhandedly
- koexeb = spymaster
- koexen = espionage, operating under cover, spying
koexen saryan -- kokader
[edit | edit source]- koexen saryan = spyware
- koexer = to conduct espionage, to operate secretly, to spy
- koexeyb = spy mistress
- koexun = spy operation
- koexut = clandestine operative, secret agent, spy
- kof = cover, covering, shroud
- kofabea = covering
- kofaber = to cover
- kofabwa = covered
- kofea = coveting
- kofen = coveting
- kofer = to covet
- kofil = moonshine
- kofilsaxen = moonshine
- kofilsaxut = moonshiner
- kofla = jealous
- koflan = envy, jealousy
- koflawa = begrudged, envied
- koflay = jealously
- koflea = begrudging, envious
- kofleay = begrudgingly, enviously, envyingly
- koflen = envying
- kofler = to be jealous of, to begrudge, to envy
- kofluway = enviably
- koflyafwa = enviable
- koflyea = jealous
- koflyean = jealousness, jealousy
- koflyeay = jealously
- kofobut = discoverer
- kofudalen = backbiting
- kofudaler = to backbite
- kofudalut = backbiter
- kofudalwa = backbitten
- kofut = coveter
- kofwa = coveted, shrouded
- kofyax = black art, occult, secret ceremony, secret rite
- kofyaxa = occultist
- kofyaxel = secret rite, secret ritual
- kofyaxeluer = to haze
- kofyaxeluut = hazer
- kofyaxer = to perform a secret rite
- kofyaxin = occultism
- kofyaxina = occultist
- kofyaxinut = occultist
- kofyaxut = occultist, wizard
- kofyaz = occult
- kofyaza = occult
- kofyazen = practicing occult
- kofyazut = wizard
- kofyea = covetous
- kofyean = covetousness
- kofyeay = covetously
- kofyexer = to practice occult
- kofyez = black magic, witchcraft
- kofyezen = practicing witchcraft
- kofyezer = to practice witchcraft
- kogeldrawa = plagiarized
- kogeldren = plagiarization
- kogeldrer = to plagiarize
- kogeldrut = plagiarizer
- kogelxut = cribber
- kogenak = kg, kilogram
- koipen = decampment, sneaking away
- koiper = to decamp, to sneak away, to sneak off
- koivdeux = snicker
- koivdeuxen = snickering
- koivdeuxer = to snicker
- kojabier = to gazump
- kojadras = scheme
- kojadrawa = plotted, schemed
- kojadren = plot, plotting, scheming
- kojadrer = to plot, to scheme
- kojadrut = schemer
- kojea = closing
- kojen = closing, closure
- kojun = closure
- koka = coca-cola, coke
- kokadea = tattletale
- kokaden = ratting, revealing secretly, snitching, tattling, telling on
- kokader = to let the cat out of the bag, to rat out, to reveal secretly, to snitch, to tattle, to tell on
kokadut -- kopixlawa
[edit | edit source]- kokadut = rat, ratter, snitch, tattler, tattletale
- kokadwa = ratted out, secretly revealed, snitched, tattled
- kokakola = coca-cola
- kokatuen = revealing secretly
- kokaxen = sleuthing
- kokaxer = to sleuth
- kokaxun = hoard
- kokaxut = sleuth
- kokayn = cocaine
- kokex = inquiry
- kokexea = predatory
- kokexsem = board of inquiry
- kokexut = gumshoe, predator
- kokney = cockney
- kokonxea = harming
- kokyaxen = cooking, doctoring, fiddling, tampering
- kokyaxer = to cook, to doctor, to fiddle with, to tamper with
- kokyaxut = tamperer
- kokyaxwa = cooked, doctored, fiddled, tampered
- kokyep = slink
- kokyeper = to slink
- kokyepyea = slinky
- kola = cola
- kolen = hiding
- koler = to hide
- kolobexer = to gyp, to purloin
- kolobexun = gyp
- kolobexut = gypster, purloiner
- kolobexwa = purloined
- koloex = sabotage
- koloexen = sabotaging
- koloexer = to sabotage
- koloexus = gremlin
- koloexut = gremlin, saboteur
- koloexwa = sabotaged
- kolonyil = cologne
- Kolorado = Colorado
- koloratura = coloratura
- kolwa = hidden
- komar yokmanx = supernova
- komeluk = crypt
- komepyan = maze
- komepyana = mazy
- Komid = Komi
- Komidaler = to speak Komi
- Komidalut = Komi speaker
- Komider = to say in Komi
- komieknyan = sandbank
- komira = esoteric
- komiray = esoterically
- komisar = commissar
- komisaran = commissariat
- komitet = komitet
- konaf = pall
- konasbiut = bagman
- kondrenay = cryptographically
- konunuer = to gyp
- konunuun = gyp
- konunuut = gypster
- konux = backhander, bribe, payoff, schmear
- konuxer = to bribe, to schmear
- konyoz = pelf
- kooyepen = sneaking out
- kooyeper = to slip out, to sneak out
- kopapier = to flush
- kopasea = hangdog, hugger-mugger, huggermugger
- kopaser = to hangdog
- kopek = copeck, kopeck, kopek
- kopen = hiding, sneaking
- koper = to go unnoticed, to hide, to sneak around
- kopesea = lurking
- kopesen = lurking
- kopeser = to lurk
- kopiea = vanished
- kopien = eluding, elusion, leaving unnoticed, vanishing
- kopier = to elude, to leave secretly, to skip out, to vanish
- kopier vaknas = to skip bail
- kopiler = to escape stealthily
- kopiwa = eluded
- kopixlawa = abducted, kidnapped
kopixlen -- koteaxlut
[edit | edit source]- kopixlen = abducting, abduction, kidnapping
- kopixler = to abduct, to kidnap, to snag by stealth
- kopixwa = stolen
- kopiyea = elusive
- kopiyean = elusiveness
- kopiyeay = elusively
- kopot = rodent
- kopoxen = gnawing
- kopoxer = to gnaw
- kopoxwa = gnawed
- kopuer = to arrive in stealth, to arrive unnoticed, to show up, to surprise
- koput = hider
- kopyea = mousy, sneaky
- kopyean = sneakiness
- kopyeay = sneakily, sneakingly, weaselly
- Koran = Koran
- korantodaz = courant
- kordoba-alza = cordovan
- kordobatayof = cordovan
- Korod = Korean
- Korodaler = to speak Korean
- Korodalut = Korean speaker
- Koroder = to say in Korean
- Korodreyen = Hangul, Korean script
- Korom = South Korea
- Koroma = South Korean
- Koromat = inhabitant of South Korea
- kos = secret, something hidden
- kosa = recondite, secret
- kosag = cipher, code
- kosagsiyn = cipher, code
- kosagtun = cryptology
- kosagtuna = cryptological
- kosagtunay = cryptologically
- kosagtut = cryptologist
- kosagxen = enciphering, encipherment, encryption
- kosagxer = to encipher, to encrypt
- kosagxun = encipherment
- kosagxut = code clerk
- kosagxwa = enciphered, encrypted
- Kosak = cossack
- kosan = cover, reconditeness
- kosea = hiding, in hiding
- kosem = hideaway, hideout, lair
- kosen = hiding
- koser = to conceal oneself, to hide oneself
- koskaxen = digging up secrets
- koskaxer = to dig up secrets
- kos-kex-ifek = the game of hide-and-seek
- koskexut = secrets-seeker
- koson = mystery, secret
- kosona = secret
- kosonan = secrecy
- kosonay = mysteriously, secretly
- kosonaya = full of secrets, mysterious
- kosonayn = mysteriousness
- kosonier = to be mystified, to wonder
- kosonika = full of secrets, mysterious
- kosonoben = debunking demystification
- kosonober = to debunk, to demystify
- kosonobut = de-mystifier, debunker
- kosonyena = secretive
- kostim = closet
- kotam = cloister, shelter
- kotambien = squatting
- kotambier = to squat
- kotambiut = squatter
- kotambiwa = taken over by squatters
- kotambwa = cloistered
- kotea = knowing without telling
- koteasyen = guise
- koteatyofwasen = decampment
- koteatyofwaser = to decamp
- koteatzyeg = peephole
- koteax = peek
- koteaxen = espionage, peeking, sneaking, spying
- koteaxer = to peek, to sneak a look, to spy
- koteaxlen = peeping
- koteaxler = to peep
- koteaxlut = peeper, peeping tom
koteaxut -- kotyuna
[edit | edit source]- koteaxut = peeker, sneaker, spy
- koteaxyeg = peephole
- koteeten = overhearing
- koteeter = to overhear
- koteetwa = overheard
- koteexar = bug, listening device, wiretap
- koteexen = eavesdropping, listening in on, snooping, wiretapping
- koteexer = to eavesdrop, to listen in on, to snoop
- koteexut = eavesdropper, snooper, wiretapper
- koteexyea = snoopy
- kotefober = to unhood
- kotejen = leading a double life, living in hiding
- kotejer = to lead a double life, to live in hiding
- kotep = subconscious mind
- kotepa = subconscious
- kotepan = subconsciousness
- kotepay = subconsciously
- koter = to know without telling, to secretly know
- kotes = hidden meaning, subtext, underlying meaning
- kotesdin = parable
- kotesyen = mystique
- kotesyob = pretext
- kotexer = to hold close to ones chest, to think privately
- kotexuen bi yaovdutyan = jury-tampering
- kotexuer = to secretly persuade
- kotexuer yaovdutyan = to tamper with a jury
- kotezer = to perform occult
- kotezin = occultism
- kotezina = occultist
- kotezinut = occultist
- kotien = becoming aware of through secret channels, cluding in
- kotier = to be clued in, to become aware of through secret channels
- kotilam = hideaway, speakeasy
- kotim = oubliette, secret chamber
- kotiun = something learned through secret channels
- kotixea = prying
- kotixen = prying
- kotixer = to pry
- kotixut = pry, pryer
- kotof = disguise
- kotofxen = disguising
- kotofxer = to disguise
- kotofxwa = disguised
- kotojben = assassination
- kotojber = to assassin, to assassinate
- kotojbwa = assassinated
- kottyezil = magic potion
- kotuen = cluing in, confidence, confiding, secret informing, telling under the table, tipping off on the sly
- kotuer = to clue in, to confide in, to secretly inform, to tell under the table, to tip off on the sly
- kotum = dungeon
- kotuun = clandestine information, clue, secret bit of information, tip
- kotuuna = arcane
- kotuunibler = to gather intelligence
- kotuunyan = arcana, intelligence
- kotuunyandib = intelligence service
- kotuunyandibut = intelligence officer
- kotuut = fink, informant, intelligencer, secret informant, stool pigeon, tipster
