Modern Greek/Lesson 10.1x

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Lesson 10.1: Future tense

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The future tense is formed by adding the word θα before the verb:

Θα κάνει ζέστη αύριο. It will be hot tomorrow.

Combining θα with the present tense gives the future continuous (εξακολουθητικός μέλλοντας, exakolouthitikos melondas, "future imperfect"), which implies that the action will continue, perhaps indefinitely:

Θα καθαρίζω το σπίτι. I will be cleaning the house.

If we instead use the aorist stem, we have the future simple (στιγμιαίος μέλλοντας, stigmieos melondas, "future instantaneous"), which implies that the action will only happen once:

Θα καθαρίσω το σπίτι. I will clean the house (at a certain time).