- tem....hall, gallery, ward
- aagtem....grand hall, main hall
- abtem....attic
- zatem....lobby, foyer, vestibule
- dezam zatem....theater lobby
- deztem....performance hall
- duztem....music hall
- zetem....centrall hall
- zyetem....hallway, corridor
- zyutem....gallery
- yabzyutem....upper gallery
- tistem....lecture hall
- tixtem....study hall
- tuztem....art gallery
- yagtem....gallery, long hall
- pontem....lounge
- kutem....side hall
- fyuzam tem....prison ward
- yovbyok tem....prison block, prison ward
- dyestem....book gallery
- datibtem....reception hall
- drasintem....picture gallery
- oyebtem....veranda
- tultem....mess hall, dining hall
- tulagtem....banquet hall
- daztem....ballroom, dancing hall
- tum....compartment, closet, booth, stall, cell
- sartum....tool shed, tool room
- abyoxarum....closet
- azonulum....energy cell
- beaxum....watchbox
- beaxutum....sentry box
- deuzutyanum....choir stall
- dokebium....polling booth
- doteuzuen tum....voting booth
- drurunes tum....ticket booth
- dyestum....bookstall
- ejna tayib tum....neuroblast
- ejna tiibil tum....hematoblast
- frunkadum....confessional
- fyaifrum....prayer station
- fyoxkadum....confessional
- fyuzamtum....prison cell, jail cell
- iftilum....refreshment stand
- ilzyapixum....shower stall
- ivoza tiibil tum....red blood cell
- izbum....cockpit
- kodum....confessional
- kotum....dungeon
- kyobexum....cage
- kyoembum....parking space
- maara tum....solar cell
- mak tum....electric cell
- mampurizbum....cockpit
- maza tiibil tum....white blood cell
- mep nuxtum....tollbooth, highway tollbooth
- meum....zone, district
- milabum....shower stall
- milibrum....sump
- milzyabum....shower stall
- muga pexum....metal cage
- mus zyutum....stairwell
- mustum....stair well, stairwell
- naskyaxum....money conversion booth
- nixbuen tum....vending booth
- tum....cell
- nuntum....kiosk, vendor stand
- nunuium....trade stall
- nunum....market stall
- nyentum....storage closet
- pexum....cage, trap, cell, clink
- purkyoembum....parking spot, parking space
- sarnyanum....equipment closet
- sumtum....couchette, bunk
- taeb tum....muscle cell
- tafbexlum....hatcheck
- tayib tum....nerve cell
- tayob tum....skin cell
- teabexlutum....guard post, guard booth
- tebyeb tum....brain cell
- teetum....sound booth
- telum....food kiosk, food stall, food stand
- tiibil tum....blood cell, hemocyte
- tijum....ovum, gamete
- tilum....refreshment stall, refreshment stand, drink kiosk
- tixum....study booth, study pod, study cubicle
- toj tum....death cell
- tolum....food stall
- tum....cell, compartment, unit, section, closet, booth, pod, cubicle, stall
- tyalogum....snack bar
- -um....booth, stall, cell, compartment, closet, stub suffix for tum
- valbexutum....guard post
- yakunidum....cubicle
- yaovdutyanum....jury box
- zyutum....well, shaft
- tim (or -im)....room, chamber, salon
- dovyabdrutim....legislative chamber
- abdovyabdrutim....senate, upper legislative chamber
- obdovyabdrutim....house, lower legislative chamber
- abtim....attic, upstairs room
- apetim....stall, horse stall
- aybtim....attic, garret, mansard
- bextim....holding cell
- datim....living room, salon, parlor, sitting room, living-room
- datuputim....guestroom
- dezkutim....theater wing
- deztim....theater salon, auditorium
- dezzotim....backstage
- doublawatim....chamber of deputies, chamber of congress
- abdoublawatim....senate chamber, upper chamber of deputies
- obdoublawatim....house chamber, lower chamber of deputies
- dreutim....secretary's office
- dyestim....den, study, library, cabinet, office, studio
- ebtim....corridor, hallway, room in between
- eftim....lavatory, washroom, w.c., bathroom, toilet, men's room, lady's room
- fyatim....sanctuary
- fyautim....sacristy
- glasumtim....dormitory
- kostim....closet
- kotim....secret chamber
- kutim....side room, wing
- meiltim....mud room
- miltim....bathroom, restroom, washroom
- mimpartim....cabin
- mimpurtim....ship cabin
- movtim....smoking room
- obtim....cellar, basement
- mapuzrun obtim....storm cellar
- oybtim....cellar, basement, cave
- oyebtim....outhouse, outside room
- popdatim....guest room
- poputim....guest room
- sumtim....bedroom
- teetim....sound studio
- teltim....dining room
- tiltim....saloon
- tim....room, chamber, quarters
- tistim....classroom
- tojtim....death chamber
- tyal ay tim....board and lodging, board and bed
- vafil oybtim....wine cellar
- vitim....salon
- yagzyotim....corridor, passage, couloir, hallway, lane, passageway, thoroughfare
- yantim....suite
- yapetim....pigsty
- yebtim....inner room, inner chamber, chamber
- yepetim....kennel, pound
- yevdibutim....judge's chamber
- yextim....office
- yonuttim....stateroom
- zatim....antechamber, front room, anteroom
- zotim....back room, backroom
- zyotim....hall, hallway, corridor
- zyutim....rotunda