- kotuwa = clued in, confided, tipped off
- kotuwas = clue, tip
- kotuyefwa = confidential
- kotuyefwan = confidentiality
- kotuyefway = confidentially
- kotwa = clandestine, cryptic
- kotwas = hidden fact
- kotwasyan = clandestine information, intelligence
- kotway = cryptically
- kotyen = hidden power, hidden skill, secret technique, sleight
- kotyepa = sly
- kotyepan = slyness
- kotyepay = slyly
- kotyez = magic
- kotyeza = magic, magical, mystical
- kotyeza vyoek = magic trick
- kotyezay = magically, mystically
- kotyezin = mysticism
- kotyezmuf = magic wand
- kotyezun = magic act, magical object
- kotyezut = magician, mystic
- kotyun = hidden concept
- kotyuna = esoteric
kotyunay -- koxofober
[edit | edit source]- kotyunay = esoterically
- koupen = sneaking up on
- kouper = to come by stealth, to sneak in, to sneak up on
- kov = cover, covering, veil
- kovaben = putting the lid on
- kovaber = to cover, to put the lid on
- kovabiuxer = to foist
- kovabwa = covered
- kovetexwayt = female suspect
- kovien = taking cover
- kovier = to take cover
- kovobea = revealing, unveiling
- kovobeay = revealingly
- kovoben = revealing, uncovering, unveiling
- kovober = to reveal, to uncover, to unveil
- kovobwa = revealed, uncovered, unveiled
- kovok = pitfall
- kovuar = protector
- kovuen = protecting, protection, providing cover
- kovuer = to protect, to provide cover
- kovuut = protector
- kovuuwa = protected
- kovyan = hidden truth, inside track, occult, secret
- kovyanay = secretively
- kovyanika = secretive
- kovyanikan = secretiveness
- kovyo- = pseudo-
- kovyoanapa = pseudoprimary
- kovyodalzeyn = pseudolanguage
- kovyodyun = fake name, pseudonym
- kovyoek = flimflam, fraud, imposture
- kovyoeken = fraud, fraudulence
- kovyoeker = to defraud, to flimflam, to play an impostor
- kovyoekut = defrauder, fraudster, impostor
- kovyoekwat = victim of fraud
- kovyoekyea = fraudulent
- kovyoekyeay = fraudulently
- kovyoensuana = pseudobinary
- kovyogeizonan = pseudoparallelism
- kovyonasbien = fraud
- kovyonasbiut = fraudster
- kovyonasbiyea = fraudulent
- kovyonasbiyeay = fraudulently
- kovyotun = pseudoscience
- kovyotuna = pseudoscientific
- kovyotuun = pseudoinstruction
- kovyotuundren = pseudocode
- kovyox = deceit, deception, trick
- kovyoxa = deceptive
- kovyoxen = backstabbing, cheating, deception, tricking
- kovyoxer = to backstab, to cheat, to deceive, to diddle, to fool, to trick
- kovyoxukat = foolhardy soul
- kovyoxut = backstabber, cheater, deceiver, diddler, trickster
- kovyoxwa = cheated, deceived, fooled, tricked
- kovyoxyan = trickery
- kovyoxyea = deceptive, tricksy
- kovyoxyean = deceptiveness
- kovyoxyeay = deceptively
- kovyoxyika = not easily fooled
- kovyoxyuka = easily fooled
- kovyoxyukan = foolhardiness
- kovyoxyukat = fool
- kovyoyanotina = pseudo-communist
- koxa = furtive
- koxan = furtiveness
- koxar = smokescreen
- koxay = furtively
- koxea = concealing, hiding
- koxem = hirn
- koxen = caching, concealing, concealment, hiding, secreting, secretion, smothering, stowage
- koxer = to conceal, to hide, to secrete, to smother, to stow
- koxof = cloak, cover, covering
- koxofaber = to cover
- koxofabwa = covered
- koxofben = cloaking
- koxofber = to cloak
- koxofbwa = cloaked
- koxofim = cloakroom
- koxofoben = uncloaking
- koxofober = to uncloak
koxofobwa -- kozuyeay
[edit | edit source]- koxofobwa = uncloaked
- koxov = veil
- koxovxen = veiling
- koxovxer = to veil
- koxovxwa = veiled
- koxtef = cowl
- koxwa = cached, clandestine, concealed, covert, disguised, hidden, latent, smothered, stowed, under cover, underhanded
- koxwan = covertness, latency, underhandedness
- koxwas = cache, something hidden
- koxwat = sleeper
- koxway = covertly, underhandedly
- koyaf = hidden ability, hidden power, secret ability, secret power
- koyanav = cabal
- koyanotina = crypto-communist
- koyanup = conclave, conventicle
- koyanupem = conventicle
- koyeber = to foist
- koyebteiben = snooping
- koyebteiber = to snoop
- koyek = ploy
- koyem = shelter
- koyepen = intrusion, slipping in under cover, sneaking in
- koyeper = to intrude, to slip in under cover, to sneak in
- koyeplen = burglarizing, burgling
- koyepler = to burglarize, to burgle
- koyeplun = burglary
- koyeplut = burglar
- koyeplutvaka = burglarproof
- koyeplutvakuen = burglarproofing
- koyeplutvakuwa = burglarproofed
- koyeplya = burglarized
- koyeplyofwa = burglarproof
- koyeput = intruder
- koyepyea = sneaky
- koyepyean = sneakiness
- koyipen = evasion, stealthy escape
- koyiper = to evade
- koyipren = elopement, eloping
- koyiprer = to elope
- koyiprut = eloper
- koyipyea = cagey, evasive
- koyipyean = caginess, evasiveness, slealthiness
- koyipyeay = cagily, cagy, evasively
- koyizyepen = infiltration
- koyizyeper = to infiltrate
- koyizyeput = infiltrator
- koyizyepya = infiltrated
- koyizyepyea = infiltrative
- koyovkaxen = rumbling
- koyovkaxer = to rumble
- koyovkaxut = rumbler
- koyovnuinxen = smuggling
- koyovnuinxut = smuggler
- koyovnuinxwa = smuggled
- koyufbasen = skulking
- koyufbaser = to skulk
- koyufbasut = skulker
- koyugfyixea = insidious
- koyugfyixean = insidiousness
- koyugfyixeay = insidiously
- koyupen = sneaking up on
- koyuper = to sneak up on
- koyuxlam = secret service
- kozdreuzun = rune
- kozdreuzuna = runic
- kozeybelen = smuggling
- kozeybeler = to smuggle
- kozeybelun = contraband
- kozeybelut = smuggler
- kozeybelwa = smuggled
- kozoynux = kickback
- kozuen = bewitchment, mesmerism
- kozuena = mesmeric
- kozuer = to bewitch, to cast a spell on, to mesmerize
- kozut = sorcerer, wizard
- kozuun = whammy
- kozuut = mesmerizer, warlock
- kozuwa = bewitched, spellbound
- kozuyea = bewitching, mesmerizing
- kozuyeay = bewitchingly
kozuyt -- kubixer
[edit | edit source]- kozuyt = sorceress
- kozyakexen = prowling, roving
- kozyakexer = to prowl, to rove
- kozyakexut = prowler, rover
- kozyakexwa = roved
- kozyapea = sneaking around
- kozyaper = to sneak about, to sneak around
- kozyeteaxen = peeping
- kozyeteaxer = to peep
- kozyeteaxut = peeper
- kozyoteaxer = to peer
- kraal = kraal
- krambo = crambo
- kraps ifek = craps
- krapsifekut = crapshooter
- krapsut = crapshooter
- kribaj ifek = cribbage
- kriket ifek = cricket
- kriket ifekut = cricketer
- Krist = Christ
- Kristajjub = Christmas, Yule, Yuletide
- Kristajjub dafab = Christmas tree
- Kristajjub deuz = yuletide carol
- Kristajjub Maj = Christmas Day
- Kristajjub Zomoj = Christmas Eve
- Kristfyaxam = church
- Kristifyaxeb = parson, preacher
- Kristin = Christianity
- Kristina = Christian
- Kristina fyadyes = bible
- Kristina fyaxamag = cathedral
- Kristina fyaxamog = chapel
- Kristina fyaxelam = church
- Kristina Tot = Christian God
- Kristinatyan = Christendom
- Kristinayt = Christian female
- Kristinut = Christian
- Kristinwat = Christian male
- Kristtaj = nativity
- kristzoput = apostle
- kristzoputa = apostolic
- kristzoputan = apostleship
- kron = krone
- kroni = kroner
- ksi = xi
- ku- = para-
- kua gon sim = side section seat
- kua = lateral, side
- kua mesabaun = side porch
- kua noxun = incidental expense
- kua tamdeym = side yard
- kua teppaxus = ulterior motive
- kua uztes = secondary connotation
- kua yepem = side exit
- kua yex = extra work, sideline
- Kuad = Kuanyama, Kwanyama
- Kuadaler = to speak Kwanyama
- Kuadalut = Kwanyama speaker
- kuadeken = brinksmanship
- Kuader = to say in Kwanyama
- kuan = laterality
- kuay = laterally, sidelong, sideways
- Kuba = Cuban
- kubadaz = conga
- kubaea = leaning to the side, tilting
- kubaen = leaning to the side, tilt
- kubaer = to lean to the side, to tilt
- kubasea = gliding
- kubasen = gliding
- kubaser = to glide
- kubawa = askew
- kubayafwa = tiltable
- kuben = putting aside, reservation, setting aside, slewing
- kuber dopari = to lay down arms
- kuber = to lay aside, to move aside, to put aside, to put off to the side, to put to the side, to reserve, to set aside, to shunt aside, to sidetrack, to slew
- kubexen = holding aside, laying aside, reservation, setting aside, shunting aside
- kubexer = to hold aside, to reserve, to shunt aside
- kubexwa = held aside, reserved
- kubixen = pulling aside, pulling to the side
- kubixer = to pull aside, to pull to the side
kubixwa -- kumanxwa
[edit | edit source]- kubixwa = pulled aside, pulled to the side
- kubol = abutment
- kubolea = abutting
- kuboler = to abut
- kubolwa = abutted
- kubux = deterrence, rebuff, snub
- kubuxea = deterrent
- kubuxea dopar = deterrent weapon
- kubuxen = brushing aside, determent, pushing aside, rebuffing, shunning, snubbing, steering clear of
- kubuxer = to deter, to push aside, to rebuff, to shun, to snub
- kubuxus = deterrent
- kubuxwa = brush aside, brushed aside, deterred, pushed aside, shunned, snubbed
- kubwa = put aside, reserved, set aside
- kubyofwa = irremovable
- kud = comment, hint, inkling, remark
- kudaz = sideshow
- kudea = commenting, observing
- kuden = commentary, commenting, hinting, observing, remarking
- kuder = to comment, to hint, to observe, to remark
- kudezut = sideliner
- kudin = sidebar
- kudnazea = worth mentioning
- kudomep = side street
- kudopa = paramilitary
- kudopat = paramilitary
- kudovyabat = outlaw
- kudres = annotation
- kudresen = annotating, annotation
- kudreser = to annotate
- kudresut = annotator
- kudreswa = annotated
- kudun = comment, remark
- kudut = commentator, hinter
- kuduzar = marimba
- kudwa = commented, hinted, observed, remarked
- kudyefwa = notable, remarkable, worth mentioning
- kudyefwan = notability
- kudyefway = notably
- kudyofwa = unmentionable
- kuega = paranormal
- kuekut = winger
- kuem = sidelines
- kugoblar = edger
- kugoblawa = edged
- kugobler = to cut along the edge, to flitch
- kugoblun = flitch
- kugon = flank, pleura
- kugonsea = flanking
- kugonser = to flank
- kugonxen = flanking
- kugonxer = to flank
- kugonxwa = flanked
- kugun = adjacent angle
- kuibasea = hobbling, limping, wobbling
- kuibasen = hobbling, limping, wobbling
- kuibaser = to hobble, to limp, to wobble
- kuibasyea = wobbly
- kuibasyean = wobbliness
- kuifut = paramour
- kuigper = to run to the side
- kuiluer = to slop
- kuiluun = slop
- kuiluwa = slopped
- kuipea = limping, shifting, swaying, wobbly
- kuipen = limping, shifting, swaying, wobbling
- kuiper = to limp, to shift, to sway, to wobble
- kuityopea = hobbling, walking with a limp
- kuityopen = hobbling, walking with a limp
- kuityoper = to hobble, to walk with a limp
- kuityoput = hobbler
- kulak = kulak
- kum = bank, coast, flank, side
- kuma = coastal, lateral, littoral, side
- kuman = reflection, side light, sidelight
- kumanser = to reflect
- kumanxar = reflector
- kumanxea = reflective
- kumanxen = reflecting, reflection
- kumanxer = to reflect
- kumanxwa = reflected
kumap -- kunix
[edit | edit source]- kumap = side wind, sidewind
- kumas = embankment, sidewall
- kumays = curb
- kumays meg = curb stone, curbstone
- kumays zyun = curb ball
- kumbaykum = side by side
- kumbaykumbea = juxtaposing
- kumbaykumben = juxtaposing, juxtaposition
- kumbaykumber = to juxtapose
- kumbaykumbwa = juxtaposed
- kumep = by-way, byroad, byway, shunt, side street
- kumepxen = shunting
- kumepxer = to shunt
- kumes = side door
- kumeyp = side path
- kumima = inshore
- kumis = casement
- kumkyaxer = to switch sides, to turn over
- kumpopen = convoying
- kumpoper = to convoy, to escort
- kumpoput = escort
- kumul = siding
- kumuzmim = bay
- kun = flank, side
- -kun = -hedron, side
- kuna = lateral, side
- kunad = border, borderline, brim, brink, edge, frontier, limit, rand, sideline
- kunad dres = note in the margins
- kunadabmef = antefix
- kunadayben = spilling
- kunadayber = to spill
- kunadaybun = spillover
- kunadaybwa = spilled
- kunadaybyofwa = spill-proof
- kunadaypea pyaon = spilling wave
- kunadaypea = spilling
- kunadaypen = spillage, spilling
- kunadayper = to spill
- kunadbar = delimiter
- kunadben = delimitation, limitation
- kunadber = to delimit, to limit, to put a limit on
- kunadbwa = delimited, limited
- kunadeken = brinkmanship
- kunadgoblar = trimmer
- kunadgoblawa = trimmed
- kunadgoblen = trimming
- kunadgobler = to trim
- kunadi = fringes
- kunadika = full to the brim
- kunadmeg = curb, kerb
- kunadmem = borderland
- kunadnav = fringe, ruffle
- kunadnavaya = ruffly
- kunadnavika = ruffly
- kunadnavxwa = fringed
- kunadoya = borderless, brimless, limitless
- kunadsea = abutting, bordering, flanking
- kunadser = to abut, to border, to flank
- kunaduka = borderless, brimless, limitless
- kunadyan = edging
- kunadyig = flange
- kunadyuba = close to the edge
- kunadyuban = brinkmanship, brinksmanship
- kunan = laterality
- kunay = laterally
- kuned = face, flank, lateral surface, side, wall
- kuneda = lateral
- kunedxer = to flank
- kunem = edges, outskirts
- kunexut = assistant, side-kick, sidekick
- kuneyef = sideband, stave
- kuneyefxwa = staved
- kunig = latitude, margin, side space
- kuniga = marginal
- kunigay = marginally
- kunigdren = marginalia
- kunigxen = marginalization
- kunigxer = to marginalize
- kunigxwa = marginalized
- kunix = side effect
kunkaxen -- kuteliut
[edit | edit source]- kunkaxen = faultfinding
- kunkyaxar = flipper
- kunkyaxen = flipping
- kunkyaxer = to flip
- kunkyaxut = flipper
- kunkyaxwa = flipped
- kunpyeser = to broadside
- kunpyexer = to broadside
- kunsen = flanking
- kunser = to flank
- kunsya = flanked
- kunviber = to purfle
- kunvibyan = purfle
- kunyanben = apposition
- kunyanbena = appositive
- kunyemben = displacement
- kunyember = to displace
- kunyembwa = displaced
- kunyun = by-product
- kunyuper = to accost
- kunyupya = accosted
- kunyuzper = to outflank
- kupanar = escapement
- kupar = sidecar, slider
- kupas = lateral move, side-step
- kupasea = moving aside
- kupasen = moving aside, side-stepping
- kupaser = to move aside, to side-step
- kupaxen = moving aside, shunting
- kupaxer = to move aside, to shunt
- kupaxwa = moved aside
- kupen = skirting
- kuper = to skirt
- kupet = gerbil
- kupop = sally, side trip
- kupot = hare
- kupuxen = casting aside
- kupuxer = to cast aside, to reject, to throw aside
- kupuxwa = cast aside
- kupya = skirted
- kupyaser = to jump aside, to leap aside
- kupyex = sidestroke
- kupyux = sideswipe
- kupyuxer = to sideswipe
- Kurod = Kurdish
- Kurodaler = to speak Kurdish
- Kurodalut = Kurdish speaker
- Kuroder = to say in Kurdish
- kurrien = currying
- kurya = curia
- kusea = lying, recumbent
- kusem = credenza, sideboard
- kusem tulyan = buffet
- kuson = lateral matter, side issue
- kusum = bunk, cot, side bed
- kusun = sidepiece
- kut = sideman
- kutam = shed
- kutamdeym = side yard
- kutayd = concubine
- kutaydan = concubinage
- kuteas = profile, sideview
- kuteatyofxar = winker
- kuteax bem = observation post
- kuteax = observance
- kuteax yabtom = observation tower
- kuteaxen = observation, observing
- kuteaxena = observational
- kuteaxenay = observationally
- kuteaxer = to observe
- kuteaxut = bystander, observer
- kuteaxwa = observed
- kuteaxyafwa = observable
- kuteaxyafway = observably
- kuteaxyea = observant
- kuteaxyeay = observantly
- kuteaxyofwa = unobservable
- kutelien = being a parasite, parasitism
- kutelier = to be a parasite
- kuteliut = parasite
kuteliyea -- kyadyan
[edit | edit source]- kuteliyea = parasitic, parasitical
- kuteliyeay = parasitically
- kutem = side hall
- kuteptun = parapsychology
- kuteptut = parapsychologist
- kutes = connotation
- kutesa = connotative
- kutesea = connoting
- kuteser = to connote
- kuteswa = connoted
- kutim = adjoining room, side room, wing
- kutimog = alcove
- kutom = annex
- kutul = side dish
- kutyenut = paraprofessional
- kutyobyexer = to kick aside
- kutyomep = sidewalk
- kutyopen = sidestepping, stepping aside
- kutyoper = to sidestep, to step aside
- kuuzber = to blench
- kuvabdeym = side lawn
- kuvabyem = side yard
- kuveel = bean, butter, lima bean, runner bean
- kuxen = putting to the side, sidetracking
- kuxer = to put to the side, to sidetrack
- kuxwa = put to the side, sidetracked
- kuyax = sideline
- kuyaz = sponson
- kuyembea = displacing
- kuyemben = displacement, displacing, marginalization, sidelining
- kuyember = to displace, to marginalize, to sideline
- kuyembwa = displaced, marginalized, sidelined
- kuyempen = deviating, deviation, divergence, going aside
- kuyemper = to deviate, to diverge, to go aside, to go off to the side
- kuyexen = moonlighting
- kuyexer = to moonlight
- kuyexut = moonlighter
- kuyonbaser = to move apart
- kuyonbaxer = to move apart
- kuyonben = distancing, separation
- kuyonber = to distance, to move out of the way, to separate
- kuyonbwa = distanced, moved apart, out of the way, remote, separated
- kuyonpasea = moving apart
- kuyonpasen = moving apart
- kuyoz = cave, cavern
- kuyux = assistance
- kuyuxen = assistance, assisting
- kuyuxer = to assist, to stand by
- kuyuxut = adjutant, assistant, side-kick, sidekick, standby
- kuyuxutan = assistantship
- kuyuxwa = assisted
- kuzu = kudzu
- kuzyifaof = sideboard, sidepiece
- kwart = quart
- kwatooyb = trans female, trans woman
- kweser = to go on
- kwid = quid
- kwinil = quinine
- kwonsettom = quonset
- kya- = alternate, dia-, trans-, vari-
- kyaa = changing, mobile, mutant, variable, variant
- kyaabtaf = parka
- kyaan = mobility, variability, variableness, variance
- kyaay = variably, variantly
- kyabar = shift stick
- kyabas = shift
- kyabasea = shifting
- kyabasen = shifting
- kyabaser = to shift
- kyabasyea = shifty
- kyabaxen = shifting
- kyabaxer = to shift
- kyabaxwa = shifted
- kyaben muf = shift lever
- kyaben = shifting, transposing, transposition
- kyaber = to move, to shift, to transpose
- kyabus = shifter
- kyabut = shifter
- kyadin = version
- kyadyan = paraphrase
kyadyanxen -- kyapyofwa
[edit | edit source]- kyadyanxen = paraphrasing
- kyadyanxer = to paraphrase
- kyadyanxwa = paraphrased
- kyaembea = moving, transferring
- kyaemben = moving, relocating, relocation, transfer, transference, transferring
- kyaember = to move out, to relocate, to transfer
- kyaembun = transferal
- kyaembut = mover, transferrer
- kyaembwa = moved, relocated, transferred
- kyaembyafwan = transferability
- kyaembyofwa = nontransferable
- kyaemper = to move, to relocate oneself
- kyaix = product
- kyaja = intermittent, sporadic
- kyajan = intermittency
- kyajay = intermittently, sporadically
- kyajob bi amur = phase of the moon
- kyajob = phase
- kyajoba = diachronic
- kyajobsea = phasing
- kyajobxen = phasing
- kyajwoba naab = flexitime, flextime
- kyakuna = reciprocal
- kyakunan = reciprocality
- kyakunay = reciprocally
- kyamansea = gleaming, glimmering, glistening, shimmering, shimmery
- kyamansen = gleaming, glimmering, glistening, shimmering
- kyamanser = to gleam, to glimmer, to glisten, to shimmer
- kyamisof = scrim
- kyan = change, flux
- kyanapxar = inverter
- kyanapxen = shuffling
- kyanapxer ekdrafi = to shuffle cards
- kyanapxer = to shuffle
- kyanapxut = shuffler
- kyanapxwa = shuffled
- kyanaz = variable
- kyanod = moving target, variable point
- kyanoyx = fluctuating fee, rate
- kyao- = falteringly, unsteadily
- kyaon = fluctuation, vicissitude
- kyaopea = faltering, fluctuating, staggering
- kyaopeay = fluctuatingly, staggeringly
- kyaopen = faltering, fluctuation, staggering
- kyaoper = to falter, to fluctuation, to go unsteadily, to stagger
- kyaoput = staggerer
- kyaos = fluctuation, vicissitude
- kyaosea = fluctuating
- kyaosen = fluctuation
- kyaoser = to fluctuate
- kyaotexea = dithering, hesitant, vacillating, wavering
- kyaotexeay = waveringly
- kyaotexen = dithering, hesitance, vacillating, vacillation, wavering
- kyaotexer = to demur, to dither, to hesitate, to vacillate, to waver
- kyaotexut = ditherer, waverer
- kyaotyoper = to toddle
- kyaotyoput = toddler
- kyap = motion, shift
- kyapa = mobile
- kyapan = mobility
- kyapana = mobile
- kyapaser = to mobilize
- kyapaxen = mobilization
- kyapaxer = to mobilize
- kyapaxwa = mobilized
- kyapea pyaon = traveling wave
- kyapea = shifting
- kyapen = shifting
- kyaper bu ha kum = to shift to the side
- kyaper = to move, to shift
- kyapoputan = vagabondage
- kyapot = beaver
- kyapotef = castor
- kyapyafa = able to move, mobile
- kyapyafwa = mobile
- kyapyea = shifty
- kyapyof = immobility
- kyapyofa = immobile, unable to move
- kyapyofan = inability to move
- kyapyofwa = immobile
kyapyofxen -- kyatoobasea
[edit | edit source]- kyapyofxen = crippling, immobilization
- kyapyofxer = to cripple, to immobilize
- kyapyofxwa = crippled, immobilized
- kyapyofxyea = crippling
- kyas = change, difference, variant, variation
- kyasan = mutation, variant
- kyasana = diversiform
- kyasansat = mutant
- kyasaun = variety
- kyasauna = diverse, eclectic, miscellaneous, sundry, varied, varietal, various
- kyasaunan = diverseness, diversity, miscellaneousness, variety
- kyasaunasi = miscellany
- kyasaunasyan = mishmash
- kyasaunay = diversely, eclectically, miscellaneously
- kyasaundyes = variorum
- kyasaunin = eclecticism
- kyasaunsea = diversifying, varying
- kyasaunser = to diversify, to vary
- kyasaunxen = diversification, diversifying, variation, varying
- kyasaunxer = to diversify, to vary
- kyasaunxwa = diversified, varied
- kyasaunxyafwa = variable
- kyasaunxyafwan = variability, variableness
- kyasaunxyafway = variably
- kyasaunxyofwa = invariable
- kyasaunxyofwan = invariability
- kyasaunxyofway = invariably
- kyasaunyafwa = diversifiable
- kyasea = alternating, changing, differing, shifting, variable, variant, varying
- kyaseay = variantly
- kyasen = changing, differing, shifting, variation
- kyaser = to alternate, to become normal, to become standard, to change, to differ, to shift, to switch, to vary
- kyasiun = variable
- kyaslea = variant, varying
- kyaslen = variation
- kyasler = to vary
- kyasliyn = diacritic, diacritical mark
- kyasloya = monotonous
- kyasloyan = monotony
- kyaslyea = versatile
- kyasrawa = mutated
- kyasrer = to mutate
- kyasrya = mutant
- kyasryofwa = immutatable
- kyasunyan = compendium
- kyasya = changed, new
- kyasyafa = labile
- kyasyafwa = variable
- kyasyafwan = variability
- kyasyan = newness
- kyasyay = newly
- kyasyika = obstinate
- kyasyikan = obstinacy
- kyasyikay = obstinately
- kyasyofwa = invariable
- kyasyofwan = invariability
- kyasyofway = invariably
- kyasyuka = versatile
- kyasyukan = versatility
- kyatajnad = crossbreed
- kyatajnadxer = to crossbreed
- kyatajnadxwa = crossbred
- kyatambesut = scatterling
- kyatepa = flexible-minded
- kyatepan = flexibility
- kyateper = to be absent-minded, to be distracted
- kyatepyena = in an altered state of mind
- kyateser = to have variable meaning
- kyatesiun = variable
- kyatexea = versatile
- kyatexean = versatility
- kyatexyeat = weathercock
- kyatinuen = divestiture
- kyatipa = fickle, moody, volatile
- kyatipan = fickleness, moodiness, volatility
- kyatipat = fickle person
- kyatipaxer = to volatilize
- kyatipay = moodily
- kyatooba = of variable gender, transgender, transgendered
- kyatoobasea = transitioning
kyatoobasen -- kyayxar
[edit | edit source]- kyatoobasen = transitioning gender
- kyatoobaser = to transition gender
- kyatoobat = transgender person
- kyatoobaxwa = transitioned
- kyatooyb = trans female, trans woman
- kyatooyba = trans female
- kyatooybser = to transition to a female
- kyatwoob = trans male, trans man
- kyatwooba = trans male
- kyatwoobsen = transitioning to a male
- kyatwoobser = to transition to a male
- kyaveel = chickpea
- kyavolza = dappled, motley, varicolored
- kyavolzan = motleyness
- kyavolzaxen = dappling, mottling, variegation
- kyavolzaxer = to dapple, to mottle, to variegate
- kyavolzaxwa = dappled, mottled, piebald, variegated
- kyavolzteatar = kaleidoscope
- kyavolzteatara = kaleidoscopic
- kyavolzteataray = kaleidoscopically
- kyax = alter, change, switch, turnover
- kyaxar = alternator, converter, switch
- kyaxea = altering
- kyaxel = practice
- kyaxeler = to practice, to run through
- kyaxelwa = practiced
- kyaxen = alteration, changing, switching, variation
- kyaxen bi yafon = transfer of power
- kyaxen muf = stick shift
- kyaxen sem = changing table
- kyaxen tim = changing room
- kyaxer fyaxin = to change religion
- kyaxer izon = to switch direction
- kyaxer kum = to switch sides
- kyaxer ota tep = to change one's mind
- kyaxer ota tepyen = to change one's mind, have change of heart
- kyaxer texyen = to change one's mind
- kyaxer = to alter, to change, to switch, to vary
- kyaxer tof = to change clothes
- kyaxer zyemep = to switch channels
- kyaxlar = converter
- kyaxlawa = converted
- kyaxlen = conversion
- kyaxler = to convert
- kyaxlyafwa = convertible
- kyaxlyafwan = convertibility
- kyaxlyofwa = nonconvertible
- kyaxnod = breakpoint
- kyaxnodut = pointsman
- kyaxren = mutation
- kyaxus = shifter
- kyaxut = alterer, shifter, switcher
- kyaxuwa = tentative
- kyaxuwan = tentativeness
- kyaxuwas = alternate
- kyaxuway = tentatively
- kyaxwa = altered, alternate, changed, different, new, switched
- kyaxxen seem = control panel, switchboard, switching panel
- kyaxyafwa = alterable, changeable, variable
- kyaxyafwan = alterability, changeability, changeableness, variability, variableness
- kyaxyafwas = variable
- kyaxyafway = alterably, changeably, variably
- kyaxyaya = fusty
- kyaxyayan = fustiness
- kyaxyea = dodgy
- kyaxyika = fusty
- kyaxyikan = fustiness
- kyaxyofwa = hard-wired, hardwired, immutable, inconvertible, invariable, sacrosanct, unalterable, unchangeable, unmodifiable
- kyaxyofwan = invariability, sacrosanctness, unalterability, unchangeability, unmodifiability
- kyaxyofway = invariably, unalterably
- kyayen = version
- kyayofa = diehard
- kyayujar = shutter
- kyayujarer = to shutter
- kyayujarwa = shuttered
- kyayuva = disloyal person, fickle
- kyayuvan = disloyalty, fickleness
- kyayuvat = fickle person
- kyayx = amendment
- kyayxar = switch
kyayxaren zen -- kyefonay
[edit | edit source]- kyayxaren zen = control center, switching center
- kyayxaryan = derailer, sequential logic circuit
- kyayxea = amending, revising
- kyayxen = amendment, revisal, revising
- kyayxen nod = switching point
- kyayxer = to amend, to revise
- kyayxun = amendment, revision
- kyayxwa = amended, revised
- kyayxyafwa = amendable
- kyazyef = lens
- kyazyefa = lenticular
- kyazyup = precess
- kyazyupen = precession
- kye- = chance-, hap-, random-
- kyea = aimless, flukey, fluky, haphazard, happenstance, imponderable, potential, purposeless, random, stochastic, this way or that, unforeseen, unpredictable
- kyea sun = doodad, doohickey
- kyeabyexer = to bangle
- kyean = aimlessness, chance, haphazardness, happenstance, randomness
- kyeaxen = randomization
- kyeaxer = to randomize
- kyeaxwa = randomized
- kyeay = aimlessly, any which way, by chance, haphazardly, purposelessly, randomly, stochastically
- kyebaoxen = fibrillation
- kyebaoxer = to fibrillate
- kyebeser = to loiter
- kyebesut = loiterer
- kyebien = sortition
- kyebier = to choose, to select
- kyebiun = choice, lot
- kyebiwa = chosen, selected
- kyebiyea = choosy
- kyebuk = danger, harm's way, hazard, peril, potential harm, risk of harm, threat
- kyebuk jwad = alert, threat prediction
- kyebuk jwadar = alert
- kyebuk yiplam = asylum, refuge, sanctuary
- kyebukaya = hazardous, perilous, threatening
- kyebukayan = hazardousness, perilousness
- kyebukier = to face danger, to hazard, to take a risk
- kyebukika = hazardous, perilous, threatening
- kyebukikan = hazardousness, perilousness
- kyebukikay = perilously
- kyebuksiyn = monition
- kyebukua = hazardous, potentially harmful, threatening
- kyebukuen = imperiling, imperilment
- kyebukuer = to imperil, to put at risk, to threaten
- kyebukuka = undangerous, unhazardous, unperilous, unrisky
- kyebukuwa = imperiled, in danger, in harm's way, in peril, threatened
- kyebukxyafwa = vulnerable
- kyebukxyea = minatory
- kyebyena = indiscriminate
- kyebyenan = indiscrimination
- kyebyenay = indiscriminately
- kyebyukuen = amercement
- kyebyukuer = to amerce
- kyebyusen = encountering
- kyebyuser = to encounter at random
- kyed = guess
- kyedalea = rambling
- kyedalen = rambling
- kyedaler = to ramble
- kyedalut = rambler
- kyedalyea = discursive
- kyedalyean = discursiveness
- kyedalyeay = discursively
- kyedea = guessing
- kyeden = divination, divining, guessing, guesswork
- kyeden ifek = guessing game
- kyedena = stochastic
- kyedenay = stochastically
- kyeder = to divine, to guess, to hazard a guess, to venture to say
- kyedeuzen = scatting
- kyedeuzer = to scat
- kyedut = diviner, guesser
- kyedwa = divined, guessed
- kyedyofwa = impossible to divine, unguessable
- kyedyukwa = easily-guessed
- kyefon = vagary
- kyefona = arbitrary
- kyefonan = arbitrariness
- kyefonay = arbitrarily
kyefondab -- kyeojber
[edit | edit source]- kyefondab = despotism
- kyefondaba = despotic
- kyefondeb = despot
- kyefyun = danger, hazard, potential harm
- kyefyunaya = hazardous
- kyefyunier = to hazard, to take a risk
- kyefyunika = hazardous
- kyefyunuer = to imperil
- kyefyunuka = safe
- kyefyunukan = lack of danger
- kyefyunuyea = hazardous
- kyeizona = headed any which way, randomly directed
- kyej = contingency, event, incident, occurrence
- kyeja = incidental
- kyejay = incidentally
- kyejoa = eventual
- kyejoay = eventually
- kyejon = contingency
- kyejoyan = contingency
- kyejpyos = downfall
- kyejuka = contingent
- kyekax = accidental discovery, chance find, discovery
- kyekaxen = coming upon, discovering, encountering, finding by chance, running across
- kyekaxer = to come upon, to discover, to encounter, to find by chance, to happen to find, to run across, to stumble on
- kyekaxun = chance encounter, discovery, lucky find
- kyekaxut = discoverer
- kyekaxwa = discovered by accident, found by chance, stumbled on
- kyekaxwas = waif
- kyekaxwat = waif
- kyekexer = to rummage
- kyelosexen = vandalism, vandalizing
- kyelosexer = to vandalize
- kyelosexut = vandal
- kyelosexwa = vandalized
- kyen = chance, fortuity, happenstance, hazard, luck of the draw, peradventure
- kyena = chance, fortuitous, haphazard, lucky
- kyenabyanxwa = scattershot
- kyenan = fortuitousness, fortuity
- kyenapxar = scrambler
- kyenapxen = scrambling
- kyenapxer = to scramble
- kyenapxwa = scrambled
- kyenay = by change, fortuitously, haphazardly, perchance
- kyenaya = chancy, haphazard, hazardous
- kyenaz = parameter
- kyenazaxen = parametrization
- kyenazaxer = to parametrize
- kyenazaxwa = parametrized
- kyenazden = guesstimate
- kyendoput = soldier of fortune
- kyenek = gambit, game of chance, game of luck
- kyenekam = casino, gambling casino, gambling house
- kyenekar = casino machine, gaming machine
- kyeneken = gambling
- kyeneker = to gamble, to play the odds
- kyenekir = gambling machine
- kyeneksem = gambling table
- kyenekut = gambler
- kyenekwa = gambled
- kyenien = chancing, hazarding, taking a chance
- kyenier = to chance, to hazard, to take a chance, to take a risk
- kyenika = chancy, haphazard, hazardous
- kyenikan = chanciness, haphazardness
- kyensagi = chances, odds
- kyenson = matter of luck
- kyenuen = challenging, posing a risk
- kyenuer = to challenge, to pose a risk to
- kyenuut = challenger
- kyenuwa = challenged
- kyenuyea = challenging
- kyenyan = hotchpotch
- kyenyansea = huddling
- kyenyanxer = to huddle
- kyenyanxwa = huddled
- kyenzyuk = wheel of fortune
- kyeoj = destiny, fate, fortune, lot, prospects
- kyeoja = eventual, fatal, fateful, haphazard, prospective
- kyeojan = fatality, fatefulness, haphazardness
- kyeojay = fatefully, prospectively
- kyeojber = to destine
kyeojbwa av -- kyesem
[edit | edit source]- kyeojbwa av = destined for
- kyeojbwa = destined
- kyeojdea = bodeful
- kyeojden = fortune-telling, fortunetelling
- kyeojder = to tell one's fortune
- kyeojdut = fortune-teller, fortuneteller
- kyeojin = fatalism
- kyeojina = fatalistic
- kyeojinay = fatalistically
- kyeojinut = fatalist
- kyeojkex = fortune-seeking
- kyeojkexen = fortune-seeking
- kyeojkexut = fortune-seeker
- kyeojkexuyt = female fortune-seeker
- kyeojtea = prescient, psychic, visionary
- kyeojteay = presciently
- kyeojter = to know one's destiny, to know one's fortune, to presage, to see the future
- kyeojtut = psychic, visionary
- kyeojun = casualty, eventuality, fate, fortune, lot
- kyeon bi dop = casus belli, cause for war
- kyeon = case
- kyeon kyis = case load
- kyeona = aleatory, casual, happenstance
- kyeonan = casualness
- kyeonay = casually
- kyeonsag = case number
- kyeonyex = casework
- kyepasea = drifting, meandering, rambling, roaming, roving
- kyepasen = drifting, meandering, rambling, roaming, roving
- kyepaser = to drift, to flounce, to meander, to ramble, to roam, to rove
- kyepasfaob = driftwood
- kyepasut = drifter
- kyepasyea = discursive
- kyepasyean = discursiveness
- kyepasyeay = discursively
- kyepea = erratic, fluctuating, going any which way, nomadic, roving, wandering, wavering
- kyepea yexut = migrant worker
- kyepen = fluctuation, going any which way, wandering
- kyeper = to fluctuate, to go aimlessly, to go any which way, to go this way and that way, to move this way and that, to rove, to wander, to waver, to wobble
- kyepesea = dallying, idling
- kyepesen = dallying, idling
- kyepeser = to dally, to idle
- kyepopea = footloose, traveling aimlessly, wandering
- kyepopen = traveling aimlessly, wandering
- kyepoper = to travel aimlessly, to wander
- kyepoput = nomad, wanderer
- kyepoputan = vagrancy
- kyepoputay = vagrantly
- kyepot = ermine, stoat
- kyepur = rover
- kyeput = nomad, rover, roving person, wanderer
- kyepuyseger = to ricochet
- kyepuysen = flip-flopping, flipping, flittering, flitting, flopping
- kyepuyser = to flip-flop, to flipflop, to flit, to flitter, to flop, to flounder, to floundering
- kyepyeser = to encounter at random, to happen to meet, to have a chance encounter with
- kyepyom = drift ice
- kyepyuxer = to bump into
- kyes = case, event, flapdoodle, happening, incident, occasion, occurrence, vagary
- kyesa = befallen, incidental, occasional
- kyesan = happenstance
- kyesana = incidental
- kyesanay = incidentally
- kyesanyangon = episode
- kyesanyangona = episodic
- kyesauna = of a random type, random
- kyesaunan = randomness
- kyesaunay = randomly
- kyesaunxen = randomization
- kyesaunxer = to randomize
- kyesaunxwa = randomized
- kyesaxer = to cobble
- kyesay = incidentally, occasionally
- kyesdras = log
- kyesdrawa = logged
- kyesdren = logging
- kyesdrer = to log
- kyesdrut = logger
- kyesdyes = logbook
- kyesea = coming about, happening, occurring, taking place, under way
- kyesem = venue
kyesen -- kyezyabwa
[edit | edit source]- kyesen = happening, occurrence, occurring
- kyeser = to befall, to come about, to happen, to occur, to take place
- kyesindrer = to doodle
- kyesindrun = doodle
- kyesindut = doodler
- kyesoa = imminent, impending
- kyesoan = imminence, impendence
- kyesoaser = to impend
- kyesoay = imminently
- kyeson = case, circumstance, wildcard
- kyesona = casual, circumstantial
- kyesonay = casually, circumstantially
- kyesoni = circumstances
- kyesoninut = casuist
- kyesteser = to mean whatever
- kyestun = stochastics
- kyestuna = stochastics-related
- kyesun = event, happening, occurrence
- kyesya = happened
- kyesyan = state of affairs
- kyeteaten = noticing, spotting
- kyeteater = to happen to see, to notice, to spot
- kyeteatwa = noticed, spotted
- kyeteaxar = browser
- kyeteaxen = browsing
- kyeteaxer = to browse
- kyetepyena = given to swing moods, volatile
- kyetipa = arbitrary, capricious, whimsical
- kyetipa doyevan = arbitrary justice
- kyetipan = arbitrariness, capriciousness, whimsicality, whimsy
- kyetipas = whim
- kyetipay = arbitrarily, on a whim, whimsically
- kyetipdaben = arbritary rule, despotism
- kyetooba = of any gender, of whatever gender, random-gender
- kyetooban = gender fluidity
- kyetyoper = to meander, to stroll about, to walk aimlessly
- kyeuj = doom, fate, kismet, lot
- kyeujber = to doom
- kyeujbwa = doomed
- kyeujjub = doomsday
- kyeun = occasion
- kyeuna = occasional
- kyeunay = occasionally
- kyeupea = coincidental, coinciding
- kyeupeay = coincidentally
- kyeupen = coincidence, coinciding
- kyeuper = to coincide
- kyeux = accident
- kyeuxea = accidental
- kyeuxeay = accidentally
- kyeveka = aleatory, random, stochastic
- kyexaj = adventure, venture
- kyexajaya = adventurous
- kyexajayan = adventurousness
- kyexajber = to venture
- kyexajbwa = ventured
- kyexajika = adventurous
- kyexajikan = adventurousness
- kyexajikay = adventurously
- kyexajpen = adventuring, venturing
- kyexajper = to adventure, to go on an adventure, to venture
- kyexajput = adventurer, venturer
- kyexajputyena = picaresque
- kyexajpyea = adventuresome, venturesome
- kyexajpyean = venturesomeness, venturousness
- kyexajpyeay = venturesomely, venturously
- kyexea = incurring
- kyexen = incurrence, incurring, occasioning
- kyexer = to bring about, to cause to happen, to incur, to occasion
- kyexwa = brought about, caused to happen, incurred, occasioned
- kyeyanmul = farrago
- kyeyanmulwa patiji = scrambled eggs
- kyeyanmulwa = scrambled
- kyeyanmulxar = scrambler
- kyeyanmulxen = scrambling
- kyeyanmulxer = to scramble
- kyeyanup = chance encounter, chance meeting
- kyeyanuper = to bump into, to encounter at random, to happen to meet, to have a chance encounter with, to meet by chance, to run into, to run into one another
- kyezyaben = sprawling
- kyezyabwa = sprawled
kyezyapea -- kyigoblawa
[edit | edit source]- kyezyapea = sprawling
- kyia apetbixwa belir = gig
- kyia = grave, heavy, hefty, ponderous, weighty
- kyia yex tyoyaf = brogan
- kyiab = heft, strain, stress
- kyiaba = strained, stress-related
- kyiabay = heftily
- kyiaboben = alleviation
- kyiabober = to alleviate, to take the stress off
- kyiabobwa = alleviated
- kyiabser = to be stressed, to feel strain
- kyiabtyoyaf = clodhopper
- kyiabxen = straining, stressing
- kyiabxer = to strain, to stress
- kyiabxwa = strained, stressed
- kyiabxyea = stressful
- kyian = gravity, heaviness, heft, heftiness, weightiness
- kyianay = heftily
- kyiapeper = to galumph
- kyiaser = to get heavy, to grow heavy
- kyiaxen = weighing down
- kyiaxer = to make heavy, to weigh down
- kyiaxwa = weighed down
- kyiay = gravely, heavily, weightily
- kyiay nuxgabwa = heavily-taxed
- kyib = accent, beat
- kyiba = accentual, beat-related
- kyibal = strain, stress
- kyibalaya = stressful
- kyibalayan = stressfulness
- kyibalea = straining, stressing
- kyibaler = to strain, to stress
- kyibalika = stressful
- kyibalikan = stressfulness
- kyibalikay = stressfully
- kyibaloyan = stresslessness
- kyibaluiena = breathy
- kyibaluka = stress-free
- kyibalukan = stresslessness
- kyibalwa = harried, strained, stressed
- kyibelen = lugging
- kyibeler = to lug
- kyibelus = lugger
- kyibelut = lugger
- kyibyeser = to go thump
- kyibyex = thud, thump
- kyibyexar = sledge hammer, sledgehammer
- kyibyexaren = sledging
- kyibyexarer = to sledge
- kyibyexea = thumping
- kyibyexen = pounding, thudding, thumping
- kyibyexer = to pound, to slog, to thud, to thump
- kyibyexun = thump
- kyibyexwa = thumped
- kyid = accent, emphasis, stress
- kyida = emphatic, perspicuous
- kyidan = perspicuity
- kyiday = emphatically, perspicuously
- kyidea = accentuating
- kyiden = accentuation, emphasizing
- kyider = to accentuate, to emphasize, to stress, to underscore
- kyidsiyn = accent mark, stress mark
- kyidsiynaben = stressing
- kyidsiynaber = to apply a stress mark, to apply an accent
- kyidsiynabwa = stressed
- kyidsiynben = accenting
- kyidsiynber = to accent
- kyidsiynbwa = accented
- kyidsiynoben = removing an accent, stress mark removal
- kyidsiynober = to remove a stress mark, to remove an accent
- kyidsiynuka = accent-free
- kyidwa = accentuated, emphasized, stressed, underscored
- kyidyea = emphatic
- kyidyeay = emphatically
- kyifyadil = rogation
- kyigoblar = chopper, hatchet
- kyigoblaren = hacking, hatcheting
- kyigoblarer = to hack, to hatchet
- kyigoblarwa = hacked, hatcheted
- kyigoblawa = chopped, hacked
kyigoblen -- kyinzebar
[edit | edit source]- kyigoblen = axing, chopping, hacking
- kyigobler faob = to chop wood
- kyigobler = to chop, to hack
- kyigoblun = chop, hack job
- kyiigbyex = clack
- kyiigbyexer = to clack
- kyiigbyexeus = clack
- kyiigbyexeuser = to clack
- kyikyudeup = trochee
- kyikyudeupa = trochaic
- kyila = grave
- kyilaf = tog
- kyilafim = coat check
- kyilan = gravity
- kyilaser = to grow graver
- kyilaxea = aggravating
- kyilaxeay = aggravatingly
- kyilaxen = aggravation
- kyilaxer = to aggravate
- kyilaxwa = aggravated
- kyimaagil = diesel
- kyimaagilexea = running on diesel
- kyimaagiluwa = diesel-fueled
- kyimugoben = chelation
- kyimulun = baryon
- kyin = bulk, weight
- kyin mugmuf = barbell
- kyinabut = stevedore
- kyinak = weight gain
- kyinakea = gaining weight
- kyinaken = gaining weight, putting on weight
- kyinaker = to gain weight, to put on weight
- kyinar = balance, scales, weight scales
- kyinar zyiun = scale
- kyinaram = weigh station
- kyinaren = weighing
- kyinarer = to put on a scale, to weigh
- kyinarmepzyin = weighbridge
- kyinarwa = weighed
- kyinaryafwa = ponderable
- kyinaya = weighted, weighty
- kyinayofa tyof = dungaree
- kyinazon = gravity
- kyinazon pyaon = gravity wave
- kyinazona bix = gravitational pull
- kyinazona = gravitational
- kyinazona zen = centroid
- kyinazonnagar = gravimeter
- kyinazonuka = gravity-free
- kyinbyalar = barbell
- kyingabus = makeweight
- kyinika = weighted, weighty
- kyinnag = weight measure, weightage, weighting
- kyinnagam = weigh station
- kyinnagar = scale
- kyinnagaren = weighing on a scale
- kyinnagarer = to weigh on a scale
- kyinnagarwa = weighed on a scale
- kyinnoxuun = poundage
- kyinober = to remove weight
- kyinok = weight loss
- kyinokea = losing weight
- kyinoken = losing weight, taking off weight
- kyinoker = to get rid of weight, to lose weight, to take off weight
- kyinoya = weightless
- kyinoyan = weightlessness
- kyinsea = weighing
- kyinser = to weigh
- kyinuka = weightless
- kyinukan = weightlessness
- kyinukay = weightlessly
- kyinxen = weighing
- kyinxer = to weigh
- kyinxwa = weighed, weighted
- kyinxwer = to be weighed down
- kyinyabir = winch
- kyinyablar = weightlifting device
- kyinyablen = weightlifting
- kyinyablut = weightlifter
- kyinzebar = balance
kyinzyubelar -- kyisuen
[edit | edit source]- kyinzyubelar = dumper
- kyipea = gravitating, lumbering, plodding, shuffling, trudging, trundling
- kyipen = gravitation, lumbering, plodding, shuffling, trudging, trundling
- kyiper = to gravitate, to lumber, to plod, to shuffle, to trudge, to trundle
- kyipopen = squirreling
- kyipoper = to squirrel
- kyipot = squirrel
- kyipotayob = coonskin
- kyipyeuxer = to clack
- kyipyosen = plopping
- kyipyoser = to plop, to slump
- kyipyoseux = plonk, plop, plopping noise
- kyipyosya = slumped
- kyipyoxen = plopping down
- kyipyoxer = to plop down
- kyipyoxwa = plopped down
- kyis belir = dray
- kyis bi vyayek = burden of proof, onus probandi
- kyis bixpur = freight train
- kyis = burden, cargo, charge, encumbrance, freight, load, onus
- kyis mampur = cargo plane
- kyis mempur = cargo truck
- kyis mimpur = cargo ship, cargo vessel
- kyis yaoblir = freight elevator
- kyisabar = charger, loader
- kyisaben = charging, encumbering, loading, uploading
- kyisaber = to charge, to encumber, to load, to upload
- kyisabut = loader
- kyisabwa = charged, encumbered, loaded, uploaded
- kyisaya = burdensome, cumbersome, onerous
- kyisayan = cumbersomeness, onerousness
- kyisbelar = cart, wagon
- kyisbelur = freight truck, lorry, truck
- kyiser = to become heavy
- kyiseux = bang, boom, heavy sound, thud, thump
- kyiseuxea = booming, thudding
- kyiseuxen = banging
- kyiseuxer = to bang, to boom, to thud, to thump
- kyisien = assuming the burden, dowloading, downloading, off-loading, taking on
- kyisier = to assume the burden, to carry, to download, to encumber oneself, to take on, to take on a burden
- kyisika = burdensome, cumbersome, onerous
- kyisikan = cumbersomeness, onerousness
- kyisikay = cumbersomely, onerously
- kyisim = hold
- kyisiwa = downloaded
- kyisiyafwa = downloadable
- kyiskyaxen = transloading
- kyismimpur = cargo ship, cargo vessel, freighter
- kyisnif puxdopar = bola
- kyisobar = discharger
- kyisobem = dock
- kyisoben = discharging, disencumbering, downloading, off-loading, offloading, unburdening, unloading
- kyisober = to discharge, to disencumber, to download, to off-load, to offload, to remove pounds, to unburden, to uncharge, to unlade, to unload, to unship
- kyisobwa = discharged, disencumbered, downloaded, off-loaded, offloaded, unburded, unburdened, uncharged, unladen, unloaded
- kyison = encumbrance, grave issue, grave matter, important issue, important matter, problem, weighty matter
- kyisona = critical, crucial, grave, grievous, important, momentous, profound
- kyisonan = graveness, gravity, grievousness, importance, momentousness, profoundness, profundity
- kyisonay = critically, crucially, gravely, grievously, importantly, momentously, profoundly
- kyisonuea = aggravating, aggrieving, encumbering
- kyisonuen = aggravation, aggrievance, encumbering
- kyisonuer = to aggravate, to aggrieve, to encumber
- kyisonuwa = aggravated, aggrieved, encumbered
- kyispar = cart, dolly, wagon, wheelbarrow
- kyisparen = dollying
- kyisparer = to dolly
- kyisparwa = dollied
- kyispet = sumpter
- kyispir = carriage, wagon
- kyispur exut = truck driver
- kyispur = lorry, truck
- kyispurag = rig
- kyispuren = trucking
- kyispurer = to truck
- kyispurik = truckload
- kyispurog = van
- kyispurut = trucker
- kyispurwa = trucked
- kyisuar = cartridge clip, charger, magazine, uploader
- kyisuem = loading dock, loading zone
- kyisuen = burdening, charging, lading, loading, uploading
kyisuer -- kyizuta
[edit | edit source]- kyisuer = to burden, to encumber, to upload
- kyisuun = burden, charge
- kyisuwa = burdened, charged, encumbered, fraught, laden, loaded, uploaded
- kyisuyafwa = chargeable, uploadable
- kyisuyea = burdensome, cumbersome, encumbering
- kyisuyean = burdensomeness, cumbersomeness
- kyisxeb = supercargo
- kyisyablir = cargo lift, service lift
- kyisyan = lading
- kyisyobir = derrick
- kyitaba = heavyset
- kyitabat = heavyweight
- kyitaf = cloak
- kyitafben = cloaking
- kyitafber = to cloak
- kyitafbwa = cloaked
- kyitafim = cloakroom
- kyitafober = to uncloak
- kyitafobwa = uncloaked
- kyitepa = earnest, heavy-hearted, serious-minded, uptight
- kyitepan = earnestness, gravity, seriousness
- kyitepay = earnestly, seriously
- kyitesa = grave, important, ponderous, serious, solemn, somber
- kyitesan = gravity, ponderousness, seriousness, solemness, solemnity, solemnness, somberness
- kyitesaser = to become aggravated, to become grave, to become serious, to become somber
- kyitesaxen = aggravation, making grave, making serious, solemnization
- kyitesaxer = to aggravate, to make grave, to make serious, to solemnify, to solemnize
- kyitesaxwa = aggravated, made grave, made serious, solemnified
- kyitesay = gravely, ponderously, seriously, solemnly, somberly
- kyitesea = being important
- kyiteser = to be important, to matter
- kyitesier = to become important
- kyitesuer = to lend gravity to
- kyitex = serious thought
- kyitexea = considering, pondering
- kyitexen = consideration, considering, pondering
- kyitexer = to consider, to ponder
- kyitexut = ponderer
- kyitexwa = considered, pondered
- kyitexyefwa = considerable, ponderable
- kyitexyofwa = imponderable
- kyitilsyeb bi yavil = stein of beer
- kyitilsyeb = mug, stein, tankard
- kyitinuen = brainwashing
- kyitinuer = to brainwash
- kyitinuwa = brainwashed
- kyitip = gloom
- kyitipa = crestfallen, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, heavy-hearted, heavyhearted
- kyitipan = downheartedness, gloominess, gravity
- kyitipay = downheartedly, with a heavy heart
- kyitipxer = to dispirit
- kyitosuer = to burden, to weigh heavily
- kyitosuwa = burdened, chagrined, troubled
- kyitujea = deep-sleeping like a log, sleeping soundly
- kyitujen = deep-sleeping like a log, sleeping soundly
- kyitujer = to sleep heavily, to sleep like a log, to sleep soundly
- kyituyaba = heavy-handed
- kyituyaban = heavy-handedness
- kyituyabay = heavy-handedly
- kyituyaben = mauling, treat heavy-handedly
- kyituyaber = to maul, to treat heavy-handedly
- kyituyabwa = mauled, treated heavy-handedly
- kyityopen = treading
- kyityoper = to tread, to trod
- kyityopwa = trodden
- kyityoyabaler = to tromp
- kyiuvtipa = melancholic, melancholy
- kyiuvtipan = melancholia
- kyiveel = soybean
- kyixen = weighing down
- kyixer = to weigh down
- kyixwa = weighed down
- kyiyablawa = heaved, lifted
- kyiyablen = heaving, lifting
- kyiyabler = to heave, to lift
- kyiyablir = derrick, lift
- kyiyablir exut = lift operator
- kyiyablirut = lift operator
- kyiyex = hard labor
- kyizuta = oafish
kyizutan -- kyoembwa
[edit | edit source]- kyizutan = oafishness
- kyizutat = oaf
- kyizutay = oafishly
- kyo- = fixed-, still-
- kyoa bekul = fixed idea
- kyoa = constant, determinate, firm, fixed, immobile, stationary, steady, still, stuck, unchanging
- kyoa nax = prix fixe, set price
- kyoa tyun = idee fixe
- kyoan = constancy, fixedness, fixity, steadiness, stillness, sturdiness, sturdy
- kyoapetyop = piaffe
- kyoaxea patubes = canard
- kyoay = constantly, determinately, fixedly, steadily, sturdily
- kyobean = steadying
- kyobekul = fixed idea
- kyoben = fixing, lodging, parking, planting, stationing, steadying, sticking, ticking
- kyober = to fix, to lodge, to park, to plant, to station, to steady, to stick
- kyobesea = adherent, adhering, holding steady, holding still, remaining fixed, standing firm, staying planted
- kyobesen = adherence, adhering, holding steady, holding still, standing firm, staying planted, sticking
- kyobeser = to adhere, to hold steady, to hold still, to remain fixed, to stand firm, to stay planted, to stick
- kyobesut = adherent, adherer
- kyobexalwa = conserved
- kyobexam = detention center, detention facility
- kyobexea = adherent, steadying, tenacious
- kyobexea bikof = adhesive tape
- kyobexeay = tenaciously, tenaciousness
- kyobexen = adhesion, conservation, conserving, detainment, detention, fixing in place, holding steady, holding still, keeping, steadying
- kyobexer = to conserve, to detain, to fix in place, to hold steady, to hold still, to keep, to maintain, to steady
- kyobexim = guardroom
- kyobexul = adhesive
- kyobexum = detention cell
- kyobexwa = adhered, detained, fixed in place, held firm, held still detained, maintained, staid, staidly, steadied, steady, stuck
- kyobexwan = staidness
- kyobexwat = detainee
- kyobexyafwa = adhesive
- kyobexyafwan = adhesion, adhesiveness
- kyobexyea = conservative
- kyobexyean = tenacity
- kyobixen = luring
- kyobixer = to lure
- kyobixwa = lured
- kyobwa = fixed, lodged, parked, planted, stationed, steadied, stuck
- kyobxwer be ha mem = to run aground
- kyobyasea = standing still
- kyobyaser = to stand still
- kyod = decision
- kyoden = deciding
- kyoder = to decide
- kyodeupa = mensurable
- kyodoneg = caste
- kyodopek = standoff
- kyodrefes = sticker
- kyodun = decision
- kyoduzar = tubular bell
- kyodwa = decided, settled
- kyodyea = decisive
- kyoejben = destining
- kyoejea = staying, sticking around, waiting
- kyoejem = waiting area
- kyoejen = staying, sticking around, waiting
- kyoejer = to stick around, to wait
- kyoejim = waiting room
- kyoembam = parking garage
- kyoembem = car park, parking lot
- kyoemben bey yuxut = valet parking
- kyoemben doyoyv = parking infraction, parking violation
- kyoemben drurunes = parking ticket
- kyoemben gonem = parking zone
- kyoemben nagar = parking meter
- kyoemben nig = parking space
- Kyoemben ofxwe. = No parking., Parking prohibited.
- kyoemben = parking, settlement, settling, staking out a spot, stationing
- kyoemben siun = parking sign
- kyoemben vyox = parking infraction, parking violation
- kyoemben yuxut = parking attendant, parking valet
- kyoember pur = to park a car
- kyoember = to fix a location, to park, to settle, to stake out, to station
- kyoember yukomay = to nestle
- kyoembun = settlement
- kyoembut = parker, settler
- kyoembwa = parked, settled, staked out, stationed
kyoembyem -- kyoser
[edit | edit source]- kyoembyem = parking space, parking spot
- kyogonekxer = to typecast
- kyogonekxwa = typecast
- kyoizonxen = aiming
- kyoizonxer = to aim
- kyoizonxwa = aimed
- kyoja = constant, permanent
- kyoja drilar = permanent marker pen
- kyoja pyaon = permanent wave
- kyoja yexbem = tenure
- kyojan = constancy, permanence, permanency
- kyojasea = becoming constant, becoming permanent
- kyojaser = to become constant, to become permanent
- kyojaxer = to fix in time, to make constant, to make permanent
- kyojaxwa = fixed in time
- kyojay = constantly, permanently
- kyojesea = abiding, durable, lasting, persisting, pervasive, remaining, unwearied, unwearying
- kyojesea drilar = marker
- kyojesean = durability, pervasiveness
- kyojeseay = abidingly, durably, lastingly
- kyojesen = abiding, enduring, lasting, persisting, staying
- kyojeser = to abide, to endure, to last, to persist, to remain, to stay the same
- kyojesyea = persistent, staunch, steady
- kyojesyean = persistence, persistency, staunchness
- kyojesyeay = persistently, staunchly, steadily
- kyojesyofwa = unendurable
- kyokex = dogged pursuit, stalk
- kyokexen = hounding, stalking
- kyokexer = to hound, to pursue doggedly, to stalk
- kyokexut = hound, hounder, stalker
- kyokexwa = hounded, pursued doggedly, stalked
- kyonaz = constant
- kyonix = fixed-income, steady-income, stipend
- kyonixut = stipendiary
- kyonod = fixed point
- kyop = lockstep, rest, steady gait
- kyopa = fixed, immobile, stable, static, stationary, steadfast
- kyopan = immobility, stability, steadfastness
- kyopana = rote
- kyopasea = stabilizing
- kyopaser = to stabilize
- kyopaxen = stabilization, stabilizing
- kyopaxer = to stabilize
- kyopaxwa = stabilized
- kyopay = statically, steadfastly
- kyopea pyaon = standing wave
- kyopea = remaining, staid, standing, stationary, staying, steady, steadying, sticking
- kyopean = staidness, steadfastness, steadiness
- kyopeay = staidly
- kyopen = being still, parking, remaining, sopping, standing, staying put, steadying, sticking around
- kyoper = to be still, to remain, to stall, to stand, to stay put, to stick around, to stop
- kyopot = weasel
- kyopotteaba = beady-eyed
- kyopotyena = weaselly
- kyos bi bak = state of health
- kyos bi dop = war footing
- kyos bi ha tuz = state of the art
- kyos bi soni = state of affairs
- kyos bi tep = state of mind
- kyos = stance, state, status quo
- kyosa = adherent, fixed, static, stationary, still, stuck
- kyosan = format
- kyosanxar = formatter
- kyosanxen = formatting
- kyosanxer = to format
- kyosanxwa = formatted
- kyosaun = boilerplate, convention, formula, mold, pattern, pigeonhole, stereotype, template
- kyosaun drayef = stencil
- kyosauna = boilerplate, conventional, formulaic, patterned, stereotypical
- kyosaunan = conventionality
- kyosaunay = stereotypically
- kyosaunxen = pigeonholing, stereotyping
- kyosaunxer = to conventionalize, to pigeonhole, to stereotype
- kyosaunxwa = pigeonholed, stereotyped
- kyosea = adherent, constant, standing still, steadfast, steady, still, unwavering
- kyosean = steadfastness
- kyoseay = steadfastly, unwaveringly
- kyosem = settlement
- kyosen = adherence, being steady, parking, remaining fixed, staying still, sticking around, waiting
- kyoser = to adhere, to be steady, to remain fixed, to settle, to stand still, to stay still, to stick around, to wait
kyoson -- kyoyix
[edit | edit source]- kyoson = status quo
- kyosona = conjunctural, status-related
- kyotambien = settling down
- kyotambier = to settle down
- kyotambiun = settlement
- kyotambiut = settler
- kyotambiwa = settled
- kyoteax = stare
- kyoteaxen = fixing one's eyes on, glaring, staring
- kyoteaxer = to glare, to glom, to keep one's eyes fixed on, to stare, to stare at, to train one's eye on
- kyoteaxun = aim, object of attention
- kyoteaxut = rubbernecker
- kyotepa = boneheaded, bullheaded, diligent, dogged, lock-headed, mulish, painstaking, stalwart, steadfast, stubborn, tenacious
- kyotepan = assiduity, bullheadedness, diligence, doggedness, mulishness, persistence, steadfastness, stubbornness
- kyotepat = bonehead
- kyotepay = assiduously, bullheadedly, diligently, doggedly, hard, mulishly, stalwartly, steadfastly, stubbornly, tenaciously, tenaciousness
- kyotesiun = constant
- kyotex = fixation, mind block, obsession
- kyotexden = dwelling on, fixation
- kyotexder = to dwell on, to fixate on
- kyotexdwa = fixated
- kyotexea = block-headed, fixated, fixating, obsessed
- kyotexen = fixation, mental block, obsession
- kyotexer = to fixate on, to obsess over, to stay stuck on one idea
- kyotexij = fixed notion
- kyotexyea = obsessive
- kyotexyean = obsessiveness
- kyotexyeay = obsessively
- kyotexyen = unwavering opinion
- kyotipa = steadfast, stubborn
- kyotipan = steadfastness, stubbornness
- kyotipay = steadfastly
- kyotoja = dead and motionless
- kyotooba = cisgendered, fixed-gender, of fixed gender
- kyotoobat = cisgendered person
- kyotuj = coma
- kyotuja = comatic
- kyotujben = coma-inducing, putting into a coma
- kyotujber = to put into a coma
- kyotujbwa = coma-induced
- kyotujea = comatose
- kyotujopen = coming out of a coma
- kyotujoper = to come out of a coma
- kyotujper = to become comatose, to go into a coma
- kyotujyena = coma-like
- kyotyan = caste
- kyotyobyex = placekick
- kyotyoyabyex = placekick
- kyotyun = idee fixe
- kyotyuna = pertinacious
- kyotyunan = pertinacity
- kyotyunay = pertinaciously
- kyovatexuen = entrenchment
- kyovatexuer = to entrench
- kyovatexuwa = entrenched
- kyovayevdyea = peremptory
- kyovayevdyeay = peremptorily
- kyoveel = lentil
- kyoveel teil = lentil soup
- kyovyusen = stagnation
- kyovyuser = to stagnate
- kyoxar = anchor, peg, splint, stick
- kyoxarer = to peg
- kyoxen = fixation, parking, stalling, sticking, vesting, vestment
- kyoxer = to fix, to lodge, to stall, to stick
- kyoxnod = fixed point
- kyoxun = fixture
- kyoxus = fixer
- kyoxwa = anchored, blocked, fixed, ingrained, locked, lodged, parked, rigid, stalled, static, steadfast, stuck, vested
- kyoxwa bekul = fixed idea
- kyoxwan = fixedness, steadfastness
- kyoxway = fixedly, steadfastly
- kyoxwer = to be blocked, to get lodged, to get stuck
- kyoyanifxwa = sessile
- kyoyekean = sedulity, sedulous, steadfastness
- kyoyekeay = sedulously, steadfastly
- kyoyeker = to pursue doggedly, to stalk
- kyoyekut = stalker, trooper
- kyoyekwa = pursued doggedly, stalked
- kyoyix = habit
kyoyixuyea -- kyuparfaofer
[edit | edit source]- kyoyixuyea = habit-forming
- kyoyixyea = habitual
- kyoyixyeay = addictively, habitually
- kyoyomel = permafrost
- kyoyuja = stuck shut
- kyoyujlar = deadbolt
- kyoyuva = constant, loyal, steadfast, unswerving
- kyoyuvan = adhesion, constancy, loyalty, steadfastness
- kyoyuvat = loyal person
- kyoyuvay = steadfastly, unswervingly
- kyoyuxen = devotion
- kyoyuxer = to devote
- kyoyuxut = devotee
- kyoyuxwa = devoted
- kyozoigpen = stalking
- kyozoigper = to pursue doggedly, to stalk
- kyozoigput = stalker
- kytilyeb bi yavil = mug of beer
- kytipser = to be dispirited
- kytitafoben = uncloaking
- kyua drirsyen = lightface
- kyua drirsyena = lightfaced
- kyua = light, lightweight
- kyua yoga malyompyos = flurry
- kyuan = levity, lightness
- kyuar = buoy
- kyuarwa = buoyed
- kyuay = lightly
- kyubaleger = to dab
- kyubar = pontoon, raft
- kyubaren = rafting
- kyubarut = raftsman
- kyubasar = glider
- kyuber = to float
- kyubixpur = trolley bus, trolley car, trolleybus
- kyubwa = floated
- kyubyexer = to bop
- kyubyexn = bop
- kyubyexwa = tapped
- kyudal = persiflage
- kyudaleger = to smatter
- kyudez = romp
- kyudizun = spoof
- kyueybser = to dabble
- kyufonuwa = spoony
- kyugoblawa = grazed, scratched
- kyugoblen = grazing, scratching
- kyugobler = to graze, to scratch
- kyugoblun = grazer, scratch
- kyugoblunxen = scarification
- kyugoblunxer = to scarify
- kyuif = frivolity
- kyuifa = frivolous
- kyuifan = frivolousness
- kyuifay = frivolously
- kyuiga = allegretto
- kyuigbyexar = clicker
- kyuigbyexen = clicking
- kyuigbyexer = to click
- kyuigbyexeus = click
- kyuigbyexeuser = to click
- kyuilpyexeuxer = to splosh
- kyuitepa = seriocomic
- kyumamil = drizzle
- kyumamilen = drizzling
- kyumamiler = to drizzle
- kyumamilyea = drizzly
- kyumimpar = shallop
- kyun = ballast
- kyunov = gossamer
- kyup mampur = floatplane, flying boat
- kyup mimpar = flotation raft
- kyup = slide
- kyupar = flotation device, skate
- kyuparem = skating rink
- kyuparer bey hyaewa tyoyabi byuxea ha yom = to scull
- kyuparer = to skate
- kyuparfaof = skateboard
- kyuparfaofen = skateboarding
- kyuparfaofer = to skateboard
kyuparfaofut -- kyutujea
[edit | edit source]- kyuparfaofut = skateboarder
- kyupea = afloat, floating, levitating, sliding
- kyupea mes = sliding door
- kyupea muys = sliding scale
- kyupen faof = slide, sliding board
- kyupen = floating, flotation, levitation, sliding
- kyuper = to float, to levitate, to slide
- kyupfaof = sliding board
- kyupglan = slippage
- kyupmuv = bolt
- kyupmuv goblar = bolt cutter
- kyupmuvben = bolting
- kyupmuvber = to bolt
- kyupmuvbwa = bolted
- kyupmuvoben = unbolting
- kyupmuvober = to unbolt
- kyupmuvobwa = unbolted
- kyupnyaf = slip knot, slipknot
- kyupot = prairie dog
- kyupuyser = to flit, to skim along
- kyupya = skewed
- kyupyaf = floatage, upthrust
- kyupyom = floe
- kyupyos = slip and fall
- kyupyosen = slipping and falling
- kyupyoser = to slip and fall
- kyupyuijar = zipper
- kyupyuijaren = zipping up
- kyupyuijarer = to zip up
- kyupyuijarwa = zipped up, zippered
- kyupzyun = ballcock
- kyus = wisp
- kyuser = to lighten up
- kyuson = trivial matter
- kyusona = footling
- kyusyena = wispy
- kyutayf = mantilla
- kyuteba = dizzy, light-headed, lightheaded
- kyuteban = dizziness, light-headedness, lightheadedness
- kyutebay = dizzily, lightheadedly
- kyutebser = to grow light-headed, to swoon
- kyutebxer = to make swoon
- kyutepa = dizzy, dopey, frivolous, lighthearted
- kyutepan = dizziness, dopiness, frivolity, lightheartedness, tomfoolery
- kyutepat = dizzy person, tomfool
- kyutepay = dizzily
- kyutepxea = dizzying
- kyutepxeay = dizzyingly
- kyutesa = frivolous, silly, tomfool, trivial
- kyutesa soni = trivia
- kyutesan = frivolousness, silliness, tomfoolery, triviality
- kyutesaxen = making light of, trivialization
- kyutesaxer = to make light of, to trivialize
- kyutesaxlea = flippant
- kyutesaxleay = flippantly
- kyutesaxlen = flippancy
- kyutesaxler = to behave flippantly
- kyutesaxwa = made light of, trivialized
- kyutesay = frivolously, in a silly way, trivially
- kyuteser = to be trivial
- kyutesier = to become trivial
- kyutipa = blithe, frivolous, giddy, goofy, goosy, light-hearted, lighthearted, silly, winsome
- kyutipan = blitheness, giddiness, goofiness, light-heartedness, lightheartedness, silliness, winsomeness
- kyutipat = flibbertigibbet, goosy
- kyutipay = blithely, giddily, in a silly fashion, light-heartedly, lightheartedly, winsomely
- kyutipkyes = idyll
- kyutipkyesa = idyllic
- kyutipkyesay = idyllically
- kyutixer = to smatter
- kyutos = relief
- kyutosea = feeling relieved
- kyutoser = to be relieved, to feel relieved
- kyutosuer = to relieve
- kyutosuwa = relieved
- kyutrea = dilettantish
- kyutrean = dilettantism
- kyutren = smattering
- kyutrut = dilettante
- kyutuj = doze, slumber, snooze
- kyutujea = dozing, slumbering, snoozing
kyutujen -- kyuzyunxer
[edit | edit source]- kyutujen = dozing, slumbering, snoozing
- kyutujer = to doze, to sleep lightly, to slumber, to snooze
- kyutujpen = dozing off
- kyutujper = to doze off
- kyutujut = snoozer
- kyutyal = nosh
- kyutyopen = tramping
- kyutyoper = to tramp
- kyutyoput = tramper
- kyuveel = black bean
- kyux = lift
- kyuxea = mitigating
- kyuxen = alleviation, detente, détente, lightening, mitigating, mitigation
- kyuxer = to alleviate, to lift, to lighten up, to mitigate
- kyuxlawa = relieved
- kyuxlen = relief, relieving
- kyuxler ha bal = to relieve the pressure
- kyuxler = to relieve
- kyuxlus = reliever
- kyuxul = lightener
- kyuxwa = alleviated, lightened, mitigated
- kyuxyafwa = mitigable
- kyuxyea = mitigative
- kyuyuzpur = trolley bus, trolley car, trolleybus
- kyuzyun = balloon
- kyuzyunpen = ballooning
- kyuzyunper = to go ballooning
- kyuzyunsea = ballooning
- kyuzyunser = to balloon
- kyuzyunxer = to balloon